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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
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Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
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Duel Commander | Legal |
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Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Dawnbreak Reclaimer
Creature — Angel
At the beginning of your end step, choose a creature card in an opponent's graveyard, then that player chooses a creature card in your graveyard. You may return those cards to the battlefield under their owners' control.

DreadKhan on How Good is Marshal's Anthem?
3 months ago
If you want repeatable (and kinda clunky) recursion in White you can try Dawnbreak Reclaimer, this can be politically powerful, as it's not just reanimating something, you can also help an ally out. There is also Pulsemage Advocate, which actually synergizes with Dawnbreak (so does my boy, Spurnmage Advocate).
If you just want weenies back use Sun Titan/Sevinne's Reclamation?
DreadKhan on
Mathas, King of Politics
2 years ago
In Political decks with White I like stuff like Pulsemage Advocate, Spurnmage Advocate, and Dawnbreak Reclaimer. I'm not sure if it's strictly necessary, but Flumph (I agree with Mr Hammer above) and World Queller are pretty political and can do useful things in some metas, but they can also be really dead cards in others. World Queller can be infuriating if a deck runs a small number of key cards of a certain type and thus can't protect them.
Make an Example is an interesting new card that can be a lot better than Soul Shatter, it also hits each opponent, doesn't target (you choose the pile though) and is a sacrifice effect. It's not an Instant, but it has big upside if a player doesn't already know what you need gone and can isolate that creature. Another cool new card is Protection Racket, I didn't notice a ton of cards that your deck is completely dependent on, if that is correct then Racket is a really useful card, either pinging each opponent or giving you cards. It's even more absurd if you can get out Exquisite Blood.
With your Commander I feel like Volcanic Offering would be interesting, you should be able to draw 2 cards off it via your Commander in addition to blowing up 2 lands that aren't yours.
DreadKhan on
Liesa final
2 years ago
There is an odd white Enchantment called Noble Purpose, which gives all your creatures Not-Lifelink, which stacks with Lifelink. There is also Axis of Mortality, which you can use to give your strongest opponent the lowest life total, possibly weakening them enough so that you can finish them off. There is also Martyr's Bond, which works with any sort of sacrifice effects, including fetch lands that synergize well with Sun Titan. Very good with Matyr's Bond is World Queller, which will trigger Bond to double up the effect. I like it's ability to hit permanent types that you might not even have, but hitting a type that you have but don't care about is also nice, very useful vs Voltron decks with very few creatures. Finally, I like Dawnbreak Reclaimer in a deck that cares about creatures and wants a big flyer. These are all fairly high MV, so keep that in mind, but Dawnbreak can be very politically useful, especially if you play vs non-budget decks.
Fireshrieker might be good for Liesa, Double Strike is really good on her, if you can giver her +1 power for one swing she's a 2 hit kill with just Double Strike, and she's already got flying.
A bit random, but Orzhov might like Conqueror's Galleon Flip, which curves into Liesa and which Liesa can crew by herself. As long as a 2/10 can survive combat, you get ramp and some utility.
I would look at Tragic Arrogance over Kaya's Wrath, I always found that incredibly hard to cast, though I was Esper. Arrogance is a much bigger effect that is much harder on your opponents. There is also Promise of Loyalty if you are only worried about creatures, it not only gets rid of most, it prevents the survivors from coming after you.
airsoftsniper91 on
Giada, Font of Hope
2 years ago
Saw that you were looking for help and this commander seems pretty cool. Not sure what your budget is, but I'm going to make some suggestions at different price points.
Here's some cards I'd cut: Angel's Grace, Cleric Class, Angelic Accord, Treasure Chest, The Book of Exalted Deeds, Panharmonicon, Arcane Signet, Marble Diamond, Campfire, Mass Calcify, Brave the Elements, Cleansing Nova, Everflowing Chalice, and Gift of Estates
I can provide more explanation on why, but generally these cards are low impact, less helpful than they may seem, or off theme a bit. Some of these are life gain or ETB payoffs but they don't have many ways to trigger them.
I'm seeing a wincon through combat with the deck as is. Giada is Ramp in the command zone but only for Angels, and the starting list only has 17 Angel spells. Turn 2 Giada and hitting all your land drops means we can send out 4 CMC angels turn 3.
I recommend Emeria Angel, Guardian Seraph, Angel of Condemnation
A lot of the Angel's are high CMC but you're running a lot of cost reducers. Due to this I think you need more lands and more Draw. Arch of Orazca, Geier Reach Sanitarium, Sea Gate Wreckage and War Room are all utility lands you can run in mono color that tap for colorless mana and help you draw.
That leaves seven more cards to add back in. I'd go with Karmic Guide, Twilight Shepherd, Battlegrace Angel, Angelic Sleuth, Herald of the Host, Dawnbreak Reclaimer, and Aegis Angel
DreadKhan on
Isshin, Two Heavens as One
2 years ago
If you have either someone way behind, or an ally somehow, Pulsemage Advocate can reanimate stuff. It's also good if your area has a lot of people that try to use their graveyard. There is also Dawnbreak Reclaimer to repeatedly get stuff back in White. Black has a bajillion ways, but for repeatable, Coffin Queen can help. Coffin Queen can also steal other people's stuff, which is a nice perk. If you just want a one off, Reanimate, Animate Dead and maybe Dread Return or Victimize. There are a few version of Animate Dead that are generally worse, but these are some options anyways.
legendofa on Which Magic card's art would …
3 years ago
My (almost) full list:
1 The Fool: Far Wanderings
2 The Magician: Barrin, Tolarian Archmage
3 The High Priestess: Sanctimony
4 The Empress: Karametra, God of Harvests
5 The Emperor: Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter
6 The Hierophant: Grand Arbiter Augustin IV
7 The Lovers: Pia and Kiran Nalaar
8 The Chariot: Anafenza, the Foremost
9 Justice: Dawnbreak Reclaimer
10 The Hermit: Enlightened Ascetic
11 Wheel of Fortune: Wheel of Sun and Moon
12 Strength: Lion's Eye Diamond
13 The Hanged Man: not much for this one
14 Death: Pestilence
15 Temperance: Tonic Peddler
16 The Devil: Chains of Mephistopheles
17 The Tower: Sentinel Tower
18 The Star: nothing I'm really happy with
19 The Moon: Full Moon's Rise
20 The Sun: Not much here, either
21 Judgement: Angel's Trumpet
22 The World: nothing here, either
YourNeighborhoodGhost on
3 years ago
i like it. some suggestions: Dawnbreak Reclaimer , Boros Battleshaper , Collective Restraint , Angler Turtle , Agitator Ant
YourNeighborhoodGhost on
3 years ago
hey nice deck mate, had a very similiar some time ago. some suggestions: Collective Restraint , Illusionist's Gambit , Reins of Power , Domineering Will , Edric, Spymaster of Trest , Ludevic, Necro-Alchemist , Thaumatic Compass Flip, Dawnbreak Reclaimer . i think thats enough :) good luck with your deck
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