Inquisitor's Flail

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Inquisitor's Flail

Artifact — Equipment

If equipped creature would deal combat damage, it deals double that damage instead.

If another creature would deal combat damage to equipped creature, it deals double that damage to equipped creature instead.

Equip 2

DreadKhan on The Masochism Tango

3 days ago

Just some 'bad' ideas to consider (I have some irregular views on ramp, to be polite), Subterranean Hangar is ramp that uses a land drop, very handy with a 7 mana Commander, either to get them out or recast them, Fountain of Cho is the White option. I threw cards like this in a deck on a lark, I was pretty impressed how they can play out in a deck that uses fairly splashy effects... this brings me to Grave Betrayal, this card is politely described as 'good with your Commander'. Another option to consider is bigger ramp, maybe Thran Dynamo, which takes you from 4 mana to enough to cast your Commander next turn, seems decent? Maybe Gilded Lotus, which takes you from 5 to 8, but also gives you coloured mana? Worn Powerstone is also interesting, it's not a great card but it's also not unplayable, wildly worse Sol Ring is also a good enough card, it just looks bad because Sol Ring exists. Another choice worth looking at that is relevant because of it's ceiling is Skyclave Relic, the kicker is a bunch, but that much mana next turn is advantageous. I get that your deck is trying to be fairly nimble, with lots of lower to the ground ramp, but I feel like with a 7 mana Commander that does this much you really want her out as quickly and consistently as possible.

If you like Indestructible sources, I think Gift of Doom is the best ever printed, Morph is incredibly hard to interact with once it's in play, and I'd like to think you'll have some sac fodder. It's also a combat trick fwiw, you've got Vigilance, and if they've got a big attacker this can deal with them and prevent certain types of removal, and it can blank stuff at the fastest speed possible.

Since your Commander has Protection from Creatures, I'd love to see if Inquisitor's Flail would work in here? By itself it turns your Commander into a 3 turn clock vs any opponent, and she blocks better since she'll deal double damage. It's less resources than Fireshrieker, but it completely stacks with it fwiw, if you get two doubles you're a 2 turn clock. Come to think of it I think I'd run Duelist's Heritage over Fireshrieker if you have access to White. Another 'out there' idea, but Grafted Exoskeleton plays well with your Commander, it turns her into a 2 turn clock by itself, and your Commander becomes a pretty nasty blocker too, and it obviously would play well with doublers. If you've got Protection from Creatures, you could try Pariah on your Commander to drag out games. It's worse if people play Red Burn effects in your area, but at least life loss effects don't interact with it, just damage. If you have Indestructible on something then Pariah looks even better.

I hope some of these ideas are useful, Big Teysa is a nifty Commander to see in action!

DreadKhan on You'll have to toss me! (Don't Tell the Elf)

11 months ago

Have you thought about Neyith of the Dire Hunt and Rionya, Fire Dancer for this? Since you often have big creatures there is Chandra's Ignition, and Windswift Slice manages to be the world's biggest flavor fail and win at the same time, at least nobody will miss those elves when you sacrifice them! Two-Handed Axe might fit (and it's a big ax!), Inquisitor's Flail is unfortunately not an ax but is also very good if Gimli has high toughness.

I'm not sure how big your tallest creatures end up, but Monstrous Onslaught is very good with an excessively big creature.

Cool deck!

DreadKhan on Gnoll Patrol

1 year ago

I also think Gnolls are cool and approve of this premise! Here are my thoughts about the deck, hope they're helpful.

If you ever want to raise your budget a bit, Pathbreaker Ibex has huge synergy with your deck.

When I was testing out your deck I found that you seemed to be short of creatures for a deck that runs lots of creature payoffs and generally can't win without them. In a deck that's very creature centric I like to run closer to 40, if not more, Gruul has really, really good creatures to choose from. For example, you can run Wood Elves, Farhaven Elf over artifact ramp, these give you a creature body while also permanently ramping you (land ramp is much more stable than artifact ramp anyways). Creature buffs can be stapled to a creature, there are options like Thunderfoot Baloth, Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma or maybe Blossoming Bogbeast or Kamahl, Heart of Krosa. You can use creatures as a great source of removal with options like Thorn Mammoth, Ulvenwald Tracker, Kogla, the Titan Ape, Gruul Ragebeast, Steelbane Hydra, Viashino Heretic, and Outland Liberator  Flip are all pretty decent at getting things off the table for you while also offering a physical presence. Not sure if they quite fit, but depending on your meta Silklash Spider and Squallmonger are pretty nasty surprises for decks that use Flying a lot, Squallmonger can even kill huge flyers with another player's help, or allow several players to quickly eliminate an archenemy that is lower in life.

There are a few good ways to double your power in Gruul, the new Two-Handed Axe is very interesting, the surprise Double Strike ability works well with your Commander, and the power doubling effect definitely does. Inquisitor's Flail is an incredible equipment if your Commander is either very big or has First Strike, yours can easily get big enough to justify the risk. Berserkers' Onslaught is really strong, even if it's 5 mana, Enchantments tend to stick around for awhile.

I think you should run more sources of Trample in here (there are some listed above as well), but with a budget restriction that does make it more of a challenge. Your Commander is really strong if he has Trample, but can be chumped by a 0/1 goat token without it (funny image, maybe he got hungry?). Garruk's Uprising is a really good card if you have enough creatures with power 4 and up, but the Trample is the real perk here arguably. Kessig Wolf Run might do the trick, and it's on a land. Brawn is pretty budget, but it can be hard to get it killed. War Cadence isn't exactly Trample, but it can easily let you swing with unblockable creatures if someone is tapped out, but remember this can also be used to create chaos on other people's attacks if you've got nothing better to do. It's also not Trample technically, but Siege Behemoth can bypass blockers for your attackers.

With a relatively low budget in Red, I feel like Rite of the Raging Storm is a very underrated card. Those 5/1s are never coming your way, but they will swarm anyone who can't deal with it on their opponent's turns, and yours gets the buff from your Commander fwiw. Breaker of Armies is a good way to clear out potentially a whole board worth of stuff of a vulnerable player, it can deter attacks vs you if their defenders are all going to be stomped by an Eldrazi.

If you can get your creature count high enough, you could sneak stuff like Lurking Predators in, which is pretty impressive card advantage over time in many metas. There is also Heartwood Storyteller, which is very good if you don't run many non-creatures.

gzusvictory on Halvar, Divine Voltron

1 year ago


Inquisitor's Flail looks TOO good to cut. You can literally attach that to our commander along with ANY equipment that gives at least +2 power to make every attack become lethal if unblocked. Blackblade Reforged on the other hand consists of raw power at a reasonable equip cost (to legendaries), but does not add much utility to the deck (like card draw, evasiveness, or protection). I would agree that this looks like the next possible cut for the deck.

DreadKhan on Super Shivan

1 year ago

Power doublers that stack with double strike such as Two-Handed Axe, Gisela, Blade of Goldnight, and Inquisitor's Flail are pretty useful if you need Shivan Dragon to be huge.

I like how Unquestioned Authority offers unblockability while replacing itself. War Cadence offers a combat trick you can use to help get through.

Dawnbreak Reclaimer and Pulsemage Advocate are repeatable ways to recur your Dragon, there is also Gift of Immortality.

A nice spare Ghostly Prison effect can be found in Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs or Sphere of Safety, there are also Baird, Steward of Argive and Windborn Muse. In a pinch a card like Spurnmage Advocate or Intrepid Hero can make good deterants.

Vs running so many 1 colour wards have thought about Flickering Ward? You can run various tutors that can find it or another Enchantment such as Heliod's Pilgrim or Moon-Blessed Cleric, there are various spells that can do the same or better, plenty can also find equipment. If you do stick Flickering in you could also try Mesa Enchantress, which is also great with enchantments period.

With access to Pro Red, maybe some Red wipes that use damage? Some include Blasphemous Act, Chain Reaction, and Reckless Endeavor, Pro Red makes these 1 sided.

Hope some ideas here apply, I typed this fairly early in the morning, with only so much coffee, so forgive me if this is a heap of spam!

DreadKhan on Glissa Artifacts

1 year ago

I feel like the new Make an Example, Black Market Connections, and Protection Racket are all really good, versatile cards, I'd run Connections or Racket over Phyrexian Arena in a second, and Example is one of the best removal effects ever printed, it's targeted without being targeted and it's a forced sacrifice effect, you deal with each opponent's most problematic creature, and if they don't have an especially problematic one they're in a ton of trouble. Unless you're super-attached to the Instant part of Soul Shatter, Example has a much higher ceiling vs creatures. If you really want something else to hit PWs, there is the artifact Hex Parasite, which can take counters off of anything, which is pretty nifty and can be recurred with your Commander should it die. Soul Shatter works vs PWs and creatures, but Hex Parasite can hurt all manner of cards using counters.

Probably too small, but Inquisitor's Flail is a cheap way to double your Commander's power if you've got First Strike, very few things will be able to touch your Commander, not sure if you ever Voltron win, you do have other equipment.

DreadKhan on Rafiq, The One Hit Wonder

1 year ago

If the BW deck uses lots of enchantments, Ancestral Mask is pretty strong. It's also a card that's a great payoff for using lots of enchantments yourself. For the record, I suspect Enchantments as a theme is much more supported than Equipment is, there are incredibly borked cards like Serra's Sanctum (Tolarian Academy is banned), Academy Rector, and Replenish (the best of it's kind, but there are assorted other cheap versions), while stuff like Hall of Heliod's Generosity and many various Enchantresses (there aren't as many for Equipment I think) including Verduran Enchantress and Kor Spiritdancer are also very good. I have a Boros deck that uses creatures that draw cards off of enchantments being cast and stuff like Flickering Ward that I can recast over and over, I think Green has a bunch of other solid Enchantress cards, stuff like Setessan Champion. I think you can definitely run both and do fine, but if you wanted to go all in on one, Enchantments is really well supported in Bant.

If your Commander will usually have Double Strike, you probably could run Inquisitor's Flail, it's a really strong equipment with First Strike damage.

Not sure if you've got enough creatures to make it a viable alternative, but something like Pathbreaker Ibex could be an amusing backup Commander if you lose Rafiq somehow, maybe an Oubliette. The neat thing about Pathbreaker is that it can also double it's power (and get trample) after you buff it up, so it can be a very fast clock as well, and it has the not insubstantial upside that if you have a few creatures out with Rafiq you can just clobber people with a big Ibex swing.

DreadKhan on Iroas Said, "The Lannisters Send Their Regards."

1 year ago

Tenza, Godo's Maul is an equipment that you might want to check whenever you have a Red Commander, with Iroas I think you gain plenty to justify it. Inquisitor's Flail is good for your Commander at least, but you don't have Trample built in, so it might not actually work unless you can count on having Vigilance. Maybe Brave the Sands would help? Drumbellower also exists.

True Conviction, Berserkers' Onslaught, and Blade Historian are Double Strike sources that seem decent and global. I find Gisela, Blade of Goldnight is a great damage doubler since she also halves it vs your stuff.

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