Elspeth, Sun's Champion

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Elspeth, Sun's Champion

Legendary Planeswalker — Elspeth

+1: Create three 1/1 white Soldier creature tokens.

-3: Destroy all creatures with power 4 or greater.

-7: You get an emblem with "Creatures you control get +2/+2 and have flying."

DemonDragonJ on Should I Keep Abzan Falconer …

3 weeks ago

I have a copy of Abzan Falconer in my Atraxa, Praetors' Voice EDH deck, because it is quite awesome to give flying to all of my creatures that have +1/+1 counters on themselves, but since that deck also contains both Akroma's Memorial and Elspeth, Sun's Champion, both of which can also grant flying, I wonder if I should replace that creature with another creature, such as Fertilid, Shapers of Nature, Zameck Guildmage, Steelbane Hydra, or Mindless Automaton, as all of those creatures use +1/+1 counters for various purposes.

What does everyone else say about this matter? Should I keep Abzan Falconer in my Atraxa deck, or replace it, with another creature? I certainly would appreciate your feedback.

Amyas on Teysa and her Orzhov Syndicate

6 months ago

wideline1414 I typically get Teysa, Orzhov Scion out early for value and creature exile. The only silver bullet I have is Necrotic Sliver. I count Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Grave Pact, and Dictate of Erebos as mass removal.

I have consider running some more in hand instant speed stuff. Sudden Spoiling has put in so much work for me over the years. I know its not removal but I have a Teferi's Protection in a deck that I do not play much.

In my meta this deck has pulled off a lot of come from behind wins.

DreadKhan on Need help ruining a combo players day

1 year ago

Thorn of Amethyst, Glowrider, Sphere of Resistance, Vryn Wingmare, and Eidolon of Rhetoric all exist, but I'm guessing they didn't make the cut?

Retribution of the Meek might be a reasonable wipe with so many smaller creatures, ditto Elspeth, Sun's Champion. If a wipe is one sided it's not just resetting the board, not sure how many of these you're willing to run. Elspeth makes a small army, much better at blocking than the Samurai from Wanderer fwiw, but Wanderer is really strong too. Smothering Tithe is great with Stasis out, Brago, King Eternal might be fun too. If people are running obnoxious stuff, you could run Enlightened Tutor to find your Stasis/Tithe cards as needed, Muddle the Mixture can find both Stasis or Brave the Sands, while also being a counterspell. If you like Stasis, you could also try Static Orb, Meekstone, Crackdown or even Winter Orb/Rising Waters, not sure how hostile you want to be but Stasis is harsher than these. How often do you cast Approach of the Second Sun in here? I ask because there are a lot of tax effects, but if it's not trouble have you thought about running some tutors to find it? The best ones I can think of are Mystical Tutor, Personal Tutor, and Solve the Equation, they can also find other cards as needed, handy if you need removal, a wipe or a counter.

As for alternatives that can do similar things, you might look at either Zur the Enchanter or Hinata, Dawn-Crowned as alternatives that offer more offensive punch while still offering a solid route to shutting the table down. Zur can dig out enchantments like Rule of Law, Stasis (and Black Market Connections) and various ways to fairly quickly win the game, all while being able to hold up lots of mana for interaction, be it counters or removal. Hinata is another tax effect, but you get access to Red as well, and Red has some interesting additions to the Stax department, you'd definitely want Grand Arbiter in your Hinata deck, and you'd run most of the same cards, but you also have the option of running a bunch of cards that care about Hinata's discount, Hinata makes interaction better, especially if it has multiple targets, the annoying thing for both is that they're much harder to cast than Grand Arbiter, so you'd have to raise your budget to have the same consistency. The big problem with Zur is protecting him. If there are literally specific players you know are a problem you can run either Baral, Chief of Compliance or Talrand, Sky Summoner, Baral is better at playing 'Counter Everything' but Talrand can be just offensively good vs a specific player since he also is generating evasive bodies while interacting with that player's win attempts. The nice thing about he mono-Blue approach is you can just brutalize a player or two while letting the others play a smaller (but more normal) game.

Oh, if those players run specific colours (and nobody else likes them as much) there are old school colour hosers, cards like Karma can make life extremely hard. They exist for all colours, and they were so staggeringly unpopular that the developer stopped printing cards like it.

mlequesne on Power ≤ 2 Tribal

1 year ago

I love your deck, the idea is great. In my opinion you lack some control, so I would suggest some one sided board wipes like Retribution of the Meek and the new The Battle of Bywater. There are other options like Crackdown, Elspeth, Sun's Champion or Dusk / Dawn

see you friend :)

Sleepysherlock on Spell-Slinging Mardu Copies

1 year ago

Lot of my suggestions are leaning into tokens because Blood Avatar clearly wants that, and if i can find a spell that makes tokens than Extus will be happy too. Thats my idea.

Big Score, Unexpected Windfall, Blood for Bones, Rakdos Charm, Fiery Confluence, Crackle with Power, Storm King's Thunder, Bonus Round, Sram's Expertise, Electrodominance, Jaya Ballard, Liliana, Dreadhorde General, Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Assemble the Legion, Secure the Wastes, Call the Coppercoats, Fury Storm, Ashnod's Altar, Prosperous Partnership, Divine Visitation

Let's take a short break here, because you need better creatures. Creatures that have VALUE as you recast them over and over, maybe even discard outlets. I hate to say it (and i'm not going to list them) but Aristocrat creatures are ideal here because they are cheap, and gain life which can then be used to cast wild stuff like Bolas's Citadel.

Dragonmaster Outcast, Viscera Seer, Cathar Commando, Leonin Relic-Warder, Mondrak, Glory Dominus, Lagomos, Hand of Hatred, Pitiless Plunderer, Mahadi, Emporium Master, Woe Strider, Ophiomancer, Mayhem Devil, Children of Korlis, Insolent Neonate, Elenda, the Dusk Rose, Sengir Autocrat, Syr Konrad, the Grim, Sun Titan

Also if this just ins't the direction you wanna go thats ight

RiotRunner789 on Stax for salt

1 year ago

If you run red/white:

Humility turns off a ton of decks. Add something like Elspeth, Sun's Champion for value.

Cards like Armageddon, Jokulhaups, and Catastrophe are always fun.

Though, these cards need a more dedicated build and new Urza probably isn't the most synergistic.

DemonDragonJ on How Can I Put Mindless …

1 year ago

I would like to put Mindless Automaton into my Atraxa, Praetors' Voice EDH deck, because it could provide amazing card advantage in that deck, but I am not certain which card to remove in favor of it. My first choice was Abzan Falconer, since this deck already contains both Elspeth, Sun's Champion and Akroma's Memorial, but the redundancy there is good, and replacing the falconer with the automaton would increase the deck's average converted mana cost, so the next choice is Azor's Elocutors, since replacing that card would decrease the deck's average converted mana cost, and the elocutors would make me a target, since there is no way that my opponents shall allow it to survive. I did also consider replacing Otherworld Atlas with the automaton, but I would like to have both cards in the deck, for redundancy.

What does everyone else say about this? How can I put Mindless Automaton in my Atraxa deck?

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