Bottle Gnomes

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Bottle Gnomes

Artifact Creature — Gnome

Sacrifice Bottle Gnomes: You gain 3 life.

awesomedude20 on Shirei's Army of Weaklings

1 year ago

So, Shirei as a deck, has one fatal issue you gotta overcome:

If Shirei dies, so does your entiiiiiiire gameplan, so protecting Shirei is absolutely a must.

I see you're running some indestructible-enabling equipments. Darksteel Plate is... okay, but Shield of Kaldra should probably be scrapped. That's 8 mana you gotta dump into it for it to do its thing.

I would run more cards like Professor's Warning, Without Weakness, or Gift of Doom (which is especially fun since you don't care about saccing creatures, and you'll always play it for its morph cost, which is 3 generic. Not too bad at all.)

These let you survive removal which WILL be pointed at your commander, while also trading the expensive benefit of having continuous indestructible applied to Shirei, for the chance to make your opponents WASTE removal on you.

A Darksteel Plate is great and all, but it gives other players all the time in the world to try and play around it, and THEN blow up Shirei. Reactionary protection lets you waste their resources, which is fun.

Also, this is my own personal view on the game talking, but I think you have WAAAAAAAAAY too many tutors. Your entire sorcery/instant lineup is tutors, and then a few more.

I think you'd be better off replacing almost all of those cards, with cards that you'd be happy to draw anyways, because as soon as every card in your deck is a good draw, you really won't need those tutors.

Ideally you'll want to add more sac outlets, more Shirei protection/ramp, and DEFINITELY some instant-speed removal.

I might add more thoughts later, but uh, laaaast thing.

Marionette Master is INSANE and is capable of dealing like 50~ damage or so to a player in just one turn rotation. So uh, yeah lol.

Also Tree of Perdition is fun.

And Bottle Gnomes best card 10/10

BrassLord on Fear the Night - Werewolf eldrich horror

3 years ago

Possible sideboard includes that are budget Back to Nature for Boggles, Sorcerous Spyglass for a catch all, Ancient Grudge and Smash to Smithereens for Affinity, Tormod's Crypt for graveyard shenanigans, Ghost Quarter for Tron, and Thragtusk or my favorite Bottle Gnomes for any Aggro!

But sideboards are always dependent on what you play against! Hope that gives some ideas!

Spell_Slam on [PDH] Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker

4 years ago

That's a gooood cookie! Much better than Bottle Gnomes! Thanks again!

Omniscience_is_life on Mayael, the Master of Monsters

4 years ago

Hey fellow Nayan!

LOVE this list, I'm definitely going to take many of these cards over to my deck.

May I suggest some cards? Thanks. For card draw, Soul of the Harvest is a superstar, as it provides a decent body with a relevant keyword in addition to said draw. I don't like Bonders' Enclave, paying what is essentially 4 mana for 1 card in exchange for a (admittedly untapped) colorless source is not ideal in my mind... but if you're feeling ok with your colorfixing then perhaps it's ok :)

You have a LOT of 3+ CMC ramp, I would suggest Nature's Lore+Arcane Signet in exchange for Migration Path, and Kodama's Reach (can't have Ishi-Ishi, Akki Crackshot pinging you ;D).

How about Zacama, Primal Calamity? Even as just a 9/9 keyword soup, it'd be decent, but having a Naturalize, Lightning Bolt, and, um, Bottle Gnomes on a stick is incredible. Maybe take out Akroma, Angel of Wrath as she has no function but to beat? Provides no additional value?

Just thoughts! Thank you for making this deck, I really did enjoy finding it!

Strangelove on Perpetual Servitude

4 years ago

Hey Sauwse, +1

Here's my take on Shirei.

You want cards that, unless they ramp or draw, do at least two things (like sacrifice themselves and trigger). Also, I found death triggers to be more useful than ETBs with Shirei and the stack.

I'd say you can cut the following:

Tree of Perdition... I love it too, but... it paints huge target on your head. I almost never get this to go off without boots, etc. Anything that has to tap is going to be clunky.

Piper of the Swarm... also clunky.

Tattered Mummy / Cauldron Familiar... compared to Sling-Gang Lieutenant? or Qarsi Sadist?

Deathgreeter... I'm not sure if I like this more than Bottle Gnomes, and I like that Deathgreeter costs 1, but I think you have enough lifegain as is.

Macabre Waltz... one of the weakest cards for sure.

Hope that helps! Good luck.

xaarvaxus on Teshar

5 years ago

Bottle Gnomes may only gain you life but they at least can sac themselves at no cost and count as historic for the purposes of triggering your commander's ability.

Felidar Cub gives a little more removal to recur.

Condemn is a bit conditional but at least an option for some instant speed removal that can deal with indestructible creatures.

Checked Card Kingdom and they have a fair number of printings of Sun Titan for under $3, the Commander 2019 version is listed at $1.99. Having a couple of things that are a little beefier wouldn't be a bad idea and it fits the theme of the deck.

Thraben Inspector ?

I second adding a anthem or two to be able to punch through if/when needed.

lagotripha on Grisly Graverobbers 2.0

5 years ago

Nice list, should be fun for casual play. I'd look at mechanics like morbid Tragic Slip , Scavenge Slitherhead , unearth Extractor Demon , and 'classic' sacrifice effect creatures like Spore Frog or Bottle Gnomes / Brindle Boar . Stag is currently your only way to deal with flying creatures, so something like Aerie Ouphes would likely help.

Past that, relax and build something to be fun with your playgroup. Good casual games aren't about consistancy (uneless its consistant fun), they are about creating fun memories and flashing in Gluttonous Slime in response to living end.

kyledycus81 on Oloro, Darkness Ascetic

5 years ago

Replaced Bottle Gnomes for Priest of Forgotten Gods cheaper mana cost both gained life but priest had more worth.

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