Griffin Aerie

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Griffin Aerie


At the beginning of your end step, if you gained 3 or more life this turn, create a 2/2 white Griffin creature token with flying.

TheSlowestBro on Bess, Soul Nourisher

9 months ago

I think more 1/1 token generators that work over time are the way to go, stuff like Rabble Rousing, Torens, Fist of the Angels and Rhys the Redeemed, also Wild Beastmaster seem really fun!

As far as cuts, Awakening Zone, Griffin Aerie, Arasta of the Endless Web and Sandwurm Convergence are all excellent cards, but they don't synergize with the commander so that could be a good set of swaps imo.

I like this commander though I gotta say, seems like fun

SufferFromEDHD on Kambal's Chunky Life Drain Soup

1 year ago

Excellent deck name!!!

Crested Sunmare, Resplendent Angel or Griffin Aerie for the consistent tokens.

Well of Lost Dreams auto include! S much value in this list.

SufferFromEDHD on

1 year ago

Soul Partition force an opponent to eat Kambal tax on an artifact, enchantment or planeswalker.

Feed the Swarm is awful when you have access to white. Maybe Vanishing Verse or Vindicate.

Kunoros, Hound of Athreos brutal hatebear. You are in Orzhov and not running reanimator. Take advantage of this. The lifelink feeds your strategy.

Archivist of Oghma and Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim are on theme.

Mirage Mirror Orzhov clone.

Angelic Accord is awesome. Griffin Aerie is not.

Max_Hammer on Neon G/W Auras

2 years ago

This deck feels really good at churning out low-cost enchantments, so any constellation effect would probably be pretty good. Setessan Champion is good since it gets buffed and gives you more draw (which you're clearly fond of), and Archon of Sun's Grace is a good way to make an army of 2/2 flyers. Hallowed Haunting or Katilda, dawnheart martyr would also totally work.

I would also suggest something to reward you for all this draw, but all of the cards I can think of to do this are blue or on paper. I know for a fact white can do this, but Idunno.

Honestly, this looks like a borderline life gain deck, so throwing in Archon along with Nexus Wardens (Or that one white spirit from the D&D set whose name I cannot recall for the life of me), Heliod, Sun-Crowned, and maybe Cleric Class or Griffin Aerie to tie it all together. Granted, that's quite a few new cards and it may as well be a new deck, lol.

P.S. I've been meaning to make a lifegain/enchantment deck for a while, so that probably explains the two paragraphs of cards, lol. P.P.S Colossification is always fun.

Flagellum on No Pain No Lifegain

2 years ago

Here are some enchantments you can throw in that fit in with the theme of this deck perfectly. If you're attacking with little weenies with your commander out you are essentially trading 1/1's for more 1/1's, 2/2's, 3/3's or 4/4's with flying.

Angelic Accord: Note this happens at EACH end step. So if you can gain 4 life either by blocking with a lifelink creature with 4 power or gain 4 life on your opponent's turn you spit out another 4/4 angel.

The Book of Exalted Deeds: 3/3 angels? Weird but hey, free angels! Also gives an effect that prevents you from losing and your opponents from winning.

Griffin Aerie: Gain 3 life on your turn, win a free 2/2 griffin with flying

Valkyrie Harbinger: Again this is at EACH end step. 6 CMC though but creates 4/4 angels.

Regna, the Redeemer: Also EACH end step but is for ANY lifegain. Spits out 2 1/1's but is also 6 CMC

Resplendent Angel: for a $21 angel if you gain 5 life at EACH end step you will get a 4/4 angel. Aggressively costed at a low 3 CMC.

wallisface on Flyers

2 years ago

Some thoughts:

  • Celestial Colonnade is only really played in hard-control decks that generally lack any other practical ways to win. In general, i'd say ditch all of your taplands and just ru basics. You'll find that a land coming in tapped will trip up your tempo faaar too often, and with your current card selection I don't see you having many issues at all just running basics anyway. If you are wanting a better manabase on a sudo-budget, I'd suggest getting cards like Glacial Fortress, Adarkar Wastes, and Seachrome Coast. You want to avoid lands that enter tapped at all costs.

  • Warden of Evos Isle and Watcher of the Spheres don't look like they'll do too much as they won't be able to reduce the cost of a lot of your team (i.e. Skycat Sovereign, Healer's Hawk, Watcher of the Spheres, realistically Sephara, Sky's Blade). I'd think it would make sense to reduce the number of these you're playing (personally i'd ditch Warden of Evos Isle entirely)

  • a playset of Squadron Hawk should be useful here.

  • As Foretold does almost nothing for you here, I'd suggest ditching it. Griffin Aerie should probably also be ditched, because there are just too few ways to get value from it in your current list.

  • Creature based lists like these oftentimes can't make good use of countermagic, like Absorb and Counterspell, because they're using their mana on their turn to play creatures. I thing you would be better off playing proactive-spells instead of reactive ones. Stuff like Path to Exile is going to get you a LOT more value, because it lets you keep playing aggressively on your turns, without having to slow down so much for countering stuff.

  • Modern decks should always aim towards 60 cards. While running 64 might not seem like much more, it will make your hands & draws weaker overall, and create less consistency. I would suggest strongly to aim to get down to 60 cards (there are a lot of suggestions of stuff to remove above so should be an easy job)

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