Usher of the Fallen

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Usher of the Fallen

Creature — Spirit Warrior

Boast — : Create a 1/1 white Human Warrior creature token. (Activate this ability only if this creature attacked this turn and only once each turn.)

FelixCarter on You'll be Najello after I'm done with you

2 years ago

Cryptolith Rite, Nature's Will, Druids' Repository, and [Bear Umbra] will give repeatable combats. Nature's Will is a bit expensive, so keep Song of Freyalise instead. You can remove Battle for Bretagard, Goblin War Drums, and Mask of Avacyn to use the other three enchantments if repeatable combats is your goal. Otherwise, here are some other great additions:

Cathars' Crusade will make HUGE creatures very quickly. Brave the Sands gives the vigilance needed to take advantage of Cryptolith Rite or have blockers. Impact Tremors will cause lots of pain over time. Raiders' Spoils card draw on steroids. Something you are SORELY lacking.

Kaya, Geist Hunter a great addition that will mostly be used for her -2 ability. Rhythm of the Wild is a good card to be replaced since most of your creatures will be tokens, anyways. If you don't go with Kaya, Cathars' Crusade would probably be a better replacement for Rhythm of the Wild.

Trollbred Guardian and Hamza, Guardian of Arashin requires +1/+1 counters but you don't have very many +1/+1 counters in the deck to take advantage of this. You can remove them and instead use Mindblade Render and Oakhame Adversary for card draw. You need card draw.

Replace Mardu Shadowspear with Brutal Hordechief

Usher of the Fallen and Imperious Perfect are fairly underwhelming. Imperious Perfect is a little better, but I'd at least replace Usher of the Fallen with Rhys the Redeemed. Honestly, I'd use Ogre Battledriver over Imperious Perfect.

Rubblebelt Raiders is nice, but Champion of Lambholt will make your creatures unlockable just as fast.

Tuya Bearclaw and Hamletback Goliath get big, but they can be chumped VERY easily. Lovisa Coldeyes will buff all your tokens that are harder to chump. You could maybe keep the Hamletback Giant, but Zurgo Helmsmasher or Samut, Voice of Dissent is a good choice in your deck if you decide not to.

Blaring Captain and Blaring Recruiter are also very underwhelming. Chief of the Edge can easily replace the captain, and the recruit can be replaced be literally anything (my vote would be for Impact Tremors if you haven't added it already).

You have A LOT of mana ramp in your deck, but your lacking card draw and removal. I'd maybe remove the Diamonds and add two or three mana rocks that tap for one of any color. That'll give your deck 10-11 forms of mana ramp. If you add three, that'll give room for two forms of card draw. Reconnaissance Mission, Bident of Thassa, Skullclamp, and Vanquisher's Banner are great options.

Instead of Fracture, I recommend Despark. Mortify is a better Murder but can also be upgraded by switching to Utter End.

Replace Warped Landscape with Secluded Courtyard.

Be aware that you're sitting at only 30 lands. If you find your have a mana-base problem, I'd take out Radha, Heir to Keld, Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip, or ANY of the previously discussed cards and add 3-5 lands. Out of the lands you should also add, I recommend Savage Lands, Arcane Sanctum, Crumbling Necropolis, Jungle Shrine, Nomad Outpost, Mystic Monastery, Path of Ancestry, and Unclaimed Territory.

plakjekaas on If white isn't "allowed" to …

2 years ago

I did specify in the end my argument was constructed for Commander, because in 1v1 formats, you don't need to draw cards to win. I play mono white in Standard, and the advantage there is Usher of the Fallen (multiple creatures for just one card), Thalia, Guardian of Thraben (to keep the spell decks honest), Skyclave Apparition (premium removal that leaves a creature), Elite Spellbinder (taxing a spell you don't want to see, great tempo play on a 3/1 with evasion), Luminarch Aspirant (a must-answer creature that will run away with the game if you let it), a single Welcoming Vampire that barely ever loses summoning sickness, because literally every FNM opponent who plays against my deck doesn't want me to draw more, because my battlefield is annoying enough, and then post board, there's Archon of Emeria for when you're opponents are doing all the things and you need them to stop and Guardian of Faith to turn their boardwipes back into a 1 for 1. Practically all creatures have some mana- or card advantage built in without the words "draw a card" or "add a " written on. It's not obvious, but it's how white wins, that's why white is the underdog in commander, no matter how many colorshifted green/blue cards are added in commander to equalize the weaknesses, the good white cards are the nonobvious advantages like Ephemerate on your etb creature which blanks a removal spell on top of retriggering.

I don't really need to draw cards in Standard, it only dilutes the plan of tempoing out your opponent with efficient creatures to spend cards on it, and I'm pretty surprised people structurally kill the 1of Welcoming Vampire over any big Luminarch Aspirant or Elite Spellbinder, even when I threaten lethal next turn if I can remove their blocks.

McToters on Made for a friend

2 years ago

This is great!

Sole recs would be Steelshaper's Gift and Sunforger. The later would work with every instant you are currently running.

Audacious Reshapers and Goblin Welder would be more synergistic (I think) than Usher of the Fallen and Kargan Warleader.

Hope this helps your friend!

BioProfDude on Bro facts

2 years ago

Other than it being a 1 drop 2/1 creature, I'm not sure why you have Hotshot Mechanic in this deck when you have no vehicles? Dauntless Bodyguard, Dragon Hunter, Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip, Soldier of the Pantheon, or Usher of the Fallen all offer something for the same power/toughness and mana cost. Out of that list, I'd go with Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip or Dauntless Bodyguard, though the others are pretty decent as well.

I'd also consider Wild Slash as a possible burn spell to add.

Cool deck idea! +1 from me!

Corrosive_Cat on Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde

2 years ago

Metallic Mimic’s always a solid shout for tribal decks, and Usher of the Fallen is a fantastic aggro card, though this deck feels a little too controlling and slow for them perhaps.

I quite like Spectral Sailor here, but you likely don’t need it to be honest. Looks good!

zapyourtumor on Let's Party!

2 years ago

Sunseed Nurturer seems out of place and not very good

I like Norin and all the ETB effects - you could consider maybe putting in some of the Soul Sisters Soul's Attendant and Soul Warden for more etb payoff and upping the norin count. You could put these in if you cut Sunseed, Trueheart duelist, and Mangara.

Deck feels light on removal. You have many good options in RW, like Lightning Bolt and Path to Exile maindeck, and Rip Apart/Wear / Tear sideboard.

Speaking of the sideboard, it looks super iffy. Magus of the Moat sucks because you have no flying creatures? Relying on Angelic gift does not seem good. I would cut both. Usher of the Fallen is also pretty mediocre. I'd put in some more hate cards in the sb like grave hate, artifact and enchantment hate, tron hate, etc.

TheoryCrafter on Any advice? (Elspeth Token Surge)

2 years ago

The standard hub you had on this deck left me a little confused because most of your cards are not standard legal. If you want a standard Elspeth deck for FNM, May I suggest any combination of Elspeth, Sun's Champion, The Birth of Meletis and Inquisitive Puppet? Also you may want to consider instants and sorceries that create creature tokens including, but not limited to, Emeria's Call  Flip, Mascot Exhibition and Starnheim Unleashed? If you decide to go this route I completely concur on Razelfark's suggestions of Omen of the Sun and Rally the Ranks. All of these (except for Rally the Ranks) will help to feed your graveyard to feed Elspeth's escape ability. Usher of the Fallen's boast ability can help the create creature tokens. Maskwood Nexus andTeam Pennant will help to make the deck feel more like soldier and token tribals, respectively. This all should give you a foundation for a Standard legal Elspeth Deck until Innistrad: Hunter's Moon is released.

If, However, you prefer a format without rotation, then I'd suggest any combination of Oath of Gideon to create tokens and loyalty counters and Nomads' Assembly for a cheaper and more reusable option to Deploy to the Front.

I hope this helps. Happy Hunting!

Idoneity on The Pragmatist's Pet

3 years ago

As more cards are added to the game of Magic, each bearing the modern design philosophy that urge them to be relevant in near to all formats, there comes the time for a player to edit their decks.

I shall confess that I primarily dwell in the realm of Commander, but this is an argument that can be made for all methods of casting spellls. (Mostly Commander)

Within each set is a card that is fated to find a home in a specific archetype, yet this entails that another piece of the machine is removed. I have a mono-black discard deck built around Chainer , but they have since printed Tinybones , Tergrid  Flip, and Tourach . Each of these are more potent in the command zone, but Chainer is closer to my twisted heart and nocent at shackling my foes.

I have a Naya-lands list around Hazezon Tamar , but they have put forth into the world, Zacama and Obuun , but Hazezon offers nostalgia and tokens.

This especially pertains to the list below the commander, such as Murderous Rider over Hero's Downfall , Fierce Guardianship over Counterspell , Usher of the Fallen over Savannah Lions , and the list goes on for eternity. I enjoy adding asinine old artifacts to lists (see: Temporal Aperture and Phyrexian Portal ), yet felt as if I had no choice but to cut Moonring Mirror for Sevylun .

My query of this thread is when do players feel obliged to cut cards from lists despite any strong emotions towards maintaining their inclusion? When can the poignant piece of cardboard at last meet anguish? When does power eclipse pet?

Note: This is not a question of whether it is correct or not to snuff the asinine spell. Optimization is a separate topic than what is meant to be discussed here.

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