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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Creatures you control have flying.

Optimator on The start of my villain arc

8 months ago

Phyrexian Swarmlord seems really good with your commander. Might be a mandatory inclusion!

Dolmen Gate or Levitation might be good for all the attacking you'll be doing. Depends on how aggro the deck ends up though. A decent amount of your attackers have evasion already. Champion of Lambholt was a brilliant inclusion.

Maybe Steelbane Hydra for removal? SHould be good with your proliferate strategy

Azoth2099 on So basically dimir Talrand

8 months ago

Yeah, I suppose that was a rude way to say that, I apologize.

Once this deck is streamlined, you'll have more than enough token generation to slot Diabolic Intent, especially considering that one of your main combos is Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter. Sacrificing a token so that you can make infinite tokens is worth it.

Also, the utility offered by Black Market Connections here is insane. If you don't want to throw a bunch of life into it once it's served it's purpose you can just pay 1 for a treasure, which is fantastic. The tokens it generates are Changelings as well, which matters a lot if we're talking about quickly getting to the 9. Never be afraid to use your life as a resource, especially in color combos including . You're kicking yourself by doing so! The more powerful and dialed in your decklist is, the more powerful your life will be as a resource, I cannot overstate this.

If you don't want to police the table for fun's sake...that's awesome lol, you're probably super fun to play with! In that case, I'd add more cantrip effects for yourself like Ponder, Brainstorm, Serum Visions, Opt...There's a ton. Windfall, Tolarian Winds, Sign in Blood & Night's Whisper would do great in this new hypothetical card draw pack, too.

As far as what I'd cut to make room for more core strength, here it goes:

Teferi's Veil, Levitation, Cover of Darkness, Glamdring, Maskwood Nexus, Uncovered Clues, Pieces of the Puzzle, Worn Powerstone, Metallurgic Summonings, Quantum Misalignment, Decoy Gambit & Soul Shatter.

None of these are bad cards per se, I definitely understand why you slotted most of them, but if you replace them with some of the cards I mentioned your deck engine will run a lot smoother a lot more often.

multimedia on Muldrotha: Budget Elemental Tribe!

1 year ago

"I need to prioritize achieving the board state prerequisites my deck requires to function well, then focus on getting the biggest bang for my buck on the stuff that Muldrotha can do by supplementing her abilities." Bingo, well said, that's the direction to go.

The color pie here is majority green, but in three color deck that doesn't mean all basic Forests. Yes, you're right basic Forests should take up most of the lands, but you still want to balance the other colors. On a budget it's difficult to have a balanced ratio of color sources because good dual lands are so damn expensive, but even on a budget you can get closer to balanced.

You really need minimum 1x basic Island and 1x basic Swamp to help with color fixing for land ramp effects that let you search for a basic land. 31-15-15 is current ratio here of color sources, you can afford to cut a few basic Forests for basic Islands and basic Swamps.

Animate Dead is an excellent card upgrade, good choice, it's one of the best single reanimation in all of Magic and it's a permanent for great interaction with Muldrotha. Primal Rage isn't really needed here because you have a much better enchantment trample source in Garruk's Uprising. Wonder could replace Levitation? Wonder is great with self-mill and when you have effects such as Jarad's Orders that can tutor for it putting right into your graveyard. It also helps that you have many effects to search for a basic Island.

If you're only playing 1v1 with this deck then adding Planeswalkers can be good. Planeswalkers lose a lot of playability in multiplayer Commander because you have many opponents who will attack them. 1v1 is different, protecting Planeswalker from only one opponent is easier and if successful the Planeswalker can run away with the game. The problem with Master Chef here is it doesn't do anything until your ready to cast Muldrotha. You can do better than a three drop that relies on a six drop to get any value at all.

If you're having problems with opponents attacking you these are great options, budget one drops if you need to prevent opponent from doing combat damage to you. In 1v1 these can shut down your opponent from attacking as long as you control Mudrotha to cast them for one mana from your graveyard on your turn, each turn.

Consider adding more board wipes? Night Incarnate is good, but it's the only board wipe here. The idea with Frog and Grass as well as more board wipes is to delay the game long enough to get Muldrotha online with protection. When that happens Muldrotha can help to recover permanents that the board wipe removed. This theoretically gives you an advantage because your opponent will most likely not have as good as recovery that Muldrotha provides.

Pernicious Deed, Nevinyrral's Disk, Blast Zone are board wipes that are permanents so they can be repeatable with Muldrotha. These wipe a lot from the battlefield, yours and opponents, but they don't destroy lands. If you choose to play these then land ramp: Sakura-Tribe Elder, Font of Fertility, Farseek, Nature's Lore, Harrow, etc. should take priority for ramp over mana rocks/mana dorks. You can activate these at instant speed, but before you do that they're deterrents that sit on the battlefield staring at opponents preventing them from casting nonland permanents.

Kaya's Ghostform is powerful with Muldrotha because it's a one drop permanent that can revive the destroyed or exiled enchanted creature or Planeswalker. In 1v1 Ghostform on Muldrotha makes your opponent spend a lot of resources to remove Muldrotha. Slap this on any other Elemental before Muldrotha especially an Elemental who has an ETB ability. Ghostform pairs well with your board wipes. With Golgari Charm regeneration all creatures you control survive your board wipes.

legendofa on Noob needs help with merfolk

1 year ago

Welcome to the club, Mr-Jolly!

What kind of budget do you want to work with? Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca works very well with cards that let you untap more frequently, like Merrow Commerce and Seedborn Muse. Including Colossal Whale and Sea-Dasher Octopus suggests a more aggressive deck that wants to attack regularly, so if you want to go in that direction, cards like Levitation, Coastal Piracy, and other ways to make your creatures unblockable and attacking more profitable might be useful.

Ultimately, how do you want to win? Are you looking for an aggressive attacking deck, a combo deck, a more defensive control deck, or some combination of those? Merfolk are pretty versatile and flexible, so Kumena has a lot of options available.

griffstick on Commanders worth brewing (kamigawa neon …

2 years ago

I think tokens are the way to go. Trading tokens for big stuff. Think the Myriad mechanic. Blade of Selves, Banshee of the Dread Choir, and Broodbirth Viper. Other cards like Bitterblossom, and Thopter Spy Network, trad these cards in for the biggest nastiest creatures.

These are good for starters to choose from for cheating in value.

Also dimir has all the evasion. Cards like Dauthi Voidwalker, Lifebane Zombie, and Shadowmage Infiltrator to cards like Levitation, plus many more.

Dangerwillrobinson79 on Wilhelt's Walking Dead

2 years ago

Cool deck, might sub in Wonder for Levitation. Easy to get into graveyard.

griffstick on Are there any other cards …

3 years ago

Levitation for evasion Coastal Piracy for card draw

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