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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Ill-Gotten Inheritance
At the beginning of your upkeep, Ill-Gotten Inheritance deals 1 damage to each opponent and you gain 1 life.
, Sacrifice Ill-Gotten Inheritance: It deals 4 damage to target opponent and you gain 4 life.

![Dina, Soul Steeper feature for Soul Steeper [PAUPER EDH]](http://static.tappedout.net/mtg-cards-2/strixhaven/dina-soul-steeper/mtg-cards/_user-added/femme_fatale-dina-soul-steeper-stx-16174355050.png)
Rakious07 on
Upkeep Upkeep get your upkeep here
10 months ago
Also Bonehoard Dracosaur, Braids, Conjurer Adept, Charmbreaker Devils, Court of Embereth, Creeping Bloodsucker, Darksteel Reactor, Endless Ranks of the Dead, Feast on the Fallen, Galvanoth, Gate to the AEther, Goblin Assault, Guild Feud, Ill-Gotten Inheritance, Jhoira of the Ghitu, Mindsplice Apparatus, Portal to Phyrexia, Protection Racket, Quakebringer, Reality Strobe, Replicating Ring, Spawn of Mayhem, Struggle for Project Purity, Subversion, Tamiyo's Journal, & Xanathar, Guild Kingpin
PuritanPuree on
Queazy Queza PEDH (Cantrip, Ping)
1 year ago
Creeping Bloodsucker may be up this deck's alley. And since you're already running Ill-Gotten Inheritance, you might also be interested in Dogged Pursuit.
PuritanPuree on
Life: gain and lose
1 year ago
You may be interested in cards like Creeping Bloodsucker, Dogged Pursuit, and/or Ill-Gotten Inheritance. All guaranteed triggers every one of your turns they're on the battlefield.
PuritanPuree on
Orzhov PDH Extort
1 year ago
Creeping Bloodsucker might be fun in this. It's basically a free extort every turn.
There's also Dogged Pursuit and Ill-Gotten Inheritance. They're not quite a full extort, but pretty close, and do the job for your relevant triggers every turn.
Just a couple things I'd recommend checking out. I also enjoy drain synergies like this.
tkjanacek on
Mogis Ravel
2 years ago
I really like the Teferi's Puzzle box, that's a cool addition. Street Wraith only replaces itself and does nothing else, that's not really card draw. Thrill of Possibility is a good card, but it's not really a replacement for Theater of Horrors, as it's one-off card filtering rather than repeated card advantage. Underworld Connections, Crystal Ball, Sarkhan the Mad, Chandra, Pyromaster, Chandra, Torch of Defiance, Chandra, Fire Artisan are more comparable.
Filtering, or looting, is also very strong. Bitter Reunion, Faithless Looting, Daretti, Scrap Savant
Wheeling deals a ton of damage with Underworld Dreams, refills your hand, and often disrupts your opponents. Magus of the Wheel, Incendiary Command, Chandra Ablaze
I have a couple more suggestions you might like: Ill-Gotten Inheritance, Mayhem Devil, Burning Inquiry
multimedia on
Orzhov Lifegain Vampire Buff Stuff
2 years ago
Hey, for a first deck, well done on a budget.
I see some good deck building here, a clear game plan, some 4 ofs and a nice set of Godless dual lands. However, the numbers on some cards are off and there's some cards that belong in the sideboard rather than main deck because they cost too much mana for what they do unless you know for sure you're getting value from them. Revenge of Ravens, Kaya's Wrath, Exquisite Blood could all go in the sideboard in smaller numbers. Ill-Gotten Inheritance isn't worth playing.
There's an archetype in Modern called Soul Sisters and that's what you're mimicking here. In Soul Sisters you're also growing creatures p/t when you gain life. It's called Soul Sisters because of 4x Soul Warden and 4x Soul's Attendant are the sisters, life gain engine. In Soul Sisters there's nonbudget payoff wincons, Serra Ascendant and Heliod, Sun-Crowned, huge payoffs from wanting to gain life. You're going for a budget Soul Sisters and there's several budget replacements to consider.
- 4x Lunarch Veteran Flip --> Ill-Gotten Inheritance
- 2x more Pridemate --> Gideon's Company
- 4x Lingering Souls --> Revenge of Ravens
- 3x Speaker of the Heavens --> Exquisite Blood and Kaya's Wrath
You have a clear game plan here, but you can improve gameplay by changing the numbers of some cards and adding more lower mana cost effects that gain life? You're going to want more than just 4x Warden as one drop repeatable life gain with creatures. Veteran is a budget replacement for Soul's Attendant since Attendant is now $5 each. If you can get 1 or some Attendants then for sure play them, but if you can't get 4 than play 4x Veteran as another one drop sister. It's the 4x number of each that you want to have a better chance of having a sister turn one.
For your version the best opening curve is one drop sister into Pridemate, but to get this consistently you want more one drop sisters and more Pridemates. Lingering Souls gives you a lot of creature value for the mana cost because can flashback for lesser cost later or even same turn. With a sister or more in your control Souls can trigger nice amount of life gain while also creating flying Spirits who can be attackers or fodder as blockers. Turn one Warden, turn two Pridemate, turn three Souls, turn four flashback Souls and cast some thing else is a curve to build a huge game winning Pridemate.
Speaker of the Heavens is a fine budget payoff for having more life by creating 4/4 Angels. Creating an Angel triggers sisters and it's another one drop with lifelink.
Good luck with your deck.
thefiresoflurve on
We've Come To Suck Your Blood >:B
2 years ago
Hey there : )
Can you edit your deck and put CMDR next to the name of your commander? I think, from your description, that it's Vito, but I'm not certain.
As far as cuts go: Your game plan is life drain and combat damage, so the cuts will be the cards that contribute least to that.
1) Vampiric Rites. Compare this to Altar's Reap: both take 1 slot in the deck, but Vampiric Rites takes 1 extra mana to cast, and gives 1 life instead of 1 card (1 card is worth a lot more than 1 life, bad trade there). The only upside to Vampiric Rites is that it's repeatable, but if you really have so many creatures that you can repeat that effect, your opponents should be dead.
2) Underworld Dreams. This card doesn't synergize with anything else in here, and isn't as good compared to other things you could do with 3 mana: Necropotence, Drana, Marauding Blight Priest, etc.
3) Sorin's Thirst. It's good that it gains you life, that interacts with Vito, but it has limited targets. Compare to Murder, which for 1 more mana hits a creature with any toughness.
4) Geth's Verdict Unless you play against voltron. This is table dependent, but most of the time sacrifice doesn't really matter unless you have a lot of it.
5) Disfigure (see note on sorin's thirst)
6) Stromkirk Bloodthief - not bad, but we can do better
7) Crossway Troublemakers - Not really that awful on its own, but vampires already have a ton of DT/LL and don't need to gain it. The mana cost is also huge. For 6 mana, you better be like winning the game, and this doesn't do it.
8) Arrogant Outlaw - a rather weak effect TBH
9) Sangromancer not a bad card, just doesn't fit the best here. You need a lot more creature/hand hate to make sangro worth running.
10) Call the Bloodline - a rather weak effect, vampires have much better token generators. 11) Ill-Gotten Inheritance - kind of weak. Better things we can do with 4 mana.
Hope that helps!
TheMeadiator on
Soul Steepage
3 years ago
So fun! I personally like passive lifegain triggers in the form of enchantments. There are a few cheap 4 cmc pieces that could work well for you.
Revenge of Ravens dissuades people from attacking you at its worst, and costs them life at best.
Ill-Gotten Inheritance triggers simply on your upkeep, and Dogged Pursuit triggers simply on your endstep. I personally love this combo. Bleeding people for 4 passively on your turn without casting a single spell is nice.
I built a budget version of Dina - if you're interested in trimming down some of your cost to build IRL, check it out here: Dina's Deadly Designs Inc..