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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Creatures you control have haste.

Hypersayia9001 on The infinite Narset

4 days ago

Might I suggest Rising of the Day as a strictly better Fervor? You get the haste, and Narset gets and extra +1/+0.

TypicalTimmy on Eda, Mother of the Lost

1 week ago

That's how I play Magic, though. I look at cards as investments.

The way I construct a deck, each card should be able to stand on its own and extrapolate across the board with each new addition.

That's the philosophy between "combo" and "synergy". For example, Impact Tremors, Purphoros, God of the Forge, and Warstorm Surge may all stand on their own but extrapolate the pain when working in synergy with one another.

Then you extrapolate further with cards such as Scourge of Valkas, Dragon Tempest, Terror of the Peaks and Utvara Hellkite and suddenly you are the biggest threat at the table.

Run this with Lathliss, Dragon Queen and all of a sudden every single card becomes a stand-alone threat, all radically compounding the pain on top of one-another.

The reason I build decks like this is because if a single spell is countered, or I endure a boardwipe, that is okay because the very next spell I cast replaces what I've just lost.

I've actually dealt enough damage with boardstates like this to take down all three opponents at once from targeted and indirect damage, no to mention combat damage when you apply Fervor, Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded and Dragon Tempest.

Anyway, sorry for the tangent. Just explaining my own personal deck-building process and how I play.

Quickspell on Build a Deck with Me …

2 months ago

If I may add a few other notes to your thought process.

At this point, you are already on the track of using known combos and putting them into a Naya shell. There are many other combos that can go with this, you just need to tutor for them.

Note that haste is an important aspect to this. Zealous Conscripts is much better than Hyrax Tower Scout or Sparring Mummy for this reason, even though both have cheaper mana value. Without haste, your million tokens will just be board-wiped. You could argue for redundancy, but the truth is that tutors and recursion such as Eternal Witness and Skullwinder are much better, because they add to your strategy with more flexibility.

Most creature tutors are green non-creature spells that search for green creatures. However, you want to keep the amount of non-creature spells low, because Ghired's ability doesn't apply to them. But there are some great tutors that can help you find your pieces:

Most of these cards use ETBs. If you can give them haste - ideally with creatures - you can cast them, make use of their ETB, and directly tap them with Ghired for value. Anger comes to mind, Hellraiser Goblin is great (you won't be attacking, because you are going to tap your creatures with Ghired), Yarus, Roar of the Old Gods can be okay. As for non-creature spells, you have Mass Hysteria, Concordant Crossroads, Fervor, Rising of the Day. Though I would probably only consider Hammer of Purphoros as it can create tokens.

As for the token doublers, I'm not sure if they really fit the deck. Sure, they are staples for token strategies. But what's the point of making infinite tokens go double? Mondrak, Glory Dominus and Ojer Taq, Deepest Foundation  Flip will put a bounty on your head which is not a good thing in a combo-deck. You want to stay under the radar until you can go off.
Mondrak only doubles creature tokens, so you are not making more treasures. And the other doublers like Anointed Procession, Parallel Lives etc. will not tap with Ghired. Since you also want to put in all the other Naya-staple enchantments like Smothering Tithe and Guardian Project etc., you will just fill your deck with non-creatures that don't synergize with your commander.

Some cards worth mentioning are:
- Illusionist's Bracers - Cloudstone Curio (create a creature token, return a creature with an ETB to your hand). - Helm of the Host

TypicalTimmy on How is the New Ghalta …

6 months ago

As a Timmy, I can tell you I would absolutely blink him with Sneak Attack or Deadeye Navigator. And if you have something such as Elemental Bond, you can replenish your hand. If you have Fervor, you can swing en mass.

But, it's also going to mean you are public enemy number 1

If you don't build for that, you'd basically want to unload only what you need to secure a minor win in that position, and not lose your entire grip to something stupid

lhetrick13 on Ognis, the Hasty Collector

7 months ago

Spell_Slam - Thanks for the upvote and the comment/suggestions!

I had never consider Rampage of the Clans before as an offensive weapon but that has potential. This deck can generate an astonishing amount of treasure tokens in a single turn depending on the board state and that could be a finishing blow. I was considering adding in Displaced Dinosaurs for a similar effect. Mixed with Bootleggers' Stash I was thinking that could be pretty interesting!

Rhythm of the Wild is good, no doubt about it. A little more options that Fervor but no potential suicide drawbacks like Mass Hysteria. I do like Urabrask the Hidden, only drawback is the 5 CMC vs 2 or 3 for the two walls I am running. Dowsing Device  Flip I am not crazy about due to limiting its effectiveness to only a single creature. It can pump but pump is not generally what this deck needs with the amount of big dragons. Song of Totentanz is very interesting...had never thought of thought particular card. Other similar cards I considered but not that one..I will likely experiment with that!

For the mana ramp, I had considered less ramp spells for more creatures but in my experience, the only way to slow this deck down is by an early board wipe. Thus, I am willing to reduce the effectiveness of the deck with Ognis for more consistency. Ognis was more of a convenient commander that gave me access to the colors I wanted that had some synergy with the deck concept rather than being the central, pivotal piece the deck revolves around.

I had considered Xorn and Jolene, the Plunder Queen but could never find a slot for them in the deck. The abilities they provide are good but what to cut?!? Similar cards like Professional Face-Breaker and Grim Hireling not only produce treasure but also give me utility via card draw potential or removal at the expense of treasures. But you are correct, so many options!

For indirect damage, I did originally have cards like Reckless Fireweaver and Nadier's Nightblade present but again cut them to fit in other cards. I have a few copies of Mirkwood Bats and I like how it triggers on entry and leaving for both lifegain and drain...Maybe I will try to add in that for some flair!

Thank you again for taking the time to comment! Greatly appreciate the thoughts and gives me something to think about! The deck is already pretty hard to deal with and has a pretty good track record but it has been a while since I have tinkered with it :)

Crow_Umbra on

9 months ago

Brew discussions are one of my favorite aspects of MtG and EDH. I'll hop on Discord a couple times a month and talk with my best friend about our deck ideas. We end up chatting for a couple hours at a time as we deliberate on decisions lol.

I used to run Fervor until Rising of the Day dropped earlier this year.

  • Ogre Battledriver is also a great Haste and Power boost for your creatures that ETB.

  • A note with Elturel Survivors is that its +X buff is static, so that won't get doubled by Isshin. This is what allows the Myriad tokens to "see" the lands that your opponents control. So each Myriad copy will check for the number of lands its respective defending opponent controls.

  • If you do want a Menace anthem, Goblin War Drums is also an option for the same CMC as Pyreheart Wolf, but is a bit more removal resistant. Hard to pass up on those death touch anthems though.

  • If you like Adriana, Captain of the Guard, I'd recommend checking out Skyhunter Strike Force as a slighter CMC cheaper option, or as a redundant effect.

  • The tough thing with Lightning Runner is that it still has to attack over two turns to get the full 8 energy with Isshin on the board. Without him that gets stretched out to over 4 turns. I took a quick look at Cardkingdom, and the cheapest non-foil Aurelia is about $6.99.

  • The ETB group slug damage can get nasty once Isshin starts doubling up the token production on attacks, especially with Myrel. Some other budget effects are Corpse Knight and Witty Roastmaster. Purphoros, God of the Forge is still fairly out of budget, but a nice upgrade if you wanted to move that direction.

  • Hellrider, Commissar Severina Raine, and Brutal Hordechief are a nice suite of group slug damage that encourage you to swing with big boards. Commissar is also like a budget Skullclamp on a stick. Speaking of which, Skullclamp is a great draw piece for all your small token creatures, and should be under $10, depending on the printing.

  • I'm currently running 35 lands in my Isshin deck, along with the 3 Talismans, Sol Ring, Arcane Signet, Sword of the Animist, and some Treasure production in the form of Captain Lannery Storm, Professional Face-Breaker, and a handful of other Treasure producers.

As for the instants and sorceries, I tend not to suggest cuts as much there, since I think that's where more meta & playgroup specific tech decisions can be made. Generally speaking, I recommend cutting out single target sorcery speed removal, and saving those sorcery slots for board wipes & draw, Also try to make your instant speed removal be as target-versatile as possible to cut down on how many permanent-specific options you need to include. Here are a few thoughts I do have:

  • I'd suggest swapping Chaos Warp with Tibalt's Trickery. It's fun to catch people off guard with a red counter spell, and White & Black have a better go at removing the permanent types that Red typically can't. I think Chaos Warp is better if you're running a Red color combo that doesn't have access to Enchantment removal.

  • Terminate or Condemn can be cut or swapped with Soul Partition. Soul Partition is great since it can (temporarily) remove a troublesome nonland permanent, or save one of your own if needed. Sometimes the extra can throw off an oppoent's tempo if they really need to recast whatever you exiled, & sets them back a turn or two.

  • I think Vindicate can be replaced with Generous Gift and/or Stroke of Midnight. I think that making your suite of removal be as versatile as possible across a few cards can help you save multiple slots that are more specific/situational on what they can remove. The creature tokens created by Generous Gift & Stroke of Midnight are fairly low impact, & typically die in chump blocks or board wipes.

  • Mortify can probably replaced with Wear / Tear as an instant speed option that hits multiple targets.

  • If you want some instant speed draw, I'd recommend checking out Plumb the Forbidden. It's an excellent response to your opponents board wiping, and since you can create copies of it, the copies will dodge counter spells.

  • Fates' Reversal can probably be cut. Isshin doesn't really want single target recursion, and the Venture the Dungeon is better if you have other instances of Venturing to get its benefits. Lich-Knights' Conquest is a new option for mass recursion that you can throw some creature or treasure tokens into.

  • A little off track from the instants and sorceries, but I'd recommend swapping out Paladin Class and replacing it with Flowering of the White Tree. The Ward 1 can make your opponents look for easier targets to remove, & helps some of your more aggro Legends stick around.

Crow_Umbra on Isshin, Two Combats as One

10 months ago

Hi there! Have you had a chance to play the deck at all irl yet? I was also wondering what's the general focus you wanted to take your Isshin deck? Given his wording, he can do a lot with attack triggers, and from looking at your deck it looks like you're trying a bit of everything that he's capable of. If you're open to them, I have some suggestions:

  • Your mana curve is pretty top heavy, and without much ramp/mana acceleration beyond Sol Ring, Aracane Signet, Sword of the Animist, Capt Lannery Storm, Chromatic Lantern, Smothering Tithe, & Goldspan Dragon. If you wanted to speed up your play a bit, I'd recommend getting in a few more 2 mana rocks like Orzhov Signet & Talisman of Conviction, & some of the others in Mardu colors.

  • If you wanted to lean more into a token creature generation route, I'd recommend adding in Myrel and Brimaz, which are already in your Maybeboard, & maybed swapping them with Pathrazer of Ulamog & maybe one of your other high CMC creatures. I think trimming some of your higher CMC creatures ties in a bit to my suggestion from my bullet above.

  • Ankle Shanker could be a potential swap for Blade Historian, mostly because the death touch & first strike combo will make your board difficult to block.

  • I'd recommend cutting Cunning Rhetoric and swapping it with Rising of the Day or Fervor. Cunning Rhetoric was a card I cut fairly early on from my Isshin deck, and found the Haste anthems to be a lot more helpful for starting my aggro swings faster. Cunning Rhetoric is also in a kinda awkward spot where you kinda want to dissuade attacks, but it's not really enough of a deterrent; at least it wasn't in my meta.

  • I think you could swap Planar Cleansing for another board protection effect like Clever Concealment. Isshin really benefits from maintaining as much aggro momentum as possible, so it helps to keep your board as intact as possible. Additionally, Planar Cleansing is very single-color heavy for a 3 color deck.

  • On the topic of board protection, I'd highly recommend adding in Reconnaissance, as it's one of the best cards for any Isshin deck. The wording on Reconnaissance acts as a pseudo-Vigilance anthem, and can save your creatures from combat. This article from EDHREC better elaborates on the timing and how it works. This would really round out your board protection you already have with Dolmen Gate & Iroas.

I hope these suggestions are helpful. Would be happy to offer additional suggestions or ideas if you would like them. Best of luck with your deck, Isshin is a lot of fun!

WorldEater_42 on What do you have that I cannot obtain?

1 year ago

Great pickup, thanks Jimmithee. Will swap out Fervor.

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