Anointed Procession

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Anointed Procession


If an effect would create one or more tokens under your control, it creates twice that many of those tokens instead.

Crow_Umbra on Musashi's Mosh Pit [Primer]

3 weeks ago

No prob Craeter, I read the first sentence of your comment a bit too quickly, but after peeping your deck, your comment makes more sense in that context. If you want to go in a more Legend focused route, Shanid, Sleepers' Scourge could be fun draw engine & Menace anthem in your deck. I've really enjoyed the Treasure support I currently run in this deck, it feels consistent enough without overshadowing some of the other aspects.

Rain of Riches was something I had on my radar for Prosper for a minute. When I first put Prosper together, I expected it to be a niche Rakdos commander, and not a large part of its design identity in the following years lol.

Anointed Procession is cool, I just haven't picked up a copy yet. At the time that I bough Mondrak, it was cheaper than Anointed Procession. Cathars' Crusade is good, but it's something that I didn't like after playing it in a different deck a few times. The irl game actions of tracking counters across a growing board was kind of tiresome for me. All that being said, it's still a great card especially in a counters focused deck, it's just not my cup of tea.

Looking forward to how your deck develops.

Craeter on Musashi's Mosh Pit [Primer]

3 weeks ago

Crow_Umbra Yeah everything you're saying makes sense, I see you've heavily researched and play-tested the deck. I'm just theory crafting and wanted to try to put my own unique spin on Isshin. I think Legendary heavy perms and Treasures could be a viable alternative strategy. Also forgot to mention Rain of Riches seems pretty good, for 1 Treasure per turn you can draw and cast a lesser spell for free. I'm sure you've considered Anointed Procession as well since it's a pretty staple white token doubler. And Cathars' Crusade can also go nuts with the token buffs. Once I eventually try out the deck for real I'm sure I'll have a better idea of how to properly optimize it. Appreciate you.

TheoryCrafter on Convoking the Doublestrike Samurai Maiden

3 weeks ago

Have you considered Nomads' Assembly? This will double the number of creature tokens. Speaking of increasing creature tokens, Dollmaker's Shop//Porcelain Gallery creates tokens when you attack.

Also, I didn't see much in the terms of graveyard hate. Have you considered Lion Sash? It will also help make it's wearer stronger.

I concur with Andramalech. If you can afford it, Anointed Procession should be in your deck.

Definitely a good call to include Halo Fountain. You just might need a few more ways to tap your creatures without attacking in the event the game stalls out.

I hope this helps. Thank you for reading me out. Happy Hunting!

_AoxomoxoA_ on Veni, Vidi, Vici

4 weeks ago

09/07/2024 Revisions


The focus of these changes were to increase the token generation ability of the deck. Many of the removed cards interacted with cards that have been killed/allowing me to profit off of the death of tokens/creatures. Often, this would lead to me having a board of creatures that Caesar couldn't make use of which would stall my boardstate.

11 Card Changes


-1 Alesha, Who Smiles at Death: Limited Graveyard recursion that didn't do much for many of my creatures

-1 Athreos, God of Passage: Tokens are what mainly die in my deck and those can't be in my hand

-1 Deathgreeter: Hard choice to make with this one, but at the end of the day, I wanted to remove this aspect of the deck. I don't care as much about longterm survivability if I can win early.

-1 Desdemona, Freedom's Edge: Similar to Alesha and Atheros

-1 Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim: Another hard choice to make, but I want to focus on tokens entering the battlefield and the attack phase rather than sacrificing and graveyard.

-1 Morbid Opportunist: Good card but similar to Elas, I want to focus on ETB and Attacking rather than killing

-1 Paladin Elizabeth Taggerdy: I don't want many of my creature cards attacking and honestly the CMC of many of my creatures doesn't make this card worth it

-1 Pitiless Plunderer: Same as Morbid

-1 White Glove Gourmand: Ended up being a card that read: 4 mana create 2 humans, which is not ideal


-1 Ashnod's Altar: Never really panned out how I wanted it to, make room for better cards


-1 Battle of Hoover Dam: Choosing NCR runs into the same issue as Alesha and Desmonda, choosing Legion is fine but also not amazing. I would rather buff all my cards or keep them small to help with McCready


+1 Hero of Bladehold: Great consistent token generator, and it creates soldiers

+1 Iroas, God of Victory *list*: Keep my tokens alive and able to consistently hit face against tall boards

+1 Karlach, Fury of Avernus: I LOVE this card, similar to Isshin being able to trigger Caesar's ability multiple times per turn is super strong. Also, I have many other attack phase triggers

+1 Myrel, Shield of Argive: Better Hero of Bladehold + Grand Abolisher, this card is a no brainer. Plus it has soldier synergy


+1 Anointed Procession: Stupid to not include this card in a white token deck

+1 Court of Embereth: This card is STRONG, consistently generates targets for Caesar to sacrifice if needed, and it does Caesar's strongest ability automatically every turn. Also Monarch is fun and I can consistently fight to keep it.

+1 Warleader's Call: Purphoros and a static +1/+1


+1 Grand Crescendo: At worst, it's 2 mana to make my board indestructible, at best it generates tokens for me


+1 Finale of Glory: Token generator


+1 Mana Vault: More fast mana!

+1 The One Ring: Card draw plus protection from everything

Andramalech on Convoking the Doublestrike Samurai Maiden

1 month ago

The moniker of this deck has very strong 'Burning Down the Nicotine Armoire' energy but I'll be sure to provide some relevant suggestions: Captain's Call and other cards like Raise the Alarm to create lots of tiny bodies, cards like Intangible Virtue and Anointed Procession to reinforce the weenie presence for Convoke purposes. Good luck!

Nunu312 on Orzhov Spirits

1 month ago

Love a good spirit deck, and nice to see a new commander doing it!

I think you've got some great cards in there that probably don't work as well as you want them to. Luminous Angel is incredibly expensive for a 4/4 flyer that might generate 2-3 tokens. By the time you put it down that's just not a relevant amount. Oyobi, Who Split the Heavens Is in very much the same boat. Because it only happens on casting, it can at most happen 5 times, as that's the amount of spirits you have to cast (and you have no arcane spells). Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite Is a fantastic card but can occasionally create friction at the table. I don't necessarily suggest that you cut it, but do consider it. It can easily create an environment where some people are unable to play their decks at all until it is delt with.

A bit of the same but Long-Forgotten Gohei definitely fits, but you only have 6 spirit spells and no arcane spells, so you're only using half of it. Etchings of the Chosen is the same price but has an extra ability. You may just want to run both though?

The first thing for additions are the token doublers. These will really help you capitalise on your commander as they will act upon each instance. So instead of casting Triplicate Spirits and getting a rather underwhelming 3, you instead get 6. Then at the end of turn you get another 6... only this is doubled as well, instead of 3, you get 18.Mondrak, Glory Dominus and Anointed Procession are the standouts here, although they are pretty pricy in real world dollars.

Overall though, I feel your ways of generating tokens is very on theme, but not very sustainable. A key thing that you might have missed is that your commander generate spirits for each tokens you make, not spirit tokens. So Collector's Vault, makes a treasure token, free spirit. You have a huge amount of ways to make tokens but a lot of them are humans or other some such (Call the Coppercoats, Martial Coup) so they may not be on brand. Look into ways you can make those one or two treasure / clue / food tokens as you just otherwise play normally.

A conspicuous absence is any of the Teysas. Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts is expensive but fun. Teysa, Opulent Oligarch is much cheaper and synergises VERY well with your commander. Teysa, Orzhov Scion requires a bit more of the black/white spirits, but might still work very well. Teysa Karlov doesn't synergise super well, but has good abilities regardless and certainly isn't a bad pick. The Kaya planeswalkers also often deal with white black spirits as well as having a bit of control so they might be good to look at Kaya the Inexorable being the standout.

another fun card that is changed entirely by your commander Afterlife Insurance and having any method of sacrificing your spirits changes it from just saving those spirits, to doubling their amount. It would go well with Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim, but that starts to lean more into aristocrats than pure spirit tokens.

Another thing is that a lot of white ramp works well with bounce or sac land, you've got the obvious one but you might be able to increase it with Lotus Fieldfoil and Lotus Vale. Things like Land Tax is a staple for white, but even when you're just running Priest of the Blessed Graf they can help you make him work.

My final point is that you don't seem to have a good way of protecting your quite expensive commander. Your group might not place that big an emphasis on commanders, but it's more fun if she sticks around. There are the old standouts of Lightning Greavesfoil and Swiftfoot Boots, but there are a lot of options.

Tsukimi on Zinnia fun

2 months ago

I am building a custom commander who uses Offspring in Bant colors - some things I am waiting to hear the rulings later today on how they'd interact with the offspring mechanic (Kicker, X spells, evoke, etc.)

Some ideas that come to mind right away are clones like griffstick mentioned. I'm partial to Vizier of Many Faces because the Embalm ability is especially useful if you plan on doing any token synergy or token doubling which brings me to my next suggestions - Anointed Procession and Mondrak, Glory Dominus. Both are mono white and will double all of your offspring tokens.

The rest is up to you, you could go wide and deal auto ETB damage with the likes of Purphoros, God of the Forge, Impact Tremors etc. Or many many other directions. If you need any suggestions or input let me know

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