Pyreheart Wolf

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Pyreheart Wolf

Creature — Wolf

Whenever Pyreheart Wolf attacks, creatures you control gain menace until end of turn.

Undying (When this creature dies, if it had no +1/+1 counters on it, return it to the battlefield under its owner's control with a +1/+1 counter on it.)

Lightningbolter on

9 months ago

Ogre Battledriver is kind of nice I may add him.

I did know that about Elturel Survivors, thanks for letting me know how that works tho.

I'll stick to deathtouch rather than menace, as I said Pyreheart Wolf Was really just filler lol.

Skyhunter Strike Force is nice I'll keep that in mind.

Yeah I pretty much made the decision to cut Lightning Runner as we were speaking as I thought the same, also thanks for checking the price.

Corpse Knight and Witty Roastmaster are good adds, I didn't even think of taking advantage of the tokens with things like them and similar effects lol.

Hellrider and didn't even see that effect of Commissar Severina Raine but they are both good for the same reason.

I'll take the lands into account, Captain Lannery Storm is quite nice with isshin.

I'll keep Tibalt's Trickery in mind but for now I'll keep chaos warp for overall budget reasons lol.

I missed Soul Partition in the brothers war set, it's quite nice.

Generous Gift and Stroke of Midnight are definitely nice cards, kind of forgot about Generous Gift lol.

As for now I like Mortify a bit better as there's currently no really threatening Artifacts, but Wear / Tear will be noted tho.

I love Plumb the Forbidden lol.

Fates' Reversal is really just for the times isshin gets killed a lot and he becomes too expensive to cast again, the idea I have is just let him go to the graveyard and bring him back if it gets stopped it's no big deal as that would be my last effort before complete death, that's really all Fates' Reversal is for lol.

I did see Flowering of the White Tree But don't have it for money reasons.

Lightningbolter on

9 months ago


Thanks for all this, one of the best parts of brewing is talking about the brew and you're helping me a lot with this.

Yes i like Rising of the Day better than Emblem of the Warmind I just found Emblem really, I didn't know a similar effect existed.

Myriad is quite nice with isshin I haven't looked at all the options with it tho, I do like Elturel Survivors quite a bit better.

Ankle Shanker was one of my first pics for this deck actually, deathtouch and first strike is one of the most lethal combinations of keywords I can think of lol, Pyreheart Wolf was just a put it in to fill the slot so to speak, I like Kaya, Geist Hunter will slot in perfectly for a few reasons, Vault of the Archangel is a rather useful utility land definitely in consideration.

Lightning Runner will definitely have a bullseye on his back as soon as he hits the board, so if the deck doesn't get to pricy with it Aurelia, the Warleader I'll definitely add her.

Dolmen Gate and Clever Concealment are definitely something needed and will be on the list of things to add.

I love Firemane Commando she's definitely going in the list, she draws and potentially keeps heat off of me while she lasts, Chivalric Alliance and Minas Tirith are good cards I may add them later, as of now I like my instant/sorcery draw cards as they don't require anything to draw and they're a good bit cheaper (money wise) than the ones you recommend, but they are nice.

I was thinking Signets would be better than more land as you can only play a land a turn but Artifacts can be played more than once adding to isshin getting the ball rolling faster, how many lands would you have?

Didn't even think of effects like Impact Tremors with the tokens, I wasn't quite sure how they'd work with Adeline, Resplendent Cathar and Myrel, Shield of Argive but absolutely adding those type of effects now lol.

Which instants/Sorceries would you cut? Because I was going to do the same but I can't decide on a proper ratio of target removal, draw etc.

And yes all this info is a great help to me, keep it coming if you want I'm loving this, amd thanks again.

Crow_Umbra on

9 months ago

No prob, I'm happy to help. Isshin is my favorite commander of the past year, and one I've had a lot of fun playing. Happy to chat about Isshin theory.

I think he has some awesome options that should fit well within your budget. In looking at your list a bit more, and considering what you have in mind, here are some more thoughts I have:

  • You are correct about Shakedown Heavy. I'd say give it a try and see how you like its play pattern irl.

  • I'd recommend swapping Emblem of the Warmind with Rising of the Day. Emblem is cheaper, but is more vulnerable to incidental removal as an Aura. Rising of the Day also has a helpful little buff for your Legends.

  • I think Myriad in general is great with Isshin, and would recommend checking out Elturel Survivors as a potential swap with Coastline Marauders.

  • Ankle Shanker could be a potential swap with Pyreheart Wolf in terms of its keyword anthems. Similarly, Vault of the Archangel and Kaya, Geist Hunter are additional death touch anthems. Kaya can also be a budget token doubler.

  • You can potentially replace Lightning Runner with Aurelia, the Warleader. I think she should be under $10 now due to some of her recent reprintings. On the note of getting multiple attack steps, I think 2-3 effects are plenty, since they act more as finishers.

  • Although they're a bit over your budget, I'd recommend Dolmen Gate and Clever Concealment as board protection options. Isshin thrives on maintaining a strong board presence, so anything that can proactively do that, or do so at instant speed can do a lot to keep your momentum going.

  • If you want to expand your draw options, Chivalric Alliance, Firemane Commando, and Minas Tirith are all newer options that could be worth looking at.

  • 33 lands is a liiiitle low, I think you can cut a couple of the Signets for a couple more lands.

  • Since you already have a few effects that make creature tokens, I think that group-slug effects like Impact Tremors, Hellrider, and Commissar Severina Raine to name a few can help you really punch damage around the table. While the power/toughness anthems are helpful more so for helping your board survive attacks, they aren't as helpful if your board doesn't have Menace, Trample, or some other evasive anthem to punch through. The group slug effects help soften up your opponents to help make combat damage more effective, and vice versa. Impact Tremors and similar effects can be pretty nasty with those additional Myriad tokens, and any other attack trigger tokens that Isshin doubles up.

  • I think your last 11 cuts can come more from your Instants and sorceries and sculpting those to what your meta is like.

I hope these additional suggestions are helpful. I'm not one to plug my own decks, but I think some of the following Isshin primers are detailed and well-written:

Barbarian_Sun_Pope on Werewolves MODERN

3 years ago

Your deck is pretty low to the ground so I don't think you need 26 lands (Could probably easily get by with 23). I think Pyreheart Wolf would fit nicely here to give all your creatures menace (plus they have to exile or destroy it twice to get rid of it). Rhythm of the Wild helps with the sings while giving defense against counters (also gives pseudo indestructible with Cauldron of Souls if you want to go down that road =P). Also Lead the Stampede is great for refilling your hand with creatures since your deck is really creature heavy. Hope this helps.

mitcho78 on

3 years ago

protection Hammer of Nazahn Darksteel Plate Shield of the Oversoul Indestructibility Timely Ward Bastion Protector Boros Charm Heroic Intervention Valorous Stance Inspiring Call Flawless Maneuver Deflecting Swat

wipe boad and boost yourself Subterranean Tremors Storm's Wrath Deafening Clarion Hammerfist Giant Fault Line Warmonger Starstorm Scourge of Kher Ridges Pyrohemia Chain Reaction Ryusei, the Falling Star Lavabrink Floodgates Into the Maw of Hell Shivan Meteor Star of Extinction Blasphemous Act Volcanic Offering

other fun card Coalhauler Swine

fighting for exemple Titanic Brawl Dromoka's Command Khalni Ambush  Flip Inscription of Abundance Ulvenwald Tracker

redirection Spitemare Boros Reckoner Rite of Passage Pariah's Shield Pariah

same effect Vigor Retaliator Griffin The Ozolith Phytohydra

get back monarch Soltari Visionary Zealot il-Vec Loyal Apprentice Lieutenant Kirtar Selfless Spirit Blinkmoth Nexus and all flying creature Academy Raider Haunted Cloak Shadowspear get trample Captain's Hook Cobbled Wings Pyreheart Wolf Trailblazer's Boots Frontier Warmonger Court of Ire Regal Behemoth and creature with trigger

boost and finish Pathbreaker Ibex Thunderfoot Baloth

become huge Inquisitor's Flail Solidarity of Heroes Hydra's Growth Invigorating Surge Furnace of Rath Kalonian Hydra Duelist's Heritage on yours creatures and on a creature attacking you

Block more or become blocked Bloodthirsty Blade and all goad Nemesis Mask Lure Brave the Sands can block 2 creatures with your commander Entangler Goblin Diplomats

juste some exemple, make a choice now :)

triproberts12 on

4 years ago

I'm not big on singular fatties, preferring cards like Rampaging Baloths that make a sizable crowd sporting dad bod. Still, if you're having trouble with Wraths, evasion, and counters, you have plenty of options:

For Wraths: Heroic Intervention (so $, but so good!) and Wrap in Vigor (less $, but does get around anti protection tech like Shadowspear, but if your meta sees more Wraths with the "cannot regenerate" clause, not so good)

For Counters: Veil of Summer (only going to get more expensive, invest now!), Leyline of Lifeforce, or Prowling Serpopard would be well-suited to this deck.

For Evasion: Gruul War Chant, Goblin War Drums, Pyreheart Wolf, Bellowing Tanglewurm, Angel's Trumpet, Fumiko the Lowblood, Avatar of Slaughter, Warmonger Hellkite, Grand Melee, and Trove of Temptation are all options.

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