Mesa Enchantress

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mesa Enchantress

Creature — Human Druid

Whenever you cast an enchantment spell, you may draw a card.

Crow_Umbra on The Aura Auteur [Retired]

6 months ago

Thank you, Profet93, I appreciate it. I've played quite a few different iterations of Aura or Enchantress decks over the past 10 years, so this was definitely a fresh twist on an archetype that I thought I was basically done with. To answer your questions:

  1. I chose to go with more of the "When an enchantment ETBs, draw a card", combat damage, or Creature cast/ETB draw route. In my early play-testing, I felt that I didn't have a high enough concentration of enchantments to run the usual suite of Enchantress draw effects (Mesa Enchantress, Verduran Enchantress, Enchantress's Presence, etc). Some of the older Enchantress/Aura decks ran 20-30 enchantments, so it felt more consistent with that type of concentration.

  2. I do have a copy of Replenish from some of my earlier jaunts down Enchantress/Aura Voltron lane. On a similar note as the Enchantress type draw, I felt that I didn't have enough of a concentration of Enchantments to run it, especially since this deck is much more creature heavy, and Aura Roles are most commonly going to be the types of Enchantments I have on board. In the games I've had so far, I haven't really felt I needed it, but I know it's there if I ever wanted to give it a spot.

  3. Tajuru Preserver is definitely a meta call, and kind of a pet card/inside joke with my best friend that got me into MtG. One of my first ever decks was a janky Bogles/Aura Voltron deck that evolved into a Heroic/Aura Voltron deck, circa 2013-14, when we were in college. My friend plays mostly Black, and always ran plenty of edict removal, so Fleshbag Marauder was the bane of my existence back then, until I started slotting in Tajuru Preserver. Since I still encounter plenty of edict based removal in my meta, mostly because of him, I wanted to have a means of having some buffer against that. There were a few games with this deck where someone got a Dictate of Erebos online earlier than expected, & this deck quickly folded to it until relevant removal popped up.

  4. I've liked Archetype of Courage the times I've played it, but I'm sure the deck could be fine without it. My meta leans a bit more aggro and go-wide, so being able to be the only with First Strike has helped in some games for offensive & defensive purposes.

FolkOccult on Sisay's Horny Spaceship

1 year ago

Five Color Decks

Probably the one deck-type I've found myself building often, I've built this commander twice, the Jared Carthalion planeswalker three times, Morophon Ultimatum-tribal, Tiamat D&D only, and a couple other flavor specific lore-restrictive decks and the biggest advice I have to offer is trying to balance your mana base and pips (not saying your lands themselves are off, but looking at the color of the spells in your deck I can see the imbalance in colors when comparing your black and white spells to the number of red, green, and blue spells. This isn't necessarily bad, but with as many of these that have two pips of the same color mana, you're going to find yourself getting stuck with something you can't cast because you're waiting on that one pip of additional mana in the color you need).

My biggest piece of advice for accomplishing this is to either focus on multi-colored creatures, or mono-colored pieces that you can cast and send on their way. Both require a tight balance of mana-color, the first requiring as mana colors of mana to be open as possible while the latter only requires you have one of each color available to cast either a white, blue, black, red, or green creature.

By stacking as many pips of the same color (two, three, or four of the same color pip like in Celestial Mantle) you're actively fighting your deck's mana base by telling your one of each color to filter you another color of the same pip (meaning you'll need ways to filter or get these colors which isn't as effective as just having these colors on the field, ala basics, fetches, or mana rocks). With rocks you can do this, or by filtering, but I suggest just pay 2 mana for an arcane signet and you're better off than hoping you can get the color you need to use your Mana Crypt to cast your commander turn 1.

The second part of making sure your WUBRG deck isn't going to smack itself face first off the draw, is going to be curating your mana around your library and the cards within it. I suggest establishing your mana base after you've counted your pips (either making sure if there are any multi-colored spells that they have only one pip of each color present to establish an easier cast Elenda, the Dusk Rose which can be cast with WUBRG components, or lowering your two-to-three pip spells like Liesa, Forgotten Archangel or Mesa Enchantress unless it's pinnacle to your game plan to more multi-colored or single-pip creatures.) or putting as many single-pip spells into this as possible for blatant consistency.

The Game-plan

I can't say I'm skilled or the least bit talented at constructing decks, I actively fight the design philosophy of each plane and their released cards which may never see reprints. Making some set-decks stronger than others innately by what was released at the time.

What I can say helps me recognize a game-plan is looking at the main card I'm building around, in this case Sisay is probably your strongest contender for a commander that can host as many 'sexy mtg ladies' as possible. But. Mechanically speaking, this commander requires legendary permanents. A couple things can solve this, On Serra's Wings is probably the most 'permanent' solution. Giving a creature you control Ring-Bearer would now work in making anything a legendary. Otherwise, the easiest method of achieving this would be to make as many of your creatures as legendary as you possibly can.

Hosting 33 creatures makes this easier to make probable if all of them were Legendary, but otherwise, only serves to fit your card with more creatures that might not trigger your commander and their ability to go permanent ('sexy mtg lady')-hunting and providing you further value.

I definitely suggest the latter and making this focused around as many multicolored/mono-colored legendary women as you can make work. This would give you more access to playable creatures, help you create a consistent mana-base, and most importantly play most anything in your hand.

That doesn't mean select pieces of utility can't be added in Mother of Runes is a great include for flavor if you so chose to keep them, Skrelv, Defector Mite is the same card but legendary and would otherwise be the 'legendary' for this piece of utility. So finding those non-legendary 'sexy woman' slots might be the particularly most daunting task here? I'll try to suggest what adjustments I might myself make when playing with such a theme.


Looking over your decklist, there are a couple red flags that immediately come out to me. This being a WUBRG deck, having cards like Mana Vault or Mana Crypt are going to both eat your life, and mana. Unless going for some specific jank, your first priority should be creating an open and available pool of five mana colors, not colorless mana. Otherwise, you're going to be flooded with mana only capable of letting you cast one color of spell, or at contributing on the generic mana of a spell or two.

I'd suggest swapping your Mana Vault for a Arcane Signet, providing both a cheap (financially) solution to providing you with more different color mana pips that can allow you to 'ramp' off of your Sol Ring, and Mana Crypt if you keep it.

I can't say I'd outright replace Mana Crypt in every deck, it is THAT good, but for WUBRG, nailing your mana base is second to none when it comes to important deck-building topics. You can't shirk the ability to get the colors of mana you need. If finding the pips of mana you need if a priority, I'd replace this with Wayfarer's Bauble to guarantee any one color into play for use.

You can also replace your Gilded Lotus for a Wayfarer's Bauble instead of the Mana Crypt if you really want to keep it, otherwise I'd suggest Fellwar Stone here. Giving you an overall reduced average cmc, while giving you as must opportunity as possible at pulling the colors of mana you need to have open to cast anything you draw.

I can't recommend this as quickly as the others, it has its place in every deck, but you could replace Darksteel Ingot with Relic of Legends for the innate synergy you'd see in making this deck as Legendary-centric as you can.

If you choose not to work towards this overall theme, I can't blame you, but I will say it will not be as effective as you may wish it to become.

I'm going to leave this initial observation of the deck and some suggested adjustments I'd make here, before continuing into looking over your creature base and any synergies I can find.

I hope these initial points, or suggestions, are at least a little insightful, I'll be back with more later on.

NV_1980 on Sisay's Horny Spaceship

1 year ago

Ok, I would start by cutting the cards of which the abilities are too specific to ever really work in a game. Here are first ones I would choose and why:

  • Blood Hypnotist: your list only contains three other cards that generate blood-tokens. The likelihood of her ability ever being used is therefore rather slim.
  • Cascade Seer: bit of an expensive-to-cast scry opportunity when at most you can get Scry 2 (your party thus far cannot include anything else than 1 of 10 wizards and 1 of 5 clerics).
  • Dragonsguard Elite: with so few non-permanents in the deck (thus far), this one may not be worth it.
  • Gluttonous Guest: would not include this for similar reason as Blood Hypnotist.
  • Goldberry, River-Daughter: though I love the beauty of this card, her abilities aren't of much use to you because your deck barely creates counters.
  • Guardians of Oboro: would not use this for similar reason as for Goldberry (you have a few auras, but so few that this ability will probably never trigger).
  • Kasla, the Broken Halo: good combatant but since there's nothing else with convoke in here, her ability is pretty useless.
  • Kiora, Sovereign of the Deep: there are no krakens, serpents, etc. in this deck, so aside from being a decent combatant, she's not doing much.
  • Mesa Enchantress: almost no enchantments?
  • Rime Tender: no snow permanents?
  • Setessan Petitioner: with so few green permanents in the deck, not sure if this is worth it.
  • Spellstutter Sprite: having doubts about this one. Not many faeries in this deck, but then again it's quite common these days to cast spells with CMC0, so ...
  • Sublime Archangel: lovely card but in a deck with this many creatures, I would assume you're going wide, right? That would mean 'Exalted' mechanic is not all that great. Or am I missing something?

Angels, Elves, Faeries and Vampires seem to be the main creature-types you're using. Maybe just focus on these types and make it easier to create some synergies? Or is this too functional?

eliakimras on Menacing Aura

1 year ago

Hello! May I step in to give you some recommendations? Since you're on a budget, all cards suggested are 2 dollars or less.

Part 1: Ramp

In: You probably want aura ramp and cost reducers over standard land ramp: Wild Growth, Transcendent Envoy, Hero of Iroas, Jukai Naturalist and Stenn, Paranoid Partisan (choosing Enchantment). These will allow you to storm through your deck casting Auras ad nauseam.

Out: Elvish Mystic, Farhaven Elf, Arcane Signet, Nature's Lore and Cultivate are all great ramp cards, but you can do better (and more thematically) with the cards I mentioned above.

Part 2: Card draw

Just as important as ramp is card draw: Galea won't always be available to you.

In: Sage's Reverie, Enchantress's Presence, Satyr Enchanter, Mesa Enchantress.

Out: Coiling Oracle, Curious Obsession (unreliable), Curse of Verbosity (unreliable), Eel Umbra.

Part 3: Removal

Swords to Plowshares is GREAT, no doubt. But, in this kind of deck, you can spice it up with the great Auras that has for removal.

The objective is, then, to use the cheapest Auras that can hit more than one permanent type, with emphasis on "loses its abilities" in the text box.

In: Mortal Obstinacy, Ossification (synergy with your basic land fetchers).

Out: Reclamation Sage, Swords to Plowshares.

Part 4: Boardwipes

In: I believe you should run more boardwipes that leave your board mostly untouched. Austere Command is one such example. You almost always will clean all artifacts and the half of creatures that are more dangerous to you. Curse of the Swine is another selective wipe.

Out: Time Wipe (not one-sided), Plains.

Part 5: Protection and Evasion

In Voltron, tempo is crucial.

Now to the Auras:

Following the same logic as with removal, I'm using auras over instants to protect the Voltron.

Part 6: Tutors

Without Hammer of Nazahn, Nazahn, Revered Bladesmith is just a more expensive Open the Armory.

In: Open the Armory, Heliod's Pilgrim, Moon-Blessed Cleric, Light-Paws, Emperor's Voice and Invasion of Theros  Flip (bonus that all those tutors also change your library's top card).

Out: Nazahn, Revered Bladesmith, Celestial Archon, Heliod's Emissary, Hypnotic Siren, Curse of Unbinding (7 mana is a lot for an Aura).

Part 7: Win Conditions

In: Since you're going all-in with auras, All That Glitters and Ethereal Armor do wonders.

Out: Bruna, Light of Alabaster is slow and telegraphed in this build. People won't let her stick to the field. Nissa, Steward of Elements is tough to protect in a Voltron build, while she only offers scry, which your lands can already do.

Part 8: Lands



  • Thriving Grove, Thriving Heath and Thriving Isle are neat fixing, but the Temples are superior since they play into Galea's strategy.
  • Path of Ancestry is great if you're in a 5-color deck or in a tribal-heavy creature deck. This build is neither.
  • Lumbering Falls is good for suiting Equipments on, but Auras will just go to the graveyard when this land stops being a creature.
  • Azorius Chancery, because you don't run the other two bouncelands.
  • Razorverge Thicket. You'll soon realize that the later turns are more important than the early ones in EDH. This land is a beast in Modern, but it is far from worth it in Commander unless you're playing a turn-3 win deck.
  • Forest and Forest to give room for the two remaining Panoramas. (With all the land searching above, you're probably more likely now to have a target for Utopia Sprawl than before.)
  • Seaside Citadel. I know, I know: tri-lands are great and all, but, in this build, I'm trying to bake the top-of-library manipulation into the manabase so you have more free spell slots for your Auras, similar to what I did with Yennett, Cryptic Oddity (to a great success): each land in it has to either enter untapped somehow or change the top card of the library.

If you read this far, congratulations! Here is the list of the deck with all the suggested alterations, in case you want to test it: Galea, Menacing Aura. Good luck and have fun!

DreadKhan on Super Shivan

1 year ago

Power doublers that stack with double strike such as Two-Handed Axe, Gisela, Blade of Goldnight, and Inquisitor's Flail are pretty useful if you need Shivan Dragon to be huge.

I like how Unquestioned Authority offers unblockability while replacing itself. War Cadence offers a combat trick you can use to help get through.

Dawnbreak Reclaimer and Pulsemage Advocate are repeatable ways to recur your Dragon, there is also Gift of Immortality.

A nice spare Ghostly Prison effect can be found in Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs or Sphere of Safety, there are also Baird, Steward of Argive and Windborn Muse. In a pinch a card like Spurnmage Advocate or Intrepid Hero can make good deterants.

Vs running so many 1 colour wards have thought about Flickering Ward? You can run various tutors that can find it or another Enchantment such as Heliod's Pilgrim or Moon-Blessed Cleric, there are various spells that can do the same or better, plenty can also find equipment. If you do stick Flickering in you could also try Mesa Enchantress, which is also great with enchantments period.

With access to Pro Red, maybe some Red wipes that use damage? Some include Blasphemous Act, Chain Reaction, and Reckless Endeavor, Pro Red makes these 1 sided.

Hope some ideas here apply, I typed this fairly early in the morning, with only so much coffee, so forgive me if this is a heap of spam!


1 year ago

Interesting list! It seems like you are trying to go somewhat voltron which I find odd.

Here's some cards I found kinda weird: Grafted Wargear, Cement Shoes, Vorpal Sword, Whispersilk Cloak, Goldmire Bridge, Phyresis

I don't think Magnetic Theft is needed.

Run Agent of Erebos over Curse of Oblivion

I'd suggest Brilliant Restoration over Tiana, Ship's Caretaker. My problem with Tiana is that she has to be out when your stuff is destroyed. Brilliant Restoration get everything and is a great top deck.

Cards I'd consider adding: Blind Obedience, Court of Ambition, Court of Grace, Crawlspace, Curse of Conformity, Curse of Disturbance, Curse of Fool's Wisdom, Curse of Opulence, Curse of Silence, Curse of the Nightly Hunt, Ghostly Prison, Mesa Enchantress, Monologue Tax, Torment of Scarabs, Trespasser's Curse

Krom3 on Giada, Font of Hope EDH

2 years ago

Cathars is an amazing card but works well when you're able to get multiple creatures on the field a turn (especially with tokens), with Angels you're usually doing 1 or 2 due to higher CMC and white isn't the best at ramp as it is however, its definitely not a bad card and will still put in work in the deck so if it's a pet card feel free to keep it in

Also if you're gonna go anthems and add more enchantment anthems you could look into Mesa Enchantress and of course Sigil of the Empty Throne if you decide to lean heavier into enchantments as well. Smothering Tithe and Monologue Tax will also be easy adds for the ramp unless you don't own tithe that cards expensive these days lol.

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