Commissar Severina Raine
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Commissar Severina Raine

Legendary Creature — Human Soldier

Leading from the Front — Whenever Commissar Severina Raine attacks, each opponent loses X life, where X is the number of other attacking creatures.

Summary Execution, Sacrifice another creature: You gain 2 life and draw a card.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Charismatic Vanguard
Phalanx Vanguard
Gustcloak Runner
Company Commander
Hero of the Dunes
Moment of Defiance

Crow_Umbra on two wind assault

5 months ago

Nice! Isshin is a lot of fun, and can quickly become arch-enemy, as I'm sure you've probably experienced. I think if you're going to move on from the Samurai, I'd suggest also trimming back on the equipment subtheme, as they can be pretty mana-intensive without additional equipment support.

I've personally had more experience with playing a more tokens go-wide take on Isshin, which I think can be pretty fun and dynamic. A few general suggestions if you do cut back on Samurai & Equipment, and decide to focus more on going wide:

Just some quick ideas for how you could make use of those Samurai and Equipment slots if you decide to change them up. Hopefully these suggestions were helpful

Crow_Umbra on Isshin Mardu Tap and Win

7 months ago

Overall very solid deck. My only recommendations would be to cut your Dragon Engine and Samurai that aren't Isshin, and to slot in Dolmen Gate to help round out the board protection suite you have with Iroas, Reconnaissance, & Teferi's Protection. The Samurai, although flavorful, are your only cards that care about single attacking Warriors/Samurai, while most of your deck wants to go wide.

Some of the following could be potential creature slot replacements:

I hope these suggestions are helpful. Down to chat through more if you're interested. Best of luck

DemonDragonJ on Which Sacrifice Outlet(s) Should I …

8 months ago

I have copies of Gift of the Deity and Shield of the Oversoul in my Teneb, the Harvester EDH deck, and they are excellent cards, but I am planning to replace them with cards that have stronger synergy with the theme of the deck (i.e., reanimating creatures for either combat or sacrificing), and one of those cards definitely shall be Feast of the Victorious Dead, but I am not certain what the other card should be.

I am contemplating several permanents that are sacrifice outlets, such as Martyr's Cause, Commissar Severina Raine, Denethor, Ruling Steward, and Bartolome del Presidio, although I currently am most favoring Denethor, since he provides both a sacrifice outlet and a benefit for creatures dying, which ideally should happen very frequently when I play this deck; or should I choose something completely different, such as Vito, Fanatic of Aclazotz, for his unusual effect?

What does everyone else say about this subject? Which card should I put in my Teneb deck?

Crow_Umbra on Isshin, Two Combats as One

8 months ago

Thanks for checking my deck out, I appreciate it! No prob, happy to help.

Some of your swaps look pretty good. I would still recommend to try some lower cmc rocks than Chromatic Orrery. That 7 cmc can be a bit steep for ramp that's supposed to help set up more on earlier turns. Even Cursed Mirror could be a cool option since it can ETB as a copy of any creature and act as ramp.

If you want to round out your go-wide theme a bit more, I'd recommend Commissar Severina Raine as another group slug option that can also act as a draw piece.

Ojer Taq, Deepest Foundation  Flip is pretty cool. If you want to lean into the group slug damage stuff, give Ojer Axonil, Deepest Might  Flip another look. Most of the ping damage in the group slug stuff is 1-2 damage, so Ojer Axonil would bump that up to 4. Most of the group slug/ping options used by Isshin decks are Red. Speaking of which, Impact Tremors, Witty Roastmaster, and Purphoros, God of the Forge are all great options if you're going to be cranking out creature tokens.

Mondrak, Glory Dominus has been really solid for me as a token doubler and solid attacker/defender from the Indestructible counter. Mondrak also has a bit more versatility than Ojer Taq, since it can double all your tokens, although tripling creature tokens is pretty cool.

If you like the deathtouch anthem from Ankle Shanker, def check out Vault of the Archangel and Kaya, Geist Hunter. Kaya is also another token doubler that is a more budget option than both Mondrak and Ojer Taq.

Best of luck with your deck. Keep me posted on how it works out for you

CommanderNeyo on Isshin, Two Heavens As One - Eiganjo Uprising v1.3

8 months ago

Since you have Mishra, Claimed by Gix  Meld, have you considered adding Commissar Severina Raine? She is 1 mana cheaper and offers basically the same ability, with some card draw to boot.

Lightningbolter on

9 months ago

Ogre Battledriver is kind of nice I may add him.

I did know that about Elturel Survivors, thanks for letting me know how that works tho.

I'll stick to deathtouch rather than menace, as I said Pyreheart Wolf Was really just filler lol.

Skyhunter Strike Force is nice I'll keep that in mind.

Yeah I pretty much made the decision to cut Lightning Runner as we were speaking as I thought the same, also thanks for checking the price.

Corpse Knight and Witty Roastmaster are good adds, I didn't even think of taking advantage of the tokens with things like them and similar effects lol.

Hellrider and didn't even see that effect of Commissar Severina Raine but they are both good for the same reason.

I'll take the lands into account, Captain Lannery Storm is quite nice with isshin.

I'll keep Tibalt's Trickery in mind but for now I'll keep chaos warp for overall budget reasons lol.

I missed Soul Partition in the brothers war set, it's quite nice.

Generous Gift and Stroke of Midnight are definitely nice cards, kind of forgot about Generous Gift lol.

As for now I like Mortify a bit better as there's currently no really threatening Artifacts, but Wear / Tear will be noted tho.

I love Plumb the Forbidden lol.

Fates' Reversal is really just for the times isshin gets killed a lot and he becomes too expensive to cast again, the idea I have is just let him go to the graveyard and bring him back if it gets stopped it's no big deal as that would be my last effort before complete death, that's really all Fates' Reversal is for lol.

I did see Flowering of the White Tree But don't have it for money reasons.

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