***I sit on my throne, day in and day out. I watch over my domain, from my palace of ice and gold. For years I sit, watch, protect. For years, the foolish have tried to overtake, overcome, and over throw my throne. For years I have overcome, collecting, waiting. Always watching, always protecting. The God king of Esper does what he wants, he desires, he urns for. Always on my throne; collecting, defending, and waiting. Ever strong, ever fierce, and ever cold; always on my throne. If you try and disobey me, loot me, or overtake me; I will show you the error in your ways. My omnipotence knows no bounds as I perch atop my throne, always sitting, always watching, always waiting. For I am the Immortal King....***
Prologue: Synopsis
Reading this decklist Show
This decklist is organized into my custom categories. The categories where chosen to help spilt into function and given names that added flavor elements. Those categories are as follows:
- His Chalice: Life gain. All gain you life, or build off of the life gain Oloro provides
- His Clairvoyance: Tutors. Needed cards to get your answer to whatever the situation
- His Grace: I win spells. These spells can either eliminate all of your opponents at once or just hand you the game.
- His Kingdom: Lands. The basis of any deck; each one being efficient to obtain any color necessary
- His Treasure: Mana accelerating artifacts. Helps the deck accelerate without the use of
- His Equivocation: Utility type cards. Cards with multiple effects or help with board state that improve the decks function
- His Omnipotence: Control Cards. Stops unfavorable cards from hitting the board or staying on board
- His Wrath: Board wipes. Helps with keep opponents strategies within limits
- His Escalation: Card draw. Increases your draw
The sideboard is a working list of extra cards that can swap into the deck to enhance an aspect of the deck, but aren't in the main list or couldn't make it into the main list.
The maybeboard is a working list of cards that are not in the deck, but are being considered for possible inclusion. These are cards by my own finding or by community suggestions. All these will be tested before inclusion.
Note: this deck may change over time, with a different focus and new configuration.
Archetype: Control Show
This deck blends elements of life gain with elements of control to achieve a balance between powerful resilience and consistency.
As a control deck, this list facilitates a win by suppressing or disrupting opponents' activity to create advantage. It utilizes life gain not only to keep opponents from easily beating you but also as a source to draw and build off of. Counter magic, spot removal, and board wipes are prevailant to help disrupt opponents so that your creatures can attack or allow your other spells to be more impactful when used. Its main method of winning is by attacking with creatures, utilizing a high life total, or by casting mass life draining spells.
I chose because it offers the best control set you can get: draw power, responsive power (counterspells and removal), tutoring power, exiling effects, and lifegain. Though it lacks in land ramping, it makes up for it in consistency, flexibility, and artifacts. These colors just excel at control. It is also my favorite color combo in magic so far; arguably the best...scratch that, it is the best ;)
Why Oloro? Show
At the time I built this deck I had quite a few choices at my disposal. Those choices where: Chromium, Dakkon Blackblade, Dromar, the Banisher, Ertai, the Corrupted, Halfdane, Lady Evangela, Merieke Ri Berit, Oloro, Ageless Ascetic, Sen Triplets, Sharuum the Hegemon, Sydri, Galvanic Genius, and Zur the Enchanter *f-etch*. There is bound to be more to come out in the future, and each one will be assessed for either a spot in the deck or to replace the current Commander.
Chromium can be good if the deck is built for it, but it has a high casting cost and an annoying upkeep cost. That is why I didn't consider it for my deck.
Dakkon Blackblade is a good General/Commander that can helm many builds. The only reason I did not chose him is because he is just a finisher to the deck and nothing more. I want a card that does more than becomes big, which is why I didn't chose him.
Dromar, the Banisher can be paired with a variety of decks, but is dependent on making contact against an unblocked opponent to do something. Then when it does, it doesn't do enough for its downside to be viable. So I didn't chose this card for that reason.
Ertai, the Corrupted has some flexibility in his build due to his ability, which is a very strong one. But there is pretty much two choices with this card: control using enchantments or control with creatures. Both ways can be durasically different in terms of builds, but will play almost the same. And I wanted something that I could make it play different if I wanted to.
Halfdane is definitely one of the weakest to chose from in this list. Either the deck is focused on creatures or it has nothing to do with the General/Commander at all. For this reason I did not chose this card.
Lady Evangela is a General/Commander that is very focused and doesn't do a lot. The goal of a deck like this is to either prevent damage and gain life or play with creatures to win. For this reason I did not chose this as the leader of my deck.
Merieke Ri Berit is a very fun card to use for a control deck, and Her abilities are perfect for this. She can steal other Generals/Commanders and bend their abilities for her gain. But the end build of the deck will be almost the same as every other version of her deck, which isn't really all that fun. So I went with something else.
Oloro, Ageless Ascetic has the best ability which triggers in the Command zone, plus more if he is in play. He also has one of the most flexible build types of the Esper Generals/Commanders. If you like control themes, artifact themes, enchantment themes, Life Gain themes, and more; then go nuts because he can cover them all. His build flexibility and command zone triggered ability is the reason he outshines over the others and why I chose him.
Sen Triplets is a fun chioce for a General/Commander. It has a strong abilities, but the creature has a major weakness. It is an artifact, easily remove from the board. Not only that but it is a pretty hated card and will be an instant target for everyone. Because of those two reason, I didn't go with it.
Sharuum the Hegemon was the first Commander/EDH deck I built. Tons of combos to chose from plus the ability to use counterspells and spot removal. The one downside to this type of deck is the artifact theme that tends to go with it, and mine fell short in that category due to it's reliance on artifacts. For that reason I needed to change the deck up, to help lessen its weaknesses. Hard choice to make, but well worth it.
Sydri, Galvanic Genius is good for artifact decks, but that is it. If you want flexibility in your builds, this just wasn't a good choice. A good build around me General/Commander, but I wanted to do something else.
Zur the Enchanter *f-etch* has really one build, and that is around him. Control the board, play Zur, protect Zur, and win with Enchantments (Doomsday). I wanted a little more fun and flexibility in my builds, so Zur was not for me.
Strengths Show
This deck excels at executing resilient and powerful control strategies that is maintained throughout the game. Because it relies on efficient, powerful cards in addition to a multitude of counters, wraths, and spot removal; the deck is capable of keeping your opponents offset with the most tenacious control possible while gaining and using life to accelerate your lead. At its best, it manipulates the game to however you see fit. At its worst, it causes your opponents to slow down their game, granting you time to set up for a big win.
Weaknesses Show
The deck's primary weaknesses are against hyper ramp-combo and other control decks. Decks like Urza, Lord High Artificer
, Zur the Enchanter *f-etch*, and Hermit Druid are examples of decks that have the potential to outrace this list and combo out before I get stabilized. You tend to have to slow yourself down and use bait tactics to move around their spells or force them to play their hand. This deck can still win, they just make it more difficult.
Anti-control cards like Boseiju, Who Shelters All, Dosan the Falling Leaf, Grand Abolisher, Stranglehold, and Aven Mindcensor prove to be problematic; but there are answers to such cards in the deck. Getting around these effects is a matter of drawing the answer on your turn or searching for them if possible, which makes them harder to deal with. Draw power, countermagic, and removal are essential to stopping these cards once they hit (ideally before).
Ruination, Blood Moon, and Magus of the Moon are threats because of the way the deck's land base was designed. If these cards resolve, I tend to lose quite often. Stopping them from resolving is key to overcoming them.
Note: This deck is being optimized for multiplayer, so dedicated 1v1 decks tend to have a natural advantage against it in the 1v1 environment, but they can be overcome using sideboard tech.
Synergies/combos Show
There are a few different combinations/synergies in the deck that will help you. Below is a small piece to help better understand the deck. There are more synergies that is found while playing the deck that will be found only by playing the deck.
Instant Win:
Heliod, Sun-Crowned + Walking Ballista
This combo causes infinite damage. This is done by having the ballista enter with 2 counters on it, then Heliod gives it lifelink. You remove a counter from ballista, dealing damage to an opponent triggering lifelink which then triggers Heliod, which puts a counter on ballista. Repeat this process to victory.
Demonic Consultation + Thassa's Oracle
This combo causes and instant win by removing your library in response to the oracle's trigger.
Toolbox Synergies:
Rhystic Study
Smothering Tithe
This combination is here to show how the deck can tax your opponent's to either slow them down or speed you up.
Heliod, Sun-Crowned + Karlov of the Ghost Council
This synergy helps represent some of the lifegain being used to help with the control by giving Karlov more counters in a turn to help remove more permanents from your opponent's. Every turn will net you 3 counters during your upkeep.
Stax Elements:
Ashiok, Dream Render
Narset, Parter of Veils
Teferi, Time Raveler
This combination is to show how the deck slows down your opponent's. Any one of these prevents your opponent's from accelerating past you and the more that is in play, the slower they become.
Grand Arbiter Augustin IV
Lavinia, Azorius Renegade
Same as the above, this combination represents the taxing elements of the deck. Making it harder for your opponent's to ramp past you while also allowing you to ramp yourself.
I have lived for many, many unfathomable lifetimes. I fight, I win, and I live. Every day of every hour, I fight, I live, and I conquer. Many battles fought, many battles won; as I live always returning to this palace of ice and gold. When my journey grows boring-some, I return to my icy palace, and sit on my throne. My throne has grown cold in my absence. Once I return I to warm my throne, more come to conquer my realm. They try and overthrow, overtake, and overcome. Each time I fight, I destroy and obliterate. I continue to live, to watch, and to protect. I sit, I wait, and I live my long, everlasting life. The God king of Esper always fights, always protects, always lives; I smite my foes from my cold, frigid throne always fighting, always protecting, and always living. My omnipotence knows no bounds as I perch atop my throne, always watching, always protecting, and always living. For I am the Immortal King....
Section I: Gameplay
General Strategy Show
This deck is based off of heavy control and high consistency. Its play strategy can be broken up into four stages:
- Starting Hand
- Early game
- Mid game
- Late game
These stages are broken down with explanations and goals as followed below:
Stage I- Starting Hand Show
- enough lands
- Stage I mana ramp
- Stage II setup
This deck is typically played in games that uses the "new" London Mulligan.
The first rule about your opening hand, with this deck, is that you must not be afraid to take aggressive mulligans. If a card is dead in the first few turns of the game, you may not want it in your opening hand. If you see to many spells with a higher CMC than 3, consider pitching it.
Generally speaking, you want to see about two to three lands in your opening hand. This gives you security for the first few turns. Ideally, you'll start with fetches or duals of some kind. If you find yourself in the rare situation where you have two or more colorless lands, consider pitching the hand to try for color-producing lands.
Additionally, you want to see at least one ramp artifact by turn two (turn three is acceptable, but not as good). A counterspell or tutor also wouldn't hurt.
Remember, the game starts in Stage II. Your main goal, out of the gate, is to build and stop your opponents from gaining a any kind of lead. Don't let late-game cards tempt you into bad openers.
Stage II- Early Game Show
- build up
- control
- set up draw engines
The main point of this stage is to set up enough advantage to guarantee a steady lead for the coming turns. The extra resources you gather now will be what fuel your responsive magic (counter and control) and plays in Stage III. You will need to maintain tempo and board presence, while still having the ability to shut down threats.
The first two-four turns should be spent casting mana rocks like Sol Ring and the signets to accelerate your mana production. When you can afford to, cast draw engines like Rhystic Study, Phyrexian Arena, and Well of Lost Dreams. Setting these up early means you'll have longer to reap their rewards and aren't spending your mana on them in the midgame when you need to have counter magic and control up.
Stage III- Mid Game Show
- Continue build up
- control
- Setting up utility engines
The main point of this stage is to suppress opponents. Try and force them to show their intent.
This deck transitions to the mid game when its build up begins to wind down. Although control is an important element of both Stage II and Stage III, the emphasis in Stage III is to squash any attempt of advance and pick at their win conditions and resources.
This stage typically lasts from turn five to about turn eight or nine, depending on the board state and on draws. This is the beginning of your opponents resources starting to dwindle. It is important to keep them using their sources, and eliminating any advancement.
Stage IV- Late Game Show
The main point of this stage is to win the game.
This stage begins when you have a win condition in your hand and your opponents resources are almost depleted. You are rapidly approaching the turn during which you will be able to finish the game.
Don't relax and become complacent. Remember every turn you take means more opportunities for your opponents to break through your control setup and take the game; this deck's resources are vast but they are not unlimited. At your discretion, take down your opponents each individually or if you find the right opportunity to take them all out at once, take it. The perfect opportunity will not always arise and you will occasionally need to take a calculated risk to win, don't let your opponents advance ever.
I have grown bored. I am always watching, always protecting, and always pondering. My thoughts keep me sharp, keep me attentive, and keep me occupied. My palace is empty, frigid, and noiseless. I have been on my throne for too long, I have grown tired. Tired of my thoughts, my palace, and my peacefulness; I urn to take, to collect, and to conquer. The God king of Esper does what he wants, he desires, he urns for. Always on my throne; collecting, defending, and waiting. I rise from my throne, preparing myself for my long journey. My omnipotence knows no bounds as I step away from my throne, always fighting, always collecting, and never staying dull. For I am the Immortal King....
Section II: Card Choices
Inclusion Criteria Show
This deck is built on the strength of its cards, and how they interact. It doesn't want to waste space on offhand utilities or tricks that are irrelevant.
Here is a break down of the thought process behind my choices:
- Be individually strong
If a card can't stand on its own and requires other cards in order to be useful, it generally isn't good enough for this deck. Now there are a few exceptions that can be made to some extent. Cards like Rhystic Study are exceptions because they cause your opponents to think about their plays, ultimately slowing their pace to suite your needs. However, utility spells or permanents that don't actually do anything on their own cannot be considered for this deck. They place too much of a strain on the deck's resources in order to be utilized to any of their potential.
- Offer something necessary to the deck
This idea builds on the above. A card has to actually be good in order to make the cut. Because this deck is intended to be competitive or tournament viable, it must be optimized. Optimization requires that the deck only plays cards that are necessary and powerful. As an example, let's take Cancel. Though playable in casual and semicompetitive decks, it isn't strong enough for this deck. It's too expensive for what it does and isn't more powerful or more necessary than the other cards.
Lands (35) Show
The land base in this deck combines optimized color fixing with strong utility effects. They are as follows:
- The 3-3-9 split
The "3-3-9 split" is a term that refers to the set of three shock lands, three ABUR duals, and nine fetch lands playable in a tricolor deck. This setup helps guarantee that the deck will have access to the proper colors at the proper times the best that it can for this format. Furthermore, it allows the deck to play highly-saturated spells like Cryptic Command *list* without losing tempo to go find more sources of another color.
- Ancient Tomb
This land acts as colorless mana ramp, which is important in a non-green deck. The downside is mitigated by the decks lifegain. ***Credit to GhostChieftain and Granum for this cards inclusion.***
- Basics - Snow
Although the snow basics aren't really necessary, they just help against monocolor decks that run snow lands and Extraplanar Lens to avoid accelerating their opponents and mass LD that hits a particular land type (i.e Wake of Destruction). Honestly, the snow lands don't make a functional difference to this deck. You could easily run non-snow basics instead, they just can be useful in a vacuum.
- Bojuka Bog
This card helps stop graveyard centric decks. Even though its downside is that it comes into play tapped and can't be fetched, an almost uncounterable graveyard removal card is invaluable.
- Boseiju, Who Shelters All
This card helps against other control decks. It helps ensure that the spot removal and utility spells resolve against other control builds.
The downside is that this land comes in tapped, and it can only produce colorless mana at the expense of life. It's definitely a Mid to late game choice often. ***Credit to Kootaroo for this cards inclusion.***
- Command Tower
An EDH classic since it was first introduced. It is now a staple in every multicolored EDH deck.
- Buddy Lands
Refers to the lands that need other lands with basic land types to enter untapped. They may not have a basic land type or are fetchable, but they do help with color fixing.
- Commander Lands
These lands (Morphic Pool and Sea of Clouds) are the next cycle of made for commander lands. They will almost always come into play untapped and produces 2 colors allowing you to keep tempo during a match
- Exotic Orchard
This land acts most often as another Command Tower. The current meta generally will give you 2, if not all of your colors.
- Tengo Lands
Refers to the dual lands with basic land types that enter tapped unless you have two or more basics already in play. The benefit to these are the fact that they are fetchable and tap for two different colors, though they will more often enter tapped.
- Raffine's Tower
Another Tri-land nut due to the 3 land types, this one is fetchable
- Reflecting Pool

This card functions as an additional Command Tower. Because this deck runs the 3-3-9 lineup, you're basically guaranteed to have the color fixing to assure that this is never anything less than a dual land. It'll almost always be a Command Tower by turn two or three.
- Mystic Sanctuary
This card acts like a free spell. With the amount of land search/fixing in the deck, it will be easy to get the effect. It is also searchable as well, allowing the ability to get it on opponent's turn.
- Strip Mine and Wasteland
These cards have the benefit of both producing mana and serving as low-investment solution to opponents' utility lands. They're very capable of dealing with an opponent's Boseiju, Who Shelters All or Cavern of Souls and clearing the way for the deck's counterspells with very little that can stop them.
Creatures (19) Show
The creatures in here help support and protect this deck. They help the deck operate by offering not only the protection it needs, but also with its synergy and its effectiveness. The creatures I have chosen for this deck are as follows:
- Archivist of Oghma
This card is way to good. It helps with the lifegain strategy of the deck and draws you cards while your opponent's search their decks...for just 2 mana....and has flash..
- Aven Mindcensor
This card shuts down other combo decks ability to tutor up there combo pieces. It also slows down green's ramp ability.
- Drannith Magistrate
This card stops your opponent's from playing their Commanders, slowing them down.
- Erebos, God of the Dead
This card will most often be an enchantment, but it hinders other life gain decks while also acting as a source of card draw.
- Esper Sentinel
This card is an amazing new addition. It either slows your opponent's down or puts more cards in your hand at a very efficient mana cost. The tax can also get bigger the more power it has, making it increasingly viable during the whole game.
- Fatespinner
This card is unique as it is an embodiment of control. It allows you to act freely while forcing your opponents to slow there play down or not play spells in order to be aggressive. This allows you to respond in a more organized manner.
- Grand Arbiter Augustin IV
This card helps decrease the cost of most of your spells while increasing the cost of your opponents, which not only helps you but also slows them down.
- Heliod, Sun-Crowned
Heliod assists as a synergy to the deck. Since you gain life every turn, you can use Heliod to help boost your defenses and increase your life resource even more. This card also combos with Walking Ballista to infinitely damage opponent's and gain life.
- Karlov of the Ghost Council
This card builds off of Oloro to help protect you and remove threats. It's low casting cost and high utility helps make it a great asset.
- Kambal, Consul of Allocation
This card allows me to extend my life total lead while also making my opponents lose life at the same time. It will also be a target of creature removal spells.
- Lavinia, Azorius Renegade
This card is great control for its cost. I stops your opponents from casting their biggest spells early and can stop combos that play spells for free. It helps stop some variants of combo decks.
- Linvala, Keeper of Silence
This card stops your opponent's from activating create abilities. This stops creature strategies like Thrasios, Triton Hero from going off.
- Orcish Bowmasters
This new Universes Beyond card is good at adding extra damage and help protect your board when your opponent's draw outside their one card all for 2 mana!
- Opposition Agent
This card allows you to stop your opponent's ability to tutor with an efficient mana cost. It can be snuck out due to flash and also can help your strategy but utilizing your opponent's cards that you stole with this card.
It is an auto include in all black cEDH lists
- Queza, Augur of Agonies
This card helps with the lifegain strategy of the deck. Testing slot
- Snapcaster Mage
This card acts as a way to get a little extra out of your used spells. Quick recasting of spells can catch your opponents off guard and potentially thwart their plans.
- Thassa's Oracle
This card helps with manipulating the top of the library. It can be a game ender in combination with Demonic Consultation. ***Credit to GhostChieftain for this cards inclusion.***
- Venser, Shaper Savant
This card can either remove a annoying permanent or delay the casting of a spell, allowing you a chance to properly respond later.
- Walking Ballista
This card is a finisher. It combos with Heliod, Sun-Crowned to create infinite damage to all players and gaining you life.
Enchantments (5) Show
The enchantments in this deck combine utility, and control to increase its effectiveness and resiliency. They are effective tools to help solidify your lead throughout the match. Those enchantments are as follows:
- Authority of the Consuls
This card simultaneously slows my opponents down and extend my life total lead.
- Mystic Remora
This card act similar to Rhystic Study. It can come out as early as turn 1, and will either net multiple cards in its first turn or slow your opponent's down considerably.
- Necropotence
This card is a continual draw effect, which the deck needs to keep pace with other decks. Oloro's ability and other lifegain effects nullifies the downside of this card, making it extremely advantageous to the deck.
- Rhystic Study
This card acts as a unique way of card draw. It is entirely dependent upon your opponents, but it also causes them to play differently. It forces them to make additional considerations when playing spells, as well as potentially using up additional resources.
- Smothering Tithe
Smother Tithe is an overall value card. It forces your opponents to tie down resources to not let you gain them. This slows their play or increases Yours ***Credit to Granum for this cards inclusion.***
Artifacts (7) Show
The artifacts in the deck aid in the production of mana or as utility with established concepts present in the deck. They help the deck keep pace with the match and facilitate its function consistently. The chosen artifacts of the deck are as follows:
- Arcane Signet
This card helps with mana acceleration. It comes down early and produces one of the 3 colors needed for this deck, helping color fix as soon as possible.
- Azorius Signet and Dimir Signet
These cards help accelerate your mana, both with the decks main color . They are cheap and effective and can be played early on while being viable later in the game.
- Chrome Mox
This card is efficient mana ramp. It excels your mana for 0. With its inclusion, it opens the deck up for a potential turn 1 win with the perfect opening hand.
- Mana Crypt
This card enables explosive opening turns because it requires no mana investment, produces multiple colorless mana, and it's still viable later in the game. The potential drawback can be negated with Oloro's ability plus the decks other life gain.
- Mirage Mirror
This card is pure utility. It allows you to not only copy your own permanents, but your opponent's permanents as well. Helps in a variety of situations granting you the ability to push thru potential road blocks.
- Sol Ring
This is the most efficient and effective way to accelerate your mana as quickly as possible. It is a staple in most Commander/EDH decks
Planeswalkers (5) Show
The Planeswalkers in the deck are tools to help increase effectiveness and consistency. The multiple modes of each make them viable options in a variety of situations. The cards in this deck are as follows:
- Ashiok, Dream Render
This card stops your opponent's from being able to search their libraries, slowing them down. It also stops graveyard strategies with it's minus ability.
- Jace, the Mind Sculptor
This card is the best utility you can get. Its first ability helps control your opponents draw, allowing you to prepare for future turns. Its second ability can temporarily remove threats on board, delaying your opponents. The brainstorm ability helps minipulate your draw. Its ultimate can eliminate an opponent from the game, allowing you to use less resources on the remaining.
- Jace, Wielder of Mysteries
This card is a back up win-con to Thassa's Oracle while also being able to remove card options and help you draw
- Narset, Parter of Veils
This card stops your opponent's from out pacing you by not letting them draw more than you. The minus ability helps get more control cards into your hand if needed.
- Teferi, Time Raveler
This card is good utility for its cost. It stops your opponent's ability to play things on other players turns, which can better help you control the board. It allows you to play more spells on other players turns. And it helps control other permanents while drawing you a card.
Instants (23) Show
The instants in the deck are the core for the decks control. This deck utilizes them to remove threats, stop threats from entering, add draw power, and add utility. These are the basis from which the deck is built. The cards I have chosen are as follows:
- Ad Nauseam
This is one of the better spells in the deck. With the lower average CMC and the static lifegain, this allows you to dig as deep as you need to find an answer or a win.
- Anguished Unmaking
This card is a great way of permanently getting rid of an annoying non-land permanent, and oloro's ability eliminates the downside.
- Counterspell
This card is a low costed and efficient counter all spell. It allows you to play other spells while still being able to stop potential threats.
- Cryptic Command *list*
This cards four different modes make it a powerhouse for this deck. The ability to not only draw an extra card but add a level of control too is the reason for its inclusion.
- Cyclonic Rift
This card can be used to clear a permanent causing you problems or as a one sided wrath, making it invaluable.
- Demonic Consultation
This card is a combo piece with Thassa's Oracle for an instant win to help finish games. ***Credit to GhostChieftain for this cards inclusion.***
- Disallow
This card is in here as another counter with the added ability to counter permanent abilities and triggers as well.
- Dovin's Veto
This card is a low CMC, uncounterable counterspell. It helps ensure your opponent can't stop a combo.
- Force of Will
This card is an amazing counterspell that can be cast without expending mana, allowing you to make plays you normally wouldn't make.
- Forsake the Worldly
This card is a low cost, permanent answer to artifacts and enchantments, with the added bonus of being instant speed and the ability to be cycled if unneeded.
- Lim-Dul's Vault
This card is instant speed draw setup. Play it and dig for what you need with the added bonus of being able to know your next few draws to. ***Credit to zyphermage for this cards inclusion.***
- Mana Drain
This card is one of the best and efficient counterspells in the game. The low cost plus additional mana in the following turn make it an absolute inclusion.
- Mystical Tutor
Cheap, efficient tutor that can Tutor a needed response or one of my combo pieces at instant speed.
- Pact of Negation
This card is a staple for control decks. A counterspell that cost you nothing upon casting, allowing you to tap mana for spells without forgoing your control.
- Path of Exile
This card is another staple for control builds. Efficient creature removal at any time deemed viable.
- Reality Shift
This card can quickly and efficiently remove a creature while potentially removing a answer from the opponent's library by turning it into a creature.***Credit to user:TheDevicer for this cards inclusion.***
- Sphinx's Revelation
This card is great for not only allowing you to gain life but draw cards at the same time, which may trigger other cards.
- Swan Song
This card is a quick and efficient counterspell. The down side of the opponent gaining a creature is negligible in this format.
- Swords to Plowshares
This card is another staple for control builds. It is efficient and makes it so you will more then likely not see that creature for the rest of the game.
- Tainted Pact
This card, much like Demonic Consultation, is a combo piece with Thassa's Oracle for an instant win to help finish games.
- Unmake
This card is color intense, but can be a permanent solution to a pesky creature.
- Vampiric Tutor
This card is a cheap and effect tutor that can be used at instant speed, allowing you to quickly find that answer you need for your next turn or at that moment.
Sorceries (5) Show
The sorceries in this deck act similarly to the instants. They are utilized for the purpose of control and its benefits. They are more impactful due to their slower play than the instants. The cards I have chosen are as follows:
- Damn
The best part about this card is its flexibility. You can use it as an effective sorcery speed removal to get rid of an annoying creature. The best part of it is it can turn into a Wrath of God for its overload cost. This choice allows you to remove creatures early or stop creature based swarming strategies.
- Debt to the Deathless
This card is an effective finisher. It can take out all opponents in one go if played late in the game.
- Demonic Tutor
This card is a staple tutor. It is cost efficient and the card picked remains unknown to your opponents.
- Supreme Verdict
This card is a lower cmc uncounterable wrath that will help stop creature based strategies
- Toxic Deluge
This card is an efficient wrath that bypasses indestructibility. The lifegain in the deck makes the downside more manageable.
I have taken My stand. I attack, I annihilate, and I conquer. My army always at the ready. I have spent many, many hours, plotting, waiting, and calculating. My patience always pays off. I am always fighting, my army never stopping, ever growing. I have lived many, many, immeasurable lives and have taken many, many, unfathomable more. With each step, I take. With each breathe, I annihilate. Many realms have tried to stop me, many realms have failed, and this one is no different. The God king of Esper never stops, never fail, and never ends. My amusement keeps me going, keeps me sharp, keeps me strong. My omnipotence knows no bounds as I stand, always fighting, always conquering, never failing. For I am the Immortal King....

Section III: Wanna Build This?
Comprehending The Deck Show
Aside from monetary investment, the largest challenge you'll face when building this deck is understanding all of its minor subtleties and the timing to utilize those subtleties. There are hidden synergies and interactions, some of which can only really be learned through experience with the decklist. I highly recommend playtesting the deck many times before deciding to build it.
Also, keep in mind that this deck is being optimized for a more competitive multiplayer environment. If you're playing in a different environment, the deck may need to change. A player taking this list into a semi-competitive meta may find different cards useful due to its less competitive nature. For example, this deck runs Force of Will as an effective counter, but a cheaper alternative could be Cancel.
Lastly, make sure that you play this deck in a sporting way. Don't take a optimized control deck to a casual pod where players are still learning the format or looking for a different kind of experience. You'll win, but it won't be enjoyable for anyone else. It may turn players away from the format, and you don't want to be known as "that guy".
On a Budget? Show
This deck isn't the easiest to build on a budget based on the mana base alone. You'll run into issues preserving the consistency and power of the list if you have to make too many changes. In general, try to make replacements that maintain the deck's consistency.
I run an optimized land base, and the three ABUR/Original duals and nine fetch lands cost quite a bit. You could cut them to make the deck easier on the wallet, but doing so will reduce the deck's ability to color fix. For replacements, consider cards like the check lands, pain lands, and filter lands. They aren't as powerful as the ABUR/Original duals and fetches, but they at least provide fast color fixing.
Thankfully, the rest of this decklist is relatively inexpensive aside from a few cards. You can make swaps for inexpensive choices without hindering the decks overall functionality, even if it is less shiney ;)
Like Oloro, but want a different style? Try these: Show
The God King of Esper has won yet again. I have fought, I have conquered, and I have collected. My boredom now subdued, my army victorious, and my treasures gathered; I make my way home. Long have I been away; long my throne has grown cold. I returns to this kingdom, this palace, this home. I enter my palace of Ice and gold, and add my plunder to my collection. Victorious, I enter my throne room. Victorious, I sits on my ever cold, frigid throne. I sit, I grin, and I watch. My omnipotence knows no bounds as I perch atop my throne. For I am the Immortal King....
Section IV: Miscellaneous
Possible Cuts Show
The following cards are being considered for removal from the deck:
- None currently, always testing though
Possible Additions Show
The following cards are being considered for inclusion into the deck:
- Force of Negation
Another "free" counter to help combo pieces resolve or stop opponent's combo pieces.
- Mox Amber
0 cost mana producer that acts as a free land drop.