Fault Line

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rules Q&A

Fault Line


Fault Line deals X damage to each creature without flying and each player.

Icaruskid on Dominus Burn

11 months ago

SufferFromEDHD love the creative ideas! Please keep them coming!

Agree completely on Breaking Point. I ordered one after you suggested it because it's so good. I'm still running Fault Line in its place for now only because it basically says "destroy most creatures AND do twice that damage to each opponent". But I may end up putting it in for Pyrohemia.

Molten Influence is a perfect fit card for a spellslinger burn deck like this one. No one wants to play Deflecting Swat and Bolt Bend effects more than I do! I did end up cutting those for ramp and card draw because I kept running out of gas. So Molten Influence would be a great fit if there was more room for interaction. I think decks without Thrumming Stone can run far fewer Dragon's Approach for a more resilient game but I don't mind if this is glass cannon build.

I go back and forth on Dragon Mage! I was just tinkering with it again this morning. I love the upside but hate that it takes a turn to get going. And I also haven't figured out the correct number of dragons. Even in this deck I only see 1 or 2 activations before the game is over, only 1 in 5 ar best see a third. Maybe I'll try it in place of Commune with Lava which also takes a turn to leverage.

Agree that Solemn Simulacrum is a bit clunky. I justified it because Turn 4 robot guarantees Turn 5 Solphim with an indestructibility counter. I'll try out Endless Atlas.

Thank you for sharing!

unstable_anomaly on Full Metal Alchemy (Retired)

2 years ago

The nice thing about this deck is it doesn't necessarily need to use the combos to win. It can be piloted in different ways to achieve different power levels.

Comet Storm is a great recommendation. I think it might be better than Fault Line with infinite mana, but without infinite mana I may prefer fault line. Would have to play test and see.

For Blacksmith's Skill I think the effect/ casting cost is significantly better, but the reason I'm running Sejiri Shelter  Flip is it's also a land.

Thanks for the attention to detail and recommendations. Much appreciated.

Vessiliana on Avacyn Loses Her Temper

2 years ago

Peoyogon, thanks! You know, I think I have an Earthquake lying around, though I think I might like the Fault Line more if I could track it down.

I might end up cutting my pet card for it: Powerstone Minefield. I had a Powerstone deck ages ago, but in EDH it's just not as good. ;)

EnbyGolem on Avacyn Loses Her Temper

2 years ago

Awesome list, complete with an awesome description, as usual <3

I’ve actually never stuck with a Boros deck either :p I sure have played a lot of mono red though! Would something like Earthquake or Fault Line be viable here? It could potentially take out most of your opponents’ board, keep your own fliers around, bounce off your Stuffy Doll and Brash Taunter for extra damage, and chew through life totals with your damage doublers (of which you should be relatively safe from thanks to your life gain). Just a thought :) Your list looks really fun as it is too!

NTakamura on Sacrifice card effect in red …

2 years ago

I am fine tuning my Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge deck to be a sacrifice deck where I sacrifice my own creatures to get treasures. I also have some sweeping burn spell to get more creatures like Fault Line and Breath of Darigaaz. So then it got me thinking are there cards in red or colorless that makes other player sacrifice creature/ Permanents? Some example I have so far are Goblin Assassin and Crack the Earth. If want to see the decklist to better see what I have going on here is the list.

Greedy Dragon

FatherMcHealy89 on Galazeth's Hoard

2 years ago

Trade Hypersonic Dragon for Goldspan Dragon , and Farideh, Devil's Chosen for Jhoira's Familiar Good treasure tribal cards are Xorn and Dockside Extortionist

You will have a lot of mana sitting around from Galazeth Prismari turning your artifacts into Arcane Signet , you can look into using X spells as win conditions like Earthquake , Fault Line , Finale of Revelation , Expansion / Explosion , Comet Storm , Blue Sun's Zenith , and just generally good spells like Omniscience .

Saheeli's Artistry and Invoke the Firemind are good options for trade ins depending on if you're looking to win through spell slinging over combat tricks.

FatherMcHealy89 on Galazeth's Hoard

2 years ago

Trade Hypersonic Dragon for Goldspan Dragon , and Farideh, Devil's Chosen for Jhoira's Familiar Good treasure tribal cards are Xorn and Dockside Extortionist

You will have a lot of mana sitting around from Galazeth Prismari turning your artifacts into Arcane Signet , you can look into using X spells as win conditions like Earthquake , Fault Line , Finale of Revelation , Expansion / Explosion , Comet Storm , Blue Sun's Zenith , and just generally good spells like Omniscience .

Saheeli's Artistry and Invoke the Firemind are good options for trade ins depending on if you're looking to win through spell slinging over combat tricks.

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