Mindblade Render

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mindblade Render

Creature — Azra Warrior

Whenever your opponents are dealt combat damage, if any of that damage was dealt by a Warrior, you draw a card and you lose 1 life.

smack80 on Riders On The Storm

1 year ago

Phyrexian Reclamation, Oversold Cemetery, there could be an infinite combo with Salvaging Station.

Needs more Cranial Plating and Disciple of the Vault because the tokens are artifacts.

Mindblade Render because the tokens are warriors too.

CommanderNeyo on Attack effects and phases but better(Assist pls)

2 years ago

If you have the budget for it, Fiery Emancipation is really quite strong for an aggressive deck like this.

Also, if you are not opposed to combos, you could grab a card like Druids' Repository and Nature's Will so that you can get limitless combat steps with Najeela.

Since you are looking for all the extra combat steps, I would consider Unnatural Growth (although it may be difficult to cast in a 5-color deck).

Mindblade Render can provide a lot of card draw.

Champion of Lambholt can help to make your creatures difficult to block, as it grows every time you generate a token.

I personally would take this on a more Warrior-tribal route because it can be so strong with Najeela.

CommanderNeyo on Equipped for War

2 years ago

I think the deck needs more ramp, I highly recommend adding Arcane Signet, Talisman of Conviction, Talisman of Hierarchy, Talisman of Indulgence, Boros Signet, Orzhov Signet, and Rakdos Signet. Having these will help you cast your commander much earlier and start swinging.

I would also recommend some more card draw, such as Mindblade Render, Breena, the Demagogue, and even Tymna the Weaver.

PhocusEnergy on World at War

2 years ago

sixteenbiticon A quick update to my last comment - also, do keep in mind this list is tuned to a $100-budget playlist. At my table, there aren't many lists that can do significant damage in the first few turns, and the ones that can usually become the focus of the table to respond to, letting me ramp and drop some of my 3-4 drop creatures without much of an issue. If your table has a higher budget or simply faster decks, you can definitely lower the CMC to speed yourself up and provide yourself some extra cushion early on. Some early creatures I'd suggest for a lower CMC list (that won't destroy your budget):

  • Grim Flayer - Good early blocker that evens out your draws and gets bigger later.

  • Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons - A card I'm always on the precipice of including, a 2-drop that will weaken or kill your opponents early creatures and provide you with deathtouch blockers is extremely good.

  • Mindblade Render - It's a 1/3 that draws you cards for 2 mana. Nothing not to like.

  • Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire - an early deathtouch blocker that can let you tutor for cards if you start getting hits in.

  • Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin - A card that routinely pops up in this list when Varchild gets a bit too pricey for the budget. An early card that can start building up a host of tokens to help you block.

  • Virtus the Veiled - Deathtouch blocker that is absolutely disgusting early in the game. I don't use him specifically because my playgroup already hates me enough for playing Spawnwrithe.

  • Dreamstealer - A chump blocker if you drop him for 3, but get that Eternalize off in a post-Thantis field and oh boy.

  • Azra Oddsmaker - Probably the weakest suggestion here, but figured I'd include it anyways. Her trigger is pretty consistent to hit in this list with Thantis out, but she's hit-or-miss before that.

FelixCarter on You'll be Najello after I'm done with you

2 years ago

Cryptolith Rite, Nature's Will, Druids' Repository, and [Bear Umbra] will give repeatable combats. Nature's Will is a bit expensive, so keep Song of Freyalise instead. You can remove Battle for Bretagard, Goblin War Drums, and Mask of Avacyn to use the other three enchantments if repeatable combats is your goal. Otherwise, here are some other great additions:

Cathars' Crusade will make HUGE creatures very quickly. Brave the Sands gives the vigilance needed to take advantage of Cryptolith Rite or have blockers. Impact Tremors will cause lots of pain over time. Raiders' Spoils card draw on steroids. Something you are SORELY lacking.

Kaya, Geist Hunter a great addition that will mostly be used for her -2 ability. Rhythm of the Wild is a good card to be replaced since most of your creatures will be tokens, anyways. If you don't go with Kaya, Cathars' Crusade would probably be a better replacement for Rhythm of the Wild.

Trollbred Guardian and Hamza, Guardian of Arashin requires +1/+1 counters but you don't have very many +1/+1 counters in the deck to take advantage of this. You can remove them and instead use Mindblade Render and Oakhame Adversary for card draw. You need card draw.

Replace Mardu Shadowspear with Brutal Hordechief

Usher of the Fallen and Imperious Perfect are fairly underwhelming. Imperious Perfect is a little better, but I'd at least replace Usher of the Fallen with Rhys the Redeemed. Honestly, I'd use Ogre Battledriver over Imperious Perfect.

Rubblebelt Raiders is nice, but Champion of Lambholt will make your creatures unlockable just as fast.

Tuya Bearclaw and Hamletback Goliath get big, but they can be chumped VERY easily. Lovisa Coldeyes will buff all your tokens that are harder to chump. You could maybe keep the Hamletback Giant, but Zurgo Helmsmasher or Samut, Voice of Dissent is a good choice in your deck if you decide not to.

Blaring Captain and Blaring Recruiter are also very underwhelming. Chief of the Edge can easily replace the captain, and the recruit can be replaced be literally anything (my vote would be for Impact Tremors if you haven't added it already).

You have A LOT of mana ramp in your deck, but your lacking card draw and removal. I'd maybe remove the Diamonds and add two or three mana rocks that tap for one of any color. That'll give your deck 10-11 forms of mana ramp. If you add three, that'll give room for two forms of card draw. Reconnaissance Mission, Bident of Thassa, Skullclamp, and Vanquisher's Banner are great options.

Instead of Fracture, I recommend Despark. Mortify is a better Murder but can also be upgraded by switching to Utter End.

Replace Warped Landscape with Secluded Courtyard.

Be aware that you're sitting at only 30 lands. If you find your have a mana-base problem, I'd take out Radha, Heir to Keld, Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip, or ANY of the previously discussed cards and add 3-5 lands. Out of the lands you should also add, I recommend Savage Lands, Arcane Sanctum, Crumbling Necropolis, Jungle Shrine, Nomad Outpost, Mystic Monastery, Path of Ancestry, and Unclaimed Territory.

Vessiliana on Kresh's Warrior's

2 years ago

Raiders' Spoils might be fun.

Mindblade Render and Rushblade Commander also look good, if you are actually aiming for a more "warrior-focused" theme.

X-Factor11105 on Dragon Jesus (Bladewing the Risen EDH)

3 years ago

MeanLizard I agree on exploring a treasure subtheme, but I don't know if this shell is built to make the most use of them. I WISH Curse of Opulence made treasure, then we'd be on to something. Here's the relevant treasure cards I've previously identified and why I haven't previously added them:

  • Impulsive Pilferer : This is probably the closest for me. Perfectly fine to discard, but its four mana to get three 1/1s and we'll end the turn down one mana. No goblin or pirate synergies.
  • Glimmervoid : Not enough artifacts in tow to make this consistently valuable. I have the same hesitation for Spire of Industry .
  • Magda, Brazen Outlaw : Same issues as Feldon being too slow and being a target for removal once its online. If the package comes together in the next set or two, we'll have to re-visit Magda.
  • Pirate's Pillage : Probably not efficient enough to be included, but maybe?
  • Rapacious Dragon : Eh? The ETB aspect is nice for a heavier reanimation package, but this won't make a big enough impact on the game (I think).
  • Revel in Riches : I think there COULD be a case for this to be included, but 5 CMC is too expensive for my taste that doesn't pretty much win on the spot. I also worry about over-investing in a subtheme - Bladewing is already convoluted (draw dragons > discard dragons > revive dragons), so straying away from that too much puts the deck at risk of being diluted / durdling.

I'm perfectly content to have Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge not be able to attack - when I can finally snag and add in Toxic Deluge and/or Fire Covenant , we'll be packing such a heavy removal package that Gadrak becomes that much more likely to fall into value.

I like to look at Rakdos-color cEDH builds for ideas, and a few cards keep catching my attention: * Mindblade Render * Withering Boon * Mogg Salvage * Songs of the Damned

I keep seeing Necromancy so I think I have to take the plunge and add it...

jamochawoke on

3 years ago

I like how the guy above this comment just casually strolls in and tells you to put in a bunch of moxen...

That said, warriors is one of my favorite tribes and I've made a ton of decks with them! Plus Najeela is such a badass commander! These are my suggestions that you haven't included and could serve as some better synergy with your deck than your non-warriors:

  • God-Eternal Oketra make huge 4/4 zombie warrior tokens on every warrior cast.

  • Oketra the True make warrior tokens and acts as a big beater itself.
  • Oketra's Monument tons and tons of warrior tokens.
  • Rush of Battle warrior themed overrun that gains you tons of life.
  • Herald of Anafenza gets bigger and makes warrior tokens at the same time.
  • Raiders' Spoils probably the best card draw you'll see for warrior tribal.
  • Gilt-Leaf Ambush elf warrior tokens with sometimes deathtouch.
  • Hunting Triad elf warrior tokens or modal +1/+1 counters.
  • Presence of Gond give a creature a tap for elf warrior token ability.
  • Lovisa Coldeyes more warrior lord buffs!
  • Obsidian Battle-Axe haste and auto-attach to warriors equipment!
  • Regna, the Redeemer and Krav, the Unredeemed act as a sac outlet and warrior token generation combo.
  • Lord Windgrace deck filtering, color fixing, and generation of a ton of cat warrior tokens
  • Great Hall of Starnheim gets you a 4/4 angel warrior token in a pinch
  • Base Camp cheap 5 color land for warriors
  • Starnheim Unleashed make a ton of 4/4 angel warrior tokens!
  • Emeria's Call  Flip make angel warrior tokens and give your non-angel warriors indestructible or make it a land
  • Ascent of the Worthy pretty fun tricks on this.
  • Firja's Retribution make a 4/4 angel warrior token and give angels destroy and double strike.
  • Battle for Bretagard make warrior tokens, then make copies.
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