Mardu Strike Leader

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mardu Strike Leader

Creature — Human Warrior

Whenever Mardu Strike Leader attacks, create a 2/1 black Warrior creature token.

Dash (You may cast this spell for its dash cost. If you do, it gains haste, and it is returned from the battlefield to your hand at the beginning of the next end step.)

king-saproling on The Newspaper

1 year ago

Sure thing Benjimain! I think you picked a great partner pair. They offer the late-game resilence that Orzhov (WB) decks are known for while also enabling big combat damage which is rare in WB.

Here are some other swaps I would make:

Quag Sickness -> Plaguecrafter
Underworld Dreams -> Bitterblossom
Forever Young -> Black Market
Pick the Brain -> Grand Crescendo
Artificer's Hex -> Lightning Coils
Duress -> Rootborn Defenses
Pit Keeper -> Captain's Claws
Triad of Fates -> Haunted Library
Deathpact Angel -> Mardu Strike Leader
Mark of the Vampire -> Blight Mound
Confront the Assault -> Veteran Soldier
Primevals' Glorious Rebirth -> Spirit Bonds
Soul Salvage -> Militia's Pride
Alchemist's Gift -> Oketra's Monument
Lash of Thorns -> Wand of Orcus
Village Rites -> Grim Haruspex

to_regatha_and_beyond on Warrior Midrange

1 year ago

Good deck! I made a similar archetype a while back, though I didn't have the lifegain components as much.

You might want to play around with Glory-Bound Initiate, it has some really strong synergy with Herald of Dromoka. You're essentially attacking with a 4/4 lifelink every single turn, possibly even a 5/4, which is super powerful, even moreso if you can get double strike on it.

Mardu Strike Leader could be pretty helpful, though I concede it's a little bit slow for the gameplan you're using.

I would get rid of the Dutiful Attendants, you're already able to use Revival / Revenge to bring those creatures back at instant speed without having to wait for the Attendant to die, which is way more powerful.

Lastly, when you're working on building your sideboard, I would consider:

  • Despark, a good and cheap removal card for certain situations
  • Go Blank, a good tool against graveyard decks
  • Lifebane Zombie, a good tool against green and white that also comes on a warrior
  • Duress, a good way to fight combo decks

Good build so far, I'm excited to see where you take it!

magicbike on Isshin, Two Heavens as One

2 years ago

hey hey i took some out let me know wat you guys think

Mardu Strike Leader what i put in --->Curse of Disturbance Robber of the Rich------>Curse of Opulence Shiny Impetus---------->Hanweir Battlements  Meld Slayers' Stronghold--->Hanweir Garrison  Meld The Wandering Emperor------->Ilharg, the Raze-Boar

think this is a lot better

jamochawoke on

3 years ago

I like how the guy above this comment just casually strolls in and tells you to put in a bunch of moxen...

That said, warriors is one of my favorite tribes and I've made a ton of decks with them! Plus Najeela is such a badass commander! These are my suggestions that you haven't included and could serve as some better synergy with your deck than your non-warriors:

  • God-Eternal Oketra make huge 4/4 zombie warrior tokens on every warrior cast.

  • Oketra the True make warrior tokens and acts as a big beater itself.
  • Oketra's Monument tons and tons of warrior tokens.
  • Rush of Battle warrior themed overrun that gains you tons of life.
  • Herald of Anafenza gets bigger and makes warrior tokens at the same time.
  • Raiders' Spoils probably the best card draw you'll see for warrior tribal.
  • Gilt-Leaf Ambush elf warrior tokens with sometimes deathtouch.
  • Hunting Triad elf warrior tokens or modal +1/+1 counters.
  • Presence of Gond give a creature a tap for elf warrior token ability.
  • Lovisa Coldeyes more warrior lord buffs!
  • Obsidian Battle-Axe haste and auto-attach to warriors equipment!
  • Regna, the Redeemer and Krav, the Unredeemed act as a sac outlet and warrior token generation combo.
  • Lord Windgrace deck filtering, color fixing, and generation of a ton of cat warrior tokens
  • Great Hall of Starnheim gets you a 4/4 angel warrior token in a pinch
  • Base Camp cheap 5 color land for warriors
  • Starnheim Unleashed make a ton of 4/4 angel warrior tokens!
  • Emeria's Call  Flip make angel warrior tokens and give your non-angel warriors indestructible or make it a land
  • Ascent of the Worthy pretty fun tricks on this.
  • Firja's Retribution make a 4/4 angel warrior token and give angels destroy and double strike.
  • Battle for Bretagard make warrior tokens, then make copies.
  • Strangelove on WARriors

    4 years ago

    Hi Shayda!!!

    Dude those dragons are doing so well (when no one wipes them)!

    Did you want a similar deck? 'Cuz that's what you've got here... but I think you should lean into go-wide-aggro > midrange and play more 1-2 cmc creatures and move all your ramp to 2 (Rampant Growth, signets, etc).

    I'd also recommend Golgari Charm, Boros Charm, and Heroic Intervention.

    Tribal decks have so much flavor! Hope this helps, maybe we'll see it next weekend? :o

    Chandra585 on Card creation challenge

    4 years ago

    okay, a few things-first, TypicalTimmy, Parhelion II and Mardu Strike Leader don't help trigger battalion. Battalion triggers when creatures are declared as attackers. If a creature enters attacking, it was never declared as an attacker.

    hmm. a creature that shows progression through the golgari. lets try this:

    Rotsifter Recruit

    creature-human shaman

    whenever ~ enters the battlefield or attacks, put the top two cards of your library into your graveyard.

    as long as there are at least 5 cards in your graveyard, ~ gets +1/+1 and has deathtouch.

    As long as there are more cards in your graveyard than your library, ~ gets +3/+2, is a zombie in addition to its other types, and has menace and trample


    I want to see a creature that is a situational Bogle, with Bogle in this instance meaning a 1-drop creature with hexproof. Either it is only sometimes a one-drop, or only sometimes a bogle.

    Haruudry on Najeela Warrior Tribal EDH

    4 years ago

    Oh, and Vanquisher's Banner is to expansive, exchange that for Samut, Voice of Dissent in my opinion you want more Haste enablers. Exchange Chief of the Scale for Rushblade Commander. Personally I was never sold on Jazal Goldmane, his activation is to expansive. I'd prefer Lovisa Coldeyes, also Bramblewood Paragon is really strong. Probably better than Mardu Strike Leader. Another fun extra/infinite Combat Card is Breath of Fury but it is a litte more hit or miss. Oh yea, and ignore my Champion of Lambholt comment, I didn't see it... Overall I think you need more Carddraw. All effects like Raiders' Wake and Bident of Thassa are quite strong in this deck. In the end its your choice and which Cards you already have or are prepared to pay for. Hope I could help.

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