Hideous Visage

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Hideous Visage


Creatures you control gain intimidate until end of turn.

Tobutron on Spells for a B/G Spider/Scorpion …

7 years ago

Hmm Fatal Push is out of my budget at the moment and so is Inquisition of Kozilek if I were to buy a playset of it. I was thinking of Ultimate Price or Victim of Night as a replacement for Fatal Push and Despise to replace Inquisition of Kozilek

Also would Stab Wound and Hideous Visage work with this?Stab Wound = for defensive plays since a majority of my creatures have deathtouch and high toughnessHideous Visage = When I'm on the offensive

WargRave on $25 Extreme Budget Hapatra EDH

7 years ago

A decent $25 deck is a great accomplishment! Moreover, a lot of the stuff in here looks genuinely strong, and not jank at all.

On the subject of evasion, Trailblazer's Boots is other inexpensive equipment that gives nearly unblockable and doesn't have Hot Soup's downside, though it doesn't curve with Hapatra quite as well.

Reclamation Sage is a bit cheaper than Beast Within and you may be able to count on your -1/-1 counters to take out troublesome creatures, and your snakes to combat planeswalkers. Unravel the Aether and Deglamer maintain instant speed and budget while dealing with indestructibles like the Theros gods, Blightsteel, etc.

Speaking of removing creatures, fight works great with deathtouch snakes as well as infect/wither. I see you already have Ulvenwald Tracker, but how about Setessan Tactics for some instant speed blowouts?

I feel like Liliana's Influence is a little weak for its mana cost and it's over twice as expensive as the average card. Corrosive Mentor can spread a lot of -1/-1 counters at half the mana cost. Rendclaw Trow is another 3 mana witherer that also has persist! Blight Sickle allows everyone, including the snakes, to get in on the fun.

Eldritch Evolution is even more expensive, and doesn't have many targets from your snakes. The exact effect is impossible to replicate as thriftily, but Primal Command give the tutor effect along with other decent modes for about 80 cents less (you can find it for about $1 quite easily).

Gravity Well is an interesting one. I wouldn't want to stop my opponent's flyers from attacking each other though, just me. Tower Defense does the same job for a turn, and the toughness boost is considerable. It's enough to use it against ground attackers to keep all your blockers alive. Blightwidow and Deadly Recluse are the spiders that seem to fit best. Windstorm and Whirlwind proactively handle flyers.

Jungle Hollow is as about cheap as Foul Orchard, as is Golgari Guildgate. Grim Backwoods generates some value from excess snakes. I find the one mana cycle lands good to mitigate land flood, and they're less than $0.25 too. Oran-Rief, the Vastwood would require one of the more expensive spells to leave, but it's far better than a basic Forest.

Some ramp wouldn't go amiss. Wayfarer's Bauble, Rampant Growth, and Nissa's Pilgrimage are super budget. Sakura-Tribe Elder is 0.75, but snake flavor! Grapple with the Past is flexible.

Card draw options: Warriors' Lesson, Altar's Reap, Mask of Memory, and Vulturous Aven make use of your snakes. Read the Bones is rarely bad. For graveyard based card advantage, there's Phyrexian Reclamation and Wildest Dreams. Skullwinder is political and thematic. Creeping Renaissance could potentially replace Seasons Past at a lower price.

What else could come out? Probably Aboroth, it doesn't do as much as any other 6+ mana spell in the deck I think, or even the 5 mana spells. It doesn't even provide -1/-1 counters until your next upkeep. Hideous Visage feels like it's not necessary, since who's blocking 1/1 deathtouch creatures anyway? It's true that Hapatra wants evasion, but intimidate isn't even great on a two color creature; Aphotic Wisps does the job for one mana, and cantrips. Likewise, Sewers of Estark is too much mana and too many cents for the effect. Culling the Weak seems like something that belongs in an explosive combo deck, not a grindy, incremental value deck.

Well that's it, I look forward to seeing you evolve this deck!

YellowFlassh23 on Blue/Black Faerie Rogue

7 years ago

Your deck is indeed lacking focus lemme see what I can do. Also these suggestions are assuming you're going for a low to the ground evasive agro build of faeries. Your deck is also extremely budget and if any of suggestions are too out of your price range it's fine let me know and I'll see if I can some up with a better alternative. Also your land base really needed some changes made to it so I made them I'm not sure if with the changes it equals 60 cards still let me know it not. I really hope these help

Changes to enchantments (+)

  • +4 Bitterblossom This card does everything you need in your deck; low cmc and makes rouges/faeries. By itself bitterblossom can take over and win most games if left unchecked long enough.

Changes to enchantments (-)

  • -1 Protective Bubble your cards almost all already have flying which makes them hard to block + scion already gives shroud no need to have this semi-expensive protection in here

Changes to instants/sorceries (+)

  • +2 Counterspell one of the best counters in legacy and since you're only playing a two color deck it should not be too hard to cast being UU

Changes to instants/sorceries (-)

  • -1 Hideous Visage again no need to make your creatures hard to block they already are.

  • -2 Notorious Throng this card is good if you have the mana as it can straight up end games if cast for its prowl cost but most of the time it's over kill. its insanely good as a 1 of that can steal games if you cast it when your opponent's tapped out (say by mistbind clique) also I've added quite a bit of draw power so you can see it rather often even though its just a 1 of.

  • -1 Recall you play so many creatures and they are either A. easy to protect or B. expendable you don't need to wasting mana to get them back when you could just cast another in the place of one that was lost.

  • -1 Smallpox kinda lack luster as a 1 of and hurts you as well slowing you down, you're trying to win quickly and overwhelm your opponent before they have answers to your army.

  • -1 Sorin's Vengeance another card that is way to expensive for what it does by the time you are able to cast this either you or your opponent already won.

  • -1 Nameless Inversion two mana for a pseudo removal/buff isn't really as worth it as straight up removal

  • -1 Sorin's Thirst see nameless inversion

  • -1 Wring Flesh see nameless inversion

  • -2 Violet Pall this card is just straight up bad sorry to say its way to expensive and the value of a single 1/1 faerie rogue for it is not worth in any way.

Changes to creatures (+)

  • +4 Faerie Miscreant This is another low to the ground faeries rogue that draws you cards.

  • +1 Latchkey Faerie This card if your bring it in for its prowl cost can be very effeceint but you don't want to be paying the 4 mana ever so have 2 means you see if enough where it can cantrip and give you a 3/1 body while digging deeper into your deck but also you won't always see it.

  • +3 Mistbind Clique This card is insane its a 4/4 for 4, protects a faeries (if they target for removal just flash in and exile target protecting it), semi-time walks your opponent (cast on upkeep and taps them out so they can only play instant in response). They only reason I'm not recommending 4 is that it is kind of expensive and you want to keep this decks cmc pretty low.

  • +1 Oona's Blackguard this is the main card in your deck and you want to see it every game as soon as possible it makes all your rogues when they etb bigger speeding up your opponent's clock as well makes your opponent discard when they take dmg (which is going to be often) keeping them from stopping your army of creatures.

  • +1 Scion of Oona this card protects all your faeries(flash it in in response to removal) and makes them bigger and you can bring it in on your opponent's end-step to save mana on your turn. the only disadvantage is that since it grants shroud not hexproof you can not target your own faeries(which is why I'm not recommending 4). Also having 2 means they can't be target as well.

Changes to creatures (-)

  • -1 Stinkdrinker Bandit while this card is excellent at making your rogues bigger(since all of them having flying they will usually be unblocked) and its prowl cost makes it very efficient to cast you already have quite a few other lords in the deck and to many buffs may be overkill. (this card is still amazing in theory and if you want to keep 3 that is fine I just feel you might need to start adding more removal/control)

  • -1 Auntie's Snitch I feel the goblins are unnecessary and they are easily blocked bc they don't have flying

  • -2 Ghostly Changeling 3 cmc is a lot in your deck + an additional 2 to make it into a 3/3 temporarily is not worth it.

  • -1 Marsh Flitter too expensive for a lack luster effect

  • -1 Mothdust Changeling it is cheap but doesn't do much except slow you down to make it flying? not worth it

  • -1 Nightshade Stinger again doesn't do much can't even chump block big creatures

  • -2 Prickly Boggart low cmc and has fear but other than that doesn't do anything and fear is worse than flying no point in really having it

  • -1 Sower of Temptation while this card can steal big creatures from your opponent your opponent won't always have big creature to steal its cmc is also high. this card is better in the side board where you can bring it in when you know it will be an effective choice.

Changes to artifacts (-)

Changes to lands (+)

Changes to lands (-)