Sky Diamond

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sky Diamond


Sky Diamond enters the battlefield tapped.

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Profet93 on Empress Stealina

2 months ago


  1. Grafted Exoskeleton - What is the purpose of this?
  2. Puppet Strings - Do you have enough mana to reliably abuse this?
  3. Vedalken Shackles - One of my favorite artifacts for mono blue. But given you only run 15 islands, is this impactful?
  4. Terrain Generator - Same question as above
  5. Ramp - I have/had a mono blue theft deck. The issue is the high cmc of theft cards. Do you feel you might be better served by swapping some of the above cards with additional ramp pieces to more quickly use your commander as well as other theft spells?

On that above note....

Sky Diamond/Arcane Signet/Thought Vessel (?)/Mind Stone/Worn Powerstone

RiotRunner789 on Void Shatter's Thousand Virulent Cuts: A.K.I.

2 months ago

Yes, Ghostly Touch and Hidden Strings can tap or untap (useful politically) your opponents lands.

On ramp/Mana rocks: Most decks have at least a few but it depends on how it plays. You are only running 31 lands and (I think) two Mana dorks, and 1? Mana rock which is low. However, your average CMC is 2.66 which is also pretty low. I'd add a Sapphire Medallion if you have one laying around. Otherwise it should be fine. When you play it, if you seem to get Mana screwed too often then add Sky Diamond, Midnight Clock (great at refilling your hand) or other 2 cost rocks but you shouldn't need to many with how cheap everything in your deck is.

Profet93 on Kira the Thief

8 months ago

Mind Stone - Ramp when you need it, draw when you don't.

Sky Diamond - Almost as good as arcane signet

Maybe Sceptre of Eternal Glory - Easy to pull off. While it doesn't get you early game ramp, given your high avg cmc, some late game ramp can't hurt.

Gilded Lotus - Similar to above.

NV_1980 on Your Soul, IS MINE! *PRIMER*

10 months ago

Thanks for the comment and upvote Coogi. Lotus could be fun. It can even be recurred with Academy Ruins after use. It would replace Sky Diamond if it goes in. I'll give it some thought.

Dencoan on Spirit Squad building

1 year ago

For Ramp:



SemjonsDad on Toxrill

1 year ago

Dimir Signet, Mind Stone, Prismatic Lens, Arcane Signet, Charcoal Diamond, Coldsteel Heart, Corrupted Grafstone, Ebony Fly, Fellwar Stone, Fractured Powerstone, Guardian Idol, Liquimetal Torque, Obsidian Obelisk, Sky Diamond, Star Compass, Talisman of Dominance, Thought Vessel - Those are the viable 2 cmc mana rocks (Everflowing Chalice could also be played for 2 mana, but also scales more into the later stages due to Multikicker) Moonsnare Prototype and Springleaf Drum are 1 cmc but require a creature/artifact which you could tap to produce 1 mana. Sol Talisman and Mox Tantalite are also relative cheap in price.

For Land ramp, there arent that many options in Dimir, but here are the ones I would consider - Lantern of Revealing: 3 cmc Rock, that can ramp later Wayfarer's Bauble: The classic Dreamscape Artist: 2 CMC creature, that turns each card in your hand into Harrow Druidic Satchel: Not guarantees a land but not completely without value Navigation Orb: Bauble but slower Myriad Landscape: Land that fetches 2 Lands

Revel in Riches as an enchantment as is Black Market but that is kinda slow and comes relatively late Those are my suggestions for Ramp. Hope you find them helpful and GL with the deck :)

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