Brazen Freebooter

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Brazen Freebooter

Creature — Human Pirate

When Brazen Freebooter enters the battlefield, create a Treasure token. (It's a colourless artifact with ", Sacrifice this artifact: Add one mana of any colour.")

NicodaPico on Beckett Brass, Pirate Queen

3 years ago

i would take out Contract Killing and replace it with alot of cheaper two mana kill spells like Doom Blade or Heartless Act or Go for the Throat . for it's cost Prying Blade is just not that good. id also go up to at least 36 lands, 35 is way too low. Boarding Party , Brazen Freebooter , and Prosperous Pirates also seem pretty weak in the deck. But the deck has decent draw and removal/interaction, and alot of spells make treasures as a byproduct for flavorful ramp too which is great

Rishadan Cutpurse , Rishadan Footpad , and Rishadan Brigand might also be cool inclusions but they aren't from ixalan so i dont know if you want them for flavor reasons

thirteene on [黑] Marchesa's Infected Treasure

4 years ago

I know you have a ton of decks, but arcane signet and commanders sphere likely belong in every deck.

36 lands/4 mana rocks seems too high. General rule for me is 35 lands - 1 for every 2-3 mana rocks. This deck also has a low cmc and generates treasures so it seems like you are ~3 lands too high. I would start cutting the 5 color lands and if you bump your cmc up at all, consider adding signets for minimal ramp at the cost of a lands at a 1/3 ratio.

Castle Locthwain - low oppurtunity cost for high value. your deck is half black and this can get you back into a game where you run low on resources

Yawgmoth is a heavy combo card, I dont see a combo for him, he would likely be better in anafenza where you can combo with persist creatures and bolster and all that. the proliferate is powerful, but checkout the options under infect.
Brazen Freebooter Captain Lannery Storm Corsair Captain Dire Fleet Hoarder Pitiless Plunderer Prosperous Pirates Rapacious Dragon Sailor of Means - you already have enough draft chaff in the random infect creatures, revel in riches win is accomplished with a single board clear, or ~2 turns of attacking, they are not required for revel in riches.

If you wanna go revel in riches
Phyrexian Tower - sac outlet and fast mana. see also Westvale Abbey  Flip
Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch/Anger - lets you attack after a board clear
Mikaeus, the Unhallowed - this may be in another deck for flavor reasons, but basically makes all non humans immortal
Last One Standing - This basically a better damnation in rackdos. This should replace bontus last reckoning or just be an
additional board clear if you wanna go reanimator with mikaeus, hell even Nevinyrral's Disk is better than bontus
Phyrexian Scriptures ^ all those reasons, mild shoutout to Chain Reaction Blasphemous Act Spell Swindle/Storm the Vault  Flip/Brass's Bounty any of these will replace all of the draft chaff and free up some card slots
Curse of Opulence - ramps and duh
Hellkite Tyrant - likely in another deck, but consider it

If you wanna go infect
Karn's Bastion - proliferate the counters and infect counters
Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth + Filth - another way to get unblockable. Wonder/Levitation also make blocking hard
Tainted Strike - the best thing about this card, is the fact you can cast it on your opponents creatures. This also combos well with reach creatures like Judith, the Scourge Diva/Syr Konrad, the Grim allowing you to kill your opponents w/o attacking. Does not apply to Blood Artist because life lose does not deal infect damage.
Move Drana, Liberator of Malakir to the mainboard, shes too synergistic to leave behind
Warstorm Surge - deal infect damage without attacking Stalking Vengeance is a worse version
Sword of Truth and Justice - prolly the best sword for this deck.
Bident of Thassa//Coastal Piracy - unblockable means free cards
Open Into Wonder/Mogis's Marauder - moar unblockable
Guildmages' Forum - synergy land
planeswalkers go up a ton with proliferate, Chandra, Flamecaller is a board clear, filter and damage engine. you will pretty much be able to ult Dack Fayden the turn you cast him. Liliana, Dreadhorde General looks amazing in this deck. ulting Lukka, Coppercoat Outcast for the win? just lul
Geode Golem - consider him if you think you need marchesa for the deck to work
Cyclonic Rift - likely in another deck, but another way to go unblockable River's Rebuke/Profaner of the Dead budget options
the vivid lands work with proliferate

Vigean Graftmage - may be better in your twiddle deck, but you can do a number of infinite combos with this card if you wanna go that direction. not very recommended with your current build

RiotRunner789 on Queen's Treasury

4 years ago

Since Revel in Riches is such a core piece, you may want to consider Beacon of Unrest.

There has to be a better rate than Brazen Freebooter (which is 4mana for 1 treasure on a so-so body). Maybe Prying Blade,the newly printed Shiny Impetus, or the somewhat dangerous Trove of Temptation?

Crazyjala on Yoho, Yarr and Whatnot (WIP)

6 years ago

Solo-ras In Grixis ramp is hard to come by, look at Brazen Freebooter, Sailor of Means & Dire Fleet Hoarder as ramp, a small investment letting one play more another turn. In fact I am going to test adding treasure ramp to my The Locust God deck because it has a slight issue ramping up to him reliably.

Bou on EDH A Sting in the Tail

7 years ago

Hi Philigan87!

It's been a while since I worked on this deck and just recently dusted off the tappedout list. I initially didn't include Mikaeus because he was fairly expensive and I didn't know how much I wanted to do with Undying.

As for the land-searchers, when I threw this together I was more concerned with getting colors, that's why I didn't list Sol Ring, Thran Dynamo etc. as they produce colorless mana mostly. I've been thinking about picking this up again, so I'll review everything again.

The Altars might be very nice to get more mana, but Scorpio's ability can get pretty expensive so I don't think we can churn out an infinite combo with it very easily.. I think it would work if you happened to have something like Pitiless Plunderer as well, with Ashnod's Altar you'd get , and could use the treasure token for at least one of the required /. I don't think it can go infinite, but you can combo as long as there are creatures on the board. Probably, seeing as we have quite a lot of other -1/-1 effects that might kill stuff, as long as we somehow get colored mana from their death...

Sifter of Skulls, Pawn of Ulamog and Pitiless Plunderer would give enough colored mana to keep repeating the combo, but sifter and pawn require the creature to be a non-token.

Carrier Thrall, Gleaming Barrier, Iron Myr, Leaden Myr would in this setup, give plenty of mana.

Bog Initiate would allow you to filter the colorless mana into colored mana.

Priest of Gix, Priest of Urabrask, Emrakul's Hatcher or Brazen Freebooter would work but they need to have a way to be brought back, persist or undying would work here.

So it might be possible to go infinite, but you'd need a lot of cards in play to combo off. Sac outlet for mana, treasure or eldrazi tokens for colors, revival though undying or pesist..

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