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Greed: Trip to Podalicious Value Town Baby!

Commander / EDH* BUG (Sultai) Control Reanimator



Greed. Elegance.

Two values hardly combined, but when they are, I think they produce a wonderful result. Its like you want everything for you, but with the proper manners to ask for it, so that no one finds out! Greed from the amazing FMA (not my all time favourite but definitely a MUST WATCH) is to me the definition of this combination. With his cheeky smile, desire for women, riches and freggin immortality, yet maintaining that cool, poised look, with his fur vest. Even though he is a villain in the series, he always had a very likeable quality to me and this is what the deck wants to embody. The perfect combo between greed and elegance! How do we translate such values into Magic? Enter Value Town Baby!

Power Level: Before we start, I just want to say this is not meant to be a competitive deck, but I want to tune it to a healthy 70-80% power level, which is above casual, and bellow cEDH decks. Fun is favoured over consistency, so Im not looking to add more tutors and turn 0 mana rocks.

Animate Dead: This was not necessary in this deck as it isn's strictly reanimator, but the fact that its so cheap, fits in our pseudo-self mill strategy, and can be recast with our commander once per turn, just makes it that appealing.

Phantasmal Image: basic cheap clone for anything you want to clone early on. Also a good target with value creatures when Protean Hulk dies!

Sakashima the Impostor: Arguably the best clone in this deck. Bypasses the legend rule, giving us two Muldrotha instances per turn, two Silumgars etc.

Clever Impersonator: The second best clone in the deck, as it can clone our Birthing Pod, or Sheolder, whispering one, and any other important permanent, ANY.OTHER.PERMANENT. we want! Buhhhhrokeeen!

Hostage Taker: Im trying this out since I saw it on a gameplay and it just stole the show! It is removal paired with casting the removed target! Super sick!!

Sheoldred, Whispering One: not much to say. Straight up awesome! The longer she stays, the more the control on the board! Also, Sakashima...Nasty.

World Shaper: This guy self-mills us, and pseudo ramps us on an extreme level when dead or podded away!

Birds of Paradise: pretty basic include.

Expedition Map: Gets any land, and is resuable with Muldrotha! Fock yes mate!

Coiling Oracle/Farhaven Elf/Sakura-Tribe Elder: The same CMC2 mana ramp. Pretty straightforward

Lotus Petal: This acts as pseudo-ramp. Due to its zero cost it can mana-fix any hand we draw it into. Plus when our commander is out we can recur it every turn from the grave

Oracle of Mul Daya: you know her, you love her, you play her. End of story.

Regal Behemoth: Pod into this for double mana? Yes!

Sol Ring: EDH 1-0-1

Solemn Simulacrum: EDH 1-0-2. Ramp and card draw on a stick!

Wood Elves: Grabs any forest, and can be podded away for CMC4 value.

Cyclonic Rift: bypasses hexproof, indestructible and resets the board 100% in your favour!

Oblivion Stone: Standard. Flexible. Stacks value over time if left unchecked. Recastable with Muldrotha.

Seal of Primordium: Low cost enchantment/artifact removal. Since it gets sacrificed it can be reused by Muldrotha, which can put a very nice tempo on the board.

Caustic Caterpillar: Ench/art. removal for 2 mana, but it also plays into our pod chain at 1CMC.

Ob Nixilis Reignited: This doubles here as a target removal and pseudo Phyrexian Arena on demand. Still trying it out. Plus, even if it gets destroyed, we can recast it with Muldrotha!

Pernicious Deed: This is ok by itself. But by recasting it over and over with our commander? It just puts the board on your own clock!

Reclamation Sage: Ecnh/art. removal in the pod chain? Sure.

Sidisi's Faithful: Stole this idea from T12H and its working wonders! Bypasses indestructible and sacrifices creatures that may wanna die in the late game (e.g. Solemn Simulacrum, World Shaper)

Sultai Charm: this is very in theme with the colours and fits three roles: Card draw, creature removal, ench/art. removal. Simply beautiful.

Toxic Deluge: The best boardwipe in the game, as it bypasses indestructible. Especially in a meta like mine with all the Avacyn, Angel of Hopes in my meta.

Terastodon: Non-creature removal on a big stick that fits in the pod chain. Pretty safe choice

Credit Voucher: Stole this idea from T12H and it seems to be working fine so far for hand fixing. The fact that you can recast it with Muldrotha makes it that much more relevant.

Kiora, Master of the Depths: This is a new addition but I think works quite well in the deck. For its +1 you ramp and untap a creature, for -2 you filter your hand and fill your graveyard, and all that for 4 mana and a body that is easily recastable with Muldrotha!

Kiora's Follower: This plays well with Birthing Pod as we net two activations per turn, and nets four mana with the bounce lands!

Tezzeret the Seeker: Brings 2 out of our 3 main engines on board-i.e. Vedalken Orrery and Birthing Pod. Still flexible as it can bring out Solemn Simulacrum for ramp/card draw or smaller artifacts we may need on the spot.

Baleful Strix: Pretty good pod chain value! Deathtouch/Flying and Card Draw on ETB! Versatile!

Mulldrifter: Pod chain card draw basically.

Mystic RemoraThis seems like a worse Rhystic Study, and in many cases is! But in this deck, where you can let it net a few cards and kill it without paying the cumulative upkeep cost, its golden! It's like an enchantment Brainstorm, on steroids, that we get to recast every turn for 1 mana with Muldrotha.

Sensei's Divining Top: Filtering the top of the library for controlled self-milling, and looking for last minute Counterspells to save us. Win-win.

Sultai Charm: As I mentioned before, this modal spell fills two roles: spot removal and card draw that fills our grave! Oh yeah.

Vessel of Nascency: This is very low cost, reusable with Muldrotha, finds all our relevant permanents, and fills our graveyard at the same time. Its like a scry on steroids to filter our top deck! Trying this out instead of Vampiric Tutor and will see how it goes as it is slower, but over time, provides more utility, since it is recastable with Muldrotha.

Archaeomancer: Pretty simple. Get all your value instant/sorceries back!

Eternal Witness: Same principle with Archaeomancer but it gets everything in your grave instead.

Birthing Pod: The bread and butter of this deck! The creatures have been built on a specific curve in order to accommodate the Pod, to maximize value whenever you need anything to adapt to the situation. There is all sorts of choices from removal (Sidisi's Faithful), to card draw (Baleful Strix), to ramp (Wood Elves), but the choices will be explored later. The second reason this is really good is because Muldrotha makes all our Podded creatures reusable! what? more value? no way!

Mimic Vat: Turns our ETB creatures even more abusable if Muldrotha isn't out yet. Doubling up on ETB like Sidisi, Undead Vizier and Eternal Witness for repeated tutoring and recycling, Ulvenwald Hydra for any land ramp, or Acidic Slime / Shriekmaw for spot removal sounds just crazy! We'll see how playtesting goes.

Sultai Ascendancy: In this deck this is basically Sylvan Library on steroids as it lets us choose which cards go to the top, and fills our graveyard. Need more lands? Keep the lands top and send permanents to the grave. Need more instant/sorcery value? Repeat!

Leyline of Anticipation/Vedalken Orrery: We play with a heavy number of permanents, so being able to play at instant speed is very useful! Awesome

Meren of Clan Nel Toth: As soon as we get out Meren with Pod, or any other sac outlet (e.g. High Market, Sidisi's Faithful), it gives our creatures an instant reusability, which essentially multiplies the value! Pair it with Dream Halls and a late game Sheolded, whispering one, and you will see what greed is all about.

Seedborn Muse: this, paired with Orrery/Leyline and recursion just makes our defenses that much more potent, in terms of counterspells! Bonkers!

Timestream Navigator: this isn't really an engine the way the above cards are when set up, but If used correctly with Meren, Pod and a 1CMC creature on the field, we get infinite turns to resolve the game.

Glen Elendra Archmage: Elenda is a wonder on a stick! Once she drops the game turns very political as you basically have two cards to control, with the choice of countering. Bonus: gets Podded in for protection, and after the persist wears off and she's in the grave, you can recast her with Muldrotha! Super sweet!

Siren Stormtamer: Fits into the Pod chain and is cheap protection from target hate you and your creatures get. Especially valuable when Muldrotha is out and people opt to kill it, plus once sacrificed, you can recast it with the commanders ability. Trying this out instead of Heroic Intervention but will see how it goes

Mystic Snake: Easily one of the most valuable protections in the deck. It can be Podded away into better CMC5 stuff once countering something, and can be used as a proper counterspell with Orrery/Anticipation and our commander on the field.

Spore Frog: this is a card that is not so commonly used due to its one-off no damage protection. Add a recurring theme in the deck, and you have a cheap anti-aggro strategy, which also fits in the pod chain! Common value? Sign me up!

Elephant Grass: My meta is very creature heavy and the ability to cast this for CMC1, kill it when I don't have to pay for it, and recast with Muldrotha seems very relevant for protection until we set up. Doubles up as an enchantment version of Spore Frog...sorta?

Swan Song: Ughh this is sooo good in the CMC of 1! For me an easy auto-include in any blue deck that needs some cheap counters.

1.: Birthing Pod + Kiora's Follower: As we mentioned, Birthing Pod is our key engine to use and recycle creatures. However, due to it needing to tap to use it, it limits our flexibility (a bit). But remember, we want more, FUCKING MORE!Kiora's Follower has a very good interaction with the Pod, as we can Pod away a CMC1 creature and use him next turn to Pod something twice by untapping it. Kiora's Follower also works nicely with our bounce lands, netting us potentially 6 mana on T4 to do all kinds of delicious and disgusting things we want!

3.: Sakashima the Impostor + Muldrotha, the Gravetide: Its pretty evident that any legendary is too broken to exist twice on the same board (hence the rule). Following that logic, the fact that Sakahsima is a clone that bypasses the Legend Rule enters the realm of absurd! Two Muldrothas means double the effect, means TWO OF ANY PERMANENT TYPE PER TURN! Holy fudge...the value gives me shivers!

1.: Villainous Wealth: I found out about this from Commander VS. Jeremy Noel on a Command Zone Podcast, and oh boy if this isn't sweet I don't know what is. First of all, it embodies the philosophy of greedy elegance, so its in theme (Vorthos-check). Second, it makes wonderful work in the late game, when you will have most probably out-valued EVERYTHING! Especially after a cracked World Shaper on turn 10-12, with tons of mana, this is going to be delicious! Add recursion to the mix and-insert sound of deliciousness-thats tasty!

2.: Grave Titan: this guy is just a blast! Comes in with a value of 10/10 power with the two tokens, which he produces on every attack! Clone it on the end game to close in really quickly.

This is a project I've been working on ever since T12H released his Pod The Mimeoplasm idea!. So in light of that, I want to give massive thanks for the inspiration!
7/2: -Took out Timestream Navigator for Sultai Ascendancy. The deck needs more consistency in top-card filtering and graveyard filling and I want to see how this works.

-Also thinking of fitting in some tutor value like Sidisi, Undead Vizier and Chord of Calling.

-Took out Woodfall Primus for Terastodon to maximize on the spot removal

-Took out Dragonlord Silumgar for Sidisi, Undead Vizier for more tutoring and an additional sac-outlet, Zendikar Resurgent for Rampunap Excavator for more flexible graveyard land play and to extend the pod chain, and Protean Hulk for Meren of Clan Nel Toth to alter the engine into more recursion.

10/2: -Took out Ramunap Excavator for Dosan the Falling Leaf for some pro-active protection in case Im missing the Orrery/Leyline utility.

-Swapped Tranquil Thicket for Elephant Grass for more mid-late game protection. Seems to be working really well so far.

-Swapped Font of Fertility for Farhaven Elf as it makes the pod chain more flexible and is more relevant to recast with Muldrotha in the late game, while still ramping.

-Switched Damnation for Oblivion Stone because its recastable with Muldrotha, but still testing.

11/2: -Took out Phyrexian Delver for Phyrexian Arena. I was lacking card draw and the Delver was a bit dead if Muldrotha was already out.

Disclaimer: I do not own the music or video. All credit goes to Cyanna Mercury and any relevant creator.

27/4: -Taking out Voidslime as its a non permanent, and I already have some counters. Will see how much versatility I miss from it. Putting in a Crystal Vein in its place for extra ramp.

-Taking a huge step here and switching out Dream Halls for Mimic Vat. Doesn't have the same explosive use as Dream Halls, but Im trying out the over time value that the Vat produces as an engine to the deck


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Revision 38 See all

(2 years ago)

+1 Eldritch Evolution main
-1 Peregrine Drake main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #8 position overall 6 years ago
Date added 7 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

16 - 12 Mythic Rares

46 - 13 Rares

18 - 8 Uncommons

14 - 3 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.94
Tokens Ashaya, the Awoken World, Bird 2/2 U, City's Blessing, Copy Clone, Emblem Kiora, Master of the Depths, Emblem Vraska, Golgari Queen, Experience Token, Octopus 8/8 U, Plant 0/1 G, Spirit 1/1 C, The Monarch, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Commander, Edh, Cool Decks, Muldrotha edh, Interesting Commander Decks, Cool Muldrotha Decks, commander decks, BUG, Sweet Brews from Other Folks
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