Aphemia, the Cacophony
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Aphemia, the Cacophony

Legendary Enchantment Creature — Harpy


At the beginning of your end step, you may exile an enchantment card from your graveyard. If you do, create a 2/2 black Zombie creature token.

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Screeching Harpy
Greel's Caress

SufferFromEDHD on 5 color 0 creatures v3.0

1 year ago

Awesome use of Blood Funnel! And it's always nice seeing Collective Restraint being used to its full potential.

Cascading Cataracts and Meteor Crater rainbow lands

Aphemia, the Cacophony technically an enchantment and it makes tokens.

Determined Iteration is Kiki-Jiki for tokens.

Estrid's Invocation is worth running alongside that Copy Enchantment.

No Mercy might be an upgrade to Damnation.

Kaya's Wrath is a great card. Fumigate is similar. Might be an upgrade to Wrath of God.

Jokulhaups and Obliterate are upgrades to all of the above. Restart the game with only enchantments and planeswalkers.

TheOfficialCreator on shattergang

1 year ago

Old-Growth Troll can come back repeatedly as a creature, enchantment, and then another creature!

Aphemia, the Cacophony also gives you an enchantment creature that gives you some extra value ^^

Squirrel_of_War on Minthara Aristocrats

2 years ago

Dude, I think Yawgmoth, Thran Physician would be amazing in this deck! Other cards that would be good in here:

And you can increase your # of enchantments to lean harder into that theme.

Arkhanuin on Ayara - MonoBlack - TEST

3 years ago

Thank you very much your feedback and suggestions.

I really plan to cut out Breeding Pit and Aphemia, the Cacophony , I just feel I need more token factories and those are my only possibilities right now. Ophiomancer and Bloodline Keeper  Flip are brilliant cards for my deck, unfortunately I don't have money for them right now.

Ghoulcaller Gisa is a good call, but I really won't have big power creatures, I could sacrifice only 0-1-2 power creatures, and for 5 mana it's too much from a creature without ETB effects.

I don't want Glaring Spotlight and Daring Fiendbonder in my deck, since these cards are for attack support. I don't feel like attack at all with this deck. Probably all my creatures will defend my health and my PW's and they will be sacrificed before the summoning sickness wears off.

I made some changes tho, some cards arrived, what I ordered previously: Sword of the Animist instead of Sword of Body and Mind

Crypt Ghast instead of Solemn Simulacrum

and I took off some "targeted removals" for more Damge//Gain Life effects like: Blood Artist , Bontu's Monument and Vindictive Vampire

Gontilordofmtg on Ayara - MonoBlack - TEST

3 years ago

For a test deck you already seem to have a lot right. In terms of improvements you can make, I would definitely cut a few cards. Breeding Pit and Aphemia, the Cacophony are both extremely small impact token creators that take a long time to get considerable value, specifically aphemia who does nothing when faced with graveyard hate and likely won't have many enchantments to target in the first place. I would replace these with Ophiomancer , Ghoulcaller Gisa , and maybe Bloodline Keeper  Flip. I would also remove Sword of Body and Mind in favor of better protection at a lower cost, since its attack triggers are mediocre at best. I would recommend adding a few equipment pieces that give hexproof and indestructible, so that ayara can stick around during boardwipes and drain lots of life. Finally, two last cards I would attempt to make room for are Glaring Spotlight and Daring Fiendbonder .

Neotrup on Lengendary Enchantment Creature

3 years ago

Yes, Aphemia, the Cacophony counts as both a creature and an enchantment because it is both types:

300.2. Some objects have more than one card type (for example, an artifact creature). Such objects combine the aspects of each of those card types, and are subject to spells and abilities that affect either or all of those card types.

That said, Aphemia needs to be on the battlefield to trigger and exiles a card from your graveyard, so you would need it to die between the ability triggering and resolving in order to exile itself.

legendofa on Lengendary Enchantment Creature

3 years ago

Answering your question in two parts.

First, Aphemia, the Cacophony has Enchantment in the type line, so it counts as an enchantment. It's the same logic as Artifact Creatures, which count as both artifacts and creatures.

Second, Aphemia, the Cacophony cannot exile itself. The ability exiles an enchantment from the graveyard, and the ability can only be used if you have Aphemia on the battlefield. If you have one Aphemia in play and another in the graveyard, then the one on the battlefield can exile the graveyard one.

BuriedOnSunday on Lengendary Enchantment Creature

3 years ago

Aphemia, the Cacophony Do Lengendary Enchantment creature cards count as an enchantment? For example, Aphemia, the Cacophony has the ability to exile an enchantment card, could it exile itself?

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