Solidarity of Heroes

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Solidarity of Heroes


Strive — This spell costs more to cast for each target beyond the first.

Choose any number of target creatures. Double the number of +1/+1 counters on each of them.

RangerOfPower on Omnath locus of mana (opinions needed)

1 year ago

Hi there, Omnath was my first deck that I seriously optimized so I think I can give some good insight.

There are some card choices I love, some I question, and some that make me want to flip over a table.

First, I love your inclusion of mana doublers. Seedborn Muse is by far the most powerful card in the deck followed closely by Nyxbloom Ancient and it seems like you know that. You have a good density of these big mana generation cards already, so just be careful to not go overboard by adding too many of these effects.

As previous commenters suggested, your deck lacks a focused strategy on what you want to do with all that mana. Many builds focus on getting Omnath big and winning with commander damage, but I think using the mana on other resources as a way to win is better. My advice is to question how each individual card interacts with your specific game plan, and if it doesn't advance your plan in the way you desire, then consider replacing it with something that does.

Your card draw choices are questionable. Eye of Vecna for example is very below rate, and we can do much better than just drawing one card a turn. Omnath is a VERY explosive commander, and its card draw should reflect that. Typically, I can expect to draw 10+ cards with a single spell, which usually gives me the gas to win on the next turn. Tutors are also incredibly powerful in Omnath builds because they allow you to more reliably find Seedborn Muse

If your card draw and tutor package are good enough, you can also cut down on big bombs. This helps consistency by increasing the odds of ramp and draw showing up in your starting hand, which of course is what you want to see. After all, Kozilek, Butcher of Truth does nothing if you can't get to 10 mana.

One other thing I learned when playtesting Omnath is how important protection spells are. In most games, Omnath is the first legitimitely threatening thing to hit the board and is the first thing opponents want to spend removal on. I like running instant speed, one time protection spells like Gaea's Gift so I can get removal out of opponents hands, but cards like Steely Resolve or Lightning Greaves also does the trick. And giving Omnath flash via Vedalken Orrery, Yeva, Nature's Herald, etc. is a more resilient way to make sure your mana pool never empties.

Also, Solidarity of Heroes doesn't work like you think. Omnath give itself +1/+1, but does not use +1/+1 counters.

Be sure to check out my build to see the specific card choices I used. It's not perfect, but the deck has come a long way from when I first built it. I hope some of the lessons I learned here help your deck out too. Happy brewing!

OMNATH I: 9000 Volt Battery

Commander / EDH* RangerOfPower


wallisface on Zalph

1 year ago

Youvegotplasticinyourlungs looks like a very interesting/cool build. The only cards i’m dubious of are Veil of Summer and Harmonize.

Veil of Summer feels weak because it’s doing nothing if your opponent isn’t playing blue or black. Green has loads of more broad protection spells if that’s your intention here - namely Vines of Vastwood or Blossoming Defense.

I’m not convinced with Harmonize because by the time you’re at that much mana, you should be dropping massive creatures, and this feels to me like a waste of a turn when you should be on the offensive. I’d swap this out for either another big creature, or more ramp (or some mix of that).

I guess lastly Hardened Scales feels like its only best on those creatures that add one counter at a time. Your creatures that are doubling counters probably don’t card too much about this card (its just 1 extra counter). I still think Hardened Scales is good here, but wonder if Solidarity of Heroes might provide you a bigger payoff… it’s hard to gauge so might need playtesting.

Personally i’d also drop the Forgotten Ancient so you can run playsets of Kalonian Hydra and Primordial Hydra. The hydras are definitely better, but it also makes your deck Modern legal if that ever mattered to you (personally I think this list looks surprisingly strong for its budget, and would do well against non-tiered decks).

Max_Hammer on Instant Lottery

1 year ago

Oh, also, some more.

Brynx on Ooze Cruise

2 years ago


Thanks so much for commenting! Solidarity of Heroes should definitely make it into this deck. It being an instant opens up a lot of powerful trick plays. I'll probably cut Biogenic Upgrade to make room. As for the other three, they don't quite stack up to Solidarity.

The main reason is that the deck isn't really aiming to make one large creature the same way Skullbriar does. The goal is to get counters spread across my creatures so that they can trigger my Commanders when they die. This does usually end up with one or two creatures getting very large when the dust settles. At that point they're typically big enough to do the job.

Thanks again for the recommendations!

GorramScoundrel on Ooze Cruise

2 years ago

Love this deck! I think Solidarity of Heroes would fit beautifully here, as well as sorceries like Increasing Savagery and Visions of Dominance. Also not sure what your budget limit is but Hydra's Growth is pretty cheap and is always a menace in my Skullbriar, the Walking Grave deck (all these cards actually come from his deck)

IHATENAMES on Golgari Skullrush (Skullbriar Commander Deck)

2 years ago

Skullbriar is the commander so you can have it relocate to your command zone should he die/be exile/return to hand. The only place that makes his counters dissapear is hand and library.

Dragonscale Boon instant 2 +1counters untap. Can create suprise blocker. Evolution Sage land etb proliferate which is choose any number of things add an additional counter of whatever they have.

Smell Fear new removal option.

Reyhan, Last of the Abzan highly suggest this. Turns anything into a threat with your commander dying.

Solidarity of Heroes double counters for a potential Instant speed kill out of no where.

Biogenic Upgrade double counters after adding 3.

Branching Evolution counters doubler

Heroic Intervention protection

Fight Rigging free spell + counter per turn.

Hydra's Growth double counters

Primordial Hydra 2ndary threat if left alone. Synergies well.

Realizing now I didn't suggest any evasion. Some sort of evasion could go a long way. Trailblazer's Boots is the best example. Can't be blocked if your opponent has a nonbasic land. Essentially unblockable every time.

Evil idea

Tainted Strike infect kill someone. Can target opponents creatures too to surprise both and kill someone.

Glistening Oil infect.

Phyresis infect.

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