Olivia, Mobilized for War
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Olivia, Mobilized for War

Legendary Creature — Vampire Knight


Whenever another creature enters the battlefield under your control, you may discard a card. If you do, put a +1/+1 counter on that creature, it gains haste until end of turn, and it becomes a Vampire in addition to its other types.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Heir to the Night
Blaster Mage
Craven Knight
Ravenous Bloodseeker
Furyblade Vampire
Skyshroud Vampire

Rhadamanthus on When does a creature become …

5 months ago

Mephidross Vampire works but Olivia, Mobilized for War does not.

Mephidross Vampire's effect is from a static ability (any ability that isn't activated or triggered is a static ability), and static abilities are just "always on". Your creatures are Vampires from the very moment they enter the battlefield and Evelyn, the Covetous will see them that way.

Olivia's effect, however, is created from the resolution of a triggered ability (anything that starts with one of the words "when", "whenever" or "at"). The ability triggers when the creature enters the battlefield and the creature gets turned into a Vampire as the trigger finishes resolving. If it wasn't already a Vampire to start with, Evelyn won't trigger when it enters the battlefield. After it gets turned into a Vampire, you don't back up the game and try to do Evelyn's trigger again. That moment has already passed.

BrickMaster28 on When does a creature become …

5 months ago

I am building a deck with Evelyn, the Covetous and want to take advantage of her "another Vampire enters the battlefield effect". Say I have Mephidross Vampire on the battlefield already, and I cast a non-Vampire creature card (either from my hand or from exile with a collection counter on it) - would the non-Vampire creature become a Vampire before/as entering the battlefield to trigger Evelyn's effect? Same question to Olivia, Mobilized for War.

I ask because the effects of both cards give the impression that the non-Vampire creature would become a Vampire after entering the battlefield, thus not triggering Evelyn's effect. But I wanted to double-check in case I was wrong, because that would be a fun effect to implement.

DaWubber on Can we play that commander? …

1 year ago

Can we have Olivia Voldaren Olivia, Mobilized for War and Olivia, Crimson Bride.

Mom: Sweety, we have all three Olivia at home.

Olivia at home: Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief Drana, Liberator of Malakir and Drana, the Last Bloodchief.

For real though, it feels like every version of a Drana we got was followed soon by a version of Olivia that does a similar thing. The first Drana and Olivia leverage excess Mana as removal that doubles as a bump in power. The second versions are aggro strategies, and the third (and currently final versions) are reanimator cards. I play the first Drana, and am kinda annoyed att how similar they always seem to me.

vomder on Official missing/incorrect card/token thread

1 year ago

The Fortnight version of Command Tower, Persistent Petitioners bonus card, and the black and white version of Olivia, Mobilized for War from secret lairs are missing.

Yogie on Beyond the Grave (Abzan)

2 years ago

Hi, I’ve taken a look at both this deck and its Abzan sibling. The comment on the Abzan deck says the same thing, but it felt appropriate to leave the comment on both decks since I ended up comparing them a little. I should also say that I have little experience with graveyard/reanimator decks. But I’ll give what little input I can :p

Haakon, Stromgald Scourge looks like a fun card to build combos with. He’s a bit fiddly but such decks can be a lot of fun to play.

My first impressions are that the Abzan deck is currently the stronger deck, based on its creatures. But, the Mardu version has better graveyard-synergy and more potential. Call the Bloodline and Aether Vial seem like cards you’d want in both decks. Breathless Knight looks perfect for these decks, I imagine it being a key card if “tended” properly. Knight Exemplar on the other hand seem almost counterproductive. She’s a fantastic card but is indestructibility really necessary when you can play knights from the graveyard?

Speaking of the graveyard, Unearth could be worth looking at. It grants extra reanimation if Hahkoon doesn’t find his way to the battlefield. Something like Changeling Outcast could be good too since it’s so cheap, even if it’s a fake-knight.

Lastly, and this might come down to deck building style more than anything else, but why run just 1 copy of some cards? Olivia, Mobilized for War especially? If a card adds to the decks strategy wouldn’t you want better than 1 in 60 odds of finding it? And if not, is the card really necessary? In “my style” of building I focus a lot on consistency. I rarely want less than 3 copies of a card in a deck, and I try to always double down on key mechanics for the decks strategy.

Like I said, I’m a little out of my element here, but hopefully I’ve said at least one useful thing. Good luck with the decks, I like the idea of them, they have potential!

Yogie on Beyond the Grave (Mardu)

2 years ago

Hi, I’ve taken a look at both this deck and its Abzan sibling. The comment on the Abzan deck says the same thing, but it felt appropriate to leave the comment on both decks since I ended up comparing them a little. I should also say that I have little experience with graveyard/reanimator decks. But I’ll give what little input I can :p

Haakon, Stromgald Scourge looks like a fun card to build combos with. He’s a bit fiddly but such decks can be a lot of fun to play.

My first impressions are that the Abzan deck is currently the stronger deck, based on its creatures. But, the Mardu version has better graveyard-synergy and more potential. Call the Bloodline and Aether Vial seem like cards you’d want in both decks. Breathless Knight looks perfect for these decks, I imagine it being a key card if “tended” properly. Knight Exemplar on the other hand seem almost counterproductive. She’s a fantastic card but is indestructibility really necessary when you can play knights from the graveyard?

Speaking of the graveyard, Unearth could be worth looking at. It grants extra reanimation if Hahkoon doesn’t find his way to the battlefield. Something like Changeling Outcast could be good too since it’s so cheap, even if it’s a fake-knight.

Lastly, and this might come down to deck building style more than anything else, but why run just 1 copy of some cards? Olivia, Mobilized for War especially? If a card adds to the decks strategy wouldn’t you want better than 1 in 60 odds of finding it? And if not, is the card really necessary? In “my style” of building I focus a lot on consistency. I rarely want less than 3 copies of a card in a deck, and I try to always double down on key mechanics for the decks strategy.

Like I said, I’m a little out of my element here, but hopefully I’ve said at least one useful thing. Good luck with the decks, I like the idea of them, they have potential!

lhetrick13 on Neverending Knights: Haakon Knight Tribal

2 years ago

ajbshizle - I have a and Haakon deck I am working on and although I like the cards give me access to, I feel like the deck with access to is the better of the two as it gives me so much access to discard abilities such as Olivia, Mobilized for War, Lightning Axe, etc. and draw/discard abilities like Stormfist Crusader, Thrill of Possibility, etc. Between the and also have access to all the madness cards like Fiery Temper and all that just makes it extremely efficient at finding Haakon and getting him in the graveyard.

With that all said, I am assuming with 4xAether Vial to flash him in and 6 ways to get cards in the graveyard you do not find it to hard to get Haakon onto the field but I do wonder if at times you find it challenging to get him in your hand.

lagotripha on Sangre Por Sorin

2 years ago

Another note on the rakdos train - if you're prepared to muck around with double tribal, Olivia, Mobilized for War/Haakon, Stromgald Scourge can be pretty hilarious. Its a shame there aren't heavyweight madness cards to bring it up into competitive. Does get hated out by void and such too.

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