Thrasher Brute

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Thrasher Brute

Creature — Orc Warrior

Whenever Thrasher Brute or another Warrior enters the battlefield under your team's control, target opponent loses 1 life and you gain 1 life.

jamochawoke on

3 years ago

I like how the guy above this comment just casually strolls in and tells you to put in a bunch of moxen...

That said, warriors is one of my favorite tribes and I've made a ton of decks with them! Plus Najeela is such a badass commander! These are my suggestions that you haven't included and could serve as some better synergy with your deck than your non-warriors:

  • God-Eternal Oketra make huge 4/4 zombie warrior tokens on every warrior cast.

  • Oketra the True make warrior tokens and acts as a big beater itself.
  • Oketra's Monument tons and tons of warrior tokens.
  • Rush of Battle warrior themed overrun that gains you tons of life.
  • Herald of Anafenza gets bigger and makes warrior tokens at the same time.
  • Raiders' Spoils probably the best card draw you'll see for warrior tribal.
  • Gilt-Leaf Ambush elf warrior tokens with sometimes deathtouch.
  • Hunting Triad elf warrior tokens or modal +1/+1 counters.
  • Presence of Gond give a creature a tap for elf warrior token ability.
  • Lovisa Coldeyes more warrior lord buffs!
  • Obsidian Battle-Axe haste and auto-attach to warriors equipment!
  • Regna, the Redeemer and Krav, the Unredeemed act as a sac outlet and warrior token generation combo.
  • Lord Windgrace deck filtering, color fixing, and generation of a ton of cat warrior tokens
  • Great Hall of Starnheim gets you a 4/4 angel warrior token in a pinch
  • Base Camp cheap 5 color land for warriors
  • Starnheim Unleashed make a ton of 4/4 angel warrior tokens!
  • Emeria's Call  Flip make angel warrior tokens and give your non-angel warriors indestructible or make it a land
  • Ascent of the Worthy pretty fun tricks on this.
  • Firja's Retribution make a 4/4 angel warrior token and give angels destroy and double strike.
  • Battle for Bretagard make warrior tokens, then make copies.
  • SharpRaptor on Najeela

    5 years ago

    Recommended Cuts


    Blightsteel Colossus - Curve reasons

    Graveblade Marauder - Cute but effect probably isn't good enough

    Hamletback Goliath - Curve reasons

    Khenra Eternal - Bad card basically. Though we want this slot to be at that mana cost

    Khenra Scrapper - Again. We want aggressive cards like this but we can do better

    Saskia the Unyielding - Big target on your head. Colour intensive. Not a warrior

    Savage Knuckleblade - Colour intensive

    Taurean Mauler - Doesn't work towards our game plan. Doesn't trigger off combat damage doesn't buff others.

    Tenacious Dead - Just bad

    Tolsimir Wolfblood - Buff isn't universal and its expensive

    Zhur-Taa Druid - We want mana dorks. But only taps for green and its colour intensive to cast.

    Maybe Cuts Or Later Cuts

    Thunderfoot Baloth - Expensive but ok effect.

    Hellkite Charger - Maybe cut. We already have access to this effect at cheaper cost

    Zurgo Helmsmasher - He's good. But doesn't help the rest of the game plan


    Maybe Cut

    Clan Defiance - Doesn't impact the board enough to make us win the game.

    Lavalanche - Effect we want but possible to find cheaper?


    Fires of Yavimaya - Replace with Rhythm of the Wild


    Artifact Mutation && Aura Mutation - Change with generic artifact or enchantment removal

    Crackling Doom - Doesn't do enough


    Oketra's Monument - Doesn't trigger enough and the mana reduction isn't relevant enough


    Attacking / Combat Matter Cards

    Blood-Chin Rager - Warriors have Menace

    Herald of Dromoka - Warriors have Vigilance

    Chief of the Edge - Warriors get +1/+0

    Raiders' Spoils - Very good card draw

    Lovisa Coldeyes - Warriors +2/+2 Haste

    Mindblade Render - MOAR card draw

    Ogre Battledriver - Your warriors that enter will be 3/1s when attacking

    Jazal Goldmane - Massive Buffs

    Mardu Woe-Reaper - Graveyard Interaction

    Thrasher Brute - Drains an opponent with warrior etb triggers

    Edric, Spymaster of Trest - MOAR CARD DRAW

    Combo Pieces

    Cryptolith Rite - Lots of mana, infinite combats

    Phyrexian Altar - Sac some of the tokens to activate Najeela

    Derevi, Empyrial Tactician - Win the game

    Sword of Feast and Famine - Win the game if you have the lands

    Nature's Will - Win the game if you have the lands

    Bear Umbra - Win the game if you have the lands


    Archetype of Aggression - Trample

    Purphoros, God of the Forge - This guy doesn't need explanation

    Cyclonic Rift - ....yeh

    Heroic Intervention - Anti-Wrath. Rootborn Defenses Dauntless Escort Join Shields

    Divine Visitation - BECAUSE ANGELS

    Harvest Season - we make a lot of tapped and attacking creatures. We want mana

    Throne of the God-Pharaoh - Alternate win cons

    Shared Animosity - Massive Buffs

    Anointed Procession Parallel Lives - More tokens

    Aggravated Assault - Easier Najeela trigger without keywords


    Aven Wind Guide - Gives our tokens flying and vigilance

    hkhssweiss on najeela warrior tribal

    5 years ago


    You should add in Mindblade Render gives you silly amount of card draw...but you might die from all those triggers xD

    Some cards that fit the theme and synergy: Ogre Battledriver, Secure the Wastes, Arashin Foremost, Brighthearth Banneret, Thrasher Brute, Aven Wind Guide, Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip, Edric, Spymaster of Trest, Aggravated Assault, Neheb, the Eternal

    Hope that gives some help!

    Darkshadow327 on Attack of the Horde (EDH Tribal Series #9)

    6 years ago

    This deck has gone through 3 iterations, each bringing a different color identity. The deck started at Mardu with Zurgo Helmsmasher, then 4 color with Saskia the Unyielding, and now finally full WUBRG with Najeela, the Blade-Blossom. So a lot of the cards you have been in the deck at one point.

    Aven Wind Guide is definitely a cards I need to think about, Brighthearth Banneret as well. Champion of Lambholt was in the running during the Saskia stage, but was cut because I didn't think it would do great, but it definitely would now. Rushblade Commander was under consideration as well, but looking back I should have cut Madrush Cyclops instead. Thrasher Brute will be considered as well.

    Aura Shards would be a good idea seeing as this deck has the capacity to produce tons of tokens. Settle the Wreckage is a nice instant speed board wipe, and you underestimate Insidious Will. It is awesome to just turn someone's Path to Exile or other ambush effect when you are attacking and turn it against its caster.

    Card draw isn't a huge concern, but there is always a place for it. Both Obelisk of Urd and Door of Destinies were in here at a point, they will have to find a spot once again.

    You also underestimate Aggravated Assault I won't always have Najeela, and there is a possibility that I won't have WUBRG.

    Hazezon Tamar is mostly here for more tokens, and Dakkon Blackblade is a beast, he can get huge. This can draw attention away from other cards, or just do some damage. Ezuri, Claw of Progress, is a nice card. All these tokens that get produced give me experience counters, allowing me to dump counters on stuff until my opponents are forced to get rid of Ezuri. Jazal Goldmane is nice because if I have a lot of tokens it makes them huge.

    The +2/+2 affect of Bear Umbra is just a perk, the real power comes from the "When this creature attacks, untap all lands you control"

    Thanks for the suggestions, this will help the deck advance and become better!

    babushkasara on Attack of the Horde (EDH Tribal Series #9)

    6 years ago

    Najeela is super sweet. My roommate recently built a deck that doesn't emphasize her activated ability, but it still has some good warrior options.

    One thing I notice immediately is that your mana curve is relatively high. If you have enough low-cost creatures for it be worth it, Alesha, Who Smiles at Death can be warrior-based recursion. Aven Wind Guide boosts Najeela's tokens, literally. Brighthearth Banneret is great Warrior ramp. Did you know Champion of Lambholt is a warrior? Also Mindblade Render, Rushblade Commander, and definitely Thrasher Brute from Battlebond.

    You don't have any enchantment/artifact removal, so I'd suggest adding a Nature's Claim or even Aura Shards. Honestly, I don't think Insidious Will or Settle the Wreckage are necessary. The deck isn't trying to be a control deck and with all the ways to give your chump blockers vigilance, being attacked isn't a problem.

    You also need more draw power. Skullclamp is where it's at. Bident of Thassa is also nice. Obelisk of Urd and Door of Destinies can buff all your warriors.

    Aggravated Assault is unnecessary. Bear Umbra only works on the one creature it's attached to. Consider Beastmaster Ascension, Fervor, Intangible Virtue, Parallel Lives, and the "safe" Coat of Arms, Shared Animosity.

    Skyshroud Claim isn't good in a 5 color deck and Genesis Wave isn't what the deck is wanting to do. Consider Harvest Season for ramp and things like Blasphemous Act, Dreadbore, and Hull Breach for more removal.

    I'm not gonna say much about the land base other than you absolutely need at least some basics. Strip Mine is a thing and so is Blood Moon. Also, Unclaimed Territory and Path of Ancestry.

    I don't love Hazezon Tamar because he's so slow and also cost-prohibitive for most people. Dakkon Blackblade isn't worth his mana cost compared to other warrior options you have available. I'm not a fan of using the experience counter commanders in the 99 (Ezuri) because they never seem impactful enough while they're around. I think there's better/cheaper options to replace Jazal that aren't so white heavy. Rubblebelt Raiders only benefits itself.

    To summarize: make the deck more synergistic with warriors that support all warriors rather than just themselves, add more card draw, add more removal, focus on the goal of the deck.

    LittleBlueHero on Anyone attend the Battlebond preview …

    6 years ago

    Awesome! Thats a heck of a showing.

    I played this past sunday in a "supersized draft" There were only 4 teams so 3 matches total and we went 2-1. I was playing R/G goodstuff and my partner was playing W/B kill all the things... both of us had a significant number of warriors as well.

    Match one wasn't looking good. Our opponents had us to 19 by turn 5 on the back of an early loyal pegasus and some other creature we couldn't block and an aura. We eventually got rid of most of their board and I was able to cast Stolen Strategy, my partner got a decent sized lifeliker with flying into play, and began to stabilize. After their quick start our opponents fizzled out and we eventually won on the back Bramble Sovereign into 2x 10/10 Apocalypse Hydra which wiped their board the following turn.

    Match 2 was an embarrassment. My partner and I both took admittedly slower looking hands but we were not prepared for the explosiveness of our opponents decks. They dumped out 4 smallish creatures early while we had nothing on board, then cast Regna's Sanction to pump everything and swing through for lethal in 6 turns... everyone was laughing (including us) because we were pretty sure two-headed giant games are not supposed to be that fast.

    Match 3 went a lot like the first one. Our opponents came our quicker, got us to 19 (something about that number) before we were able to start stabilizing. This one was tougher though, and took longer for us to get control as our opponents were playing a lot of flyers in U/B that we couldn't do much about. My partner eventually got out 2 Thrasher Brute, one was quickly dispatched but having the one in play kept us going from 11 to 15 multiple turns in a row thanks to warrior tokens and some lucky flips off of Stolen Strategy. Our opponents got a 13/13 Apocalypse Hydra and a Coralhelm Guide while we were at 11 life... staring imminent loss in the face I flipped over TWO WARRIORS with Stolen Strategy, my partner made more tokens and that put them in range for a lethal final swing...

    So. Much. Fun.