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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
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Fumiko the Lowblood
Legendary Creature — Human Samurai
Fumiko the Lowblood has bushido X, where X is the number of attacking creatures. (Whenever this creature blocks or becomes blocked, it gets +X/+X until end of turn.)
Creatures your opponents control attack each turn if able.
RiotRunner789 on Archetype Name and Card Recommendations
1 week ago
If you had both Fumiko the Lowblood and Ghostly Prison on the board, the end result would be that your opponents not being forced to attack.
They would just choose you as the player their attacking then not pay into Ghostly Prison, since Fumiko or even goad, can't force them to.
SOTC on isshin samurai tribal
2 years ago
Hey Breastiny, good to see other people brewing with Isshin!
I'd see about maybe running Kentaro, the Smiling Cat as a cheap mana-fixer, to ensure you never have the wrong colors. Fumiko the Lowblood is an excellent card here; your opponents are forced to swing, even with creature they don't want want to attack with. They will either attack other opponents (helping you win) or attack into a pumped-up Fumiko, which will lose them their creatures. In a true Samurai tribal deck, Nagao, Bound by Honor, Takeno, Samurai General, Konda, Lord of Eiganjo and Godo, Bandit Warlord can't be omitted.
As niche picks, consider Iizuka the Ruthless and Opal-Eye, Konda's Yojimbo. The former will put your foes on the back foot, as they never know when the double strike might come through. The latter provides defensive utility, especially late-game when you have access to more mana.
On the non-Samurai end of things, some Equipment that synergizes with Isshin seems like a good call. Sword of the Animist gets even better by fetching you 2 basics instead of 1, while Sigil of Valor and Reaper's Talisman double up on your other 'attacks alone' effects. Other Equipment improved by Isshin includes Argentum Armor, Delver's Torch, Moonsilver Spear Sword of Hours and Trepanation Blade. If you find yourself in need of additional (non-Samurai) cannon fodder, Captain's Claws and Sigiled Sword of Valeron will do in a pinch.
Hope this helps! Good luck :)
Niko9 on Swipe Right Swiftspear
3 years ago
Elsterooo Thanks :) It does tend to be one of my most generally effective decks because you an play it different depending on the opponent. Against a control opponent you can play out and try to get under them, where as if you are up against a creature deck you can remove their creatures, make the attacks that make sense, and then save up for one big Might of the Masses onto Den Protector or a trampler from Kessig Wolf Run. Or you can use pressure plus removal and then into Klothys, God of Destiny or Fumiko the Lowblood and it almost starts to play like a control deck with creatures. You can dictate the game by making them choose between damage bad blocks, and then doubling down by also making them make bad attacks.
And I mean, you could probably have a more efficient swarm deck, or a more efficient buff deck, but I really like being able to do both at about 80% good.
The only trick with the deck is that I'm trying to purposely not add +1/+1 buffs into the deck as much as possible. Shadowspear would probably be amazing for the lifegain, but adding +1 actually makes Savage Swipe either worse or harder to use. I mean, that, plus I really don't want to buy shadowspear :) But that's why most buffs are not incremental and are more big buffs all at once.
Niko9 on Swipe Right Swiftspear
3 years ago
zapyourtumor Those are both great cards, but I don't think they fit in the deck. I'm pretty sure I had a bunch of bolts in originally and took them out over time. Noncreatures in the deck really need to synergize with the creatures or else they will slow down the plan.
Savage Swipe Careless Celebrant Arlinn Kord Flip and Fumiko the Lowblood all give the deck removal and also create bodies or buffs. Swipe especially, because it will almost always be a one mana and six damage spell, doing four in a fight and then adding +2 to your attacker, albeit all at sorcery speed.
I think you are recommending really awesome stuff here, but I just think that adding utility spells would eventually make it into a different deck. Four bolts would make the creature synergies thinner and I think it would eventually just become a R/G damage aggro deck rather than a pressure in the front and build in the back deck.
And honestly, I like to keep it a little slower than optimal because I'm usually playing with friends and in 60 card multiplayer :)
seshiro_of_the_orochi on Budget - Marisi, Breaker of the Coil - EDH
3 years ago
Frenzied Saddlebrute is always a good choice for a forced combat list. Also, Vengeful Ancestor and Disrupt Decorum are powerful god effects. Finally, Fumiko the Lowblood.
The_Acid_Drip on I am Ironman, the Full Boros Experience
3 years ago
Add chained to the rocks 100%—diversity of targets when tutoring is the value/purpose of a tutor.
Also what about the following four cards
Always Watching + Combat Celebrant?
Also from Amonket
Glory-Bound Initiate is just really good with Always Watching
Aven Mindcensor is a good punisher card for way too nefarious combo decks.
Lastly consider for some mayhem one of my old and all time favorite pet cards — Fumiko the Lowblood
Fumiko is really unique and does well in any red deck trying to play politics by either incentivizing that the game starts moving. The trick is, if they attack you, ok you have do deal with it, but there's a hidden tell to Fumiko. IF THEY ATTACK ANOTHER PLAYER—despite your Fumiko being the reason for the aggressive board state—what they are telling you is they are afraid of that other player more than you.
This is a huge tell and can help you spin a game in your favor as you can literally form an unspoken alliance with another player against someone else going archenemy at the table (usually the URZA player) and neither your unwitting ally nor target knows of the alliance.
Fumiko is a much more complicated card than what people give her credit for since she creates forced decisions which are always favorable to you if you can prepare for the immediate shift in the board state after she resolves.
Niko9 on Grand Warlord Radha the manaificent
3 years ago
Radha is a great aggro elf, and I think the deck looks really good as is. I have a modern Radha deck and here are a few tricks I've got in there. You'll have to judge and see if you think they will fit for edh or in your deck, but I figure, the more ideas the better :)
Kessig Wolf Run is a great land that can pump your creatures. It's expensive mana wise, but in this deck you will be making just a ton of mana, so it usually works great.
Tilonalli's Summoner doesn't go infinite with Radha, but does play very nice. You should usually get ascend pretty easy with the tokens, and it's just a nice place to put your mana. Put all your mana into summoner at combat and then get it all back with Radha for main phase 2, it feels amazing.
might of masses may be better in 60 card, but it might be a way to just knock somebody out in edh. Got a ton of creatures from T-summoner? Pump up one of your big tramplers to absolute absurdity.
Fumiko the Lowblood She can act like removal for a lot of your opponent's small creatures and if you give her trample with Kessig Wolf Run she's an attacking monster. You can pump her up and if you have enough attacking creatures, a lot of the time their blocks just don't matter. Plus, it just feels good to see all your opponent's dorks attack into oblivion.
Gallia of the Endless Dance Mask of Memory Explorer's Scope Sword of Fire and Ice or anything else that gets value off attacks can be great.
I think that's it. Sorry I don't have more advice, but my deck is probably very different. It has a lot of cards like Monastery Swiftspear to play with Savage Swipe and get removal plus very fast buffs for attacking into an empty board. But I don't think that would translate too well into edh.
Good luck with this one! It looks basically there to me with a ton of good stuff and synergy. I do wonder if you need things like Cultivate with all the creature ramp that you have, but you'd know better than me if you are playing it.
Necrosis24 on Karazikar Discussion
3 years ago
I think a really strong card for this deck would be Words of Waste seeing as this deck will likely be built with cards like Fumiko the Lowblood you will be drawing quite a few cards so you can instead get rid of your opponents' hands and control the board easier.
Other cards to consider are: Fiendish Duo, Calculating Lich, Frenzied Saddlebrute, Frontier Warmonger, Kardur, Doomscourge
You can also use Conjurer's Closet to utilize that ETB a bit more.
This is all I got off the top of my head EDH Rec is always a good source for cards you might've missed.
Have (1) | metalmagic |
Want (1) | TrueRandom11 |