Outland Liberator


Frenzied Trapbreaker  Flip

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Outland Liberator

Creature — Human Werewolf

: Sacrifice this: Destroy target artifact or enchantment.

Daybound (When this enters the battlefield, if it's not day or night, this game becomes day for all players. If a player casts no spells during their own turn, this game becomes night for all players next turn during the untap step. When it becomes night, all permanents on the battlefield transform into their nightbound side if they have one, and any new permanents that enter the battlefield will enter on their nightbound side if they have one. Becoming day/night does not use the stack and cannot be responded to.)

dwbeckwith1 on Patchwork Self Mill

1 year ago

This deck is great! I added 2 Argoth, Sanctum of Nature  Meld to the mana base to add more self mill and built a rudimentary sideboard for best of three:


2 Outland Liberator  Flip

2 Witness Protection

2 Disdainful Stroke

2 Unlicensed Hearse

2 Gix's Command

3 Shore Up

2 Titania, Voice of Gaea  Meld

I am thinking of switching Disdainful Stroke out for Make Disappear but other than that this deck rocks. Great brew!

DreadKhan on Gnoll Patrol

1 year ago

I also think Gnolls are cool and approve of this premise! Here are my thoughts about the deck, hope they're helpful.

If you ever want to raise your budget a bit, Pathbreaker Ibex has huge synergy with your deck.

When I was testing out your deck I found that you seemed to be short of creatures for a deck that runs lots of creature payoffs and generally can't win without them. In a deck that's very creature centric I like to run closer to 40, if not more, Gruul has really, really good creatures to choose from. For example, you can run Wood Elves, Farhaven Elf over artifact ramp, these give you a creature body while also permanently ramping you (land ramp is much more stable than artifact ramp anyways). Creature buffs can be stapled to a creature, there are options like Thunderfoot Baloth, Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma or maybe Blossoming Bogbeast or Kamahl, Heart of Krosa. You can use creatures as a great source of removal with options like Thorn Mammoth, Ulvenwald Tracker, Kogla, the Titan Ape, Gruul Ragebeast, Steelbane Hydra, Viashino Heretic, and Outland Liberator  Flip are all pretty decent at getting things off the table for you while also offering a physical presence. Not sure if they quite fit, but depending on your meta Silklash Spider and Squallmonger are pretty nasty surprises for decks that use Flying a lot, Squallmonger can even kill huge flyers with another player's help, or allow several players to quickly eliminate an archenemy that is lower in life.

There are a few good ways to double your power in Gruul, the new Two-Handed Axe is very interesting, the surprise Double Strike ability works well with your Commander, and the power doubling effect definitely does. Inquisitor's Flail is an incredible equipment if your Commander is either very big or has First Strike, yours can easily get big enough to justify the risk. Berserkers' Onslaught is really strong, even if it's 5 mana, Enchantments tend to stick around for awhile.

I think you should run more sources of Trample in here (there are some listed above as well), but with a budget restriction that does make it more of a challenge. Your Commander is really strong if he has Trample, but can be chumped by a 0/1 goat token without it (funny image, maybe he got hungry?). Garruk's Uprising is a really good card if you have enough creatures with power 4 and up, but the Trample is the real perk here arguably. Kessig Wolf Run might do the trick, and it's on a land. Brawn is pretty budget, but it can be hard to get it killed. War Cadence isn't exactly Trample, but it can easily let you swing with unblockable creatures if someone is tapped out, but remember this can also be used to create chaos on other people's attacks if you've got nothing better to do. It's also not Trample technically, but Siege Behemoth can bypass blockers for your attackers.

With a relatively low budget in Red, I feel like Rite of the Raging Storm is a very underrated card. Those 5/1s are never coming your way, but they will swarm anyone who can't deal with it on their opponent's turns, and yours gets the buff from your Commander fwiw. Breaker of Armies is a good way to clear out potentially a whole board worth of stuff of a vulnerable player, it can deter attacks vs you if their defenders are all going to be stomped by an Eldrazi.

If you can get your creature count high enough, you could sneak stuff like Lurking Predators in, which is pretty impressive card advantage over time in many metas. There is also Heartwood Storyteller, which is very good if you don't run many non-creatures.

Mousemke on Glissa Minor

1 year ago

Modern upgrades

Land base -

4x Jungle Hollow > 4x Overgrown Tomb

4x Deathcap Glade > 4x Blooming Marsh

2x The Dross Pits > 2x Nurturing Peatland

3x Forest, 1x Swamp > 4x Verdant Catacombs

Other cards -

4x Cankerbloom > 4x Outland Liberator  Flip (but in the side)

I feel like Outland Liberator is better than Cankerbloom generally but I also think that the newly added Liberators should be in the sideboard though I don't immediately have a replacement suggestion. MV of 2 is good. Power of 3 is good. Maybe Grim Haruspex for the card advantage

4x Glissa Sunslayer

Great card. Keep 4. But you may want to sneak into the deck a way to ensure more consistently dealing player damage

4x Plaguecrafter

no notes. I'm unsure about this card but it has a bit of a unique ability so maybe it's ok.

4x Savage Gorger > 4x Dauthi Voidwalker

Gorger feels underpowered to me. Voidwalker is shadow so more consistent damage (though a tradeoff with no blocking). But much more so - all the discarding and sacrificing? Now you can cast those things

4x Urborg Repossession > 4x Unearth

you may want a mix of the 2. I understand Urborg Repossession can theoretically return 2 cards, but Unearth is directly to the Battlefield

DreadKhan on Thantis the Warweaver

1 year ago

For Clackbridge, ymmv but I felt like mentioning that I've been burnt by it lots of times. I'm sure there are metas where it's a much better card, where people consistently have nothing they want to sacrifice, in my experience I was giving my opponent a free sac outlet every turn that also turned off my 8/8, which felt legit bad.

I use Deathtouch/Trample in my OG Multani deck, it's not especially rare for him to swing as a 30/30 vs the first opponent I'm going to eliminate, those two together usually means they can't block enough of his power to survive. Having both on an 8/8 is fine, but it's really great when you can get over 20 power with some consistency, I could see Grismold achieving that by the time you're ready to eliminate someone.

My issue with Sunder Shaman is that there are so, so many better ways to remove artifacts and enchantments in Jund, and most of them aren't RRGG to cast, an officially awkward to cast spell. I know he's got Green here, but I remember trying to make Kaya's Wrath work in an Esper deck. It proved consistently impossible to cast, and when I could it held up other stuff because it's just too colour intensive. Something like Kogla, the Titan Ape is probably many times the card, providing a bigger body that fights something on ETB sounds a lot better, add in that Kogla is maybe easier to cast with a bigger board presence and I feel the point should be made. If you want something small that can do something similar, there is Caustic Wasps, which is evasive and kills artifacts, as well as stuff like Thrashing Brontodon and Reclamation Sage, without using a non-creature option. Sunder Shaman seems to combine a so-so body with an ability that isn't particularly easy to guarantee, people can stop your attacks in a variety of ways and Shaman needs to deal damage. Kogla just needs to swing and something is getting blown up, that's much more relevant. If you want something earlier than Kogla you can use Outland Liberator  Flip, which can work without attacking and on every attack if you can get it flipped, I'd actually say that's a lot more consistent than Shaman. If anything I'd run more artifact/enchantment removal, there are tons of people who run infuriating stuff like Propaganda and even the dreaded War Tax. If I was building Thantis like this, I think I'd want War Cadence, very politically relevant. I personally love removal in most decks, and I wouldn't hesitate to run some in a deck like this, especially clunky damage based wipes, because Thantis can be huge sometimes and survive a Blasphemous Act.

Haha, I think Duo AND Crown would be pretty absurd, both only hurt your opponents. Still, I do agree he might be trying to do too many things at once here, and that's why it's hard to cut cards.

Monarch is a good way to get people swinging, but Coveted Jewel is the real 'kingmaker' you can run to create utter chaos. It's one thing to turn down 1 free card, but to turn down 3 mana and 3 cards is just madness, and letting someone else keep that 3 mana for their next turn is likewise unacceptable, so it can create a ton of chaos. Something like Kamahl, Fist of Krosa could be pretty interesting, if a land is a creature it either has to get tapped down or swung with, and small creatures die. Jolrael, Empress of Beasts can turn their entire land base into 3/3s. I'm not saying you should threaten people's mana bases, but I'd feel remiss if I didn't bring it up.

Re: running more Green ramp, I like to run more Green mana sources in a deck that runs lots of Green ramp, as long as I have Green ramp and Green mana I can find whatever other mana I want. There are so many decent 2 and 3 mana ramp spells in Green, even stuff like Wood Elves or Farhaven Elf can work beautifully, if you dig out a tapped dual it feels pretty good with Wood, Farhaven just finds whatever basic you need.

wallisface on Help Tweaking a Golgari Standard …

1 year ago

Are you playing games with Sideboards? Because a lot of decks are able to shore-up their weaknesses by utilizing sideboards, and you'd also be able to gain some extra ground against those bad-matchups by doing so.

Other than that I think the biggest recommendation is something you've already eluded to in your commentary here & on the deck - there's too many different things going on here. The deck would really benefit from cutting-out the average/mediocre cards and running more playsets of the "goodstuff".

Without knowing too much about standard (I only play Modern) my gut instinct is that the following cards are probably a bit weak to be in the deck, and should probably be ditched: Dreadhound (soo much mana for such a meh effect), Graveyard Trespasser  Flip (doesn't seem to be helping your deck out that much), Old Rutstein (seems odd in this shell), Outland Liberator  Flip (it just feels like a sideboard card to me), Skyfisher Spider (mana cost seems too high for what it does).

I feel like Golgari decks do well from interacting with the opponent and grinding them down. In that regard, I'd prioritize making playsets of your current selection of instant spells (Tear Asunder, Infernal Grasp in particular seem strong for helping the game go longer so your creatures can get bigger. I'm not sure how relevant Cut Down is in your format).

Lunarbripsaw on Muldrotha, the Gravetide

1 year ago

as far as suggestions go, in my experience ive liked Outland Liberator  Flip more than Caustic Caterpillar. I also like your use of the cycling lands thats cool tech

Reliquarian on Junk Maverick

2 years ago

Thanks for the feedback.

I actually used to include Grist, the Hunger Tide in my list, but I ended up cutting him since he was often not as impactful as I would like for a 3 drop (though he may find his way back in at some point depending on meta shifts). As for Outland Liberator  Flip I have considered it and may cut the KoA for one since it seems like a more efficient option. I may also consider Opposition Agent, though it doesn't quite fill the same role as Leovold, Emissary of Trest. Leo also has never been much of an issue for me to cast without a trop. As you mentioned the 5 dorks and 4 GSZ have generally been fine in my experience. But Leo may also just get replaced with another spirit at some point.

Anyway thanks again for the feedback. Cheers!

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