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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Spirit

(Green)(Green), Sacrifice Rootrunner: Put target land on top of its owner's library.

Soulshift 3 (When this is put into a graveyard from play, you may return target Spirit card with converted mana cost 3 or less from your graveyard to your hand.)

Kechl on Ghost Dad - (Budget Friendly)

7 years ago

Wow. Thank you for the big reply. :)

I get all of your points, they are reasonable. Rootrunner was just a janky silly idea I liked, I know it's (probably) not playable. :D

If I ever play this deck, I'll let you know. I'm currently not playing any decks, but this one is definitely one of my favorites.

Good luck with it :)

ZorrosRage on Ghost Dad - (Budget Friendly)

7 years ago

Kechl thank you for enjoying the deck. Cool little story.

The deck can definitely be adjusted and tested. I'll start with your suggestions.

Gift of Immortality is definitely a great card it the hard part is the 3 cost. It makes it hard to bring more than one in and there is a lot of times you just don't want it yet Tallowisp helps you get it When you do. After testing with all of the hexproof and counters with creatures I just felt it was amazing in the side but not in the main. It slowed down the main idea and usually wanted it game 2 after I had more knowledge of what I was facing.

The main win in the deck is the Geist of Saint Traft being buffed. It's super powerful with Steel of the Godhead

Selfless Spirit is a great card. Especially with GoI like you stated. This is just a decision on what you face and what you think your week against. Only 2 because I feel like I can try to stop most board wipes with the cards in the deck and the two for extra insurance. 2 I feel is a good spot for selfless with all of the control I have. A lot of my cards also cost 3 so I'm not going to have a lot to keep alive unless I counter.

I actually feel like if I have GoI thenKami of False Hope is better for me in more areas which is why I have 3. The main issues I've had is when someone is going to swarm the board and kami just locks their combat. A selfless helps me block but a lot of damage well still happen and I'll be hit for it. Being swarmed and big swings can be this decks weakness, but kami and GoI can help with that. The life link if steel of God Hand does also.

As for Eidolon of Rhetoric. No doubt is a great sideboard card. You just have to know what your going to face. I just chose to try to fight combo with the counters, but if your going to face it a lot it is definitely needed in the side. I don't really see storm very much so not in there current. Mainly what I see is death shadow, affinity, control, and mid-range stuff. I feel like my side is good for that.

As for Rootrunner it's just not a fit for the deck. Cost too much green and your already tight on Mana. There is really only 1 green for Rancor because Rancor is just that good. Buffs any flyers you want and makes them better without ever being wasted if you lose it.

Thanks for the suggestions none were bad. If you want to pick it up please let me know how it goes I do not get to test it enough but when I do it played great. You can adjust the side for what you need but I think the current one is solid. All the cards in the maybe area could easily go in vs certain decks if you know what your facing. Even if you face a lot of combo with Devoted Druid Oppressive Rays has helped me stop it. It can be a bit slow though. There is a lot of things you can adjust but this is how so far it tested best for me.

Kechl on Ghost Dad - (Budget Friendly)

7 years ago

First, I would like to answer one question no one is probably going to ask. How did I get to this deck? :D And.. well.. this is the story:I was looking for creatures that might feel good with Gift of Immortality (GoI) on their backs. It would be best if they had a build-in sacrifice ability.. Fulminator Mage? Sakura-Tribe Elder? Hmm.. that doesn't feel good enough..Then I remembered two of my many favorite decks. Walls and Spirits. Seth (probably better known as saffronolive) from MTGGoldfish played a deck named CoCo Walls, which played this one little boy, Kami of False Hope. However, that little boy was really big in some matchups. The question was: How good could he be with GoI? Probably.. at least a bit better.. and in some matchups insane! This Kami guy.. he is a spirit.. and that's when it struck me - there are at least two more good spirits that have an sac-ability and a deck based around them! Those spirits are Mausoleum Wanderer and Selfless Spirit. With Rattlechains and Drogskol Captain for protection, this could be a nice variant of UW Spirits. So I started building it in my mind.I was thinking about ways to polish the deck a bit.. and another enlightenment (after the first Kami of False Hope one) happened - Tallowisp!So.. how did I get there? Well.. I was looking for other Auras that could be tutored with Tallowisp.. and Mark of Eviction caught my eye as a card that could have some sweet builds built aroud. Little did I know I would stumble upon a deck similar to the one I wanted to create!

The reason I'm written something like this isn't because I have no friends who would be interested in it (although..), but because I'm really happy that a similar idea was floating around. (But it's not that I thought that I would be the one to actually "invent" this concept.)So once again, I reeeeealy like your deck! :3 And I would like to share some thoughts, ideas, and ask some questions.

I see Gift of Immortality as something stronger than it probably really is. I would have probably put two into maindeck :D.. Is it not that good? I would like you to give me some arguments why it isn't as good as I see it.

Selfless Spirit + GoI give your creatures indestructible, and that includes the returned Selfless Spirit. When you sacrifice SS, the ability goes on the stack, and after that GoI's ability triggers. The only time SS can be killed by something like Fatal Push is between the resolution of GoI trigger and SS ability. But this alone can protect SS from sorcery-speed destroy effects.

Why is Selfless Spirit only good as a 2-of in sideboard? Against what cards/decks and in exchange for what cards from main board would you side them in?

Eidolon of Rhetoric + GoI can't be destroyed by spells. He can be exiled or bounced. But if he gets hit by Fatal Push, he returns. If your opponent sweeps the board, he returns. And after that, they can't play another one, so GoI can peacefully return.

Do you not think Eidolon of Rhetoric would fit into sideboard? Does this deck has problems eith Storm matchup? Are Mausoleum Wardeners enougj? Is EoR a nonbo with something like Tallowisp?

Now something just for fun I found. Rootrunner + GoI soft locks opponent's draws. Eith the bonus of repeatable soulshift 3, which should return any of your spirits! :D

Now a bit creative one.. What new card or effect would help this deck? Some good cheap aura? I would like to hear about the "dream" card for this deck that would help especially this deck.

What is the strategy of this deck? Is it aggresive, defensive, or does it depend on your hand?

And that was the final question! Thank you so much for reading!

I hope I haven't written my questions in a disrespectful way like "why u so stupid to not play this card", I really want to know your ideas about card choices and these things. :)(Also I'm tired so I'm not reading again what I've written.. so sorry for any mistakes and thinks that make no sence :D)

Snickles@EDH_only on The Cheating Green Monster

7 years ago

odd mechanics in green:

Bellowing Tanglewurm, Beacon Behemoth, Avoid Fate, Cream of the Crop, City of Solitude, Brooding Saurian, Heartwood Storyteller, Gurzigost, Genju of the Cedars, Gaea's Liege, Freyalise's Winds, Fertile Imagination, Eyes of the Wisent, Engulfing Slagwurm, Elven Warhounds, Elephant Grass, Hermit of the Natterknolls  Flip, Hidden Gibbons (and the other hidden creatures / enchantments), Dosan the Falling Leaf, Holistic Wisdom, Hornet Sting, Hunted Troll, Ichneumon Druid, Kashi-Tribe Reaver (and the rest of kashi-tri, if only for the lockdown mechanic), Lifeforce, Lignify, Lost in the Woods, Mammoth Harness, Meandering Towershell, Midsummer Revel, Mindbender Spores, Mortal Wound, Multani, Maro-Sorcerer, Nacatl War-Pride, Nature's Wrath, Night Soil (okay, this one is odd - because the colon is after the removal of creatures, it happens faster than players can respond or trigger to - it happens at the "cost" step of activating the ability), Noxious Revival, Panglacial Wurm, Permeating Mass, Planeswalker's Favor, Protean Hydra, Quirion Druid, Recycle, Revelation, Riftsweeper, Rite of Passage, Root Maze, Rootrunner, Rust, Scarwood Bandits, Sprouting Phytohydra, Sporogenesis, Spike Tiller, Sheltering Ancient, Selvala's Charge, Sekki, Seasons' Guide, Wave of Vitriol, Wonderlust, Vernal Equinox, Unyaro Bees, Typhoon, Tropical Storm, Tornado, Tempting Wurm, Tempting Licid, Symbiotic Deployment, Superior Numbers, Stunted Growth, Wild Mammoth, Wolfcaller's Howl, Worldspine Wurm, Xantid Swarm, and Yavimaya Dryad

dreamistt on Meren, The World is mine

8 years ago


-Blood Bairn -> +Viscera Seer (cheaper sac outlet) or at least Bloodthrone Vampire (strictly better)
-Satyr Wayfinder (even though Self-mill can be quite good for Meren, therer are better cards for this)
-Grisly Salvage (same thing. The only one I'd tell you to keep is Mulch because it might give you 2 lands)
-Viridian Zealot -> outclassed by +Caustic Caterpillar
-Kessig Cagebreakers (the tokens could be fun, but I don't think they are useful enough)
-Banshee of the Dread Choir (meh)
-Lotleth Troll (meh...)
-Bloodspore Thrinax (growing creatures are not all that good in a commander based on graveyard recursion)
-Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest (growing creatures are not all that good in a commander based on graveyard recursion)
-Vulturous Zombie (growing creatures are not all that good in a commander based on graveyard recursion)
-Champion of Stray Souls (I know you like it, but check out my suggestions first. I don't think they are useful enough)
-Doomgape (same thing. A 10/10 trampler is great, but if you manage to get some 5/5 flying demons, you'll be happier)


-Golgari Guildgate
-Vivid Grove
-Vivid Marsh
-Polluted Mire
-Slippery Karst
+Basic Forests and Swamps. There's no need for all this color-fixing and taplands in a deck with just two colors and one of them being green and with access to ramp cards.


+Nest Invader (small ramp)
+Growth Spasm (ramp)
+From Beyond and/or Awakening Zone (consistent ramp and experience builder for Meren)
+Catacomb Sifter (scry, ramp, experience)


+Rootrunner lockdown when you are ahead
+Triumph of the Hordes for the infect win


+Jarad's Orders (2 in 1)
+Corpse Connoisseur (reusable Entomb)

RAMP (besides eldrazi)

+Solemn Simulacrum
+Farhaven Elf
+Kodama's Reach or Cultivate


+Smothering Abomination (the mandatory upkeep sacrifice won't be a problem most of the times... and you can sac itself if needed be)
+Bloodgift Demon (getting 1 extra card for 1 life and a big flying dude is pretty neat)
+Kothophed, Soul Hoarder (6/6 flying for ? The drawing clause is mandatory and it could be problematic against some decks, but if you remember to have a sac outlet ready, you can sacrifice him if you need to)
+Vampiric Rites (doubles as a sac outlet)


+Beacon of Unrest is a must have. Gets you a creature or artifact (birthing pod, probably) back.
+Ever After isn't bad either
+Grim Return (sacrifice something and cast that)


+Xathrid Demon a second Jarad
+Demon of Dark Schemes is a cheaper Massacre Wurm and it allows you to get creatures from ANY graveyard for some energy.
+Aetherworks Marvel (speaking of energy, this one allows you to cast a card for free for 6 energy. And tokens generate energy as well)
+Riftsweeper is a safeguard card when you get most of your win-cons exiled.
+Deadbridge Chant can be downright amazing in a Meren deck. The initial self-mill won't be a problem 99% of the time.
+Avenger of Zendikar gives you a bunch of tokens.
+Overseer of the Damned (removal and token generator... besides being a 5/5 flying creature)
+Havoc Demon (mass removal -break in case of emergency-, 5/5 flying creature)

dreamistt on Meren

8 years ago

I'd remove/replace
(-) Wood Elves ----> Farhaven Elf
(-) Vulturous Zombie
(-) Titania, Protector of Argoth
(-) Shadow Alley Denizen
(-) Satyr Wayfinder
(-) Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest (too ugly)
(-) Glissa, the Traitor (if you use her just for first strike + deathtouch she isn't all that useful...)
(-) Doomgape (too ugly)
(-) Creakwood Liege (useful, but ugly)
(-) Champion of Stray Souls
(-) Acidic Slime
(-) Polluted Mire ----> Barren Moor
(-) Slippery Karst ----> Tranquil Thicket
(-) Aspect of Gorgon
(-) Dread Summons (could backfire pretty hard against another reanimator decks)
(-) Vampire's Bite ----> Deadly Allure
(-) Ashling, the Extinguisher

(+) Rogue's Passage - always useful, specially if you manage to ult Vraska

Maybe add a Garruk?

(+++) Pawn of Ulamog - helps building up experience faster (plus he is a vampire)
(+) Wasteland Viper - doubles as instant spell, thanks to bloodrush
Nemesis of Mortals - maybe?
(+) Disciple of Bolas - pretty self-explanatory. Even though it's not that thematic, the artwork makes up for it.
(+) Bloodgift Demon - kinda thematic since he gives blood (plus increasing draw)
Moriok Replica - non-thematic, recursive creature-based draw alternative
(+++) Sidisi, Undead Vizier - Nagas are part-snake! Sac to tutor is pretty good with Meren.
(++) Caustic Caterpillar - is cute and easily reusable to deal with pesky enchantments/artifacts
Basal Sliver - mana dork
Verdant Eidolon - mana dork (plus great artwork, but kinda costy)
(+) Burnished Hart - ramp
Dawntreader Elk - ramp
Renowned Weaver - early game
Centaur's Herald - early game
(+++) Merciless Executioner or Fleshbag Marauder (eew) help out specially if you sac them and bring them back with Meren. (works as Barter in Blood, but with no drawback for you). Also does wonders in conjunction with Butcher of Malakir.
Agent of Erebos - might be necessary when dealing with other reanimator decks (sideboard?)
Ravaging Riftwurm - it dies in 2 turns, but Meren can easily bring him back.
(+++) Rootrunner - it's a win condition. It can easily lock someone into drawing the same land over and over.
(+++) Bloodflow Connoisseur / Bloodthrone Vampire / Vampire Aristocrat in opposition to
Blood Bairn can sacrifice themselves.
Flesh Carver - looks like a vampire and grows up pretty fast, even though you have to pay to feed him. Intimidate is a plus.
Soldevi Adnate - poetic and could make itself useful in the mid-game.
Viscera Seer - classic
(+) Hooded Hydra - HAIL HYDRA! Gives you pet snakes
(+) Hornet Queen / Hornet Nest - flying deathtouch tokens are lovely
Avenger of Zendikar - lots of tokens.
(++) Vampire Hexmage - Kills planeswalkers among other stuff
(++) Archetype of Endurance - one of the cheapest defenses you can get in a deck.
Fierce Empath - tutor

Ulvenwald Mysteries - acts as a draw engine and gives you some vampire food in exchange. The art could also be interpreted as vampire attack :P.
Vampiric Rites - sac outlet and draw engine
Seed the Land - even though it also gives tokens to your enemies too, it should be ok.
Bonds of Mortality - removes hexproof and indestructible
Zendikar Resurgent - doubles your mana

Cobra Trap - for the trap trigger is quite good, but it's a terrible card otherwise.
Arachnogenesis - not thematic, but it's a good EDH card.

Cultivate / Kodama's Reach - a must
Reign of the Pit has fantastic artwork.
(+) Triumph of the Hordes - win condition (plus flavor since it's poison)
Traverse the Ulvenwald - tutor
Diabolic Tutor - tutor
Increasing Ambition - tutor
Barter in Blood - removal
Crux of Fate - removal
Deadly Tempest - removal

Orochi Hatchery - I don't believe it should be necessary on this deck, but it's an option...
Basilisk Collar - Basilisks are a Gorgon's best friend.
Mortarpod - or, as I like to call it: deathtouch token-based removal cannon.
(+)Ring of Xathrid - Regenerate and buff a creature (Meren deserves a ring!)
Swiftfoot Boots - for the hexproof (Meren has a giant target on her back)

dreamistt on Meren

8 years ago

I'd remove/replace
(-) Wood Elves ----> Farhaven Elf
(-) Vulturous Zombie
(-) Titania, Protector of Argoth
(-) Shadow Alley Denizen
(-) Satyr Wayfinder
(-) Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest (too ugly)
(-) Glissa, the Traitor (if you use her just for first strike + deathtouch she isn't all that useful...)
(-) Doomgape (too ugly)
(-) Creakwood Liege (useful, but ugly)
(-) Champion of Stray Souls
(-) Acidic Slime
(-) Polluted Mire ----> Barren Moor
(-) Slippery Karst ----> Tranquil Thicket
(-) Aspect of Gorgon
(-) Dread Summons (could backfire pretty hard against another reanimator decks)
(-) Vampire's Bite ----> Deadly Allure
(-) Ashling, the Extinguisher

(+) Rogue's Passage - always useful, specially if you manage to ult Vraska

Maybe add a Garruk?

(+++) Pawn of Ulamog - helps building up experience faster (plus he is a vampire)
(+) Wasteland Viper - doubles as instant spell, thanks to bloodrush
Nemesis of Mortals - maybe?
(+) Disciple of Bolas - pretty self-explanatory. Even though it's not that thematic, the artwork makes up for it.
(+) Bloodgift Demon - kinda thematic since he gives blood (plus increasing draw)
Moriok Replica - non-thematic, recursive creature-based draw alternative
(+++) Sidisi, Undead Vizier - Nagas are part-snake! Sac to tutor is pretty good with Meren.
(++) Caustic Caterpillar - is cute and easily reusable to deal with pesky enchantments/artifacts
Basal Sliver - mana dork
Verdant Eidolon - mana dork (plus great artwork, but kinda costy)
(+) Burnished Hart - ramp
Dawntreader Elk - ramp
Renowned Weaver - early game
Centaur's Herald - early game
(+++) Merciless Executioner or Fleshbag Marauder (eew) help out specially if you sac them and bring them back with Meren. (works as Barter in Blood, but with no drawback for you). Also does wonders in conjunction with Butcher of Malakir.
Agent of Erebos - might be necessary when dealing with other reanimator decks (sideboard?)
Ravaging Riftwurm - it dies in 2 turns, but Meren can easily bring him back.
(+++) Rootrunner - it's a win condition. It can easily lock someone into drawing the same land over and over.
(+++) Bloodflow Connoisseur / Bloodthrone Vampire / Vampire Aristocrat in opposition to
Blood Bairn can sacrifice themselves.
Flesh Carver - looks like a vampire and grows up pretty fast, even though you have to pay to feed him. Intimidate is a plus.
Soldevi Adnate - poetic and could make itself useful in the mid-game.
Viscera Seer - classic
(+) Hooded Hydra - HAIL HYDRA! Gives you pet snakes
(+) Hornet Queen / Hornet Nest - flying deathtouch tokens are lovely
Avenger of Zendikar - lots of tokens.
(++) Vampire Hexmage - Kills planeswalkers among other stuff
(++) Archetype of Endurance - one of the cheapest defenses you can get in a deck.
Fierce Empath - tutor

Ulvenwald Mysteries - acts as a draw engine and gives you some vampire food in exchange. The art could also be interpreted as vampire attack :P.
Vampiric Rites - sac outlet and draw engine
Seed the Land - even though it also gives tokens to your enemies too, it should be ok.
Bonds of Mortality - removes hexproof and indestructible
Zendikar Resurgent - doubles your mana

Cobra Trap - for the trap trigger is quite good, but it's a terrible card otherwise.
Arachnogenesis - not thematic, but it's a good EDH card.

Cultivate / Kodama's Reach - a must
Reign of the Pit has fantastic artwork.
(+) Triumph of the Hordes - win condition (plus flavor since it's poison)
Traverse the Ulvenwald - tutor
Diabolic Tutor - tutor
Increasing Ambition - tutor
Barter in Blood - removal
Crux of Fate - removal
Deadly Tempest - removal

Orochi Hatchery - I don't believe it should be necessary on this deck, but it's an option...
Basilisk Collar - Basilisks are a Gorgon's best friend.
Mortarpod - or, as I like to call it: deathtouch token-based removal cannon.
(+)Ring of Xathrid - Regenerate and buff a creature (Meren deserves a ring!)
Swiftfoot Boots - for the hexproof (Meren has a giant target on her back)

dreamistt on Meren

8 years ago

I'd remove/replace
(-) Wood Elves ----> Farhaven Elf
(-) Vulturous Zombie
(-) Titania, Protector of Argoth
(-) Shadow Alley Denizen
(-) Satyr Wayfinder
(-) Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest (too ugly)
(-) Glissa, the Traitor (if you use her just for first strike + deathtouch she isn't all that useful...)
(-) Doomgape (too ugly)
(-) Creakwood Liege (useful, but ugly)
(-) Champion of Stray Souls
(-) Acidic Slime
(-) Polluted Mire ----> Barren Moor
(-) Slippery Karst ----> Tranquil Thicket
(-) Aspect of Gorgon
(-) Dread Summons (could backfire pretty hard against another reanimator decks)
(-) Vampire's Bite ----> Deadly Allure
(-) Ashling, the Extinguisher

(+) Rogue's Passage - always useful, specially if you manage to ult Vraska

Maybe add a Garruk?

(+++) Pawn of Ulamog - helps building up experience faster (plus he is a vampire)
(+) Wasteland Viper - doubles as instant spell, thanks to bloodrush
Nemesis of Mortals - maybe?
(+) Disciple of Bolas - pretty self-explanatory. Even though it's not that thematic, the artwork makes up for it.
(+) Bloodgift Demon - kinda thematic since he gives blood (plus increasing draw)
Moriok Replica - non-thematic, recursive creature-based draw alternative
(+++) Sidisi, Undead Vizier - Nagas are part-snake! Sac to tutor is pretty good with Meren.
(++) Caustic Caterpillar - is cute and easily reusable to deal with pesky enchantments/artifacts
Basal Sliver - mana dork
Verdant Eidolon - mana dork (plus great artwork, but kinda costy)
(+) Burnished Hart - ramp
Dawntreader Elk - ramp
Renowned Weaver - early game
Centaur's Herald - early game
(+++) Merciless Executioner or Fleshbag Marauder (eew) help out specially if you sac them and bring them back with Meren. (works as Barter in Blood, but with no drawback for you). Also does wonders in conjunction with Butcher of Malakir.
Agent of Erebos - might be necessary when dealing with other reanimator decks (sideboard?)
Ravaging Riftwurm - it dies in 2 turns, but Meren can easily bring him back.
(+++) Rootrunner - it's a win condition. It can easily lock someone into drawing the same land over and over.
(+++) Bloodflow Connoisseur / Bloodthrone Vampire / Vampire Aristocrat in opposition to
Blood Bairn can sacrifice themselves.
Flesh Carver - looks like a vampire and grows up pretty fast, even though you have to pay to feed him. Intimidate is a plus.
Soldevi Adnate - poetic and could make itself useful in the mid-game.
Viscera Seer - classic
(+) Hooded Hydra - HAIL HYDRA! Gives you pet snakes
(+) Hornet Queen / Hornet Nest - flying deathtouch tokens are lovely
Avenger of Zendikar - lots of tokens.
(++) Vampire Hexmage - Kills planeswalkers among other stuff
(++) Archetype of Endurance - one of the cheapest defenses you can get in a deck.
Fierce Empath - tutor

Ulvenwald Mysteries - acts as a draw engine and gives you some vampire food in exchange. The art could also be interpreted as vampire attack :P.
Vampiric Rites - sac outlet and draw engine
Seed the Land - even though it also gives tokens to your enemies too, it should be ok.
Bonds of Mortality - removes hexproof and indestructible
Zendikar Resurgent - doubles your mana

Cobra Trap - for the trap trigger is quite good, but it's a terrible card otherwise.
Arachnogenesis - not thematic, but it's a good EDH card.

Cultivate / Kodama's Reach - a must
Reign of the Pit has fantastic artwork.
(+) Triumph of the Hordes - win condition (plus flavor since it's poison)
Traverse the Ulvenwald - tutor
Diabolic Tutor - tutor
Increasing Ambition - tutor
Barter in Blood - removal
Crux of Fate - removal
Deadly Tempest - removal

Orochi Hatchery - I don't believe it should be necessary on this deck, but it's an option...
Basilisk Collar - Basilisks are a Gorgon's best friend.
Mortarpod - or, as I like to call it: deathtouch token-based removal cannon.
(+)Ring of Xathrid - Regenerate and buff a creature (Meren deserves a ring!)
Swiftfoot Boots - for the hexproof (Meren has a giant target on her back)

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