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Crux of Fate
Choose one —
- Destroy all Dragon creatures
- Destroy all non-Dragon creatures.

multimedia on
The Ooze makes it sticky
3 months ago
This new direction for you to consider improves big creature reanimation, threats shouldn't be a problem if you play smarter. Gameplay will be much different with less creatures, relying more on noncreature spells since they will be replacing creatures. In my opinion a good rule for casual Commander deck building is to have at least 10 sources of draw and ramp. Find deck room for lots of these effects as they're the two most important type of effects for smoother gameplay. Cards that both draw and ramp are helpful Collector's Vault.
More card draw Diresight can help to play smarter since you can better sculpt your hand because you see more cards. Draw spells in the early game Night's Whisper can also help to get more than 7 cards in your hand to then have free discard of creature(s) at your Cleanup step until you have 7 cards in hand. Low mana cost (0-3 CMC) ramp Sol Ring is important because you don't want to have to rely only on your one land drop on your turn as the only source of having mana. With less creatures you don't want mana dorks as ramp only noncreature cards Arcane Signet. Some lands since 40 lands is a lot, could be cut for lower mana cost ramp Utopia Sprawl.
Having your graveyard exiled is a fear/concern for all players who play reanimation thus with Stickfingers don't dump all your creatures at one time into your graveyard. Instead Stickfingers for 2 putting 2 threats into your grave and try to reanimate a creature the same turn you put creature into your graveyard. Paying less mana for Stickfingers leaves mana leftover to reanimate that same turn. This makes more 1 or 2 drop reanimation spells important to play Life / Death, Persist and more any card recursion Regrowth to get reanimation spell back to cast again.
There's cards you can play that help against graveyard exile, but ultimately you can't stop it from happening therefore the best defense is to play smarter. Instant reanimation Makeshift Mannequin, reanimate in response to the exile. Play more lower mana cost removal that can remove artifact, enchantment or creature graveyard hate Assassin's Trophy. In response to graveyard exile you can instant put creatures back into your library Turn the Earth or Repopulate.
Having less creatures and you're worried about not having enough blockers play additonal big creatures like Massacre Wurm. Play more creature board wipes Crux of Fate and Terror Tide. Reanimate big creatures who create token creatures Avenger of Zendikar to then use the tokens as blockers or sac fodder Grave Titan. Planeswalkers that can repeatably create creature tokens Grist, the Hunger Tide are nice. Grist can be reanimated by creature reanimation because when it's in your graveyard it's a creature. It's also a creature in your library therefore if revealed, Stickfingers puts it into your graveyard.
Having more creature token producers Liliana, Death's Majesty makes Altar of Bhaal viable repeatable reanimation since you can exile a creature token to reanimate. Liliana can also be a source of repeatable mana free reanimation. Altar's repeatable reanimation is really powerful when you have token fodder to exile. Grave Titan, Hornet Queen, Avenger of Zendikar are excellent with Altar. Having creature tokens also is defense against most opponent edict effects.
DreadKhan on
8 months ago
I think you should do something about your mana fixing, you have a reasonable 39 lands, but you don't have a great deal of mana fixing options (you do have Chromatic Lantern, but not The World Tree), in addition you don't run many land ramp spells (stuff like Nature's Lore or Untamed Wilds that can find lands are generally better than creatures that will die when people wipe the board to get rid of your Dragons, land ramp makes it easier to recover). In a deck with lots of Basics I like stuff like Kodama's Reach, Harrow, Roiling Regrowth, and Entish Restoration are all options that are really good at getting you to WUBRG (and Tiamat). I like Blighted Woodland, Myriad Landscape, and even Krosan Verge for fixing in a deck with lots of Basics, but note that Krosan Verge can fetch a non-Basic Forest and Plains, I like to find Murmuring Bosk and a typed Plains/Island or Plains/Mountain, so it can find 4 colours without a fancy/expensive Triome. If you run lots of Green land ramp spells you should probably not cut any Forests (even for duals that offer Green), I would cut non-Forest Basics instead since your deck will work better if it has access to Green mana. I have a Meren of Clan Nel Toth deck that REALLY needs to have at least one Green source very early or it's dead, that deck runs 19 Green lands, and even though the deck is mostly Black spells the deck only runs 11 Black lands; my Green sources can find my Black ones for me, so I don't actually need to draw any Swamps in a normal game to have plenty of Swamps. Hope this helps/makes sense, making a great mana base is really hard to do.
I think recasting Tiamat is probably a useful enough thing that Netherborn Altar might be handy, as would similar effects. You can also use Capsize or Unsummon to return Tiamat to hand so you can get her trigger again (to recover from a wipe).
If you're really into Dragons you might like Crux of Fate, this can clear out non-Dragons, probably letting you alpha strike. You can also try Mandate of Abaddon and target a Dragon that is big enough to kill all the relevant blockers, yet small enough to not kill your important Dragons.
raspberryfish25 on
The Kaalia Battalia
1 year ago
Hey, I really enjoy your Kaalia deck but, one thing I noticed, you don’t have a lot of ways to protect Kaalia while she is on the board. A few cards I run in my personal Kaalia deck to help with this are: Galadriel's Dismissal, Teferi's Protection, Mithril Coat, Sephara, Sky's Blade, Earnest Fellowship, Malakir Rebirth Flip and, Sejiri Shelter Flip.
Both Teferi’s Protection and Gladriel’s Dismissal basically do the same job of not just protecting Kaalia but your entire board from spot removal and mass removal. Gladriel’s Dismissal also has the two added bonuses of in a pinch just being able to protect Kaalia or using it on your opponent to remove all their blockers for a turn. Mithril Coat is more niche but, has protected Kaalia a few times from targeted removal spells. What I like about the coat is I can play it at instant speed so I can possibly bait an opponent into waisting one of their removal spells on Kaalia. Sephara, Sky’s Blade is a slightly worse Avacyn, Angel of Hope which you are already running. Earnest Fellowship is a card I find a lot of people sleep on. At first glance the enchantment does not look like it would do that much but with it out you’re giving Kaalia protection from the three most prominent removal colors. I have had this card in my Kaalia deck for years and I have lost count how many times an opponent has went to cast a removal spell on Kaalia only to realize that they can’t because Kaalia has protection from it. Lastly, both MDFCs should almost be an auto include because they only things they are replacing is a basic plains and swamp.
I see you run a lot more spot removal then I personally do in my Kaalia deck which is not a bad thing I have just found it is not as necessary. Instead, I focus more on mass removal because, I have found in most games getting rid of one or two cards on the battlefield does not help me when I am behind. However, resetting the board when the table has shut me down helps me out immensely allowing me to claw back into the game.
A few mass removal cards I would consider are Damn, Farewell, Crux of Fate, and Scourge of Kher Ridges. Damn is just an upgraded version of Damnation because it has the flexibility to be spot removal or mass removal. Farewell is arguably the best removal spell in the format because outside of Planeswalkers it can deal with anything making it so versatile plus as an added bonus it exiles instead of destroys. Crux of Fate is unique because your deck is already running a ton of dragons so why not possibly save your board of dragons while you clear everything else out of your way? Speaking of dragons, I stumbled upon Scourge of Kher Ridges awhile back and man has this card impressed me so much. You cheat it into play with Kaalia then for you get to do 2 damage to all creatures without flying! Best thing is you can activate the ability as soon as Scourge hits the table. As long as Scourge is out you are able to shut down all non-flying creatures. Plus 99% of the creatures in your deck have flying so you don’t have to worry about any of your creatures taking damage.
Sorry if this was a longer than normal post. Overall, I really like the direction you took your Kaalia deck.
PhyrexianHellkite on
50$ Budget The Ur-Dragon
1 year ago
I have tested creatures/cards like that in the past and don't like the staying power or what they are adding to this deck. The creature versions get board-wiped the fastest and don't tend to extend the deck past extra mana available, so I prefer to start getting bigger game impact dragons out and only ramp via land ramp and some artifacts. Mainly to help with my mana fixing, draw, and one sided board-wipes. See the list of cards that those would not interact with other than Scaled Nurturer, that one gets the dragon pass but not card draw and would take up one of the 30 dragon slots. Garruk's Uprising, Elemental Bond, Frontier Siege, Wrathful Red Dragon, Silumgar, the Drifting Death, Rith, Liberated Primeval, Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm, Lathliss, Dragon Queen, Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury, Ganax, Astral Hunter, Firkraag, Cunning Instigator, Dromoka, the Eternal, Bladewing the Risen, Atarka, World Render, Haven of the Spirit Dragon, Relic of Legends, Jade Orb of Dragonkind, Carnelian Orb of Dragonkind, Crux of Fate, The Ur-Dragon
So 20 cards or 1/5th of the deck that those would not extend or interact with. Here is a link for some statistics for mana reducers that basically says if you can play cards every turn and use all mana you have as well then they work the best in those types of decks.
Is it worth it to play cost reducers in MTG EDH commander? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prltKyeJMKI
Form about this topic https://www.reddit.com/r/EDH/comments/b3stji/cost_reducers_vs_ramp/
Thanks for the comments! Hope this gives some insight on my deck building/playing style and if you run those mana dorks/cost reducers, I think cards like can help and, I do run them in other decks with less colors or better card draw. I do think a commander like Tiamat would benefit from those to help play the tutored cards after cast and help commander tax to recast it and refill your hand. The main thing I consider is what am I swapping, and in this deck and it's mana fixing for a 5 color deck on a 50$ budget, or a potential dragon slot for a deck that wants dragons on the field attacking to start getting ramped up.
I will continue to update this deck and work to give better descriptions of my other decks as well as I build and update my commander arsenal!
Profet93 on
Dirty Needles
1 year ago
I was gonna recommend the several instant cards that return your creature when it dies but given the exile opponent, I am hesitant to recommend them at this time. They might want to be reconsidered later. Until then, below are some general suggestions to improve the power/consistency of the deck while remaining "budget"
Draw to maintain gas (as you will be targeted)
Crux of Fate - Boardwipe for when things get out of hand
Imp's Mischief - Under $10 but extremely useful!. Redirect _targeted _ removal, draw and extra turns. Not to mention, it can "counter" counterspells and having 2 mana open will allow you to bluff interaction.
Force of Despair - Interaction while tappedout gives you a strong ability to bluff. May or may not be useful but worth mentioning.
Lightning Greaves - I know you have swift boots which allows you to put on other equipment but redundancy is nice to protect your costly commander.
Champion's Helm - Similar to above and swift boots
Trailblazer's Boots - Almost guaranteed unblockable
Sword of Vengeance - Not needed but potentially worth looking into
Animate Dead - Recursion is always nice in black
Thespian's Stage - Copy coffers or opposing utility land
Homeward Path - $15 but meta call should you find theft to become more common
You really need more ramp in this deck to make your commander more threatening
Mind Stone/Commander's Sphere - Ramp when you need it, draw when you dont
I can provide several suggestions for cuts should you wish, let me know. Hope this helps.
DreadKhan on
Ur-Dragon (Recs. Needed)
1 year ago
I'll give you a few tips from my limited experience with 5 Colour decks and how they achieve their mana requirements.
My first point is that combining the Bounce Guild lands with numerous ETB tapped lands will feel incredibly bad, I would definitely throw in more untapped lands if you're going to use that many Bounce lands. I love the Bounce lands, but they should be played mostly with other lands that ETB untapped, like Basic lands, bouncing an ETB tapped land is not fun in my experience.
I would encourage you to lean into Green ramp, there is lots of it that's very good, including options that find dual lands that have Basic types (or even Triomes if your budget permits, but there are budget fetchable duals out there). To make that Green ramp work you probably would want more Forests because a Forest and ramp spell can fix your mana for you.
Another thing I noticed that helps 5 Colour decks is the fact that you can use budget fetchlands of all sorts. The worst of my favourite 3 is Myriad Landscape, followed by Blighted Woodland and Krosan Verge. Krosan Verge can technically find all 5 colours by itself if you use Triomes, because it can find non-Basics, but there is also Murmuring Bosk to help. In addition to these types of fetchlands, you might find some use for the old Panorama cycle from Alara, Esper Panorama, Jund Panorama, Bant Panorama, Grixis Panorama, and Naya Panorama. None of those are truly great cards, but in a pinch they both enter untapped while eventually offering good fixing. A nice perk to using more Basics is that you are better at enduring non-Basic hate, not sure if people use stuff like that in your area.
Their is the odd good land worth looking at if you want budget mana fixing, the pain lands Sulfurous Springs or Adarkar Wastes are very strong fixing options that are relatively cheap, people use these in budget cEDH builds, they're perfect if you want good non-Basics for a low price, the Enemy pair from that cycle (Shivan Reef and Caves of Koilos are generally quite cheap, the Ally pairs are pricy). There is also the odd land like Exotic Orchard that can fix pretty well, but most 5 colour lands that enter untapped are pricey.
My final suggestion is that I found it helpful to run more ramp than usual in my 5 Colour decks, as well as more lands total. My 5 Colour Sisay deck has 39 lands and iirc over 20 ramp spells/effects (some work as combo pieces), and my Reaper King deck has 38 lands and around 15 ramp sources. It's a big hassle to get 5 colours consistently, but if you straight up run extra lands and ramp it becomes much easier.
A few more general pointers, I noticed you don't have Crux of Fate in here, it's usually pretty good in a Dragon deck. You also might like Stinging Study as a big draw spell. It's usually not as good as Stinging Study, but Imposing Grandeur also exists. Bring to Light and Wargate are two pretty strong tutors, perfect if you want to power your deck up a bit.
griffstick on
infinite rats
1 year ago
I was trying to think of a way to combat the Dragon deck. And I've got one. Add Maze of Ith. Now don't cut a land for it (because maze of ith does not tap for maan) cut something else. Maybe one of the Rats legendofa said to cut.
Also it would be hilarious to board wipe with Crux of Fate against your friend with the Dragon deck. Don't add Crux of Fate
AlistarFiend on
How to Train Ūr-Dragon
1 year ago
Licecolony, I have been giving this some thought. Although I like Harsh Mercy better than Crux of Fate, I think Kindred Dominance would be even better!
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