Suture Priest

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Suture Priest

Creature — Cleric

Whenever another creature enters the battlefield under your control, you may gain 1 life.

Whenever a creature enters the battlefield under an opponent's control, you may have that player lose 1 life.

sergiodelrio on Zinnia fun

6 days ago

Not an EDH player, but I felt inspired to do a quick search and I hope it's not too embarrassing... I focused mostly, but not exclusively, on 1 power creatures for max synergy:

happy brewing

Abaques on Death by Tokens

2 months ago

Kambal is a pretty sweet design, though I think you're maybe trying to go in a few too many directions.

Since Kambal's second ability doesn't care how many tokens are created, I would consider cutting Mondrak, Glory Dominus and Anointed Procession even though they are both amazing cards otherwise. But if you really want to lean into Kambal they don't directly help your game plan.

In general you've got a sizable aristocrats package, but only a few sac outlets. If you want to go aristocrats I think you want to lean further into it. So either add some more sac outlets or dial it way back and focus on the other aspects of how Kambal works. Mind you a card like Suture Priest is probably good whatever route you go there.

You've got a couple of slower and not consistent token creators like Halo Fountain and Battle Angels of Tyr that I think could be cut.

I also think your protection package is too large. I think you'd be better off with maybe 3-4 protection pieces maximum, and ideally ones that synergize with the rest of your game plan like Grand Crescendo and Fanatical Devotion. I'd remove all the enchantment options you have there.

I'd also dial your board wipes down, though that could be meta-dependent, but 5 seems like 3-4 too many for your deck.

There are a handful of cards that probably aren't advancing your game plan too.

  • Bloodchief Ascension is a crazy powerful card, but you don't directly leverage it. That card also points a massive target on whomever plays it, so I don't run it unless the deck fully leverages it.
  • Cathars' Crusade is very powerful but slower and makes managing the board state a nightmare. I've actually taken it out of most of my decks just because I hate having to deal with all the different counters.
  • Tainted Remedy is an okay card in the right deck, but I'm not seeing what it's doing for you here unless your meta is filled with lifegain decks.

Good luck with your build!

austintayshus on Card creation challenge

3 months ago

Devoted Cleric

Creature - Human Cleric

Whenever a creature enters the battlefield under your control, you gain one life.

, Pay 3 life, Sacrifice a creature: Transform Devoted Cleric.


Infernal Warden

Creature - Demon

(Infernal Warden is black)

Flying, Lifelink

Whenever a creature enters the battlefield, each opponent loses 1 life.


Inspired by Soul Warden and Suture Priest and Westvale Abbey  Flip


austintayshus on Healing Therapy with Mr. Oloro

3 months ago

love the life gain deck! You've already got lots of great cards in this deck.

I might suggest Suture Priest if you find you want another Soul Warden type effect.

And of course Heliod, Sun-Crowned is great especially when you have so many different lifegain triggers to play off.

seizan8 on Who needs life anyway

4 months ago

Plague of Vermin isch basically es must. easy gued mit Suture Priest, Soul Warden and alike. Und wird sehr wahrschinli au oft s game beende. Au wenns wohl ned immr din sieg wird sii lol. Mitm life gain focus hesch sichr di beste chance.

legendofa on Commander recomendation thread

6 months ago

There isn't a rhino-specific commander, but what traits do rhinos have? Bulky bodies, a lot of trample and trample-ish evasion, and some stall with cards like Stonehorn Dignitary and Rhox Meditant.

I would say look for a subtheme and choose a commander based on that. Dragonlord Dromoka and Karametra, God of Harvests are good utility options for protection and ramp, respectively. If you're pumping the Rhinos, Sovereign Okinec Ahau pushes that into overdrive.

I got a lot of these decks in need of commanders. Please send over suggestions for

Enchantments: Citadel of Pain + Manabarbs + Personal Sanctuary sort of thing. I know Go-Shintai of Life's Origin exists, but I'm not interested in adding and/or to this one.

Curses and curse themed Auras: Lynde, Cheerful Tormentor + Eriette of the Charmed Apple. Again, I'm not interested in adding .


"Bleeder" attrition: Value over time. Awakening Zone, Suture Priest, Kambal, Consul of Allocation, that sort of thing.

jdogz32 on

1 year ago

I really appreciate the feedback wallisface legendofa I completely took out white. It was mostly just instances of life gain. I replace Suture Priest with Blood Seeker and Blood Artist. I added that amazing Enchantment Illness in the Ranks I thought for sure I'd have to splash red for that same effect. I also tried to find more cards that added tokens to their side of the battlefield but came up mostly empty handed. The next best thing I could find was Hunted Horror the other hunteds I wasn't too impressed with. Hunted Troll wasn't bad but I don't think he's worth splashing another color for.

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