Phyrexian Scriptures

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Phyrexian Scriptures

Enchantment — Saga

(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)

— Put a +1/+1 counter on up to one target creature. That creature becomes an artifact in addition to its other types.

— Destroy all nonartifact creatures.

— Exile all cards from all opponents' graveyards.

dnthymamai on Urza's Iron Alliance

3 months ago

Nice artifact deck!

I would suggest you think about some of these cards:

  • Super winning condition: Masterful Replication! Its second mode can turn all your artifacts (pesky 1/1 fliers and artifact lands included) into your best creature. That can be a Construct that Urza makes (or Bronze Guardian, etc). This way all of your "useless" artifacts can turn into death machines of extreme power or double strike. Plus, you can also save your whole board when the enemy casts Wrath of God by turning every one of your creatures into a Darksteel Citadel if you are lucky to have it on board.

DreadKhan on BBEG Deck Ideas

9 months ago

I feel like you could also look into running a lot of wipes, stax or other salt inducing things, such that the deck will naturally end up the archenemy and everyone will unite against them. Do the other decks compete with one another? If so, something that does Goad or Goad-like effects would be cool. TBH, if I had to pick a commander to try out as an Archenemy type deck, I'd be very tempted to go with Kresh the Bloodbraided. 5 mana for a 3/3 isn't very spicy, but he quickly can get very, very out of hand, it's not unusual for you to do something like Mandate of Abaddon or Phyrexian Scriptures and then one shot people one at a time with your gigantic Kresh. Lots of cards synergize with Kresh, ranging from Grim Feast and anything that works with/is Rite of the Raging Storm. Big Goad effects like Disrupt Decorum and Spectacular Showdown also add a nasty surprise, and Insurrection is a great turn-around-is-fair-play type effect for an Archenemy. You can even make the deck on the cheap using stuff like Fleshbag Marauder (there are a bajillion at this point, especially if you'll pay 4 for a 4 power one), these generate a lot of power if you also have Savra, Queen of the Golgari (or something similar) out. Pestilence and similar effects are very good in here, they let you both clear out weenie blockers while also pumping Kresh ever bigger by winnowing away the chaff. Kresh will quickly crush everyone, you just need to add fun stuff like evasion or trample to make his immense power count. If you build this right it should be quite scary to play against, and the odd Fling can be a nice way to punish the players for killing Kresh.

Another great option might be Sauron, the Dark Lord, the more the party does the bigger the 'threat' gets, and it's almost impossible to remove Sauron. It's easy to sneak in some powerful Changelings to work as a better base army, but the whole 'orc army' thing is in and of itself very stereotypical in D&D. I like Grixis because you get Blue, meaning you have access to the odd counter. In particular I'd look into stuff like Stronghold Machinist, effect-on-a-stick creatures are good for an Archenemy because they tend to soak up the opponent's cards, even something like Royal Assassin is card advantage over time. Since the Army can get pretty big you can use Voltron stuff with it, and if you use Anthems (Berserkers' Onslaught, Dauthi Embrace, and Whip of Erebos come to mind) they'll work on both the Army and Sauron, which is cool Big Bad energy for the deck.

Mortlocke on The Song of Phyresis

1 year ago


After doing enough goldfishing I feel that most of, if not all of the changes were the right move. I have no qualms about cutting Grateful Apparition as i'm certain i've added more than enough additional proliferation sources that also provide more cohesion to the main Poison theme. White Sun's Twilight will hopefully fill the gap of being the one sided mass removal I can rely on. The deck previously ran Winds of Abandon and before that Phyrexian Scriptures - each spell gave me mixed results. Winds of Abandon would always ramp my opponents so far ahead it almost seemed like a bad play more often than not - especially against token builds. Phyrexian Scriptures would rarely fail to clear the board but was basically a Damnation with extra steps. The problem is that both of the previously mentioned would rarely leave me in a position to advance my boardstate as Poison sources are mostly creature based.

SilencedDax on Phylactery lich: a Rule 0 …

1 year ago

DreadKhan love your ideas!

The Nesting Grounds it's amazing to keep it safe!

I never thought about proliferate, that could be great with moving the phylactery counters around, althoug I think you'll have to commmit the deck to it to get a great benefit, maybe with some kind of +1+1 voltron strategy or something similar. I 'll think more about it.

Decree of Pain, Necromantic Selection, those kind of wanky junky black cards it's what i really like, like Last Laugh and Withering Wisps. About Phyrexian Scriptures, Damnation and other boardwipes are great!

I've never thought of Pestilence+deathtouch/lifelink counter! It sounds amazing!! To clear the board it is great to, and your lich the only thing alive, I'll look for similar cards. I knew the Blood combo you said, It's great and works amazing with the cards you said! In my playgroup we try to avoid it any combo so I cannot put it in, but I love it. Great synergy too with those amazing lands!

Great those ideas to prevent the lich to be stolen!

In my playgroup we have too some budget restrictions to try to balance deck, I'll try to fit the expensive lands in it!

I have though that we can include some zombie interaction like Call to the Grave that seems amazing and full of flavour 'cause liches are trying to escape dead.

And some artifact mutation like Biotransference or Liquimetal Torque and the other one that do the same on some great indestructible creatures.

Another ideas: Assault Suit to avoid sacrifice the lich, and Conjurer's Closet to put more phylactery counters, and other blink cards

DreadKhan on Phylactery lich: a Rule 0 …

1 year ago

Hope I'm not getting to carried away with this brainstorming, but here's what I thought up.

You could also use Nesting Grounds if you like the idea of putting your Phylactery Counter somewhere safer, but an Indestructible artifact is already pretty durable, and there are many of those kicking around.

If you end up using Proliferate for counters, you could look at Subterranean Hangar, it's a good 'land', but you almost want to run extra lands with it, it plays like a ramp source rather than a true land. Bottomless Vault also exists, but this is a much harder to use card that isn't as budget friendly. Both are good with Proliferate effects or big splashy effects, I gather you don't like Hailfire or Exsanguinate, but what about weirder stuff like one of the many big mana Wipe Plus cards that Black gets, stuff like Decree of Pain or Necromantic Selection, I think you can find others like Phyrexian Scriptures or even Damnation because it'll miss your Commander.

I feel Pestilence might be amazing, it's much better if you can give it Lifelink or Deathtouch, usually via a Counter that Nesting Grounds moved (Boot Nipper, Scavenged Brawler, Unbreakable Bond, Unexpected Fangs, Call of the Death-Dweller, Evolved Sleeper, or Void Beckoner, some of those seem solid actually), but even without either it's a great effect to clear out weenies, and your Commander keeps it around pretty consistently. Also very good with Pestilence is Exquisite Blood (paying B to gain 2 life and make 3 opponents each lose 1 sounds very playable), which combos with Sanguine Bond if you want a combo that has independently useful pieces. Blood and Pestilence and your Commander would be nuts with Cabal Coffers and Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, and I love how all of that is just stuff that you want to be doing anyway. Hangar and Vault are also useful with Pestilence.

I suspect you might want to look at some free sacrifice outlets to use incase your Commander is going to be stolen or hit by an Out of Time type effect in the event that you build around them more. Black has great outlets in addition to access to Altars. There is also Command Beacon to get Phylacter Lich back if people steal it.

multimedia on Urza, CEO of Machines

1 year ago

Hey, good upgrades to the precon, what you've done so far.

How do you want to win? Determining the main strategy you want to play can help to keep good cards for that strategy and cut unnecessary cards. If you're wanting to keep precon level budget then doing combat damage with Constructs and Commander damage with Urza are directions to consider. Research Thief and Bident of Thassa are excellent budget cards if you want to be attacking with Constructs. Making Urza an artifact makes him a reliable source of Commander damage, but this means including effects to make Urza an artifact.

You have Urza, Lord High Artificer, he's a combo wincon, but to use him as a wincon you'll want to add other cards and more ways to assemble the combo. Drawing cards from Constructs doing combat damage to opponents is a good alternative to playing expensive price tutors to get combo pieces in your hand.

You have Tezzeret, Master of the Bridge, you don't really need Mycosynth Golem especially not for it's price tag. You don't need this Tezzeret either, but if you have it might as well play it. The first cuts to consider are lands since 41 lands is a lot when the strategy here are artifacts. Consider cutting 6 lands? Lands that always ETB tapped and are worse then others that also do this. If you feel you need more mana then add mana sources (rocks, dorks) not lands.

The Bounce lands and Scry lands are worse always ETB tapped lands then Tri lands, Bridges, etc.

Some advice for more cuts is choose the top 20 creatures here, top 10 artifacts and top 10 other nonland cards. By choosing the best cards then you can cut a huge chunk away of lesser cards.




For upgrading it's easier to get an established list that's not 99 cards then have a list that's way over 99 cards. Really any 0-3 drop artifact creature who can make some value to take advantage of Urza artifact creature affinity or any 0-2 drop mana rock for more ramp can fill unfilled deck spots.

Good luck with your deck.

DawnsRayofLight on Muldrotha reanimator 2.0

1 year ago

It's expensive, but Jeweled Lotus is amazing in Muldrotha. You can fetch it with Urza's Saga and recur it.

Speaking of Sagas, they're amazing in muldrotha, I run The Cruelty of Gix, Binding the Old Gods, The Phasing of Zhalfir, Phyrexian Scriptures, and I am testing out The War in Heaven. Those probably would work better than Oblivion Stone.

38 lands is a bit high, you can probably get away with 34-35, even 33 if you're willing to invest in Mana Crypt and Mana Vault.

In my hands, Muldrotha has been running better as a combo cEDH list. I have tried to build it other ways and it was honestly either too slow or too samey to my Zegana and Miirym lists. I think combo would work better, Muldrotha loves self mill and that can act as a sort of turbo way to draw through your deck.

If you're wanting to stick to ramp, you're going to need to speed it up

A good ramp package I use in U/G and U/G/X lists, tweaked for Muldrotha:

1 drop: 1-3

Sol Ring

sometimes Birds of Paradise and other related mana guys

for Muldrotha: Expedition Map and Wayfarer's Bauble will do wonders

2 drop: ~6

Arcane Signet

Bloom Tender: I play this in almost every 3+ color list


Three Visits

Nature's Lore

Muldrotha Specific: Sakura-Tribe Elder, Skull Prophet, Rootcoil Creeper

3 drop: 1-2

Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath: hilarious to recur every turn

Cultivate, Harrow, Springbloom Druid are all good too

You will also want some more heavier hitters up top, generally, in ramp heavy decks I will run anywhere from 8 to 15 (depending on how well I ramp). I want to be able to have a big finisher and keep them going in Ramp lists (you can see these 2 to see what I mean: Nature's Revenge (not recognized by brackets for some reason) and Baby Dwagon Ehhhhhh?, both are very powerful and keep the pressure up, I rarely have an issue with either too many big guys and not enough ramp.

Sire of Stagnation

Toxrill, the Corrosive

Koma, Cosmos Serpent

I've been loving the ancient dragons

The other Jin-Gitaxias is also pretty potent

Here is my list if it helps give any ideas to help yours: The Circle of Life


Massacre Girl= Primaris Eliminator

Noxious Gearhulk= Necron Deathmark

The Eldest Reborn = The War in Heaven

I don't think I have put the combos down in the description yet but I can explain them if you want to know. Hope this helps!

DawnsRayofLight on Graveyard Shift (Muldrotha)

1 year ago

It may seem janky, but many of the sagas work well in Muldrotha

Phyrexian Scriptures

The Cruelty of Gix

The Phasing of Zhalfir

2 of the above are recurring board wipes

Perpetual Timepiece for protection and more mill

Hermit Druid can help the turbo aspect of the deck, especially if you play Thassa's Oracle and related cards

Jeweled Lotus Is helpful for casting/recasting Muldrotha

Some other combos you could consider:

Mikaeus, the Unhallowed and Melira, Sylvok Outcast combo well with persist creatures like River Kelpie, Woodfall Primus, Glen Elendra Archmage, Putrid Goblin, and Puppeteer Clique as infinite sac targets.

Melira also works with Devoted Druid for infinite mana

Mikaeus also combos with Walking Ballista (and a sac outlet) or Triskelion

Walking Ballista is a good outlet for infinite mana as is Finale of Devastation

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