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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



You may cast Necromancy as though it had flash. If you cast it at any time a sorcery couldn't have been cast, the controller of the permanent it becomes sacrifices it at the beginning of the next cleanup step.

When Necromancy enters the battlefield, if it's on the battlefield, it becomes an Aura with "enchant creature put onto the battlefield with Necromancy." Put target creature card from a graveyard onto the battlefield under your control and attach Necromancy to it. When Necromancy leaves the battlefield, that creature's controller sacrifices it.

Crow_Umbra on Thought I Was Dead? [Primer]

4 weeks ago

Thank you Andramalech, I appreciate it! I was super happy that Alesha got a new card & confirmation that she's still alive and kicking ass in some version of the Tarkir timeline. The meme inclusion in this primer is a bit of a personal call back to how I included a meme in the primer for my OG Alesha deck.

I'm stoked for the Return to Tarkir! I don't really have any hopes or expectations for it, especially since we just got a new Alesha in Foundations. Would be cool to maybe get a Jund Alesha, assuming she's still alive in the timeline during the return.

I haven't seen Postmortem Lunge before, I'll keep it in mind. I think if I where to include another reanimation piece, I was eyeing my copy of Necromancy I have in my binder.

multimedia on Zombies.

2 months ago

Hey, Gisa only having one haste source here makes her really slow to get going, if at all. Lightning Greaves, Swiftfoot Boots, Lavaspur Boots, consider maxing out on these haste sources? If you already control one then have more ways to discard away the others Collector's Vault, Putrid Imp?

There's some 2 drop mana rocks/cost reduction you could add to increase ramp Mind Stone/Jet Medallion, but I think you would be better off using these deck spots to improve potential early game reanimation. You have some reanimation, but what I don't see here are effects that can get Zombies into your graveyard to reanimate before you get Gisa as a sac outlet.

Collector's Vault, Diresight, Entomb, Unmarked Grave, Buried Alive, Lively Dirge, Putrid Imp these are spells you could potentially cast long before you control Gisa. Getting some cards into your graveyard a little faster helps Stitch Together's threshold. Can even play more potential early game draw Night's Whisper/Sign in Blood to get more than 7 cards in hand which then you can at your Cleanup step discard down to 7 cards as free discard to setup reanimation. If you're discarding creatures to reanimate then consider increasing lower mana cost reanimation Reanimate, Animate Dead, Persist, Necromancy?

Consider adding an earlier game reanimation plan to get Grave Titan onto the battlefield? Titan being a repeatable Zombie token source can hold down the fort until you get Gisa going. In the meantime, Titan could do damage to opponents. Archon of Cruelty also isn't a Zombie, but is an excellent reanimation target, who if you can control it in the earlier game can give you a huge advantage. When your Commander can create creature tokens and with Grave Titan, Altar of Bhaal is powerful repeatable reanimation when you have creature tokens to exile.

I hope this advice was helpful and if you're interested I offer more advice about what cards to consider cutting.

jaymc1130 on Sidar Jabari of Zhalfir

3 months ago

Seems like too many medium knight creatures and too little consistent value generation to really pop. Sidar just plain isn’t particularly good in EDH settings from a competitive standpoint, but can be much more effective in Duel Commander where it’s much less important to be able to play at instant speed with shields up at all times.

A couple generic suggestions.

  1. Currency Converter, looting effects go great with converter, and with a looting effect from eminence this card is going to be a must include for any Sidar deck.

  2. Call the Bloodline, Chivalric Alliance is great in a Sidar deck, why not a second copy of something similar? Both of these token generators also pair extremely well with Currency Converter as two card combos that can put in some real work. 1 mana and a card for a 1/1 and a 2/2 or 2 mana and a card for 2 2/2s are great deals in terms of mana investment.

  3. Containment Construct, pitching lands and playing them from the yard? Yes please. Pitching spells and playing them from the yard? Yes please. So much value to grind out opponents with and an excellent way to generate card advantage by using the yard as a second pseudo hand. Crucible of Worlds can also help get value from looting away lands in a similar manner.

  4. Virtue of Loyalty, a 2/2 for 2 mana at instant speed can be considered removal for creatures attacking you while just being generically on rate for spending 2 mana (much more applicable to Duel Commander than EDH or cEDH) and the second casting provides a powerful enchantment finisher that can get pretty out of hand if left alone for more than one turn cycle of buffing the whole squad.

  5. Reanimates in general. Unearth, Animate Dead, Necromancy, Jolted Awake, Agadeem's Awakening  Flip, etc. Slap some more of these effects into the deck so it’s not as reliant on Sidar reanimating things to generate value from the yard.

  6. More interaction. Fatal Push effects and some more counters like Drown in the Loch can help improve your chances of creating winning board states. Just playing some generic knight idiots and sitting around waiting for an opportunity to turn the team sideways is a pretty passive way to play. Generate some opportunities for yourself by adding some ways to affect the board in a favorable manner and protect the squad as you assemble it.

  7. Cantrips. Ponder, Preordain, Brainstorm (if you can swing adding in the 9 fetchland package) and the like will help smooth out draws, make the deck more consistent, and give you things to do on early turns that proactively progress your game plan.

There’s a lot more I could add, but these are some basic things that could improve functionality without breaking the bank.

Apoptosis on Wheel in the Sky

4 months ago


Out are cards that help opponents or don't have ideal synergy or add to the major mechanics: Anvil of Bogardan, Horn of Greed, Dictate of Kruphix, Howling Mine, Temporal Mastery, Time Warp, Smoke, Sign in Blood, Mystic Retrieval, Dismal Backwater, Doom Blade, Damnable Pact.

In (reanimation theme and some targets for reanimation): Exhumefoil (not 100% on this one), Soul Exchange (idealy would want one that could target all graveyards), Dance of the Dead, Animate Dead, Liliana of the Veil, Necromancy, Sire Of Insanity (bomb that minimizes opponent's ability to profit from the wheel), Mangara's Tome (I love this as a way to stack all of my reanimation cards, or anything else that I want to protect from my own wheel effects. Curious to see how it plays. The sceptor is included for the same reason), Sepulchral Primordial, Diluvian Primordial, and Molten Primordial.

Need to get an Academy Ruins.

EchoSpice on Teenybones steels ur tings >:)

5 months ago

Tinnuki those are great suggestions! i havent updated this deck in a while, but im definitely adding Quest for the Necropolis and Necromancy when i do! And thank you for liking a whole bunch of my decks :D

Tinnuki on Teenybones steels ur tings >:)

5 months ago

"Would love more ways to snag things out of opponents graveyards!"

You've got Animate Dead, Beacon of Unrest, and Rise of the Dark Realms, have you thought about the classic Necromancy?

Or the slightly more expensive Endless Obedience or Fated Return. The newer Quest for the Necropolis and Virtue of Persistence look cool too!

Neotrup on Casting a spell

6 months ago

You cannot. Auras require a target when casting, which is chosen during the third step of casting a spell (601.2c) while costs are paid later in the eighth step (601.2h), so the creature card will still be in hand when you choose what you're enchanting. You could reanimate what you discard with the similar card Necromancy as it is not an aura until after it's already on the battlefield.

Crow_Umbra on In what color to combo …

8 months ago

What kind of combo are you looking for, or what is most fun for you? Every color combo has a plethora of combos available to them. I'd recommend checking out as a resource to look up combos across different color combos. It explains in a pretty clear step by step manner how each combo is achieved.

Personally, I like to play combos where each of the components can stand on its own, so they don't necessarily feel like "dead" cards without the other pieces.

Some of my favorite combos:

This combo can be achieved with Leonin Relic-Warder and Animate Dead/ or Necromancy/ or Dance of the Dead. On their own, each can function independently & effectively, or be combined with something like Bastion of Remembrance or an Impact Tremors effect to drain out the table.

Again, on their own, each piece is fully functional and can stand on its own. In combination the two pieces can potentially lead to multiple combat steps.

I'd say figure out which colors and archetypes you like playing most, then search around on Spellbook to see if there are any combos that you might like. Just about every color has some kind of combo available to it, but each one might fit your playstyle or budget better than others.

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