
Make tokens to win. Back up wincon via aristocrats and possibly through combat. Just need to steadily bleed the table down anyway I can.

I love turtle decks and this is no exception. The deck really centers around Kambal, so there is a lot of ramp and protection pieces to keep him around.

Deck is complete. Hopefully, I'll get some games in soon. May have to tinker with going back to an aristocrat build but atm through goldfishing, it wins through a combo of combat and Kambal triggers.

Average Kambal deck: 28 creatures, 11 instants, 6 sorceries, 11 artifacts, 10 enchantments, 1 planeswalker, and 32 lands.

~Goals: x3-4 board wipes, x5-8 targeted removal, x32 land, x8-10 ramp, x6-8 protection pieces, x7-10 card draw, x15-20 token engines, x7-23 other.

Note: Kambal's second trigger only triggers per token creation event. I incorrectly thought it was per token for a while. Alas, Plague of Vermin isn't nearly as good as it first seemed. Goal is more towards making tokens often, not necessarily a lot at once.


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