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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Choose a color. Target player reveals his or her hand and discards all cards of that color.

psionictemplar on Fun way to kill all opponents lands

3 years ago

Option 1: Go mono black and almost no creatures. Why: Lets you run all sorts of mass creature kill.

How: I would start with several of the low costed discard spells like Duress or Ostracize and use those hand reveals to guide your play from there. You could use this information to figure the best time to play your land kill pieces. Once you have the land kill ready to go, I might look into something like Megrim as a kill condition. They should be discarding every turn to hand size without any lands most likely. Might take a while, but then again your opponent might just scoop at that point.

Other additions to this: Dark Ritual for speed is really nice allowing for a t1 Megrim or rit + sol ring into a 4 drop from the get-go. Curse of Death's Hold might be real good here. Or if you want to be real heavy into the discard, Persecute could be a huge hit against a single color deck.

Ensnaring Bridge to keep your opponent from attacking you. You'll likely have a small hand tearing theirs apart, leaving only small creatures to attack you. At that point your removal can clean things up easy.

What I would take out for this. Anything blue, some tutors, monument, greaves, and witchbane, most of the expensive creatures too might not be a bad idea.

I've got more to talk/think about, but I gotta resume this later. So for now, maybe this can be something to consider.

MutinyMate on Karnie Rigged

6 years ago

Cool deck man! Looks like you're into discard quite a bit here. Definitely wouldn't want to mess with what you like, but I can absolutely name a few cards for mono black that are better when graveyards are huge. Here are a few in no particular order. All of these should be on the cheaper end of the spectrum.

Nyxathid , Nighthowler , Hypnotic Specter , Liliana's Reaver , Shrieking Affliction , Persecute , and Isochron Scepter . That last one is a bit steeper, but it would let you reuse instant and sorcery cards for even more constant discarding.

Good luck with the building!

hkhssweiss on Obsessed by Cruelty

6 years ago


To be honest, you can actually cut Infernal Darkness, and no you are not 'forced' to use the other enchantments or creatures. Sundial is just bad in this type of deck and can be cut immediately.

What a combo is when you use two cards that synergize to get a result that more than what the cards itself can do. An infinite combo is when two cards are used in conjunction to produce an effect that can loop itself thus repeating the result infinite times.

Contamination and Sundial has no synergy together, it essentially locks you down as well since your ending your turn and not allowing yourself to do any more interaction, you have to be able to break parity when you play cards. Ophiomancer is great and I would add that in. Same thing how Painful Quandary can work while taxing them. Additionally you would use cards like Mindtwist, Sudden Spoiling, Plaguecrafter, Mutilate, Syphon Mind, Persecute, Ob Nixilis, Unshackled, Praetor's Grasp, Sadistic Sacrament.

Plus they would fit your "Cruel" Theme :P

solarbeam on Vampire/Discard Deck

6 years ago

Alright, awesome! I don't know your meta, so let me know if these suggestions aren't right for you and your playgroup(s).

First off, this is straight up Midrange. A couple counters and removal/control magic cards doesn't make it control.

Secondly, I would focus first on your mana base. The distribution of your lands will depend on the end result of the deck, as in how many black/blue/white symbols are on the card adn how early they appear. Some cheaper lands for esper are Fetid Pools , Irrigated Farmland , Sunken Hollow , and Prairie Stream . These are great choices as they have the basic land types and are able to be fetched with fetchlands, and the cycle effect on the first too can be really hand late game. I'd go with one or the other though, and those also turn on lands like Isolated Chapel , Glacial Fortress , and Drowned Catacomb . If your group plays lands that can be troublesome, cards like Ghost Quarter and Field of Ruin are some great ones that aren't straight up land destruction. I would heavily suggest Field of Ruin over Ghost Quarter though, as it doesn't set YOU back on mana. I would also strongly recommend playing at least 8 basic land cards and at least 25 lands with the amount of high cost cards you have as well.

This kind of deck really does not need Expedition Map , and Elixir of Immortality is really only good if there is an opponent on mill, there are better options if you need life gain. Cards like Wall of Omens , Ruin Raider , Twilight Prophet , Dusk Legion Zealot , Phyrexian Rager , Thassa, God of the Sea or Kefnet the Mindful are all great creatures that can help you draw cards and lands if needed. Spells like Preordain , Serum Visions , Impulse , Painful Truths , Discovery / Dispersal (which can act as removal as well, if need be), and Esper Charm are all well and dandy. If you choose to run any of these, with the kind of deck you're on, I would recommend choosing one of the 1 or 2 cost ones and running four, then run two copies of the 3-cost ones at max.

As for your enchantments, Sorin, Solemn Visitor , Sorin, Lord of Innistrad , or Elspeth, Sun's Champion , and Elspeth, Knight-Errant would all be better than True Conviction as they come down much faster (except Sun's Champion), are far easier to cast in a 3-color deck (W-Bla is much easier than WWW), they also give you creatures to flood the board.

The problem with Control Magic , is that it is far easier to get around than regular removal, but if you're adamant on stealing your opponent's toys, Entrancing Melody , Exert Influence for smaller creatures and Connive / Concoct which can double as rebuying a dead creature of yours, or Confiscation Coup paired with cards like Glimmer of Genius , Glint-Sleeve Siphoner , and Aether Hub . I recommend this because Control Magic can be destroyed by enchantment destruction effects adn let your opponent get their things back, especially if you don't have Privileged Position out, speaking of which

I wouldn't run it. Run more counterspells in its place. You don't want to broadcast the whole 'hit me, i'm setting up a hexproof Exquisite-Sanguine combo' and give them targets for their removal. You need to slam those things down and then protect them. Cryptic Command is amazing, and 3 is good enough. Depending on how your playgroup does with counterspells, og Counterspell , Mana Leak , Supreme Will , Ojutai's Command , Silumgar's Command , Negate , Essence Scatter , and Dissolve are all good. Arcane Denial if you want to be nice about it. You want to make them spend the mana on their way to answer your threats and then Dash Hopes (don't play that one, it's funny but not good). With Counterspells, you generally want to spend less mana on it than what you're countering, and they're better in multiplayer games than discard.

If you're playing 1v1 matches, you could go with discard effects over counterspells, but choose one or both. Cards like Duress , Thought Erasure , Divest , Harsh Scrutiny , Persecute , Arterial Flow (bonus points if you're playing with Twilight Prophet and friends with this one), Inquisition of Kozilek , Thoughtseize , Castigate , Blackmail , and Hymn to Tourach . You also have Kitesail Freebooter , Tidehollow Sculler , and Brain Maggot . From what you said with liking how your creatures take control, this is the route I would recommend for you, especially Kitesail Freebooters and Thought Erasures since one is a creature and the other can help fix your next draw step.

Once again, run Counterspells or Discard, and preferably counters in multiplayer. The simple reasoning is with discard you spend mana and resources and they don't spend mana and lose resources, counters you both spend mana and resources with you, preferably, spending less mana and quality of resources, and you don't want to tax your mana and resources doing both.

Don't run Riot Control . Don't do it. Run Eerie Interlude instead of Rootborn Defenses as it will trigger and enter the battlefield effects when your creatures come back and get you advantages that way.

Jace is cool, but run those Sorins and Elspeths I mentioned earlier instead, they fit better in your kind of deck.

Some way better creatures for you are Dragonlord Silumgar , Dragonlord Ojutai , Cloudblazer , Restoration Angel , Ravenous Chupacabra , Isareth the Awakener , Vona, Butcher of Magan , Nightveil Predator , Thalia, Heretic Cathar , Hostage Taker , Regal Caracal , Thraben Inspector , Noxious Gearhulk , Torrential Gearhulk , or Cataclysmic Gearhulk . There are so many options out there, and in the end it's your deck so you can make it however you would like. I hope this was at least a little bit of help.

Also, definitely find some room for Swords to Plowshares and Anguished Unmaking . Life is a resource and don't be afraid to spend a little bit or give your opponent some more if it means not letting them win or letting you win.

SynergyBuild on A Complete Hub Glossary for TappedOut

6 years ago

Solar Flare was an old standard Esper control list based on ramp with signets and the like, and existed around kamigawa-ravnica standard, has more info on the topic, but it ran sweepers, big threats, ramp, recursion, counterspells, card draw, and removal, as any normal control list does.

The main threats Solar Flare ran were Angel of Despair, Meloku the Clouded Mirror, Yosei, the Morning Star, and Kokusho, the Evening Star, and had really cool interactions such as using non-land ramp like Dimir Signet in conunctions with karoos like Azorius Chancery to get mana through Hokori, Dust Drinker and used effects that discard like Sift and Compulsive Research along with Zombify.

Some of the countermagic it ran were along the likes of Mana Leak and Remand, it had sweepers like Wrath of God, and removal ranging from Mortify to Condemn, and even ran discard like Persecute. It ran Clutch of the Undercity as removal, burn, and a tutor for Wrath of God, Persecute, Zombify, Sift, Ivory Mask, and Hokori, Dust Drinker, and made it have extreme versatility.

Hexapod on Banned List - The Command Tower

6 years ago

Thank you for your suggestions.

Back to Basics I am not opposed to this card, if someone manages to pull it off. Relying heavily on nonbasic lands has to come with risks.

Identity Crisis is completely legit, it will ruin someone's day but I am guessing if you target an opponent with it they had something going that needed to be stopped.

Mana Crypt and Mana Vault have drawbacks; I do own them and seldom include them because you need to work around the downsides. Of course they rule in an artifact deck, but so they should!

Conversion I don't see anyone actually playing this, it is so bad. It could definitely be on this list.

Do you mean Persecute? Again, I can't imagine anyone actually playing this, but it would match our ban criteria.

This is a group list, so I can't make changes without consulting the founding members. Right now the card being debated is Paradox Engine.

theMarc on Atraxa, Praetors' Voice - Heavy New Phyrexia Theme

6 years ago

The Caves of Koilos are an important part of the history of Phyrexia, being the location of the portal that brought Yawgmoth to Old Phyrexia in the first place, setting in motion the beginning of the Great Work.

Planar Portal can be expensive to cast and to use, but it can be worth it. If you end up using it, I recommend the Invasion version, due to the flavor text.

Skeletonkey8 has the right idea with Rout. The new art shows Elesh Norn, and the old art shows Phyrexian forces overrunning Benalia, so either version works with your deck's flavor. Life's Finale is another Phyrexian boardwipe. And Damnation is ambiguous enough that it should fit.

I'm sure you're aware, but Dominaria gave us Phyrexian Scriptures and Yawgmoth's Vile Offering.

The Phyrexia's Core/Spine of Ish Sah combo is on-theme. The Core will also give you another way to sacrifice your Wellsprings.

Persecute (Urza's Saga version), Tsabo's Decree, and Extinction can be good, depending on everyone else's decks in your playgroup.

Finally, don't forget that the plane of Rath, the Rathi Stronghold, and the Evincars were all part of the Phyrexian war plan. Guys like Volrath, Crovax, Greven, and Vhati all worked for the Phyrexians, so you can include cards featuring/mentioning all that. Of note are Volrath's Stronghold, Hatred (fun with both infect and a lifelink general), Endless Scream (also fun with infect), Reanimate, Vhati il-Dal (fun with -1/-1 counters), Tortured Existence, and the original printings of Reflecting Pool and Propaganda.

(Wow, this post ended up longer than I originally intended it to be.)

Atrabilogie on {U/W} Control

6 years ago

Also, I doubt that this could be an option but I know an interesting card that can synergise well with this deck.

Momentary Blink

It can be used to trigger Torrential Gearhulk and Reflector Mage abilities.

This Momentary Blink can actually be a counterspell through Torrential Gearhulk, if you choose Unwind or Rewind, it actually untaps more lands than you've used. That's very helpful to cast a full powered Sphinx's Revelation at your opponent's endphase.

I'm new here so let me just relink you correctly my decklist :

3 Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir

1 Skeletal Vampire

1 Dralnu, Lich Lord

2 Dreadship Reef

1 Underground River

3 Dimir Aqueduct

9 Island

2 Swamp

3 Desert

3 Drowned Catacomb

4 Rune Snag

3 Spell Snare

4 Rewind

4 Think Twice

4 Mystical Teachings

1 Seize the Soul

3 Mana Leak

1 Cancel

4 Repeal

1 Cremate

1 Last Gasp

1 Sudden Death


3 Persecute

4 Deathmark

1 Slay

1 Seize the Soul

1 Trickbind

2 Moonlight Bargain

1 Spell Snare

1 Dreadship Reef

1 Darkblast

Things I added :


Hero's Downfall

Wrexial, the Risen Deep (not very strong but cool card)

Venser, Shaper Savant

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