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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
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Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Bog Witch
Creature — Human Spellshaper
(Black), Tap, Discard a card: Add (Black)(Black)(Black) to your mana pool.
Oof_Magic on I think this is the …
1 year ago
Honestly, I can't tell.
Thoughtpicker Witch is a wizard. Sedgemoor Witch is a warlock. Bog Witch is a spellshaper. Spiteflame Witch is a shaman. Who the hell knows anymore.
legendofa on Crazy Pappy
1 year ago
This looks like a lot of fun! Contingency Plan and Taigam's Scheming let you surveil 5 to dig deeper into your deck. Bog Witch can get you up to six mana faster while filling your graveyard. Since power is the main focus, rather than abilities, Ulamog's Crusher is the weakest option here. How much do the single Forest and Reclaim help?
DreadKhan on Teysa pale booby
2 years ago
If you want a cheap source of bodies, Haakon, Stromgald Scourge can reanimate any knights, including Changelings. If you Final Parting for Haakon into the Yard and Nameless Inversion you can recast Inversion for 1B as many times as you want, potentially killing lots of stuff. If you use Haakon, you should look at ways to discard him incase you draw into him. I have run Avenger en-Dal to decent effect. Bloodsoaked Altar is a sneakily good card if you can stand to discard. Body Snatcher isn't super-cheap, but it's a ton of value and can discard Haakon. Bog Witch can turn any card into a Dark Ritual, which helps since your deck has a lot of Black costs. Devout Witness is handy if you don't want to run Disenchant because you need more creatures. Icatian Crier makes 2 bodies fwiw. Skirk Ridge Exhumer makes nifty bodies. The Restoration of Eiganjo Flip not only makes bodies and discards, it also can recur something small, it can even ramp you if you recur a land. Undertaker is much cheaper than Tortured Existence, it's not as good but it's still solid. This isn't an exhaustive list, but these are some options if you want to try out Haakon.
If you use Haakon and something like Pawn of Ulamog or Sifter of Skulls, a sac outlet and Universal Automaton to get infinite death triggers. If you use a Knight that costs B to cast, there is Bog Initiate to fix. There are better things you can do than this, but this is pretty budget. If someone tries to exile your combo pieces, you can always sacrifice them to send them to your graveyard instead.
Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire is a pretty reasonable tutor, and if you need to, you can find an effect for someone else to use (hopefully to your benefit, like a board wipe or removal spell). Eye of Vecna is nice cheap card draw. Strands of Night is a cheap repeatable recursion source, something that is worth a look. Casting of Bones is pretty solid draw if you can count on having creatures you want dead, 3 cards is a lot for 3 mana.
Epicurus on An Actual Ninja Phoenix Deck
2 years ago
Looks very interesting.
Consider Mortuary Mire to add to the land base. And maybe Bog Witch for ramp.
And surely a lot of other stuff, but I wouldn't want you to detract from your theme to fit them all in.
Also, though, you accidentally put plains on the list instead of swamps.
Epicurus on Mentally Screw With Your Friends [Negan Primer]
3 years ago
Hi there!
First, I have thought that Priest of Forgotten Gods has been undervalued ever since the first time I saw her, so I'll suggest that for sure. Same goes for Bog Witch, Culling the Weak and Innocent Blood.
Next, don't know if you're into the whole Karmic Guide + Reveillark combo (I, myself, intentionally avoid going infinite if I can help it), but I'll drop that here anyway. If you spoke to that in the description, I apologize. I just skimmed through that and might have missed something.
Finally, some more pricey cards worth mentioning that are not in your Maybeboard are Luminous Broodmoth, Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker and Pitiless Plunderer.
MrKillStar on Syr Konrad EDH
4 years ago
Lhurgyof - I would personally keep those cards away from Syr Konrad and use them in deck with
K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth
Vilis, Broker of Blood
, etc... also from the new set:
Profane Transfusion
(I know this is few months old comment, so you probably know about it already).
nieds - I see you already got a lot of really good cards, I'll just type some of them that I cut out since they're kinda meh in this kind of deck below. Anyway, you can check my Syr Konrad's deck here: For the Void. Im still switching few cards, explaining why I chose every card in the deck description, etc. I decided to go with mix of reanimator+aristocrats with several infinite combos. So I would welcome any feedback aswell and you might get some inspiration right there! :)
Some cards I would cut and why:
Loxodon Warhammer
- is good in voltron / attack based decks, but here it looks like a random card that can gives you some life back (which black/other artifacts can do just better than lifelink artifact), but for 6 mana its meh. You could replace it with
, which is three times mana cheaper and provides you with another utility ability. Or simply
Bontu's Monument
as another pseudo mana rock that also gives you a bit of life.
Sensei's Divining Top
- I know SDT is amazing on its own, but I wouldnt personally bother with it, unless you would go for the Aetherflux Reservoir + Bolas's Citadel + Sensei's Divining Top
combo. I would switch it for either
Viscera Seer
(as another free sac outlet), or my choice for my deck was
Shadows of the Past
(with any infinite creature generator+sac and Bolas's Citadel, you can just "tutor" and cast whatever you want from top of your deck - think I explained it in my deck's description already or I add it sometime later).
Painful Quandary
- Again, good card, just doesnt fit that well in my opinion. Goes well with
Archfiend of Despair
but thats probably about it. I would rather put it in some discard focused deck. Instead of this, card like
Morality Shift
would be really cool for sure. Or cards like
Forever Young
Death Denied
to proc Syr Konrad's ability and recast them with Bolas's Citadel + another card draw sources. Or you could also stick to enchantments liie
Haunted Crossroads
(parts of my infinite combos).
4) From planeswalkers I would personally keep only
Liliana of the Dark Realms
(to help with land drops and deck thining) and
Tevesh Szat, Doom of Fools
(creates more tokens than Lilianas, decent card-draw and punish opponents for letting you -10 him). Other Lilianas are not bad for sure, just either slow or not that fascinating as they seems to be. Karns are just out of place.
Cards I would put in for sure:
Tortured Existence
- even on its own, it triggers Syr Konrad's ability twice and only for everytime! As you might already know, I use it with
Phyrexian Altar
Desecrated Tomb
to make infinite etb/die/sac triggers.
Bog Witch
- discarding (creature) cards to trigger Syr Konrad's ability; is basically
Dark Ritual
on a stick which you could use to
Animate Dead
right after. Also is 1/1, so another target for your
Doom Whisperer
- big good stuff with ability to filter your deck and put creatures directly from your library into the graveyard.
Haunted Crossroads
- even on its own, its great way to get your creatures back (on top of library for Bolas's Citadel), next to
Phyrexian Reclamation
Emergence Zone
- simply to give your spells Flash when you would need them, really nice utility land (similar is
Winding Canyons
but only for creatures, so eh).
Malakir Rebirth
Flip - cheap way to "protect" your creature, triggering Syr Konrad's ability or another land if needed.
Tainted Strike
- absolute game winning beast card with Syr Konrad and either any creature/sac generator, boardwipe with 10+ creatures on board, or discard/mill cards.
Diabolic Intent
- you got plenty of token generators, so this is just mana-cheap tutor.
Feed the Swarm
- more ways to deal with enchantments and creatures.
I hope some of this will help and you like some of those cards! :)
4 years ago
Hello fellow Legacy aficionado!
My own collection of decks mostly consist of what I identify as "casual," which is to say that by tournament legality definitions they are predominantly Vintage or Legacy, but I don't own any power nine or otherwise incredibly costly cards so they're not necessarily competitive in those formats.
Having said that, I own an old-school reanimator deck (my usual reanimation target in which is Tidal Kraken, because it puts a clock on the game), and in mine, the sure-win, first turn combo is Dark Ritual into Entomb and Exhume. I'm sure you're familiar with that move.
The biggest - and maybe only - difference between my deck and this one is that mine is mono-black. So I'm using Hidden Horror, Vampire Hounds and Bog Witch for self discard. Faithless Looting seems like a more effective choice, I wonder looking at your deck if the problems of operating in, effectively, 3 colors is justified in the resultant effectiveness.
Mind you, I'm running Hell's Caretaker and Victimize with some Nether Shadows and Nether Traitors, so maybe they're enough different of decks that I shouldn't be comparing them like I am.
Sorry, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I have been playing the same deck for twenty years, and had never considered that the construction of it could be different and somehow better, until looking at yours. So, thanks for that. At some point maybe I'll add my deck to the site, and perhaps you'll see it.
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