Ajani, Strength of the Pride

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ajani, Strength of the Pride

Legendary Planeswalker — Ajani

+1: You gain life equal to the number of creatures you control plus the number of planeswalkers you control.

-2: Create a 2/2 white Cat Soldier creature token named Ajani's Pridemate with "Whenever you gain life, put a +1/+1 counter on Ajani's Pridemate."

0: If you have at least 15 life more than your starting life total, exile Ajani, Strength of the Pride and each artifact and creature your opponents control.

EDH 0 / 0
Dawn of Hope feature for Life

BotaNickill on Timeless CoCo Angels

3 weeks ago

ApophisWrath, Thanks for checking out the build and for the interest. I have updated the list to reflect my current build on Arena. Looks like I added 2 Revoke Existence to the mainboard to help deal with The One Ring and stuff like that, along with two land destruction lands to help deal with Field of the Dead. Also took out one Skyclave Apparition and put one Ajani, Strength of the Pride in as a potential one sided board wipe. He can also help boost your life total to 27 to trigger the Righteous Valkyrie. As far as the shock counters go, I'm not totally sure what to do about that. I heard of a card the other day that prevents players from getting counters altogether, though I cannot seem to remember the name of the card at the moment. Might not even be on Arena, could be a Modern Card. I'll see if I can dig up the answer. Maybe Solemnity? Good luck with the deck though, I'd love to hear it if you have any Ideas on new cards for mainboard slots. I was thinking about Get Lost, and Final Showdown as potentials.

Belfore on Shitty kitties v.5

3 weeks ago

Personally I would drop the Ajani's Pridemate for Ajani, Strength of the Pride, the Cubwarden for Brimaz, King of Oreskos just for starters creatures wise. But I feel the deck's biggest problem is you should have a minimum of 35 lands or you will be mana screwed most of the time.

mlequesne on Dance Beneath the Moon

1 year ago

Soul's Attendant and Soul Warden are nice additions as another Essence Warden, for even more triggers. As a backup for your commander you can add Ajani's Pridemate and Ajani, Strength of the Pride

Love your deck friend :)

IHATENAMES on Life gain cat deck

1 year ago

I think this is a fun and interesting challenge to make lifegain cats good in modern. But first thing you should do is focus to clarify the identity of the deck. Leaning into Cats let's you better utilize a great lord. But you want multiple small cats maube tokens as there are a couple good ones to later pump for a lethal swing or tempo your opponent out makeing spot removal worse. Or lifegain which can play the Soul Warden effects and other noncat lifegain payoffs like your Ajani's Pridemate

Suggestions: I assume you are trying to stay budget most of these are a couple dollars. There might be a few more expensive cards that could be great with some deck building concessions like going green for more cats and Collected Company or focusing 1 2 and 3 drops and play Aether Vial

Kaheera, the Orphanguard pump cats. Can also be used as companion with some deck building restrictions

Leonin Arbiter All hail CAT JESUS. Seriously. It's a great card to slow combo decks otherwise it's a 2/2 body for 2. Worst case it deserves a Sideboard slot

Leonin Vanguard 1 drop. Gains 1 life a turn when you have 3 total creatures great curve starter for a cat deck

Regal Caracal create 2 cats. Then all your cats gain lifelink. Synergies for days

Ajani, Strength of the Pride - make Ajani's Pridemate ultimate is not impossible to clear the way so you can swing for game. +gains life. All great things.

Sideboard tech

Lion Sash graveyard hate on a cat. Or pump another creature

Felidar Retreat stick this vs control and it can take over a game

Seht's Tiger 4 drop neat vs damage based combos. Interesting but not great.

Jabber on Life Voltron

1 year ago

This is brutal in that deck its is a one sided board wipe, Ajani, Strength of the Pride

Vessiliana on Giada, Font of Awesomeness

1 year ago

CrazyDanPsycho, thank you for your interest in my Giada deck. I thought I would take a look at yours and see if I had any suggestions.

Now, I totally understand the attachment to Avacyn. (I actually still have an Avacyn deck, too.) But the shift in commanders calls for a shift in the creature base. Avacyn does not really care about what type of creatures you are running. Giada does. She wants you to run angels. I don't know your budget is, so take whatever suggestions you think will fit with it.

Breathkeeper Seraph is good for recurring Giada (or any other special angel). Angelic Sleuth makes good use of your creatures with counters dying. Norn's Choirmaster proliferates your counters. Thraben Watcher gives a bonus and vigilance. Admonition Angel outdoes your Leonin Relic-Warder and is an angel. Angel of condemnation is another removal angel. And finally, a non-angel that helps you, even in a Giada deck, Bishop of Wings, which gives lifegain and tokens. For more token fun, and generally producing tokens at a better rate than Parhelion or Moonsilver Spear, we have Entreat the Angels, Finale of Glory, and Starnheim Unleashed. You are also missing the best life-gain Ajani. Ajani, Strength of the Pride.

If you want suggestions on what to cut, just let me know!

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