Plague Spitter

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Plague Spitter

Creature — Phyrexian Horror

At the beginning of your upkeep, Plague Spitter deals 1 damage to each creature and each player.

When Plague Spitter dies, Plague Spitter deals 1 damage to each creature and each player. (Dying is being put into the graveyard from the battlefield.)

Coward_Token on Murders at Karlov Manor

6 months ago

neo!Massacre Girl: Any good non-symmetrical burn creatures that can take advantage of this in mono-black? (Stuff like Plague Spitter will wear down your own stuff)

Kylox, Visionary Inventor: Very expensive at 7 MV, but seems fun. Works well with token-making spell cards. (Any good Ball Lightning-type token creators?)

Case of the Ransacked Lab: Finally a mono-blue noncreature Goblin Electromancer at this mana value! It turning into a quasi-Archmage Emeritus later on is just the cherry on the top. I like Cases in general too, being obviously very similar to Classes.

Dog Walker: disguise flavor feels kinda weird here

Delney, Streetwise Lookout: AFAIK e.g. Welcoming Vampire doesn't work with stuff like this. At least Esper Sentinel is still good. Also, neat Spark Double imitation with commanders like Lotho, Corrupt Shirriff

Mortlocke on Indoraptor Combo

7 months ago

Apologies for taking so long to make a reply, life is busy and all. Before going into your deck, i'll speak on what I think are the ideal cards for your commander, Indoraptor, the Perfect Hybrid. This deck's primary wincons appear to be death by Commander Damage, as your Commander grows exponentially when it's Cast under the right conditions. The Enrage trigger is meant to deal with the opponents left after the initial shock of blowing up one opponent after the combat step.

In my opinion, your deck seems close - but misses the mark when supporting your commander's themes. Some of your cards seem a little too divergent from a nice central theme which I believe is or should be a form of group slug. However, you will break pairity through your commander's enrage ability. Obviously this won't earn you many friends but when you throw around enough damage friends may not even be necessary.

Objectively, your deck has all the usual suspects when it comes to solid reliable options that help with consistency. Demonic Tutor, Grim Tutor, etc are always the best options when you have available to you. Same for the other colors. Good job on making sure you have your options available to you when you need them. Great manabase as well - you've picked essentially all the best options. I would however advise a word of caution regarding the inclusions of Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth - fixing your opponents manabase can push them multiple turns ahead as well and cost you the game. I'd typically recommend cutting these unless you can break pairty and find a use for them that far outstrips the benefit to your opponents (e.g. include Cabal Coffers for urborg).

As painful as it is to cut or change themes, here are the cards I think would better suit your commander:

  • Caltrops: A reliable method to trigger your commander when Pyrohemia or Pestilence isn't on the field. it also punishes opponents as well. However, a word of caution here - if you can't deal damage to opponents before you cast your commander, then this will result in a nonbo or anti-synergy. Take or leave this one.

  • Rite of Passage: Enrage naturally wants to kill creatures off, so why not make that an advantage for you and break pairty?

  • Roaming Throne: Double up on triggers.

  • Wrathful Raptors: Double up on triggers.

  • Raging Regisaur: Did I say Double up on triggers? I feel like I haven't.

  • Fiery Confluence: When you simply need to get another trigger from your commander.

  • Forerunner of the Empire: The tutor effect is neat for when you need to get another Dinosaur - but what's really great is his second ability which you guessed it - gets you another trigger from your commander when said other Dino hits the battlefield.

  • Assassin's Trophy/Beast Within: Your deck doesn't have very much interaction, which will lead to situations where you will find yourself wanting to do something about a problematic card - but unable to do so.

  • Deflecting Swat/Deadly Rollick: The free cast spells are great in any deck - and thanks to the "recently" released commander masters these cards are cheaper than they've ever been.

  • Compy Swarm: This creature will get your consistent Dinosaur ETB triggers as your opponent's creatures die off from Pyrohemia and the like triggers.

  • Plague Spitter: It does what Pyrohemia and Pestilence does - with caveats. With the effect being only once per turn

  • but free, you don't have to worry about keeping mana open to use it. But it's on a body and can be easily removed.

  • Ranging Raptors: As you are using Enrage, why not ramp while you're at it?

  • Sword of Hearth and Home: Given your commander's first ability is an ETB trigger, when not have the option of potentially increasing it's power and toughness after a particularly vicious turn? The ramp also doesn't hurt to boot. The best part though, is that you don't have to target your commander - need another creature to ETB so you can trigger something else? You can do that too.

  • The Ozolith: This is obviously an expensive suggestion - and I don't know your budget. But this card has some very obvious synergy with your Commander that would definitely make all those recasts worth it - and you know you'll be recasting your commander.

The Proliferate/Poison cards are an interesting method of dealing with opponents early - but this theme unfortunately requires much more cards to be built around it to work in my opinion. Proliferating the +1/+1 counters and the poison counters already on an opponent is great and all - but I don't think that will create consistently lasting and reliable game states that are favorable to you. It only takes a single piece of interaction to make the whole process fall, and that interaction only needs to target your single point of failure - your commander.

You have a solid deck, but I think over time as you play it in pods and ponder your themes you may make make some changes or tweaks. I hope my card suggestions are something useful to you. +1 from me, if I haven't already.

SufferFromEDHD on It's Only Ketchup

8 months ago

I looked through my collection. Plague Spitter seems like a slightly tamer Last Laugh.

SufferFromEDHD on Athreos White Black Undying Evil

1 year ago

Stay true to the theme of all the creatures. If Plague Spitter doesn't fit than neither does Chainer. If you are looking to steal creatures maybe Ashen Powder, Beacon of Unrest or Gruesome Encore could fill the role without straying from the theme.

If Chainer caught your eye he is a really fun commander to build around Chainer, Dementia Nightmare Master

SufferFromEDHD on Athreos White Black Undying Evil

1 year ago

I told you on one of your other decks the way you utilize Null Brooch is how I also approach deck building. It really does fit anywhere! (except in mono blue decks)

How do you feel about Imp's Mischief and/or Rebuff the Wicked?

Martyr's Cause solid engine similar to Gate to Phyrexia.

Citanul Flute is that old school janky tech I love seeing being used to it's full potential.

I suggested Plague Spitter because it is the creature version of Noxious Field/Pestilence. After looking thru your creatures again I see a very clear theme that it does not fit into. Still a cool card that has synergy with the strategy and abuse potential alongside Athreos.

hootsnag on Athreos White Black Undying Evil

1 year ago

Ok. I guess Null Brooch is my one true pet card above them all. It fits anywhere haha! Let's see. First, I didn't add Bloodghast because it can't block. I definitely need to add in Nether Traitor. I wasn't sure whether I should add cards like Plague Spitter or not because they are creatures and they could die (unless I get Avacyn out fast). This is why I chose Noxious Field instead. It will stay around along with Death Pits of Rath even when all creatures are dead on the board and I will still have a way to kill all creatures every turn. I definitely want to add Harvester of Souls and Pitiless Plunderer. They synergize beautifully with this deck. Creatures that gain me life or make others lose life for creatures dying isn't something I'm sure I want to add. I will need to test what I have more before I decide. I don't think Body Launderer will be the best for this deck. I'm not sure I would add it. Vanishing Verse isn't really necessary. I have WAY more than enough removal as it is. I can try and squeeze in Crypt of Agadeem but I don't know if it will get much value. I'm going to add Citanul Flute in here as well. I mainly chose Athreos, God of Passage as the commander just to make my creatures come out even faster unless someone wanted to pay the life. Hopefully I will finish updating this today and run some tests. Thank you SufferFromEDHD for all of your suggestions and help. I really appreciate it!

hootsnag on Athreos White Black Undying Evil

1 year ago

Ok. I guess Null Brooch is my one true pet card above them all. It fits anywhere haha! Let's see. First, I didn't add Bloodghast because it can't block. I definitely need to add in Nether Traitor. I wasn't sure whether I should add cards like Plague Spitter or not because they are creatures and they could die (unless I get Avacyn out fast). This is why I chose Noxious Field instead. It will stay around along with Death Pits of Rath even when all creatures are dead on the board and I will still have a way to kill all creature every turn. I definitely want to add Harvester of Souls and Pitiless Plunderer. They synergize beautifully with this deck. Creatures that gain me life or make others lose life for creatures dying isn't something I'm sure I want to add. I will need to test what I have more before I decide. I don't think Body Launderer will be the best for this deck. I'm not sure I would add it. Vanishing Verse isn't really necessary. I have WAY more than enough removal as it is. I can try and squeeze in Crypt of Agadeem but I don't know if it will get much value. I'm going to add Citanul Flute in here as well. I mainly chose Athreos, God of Passage as the commander just to make my creatures come out even faster unless someone wanted to pay the life. Hopefully I will finish updating this today and run some tests. Thank you SufferFromEDHD for all of your suggestions and help. I really appreciate it!

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