Grafted Wargear

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Grafted Wargear

Artifact — Equipment

Equipped creature gets +3/+2.

Whenever Grafted Wargear becomes unattached from a permanent, sacrifice that permanent.

Equip (: Attach to target creature you control. Equip only as a sorcery.)

Havefun2 on Is power//toughness of Dracoplasm determined …

11 months ago

I cast Claim the Firstborn on creature(1/1), then equip with Grafted Wargear (4/3), attack and finish with Fling for 4 dmg. But my friend said that Dracoplasm is not working that way, it check stats on that creature card. (no bonus stats for equipment, aura, counters,...) Dracoplasm is 0/0 on card, and if i sacrifice it for another Dracoplasm, then "New one " have same stats as first Dracoplasm or it become 0/0?

king-saproling on Omelette du Fromage

1 year ago

(cont.) Being able to sacrifice creatures at no cost is vital for setting up and running the combo. Any one of these works as a sac outlet, though some are a bit tricky to use correctly:

Betrothed of Fire
Goblin Bombardment
Spawning Pit
Altar of Dementia
Jinxed Idol
Jinxed Ring
Blasting Station
Fanatical Devotion
Grafted Wargear
Ashnod's Altar
Phyrexian Altar
Martyr's Cause
Tooth and Claw

Metalcop on Dennick

1 year ago

Hi igniteaxiom

Would you consider Jinxed Idol, Bennie Bracks, Zoologist, Nimble Obstructionist, Lion Sash, Read the Runes, Golden Guardian  Flip or spellshapers like Toymaker, Mageta the Lion... for this deck?

The idol is a cheap sacrifice outlet to put Dennick in the graveyard. On every opponents turn, it assures you creatures going into the graveyard since the other players won't like taking damage for a long time. Plus, if it comes back to you, you can tap it with shimmer dragon and then sacrifice one of your cheap creatures to give it back before taking damage.

@suarkdivad :

Can you unattach an equipment if you don't have another target to equip it? Cause if not, you won't be able to "sacrifice" if Dennick or your creature is alone on the battlefield.

Don't get me wrong. I really love Grafted Wargear but I would rather use Mortarpod here.

zachz on Stomp my Sacc

1 year ago

Having built a similar, but different end-result deck myself, I can appreciate and understand the struggle. You're on the right track, sorting cards into sac fodder and sac engines. I also had a third category, for sac profits, that rewards you for boardwide sacrifices, exactly like your commander is doing.

For renewable, repeatable sacrifices: There's an infinite zombie fodder generator in Gravecrawler and Carrion Feeder. You can also use Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia to get a daily zombie to toss. Grafted Wargear is a fun way to repeatedly sacrifice, preferably after attacking. Witch's Oven also lets you sacrifice after creatures aren't useful anymore. Priest of Forgotten Gods is pricey but rewards you for having lots of sacrifices.

As for single use tactics, Bone Splinters is a good spell. Shriekmaw sacrifices itself. Ordeal of Erebos would do well here as well, as it sacrifices itself after building, and would sac early due to the global counters.

Lastly, Hindervines would do great to block all combat damage once your creatures get even a single +1/+1 counter.

Best of luck!


1 year ago

Interesting list! It seems like you are trying to go somewhat voltron which I find odd.

Here's some cards I found kinda weird: Grafted Wargear, Cement Shoes, Vorpal Sword, Whispersilk Cloak, Goldmire Bridge, Phyresis

I don't think Magnetic Theft is needed.

Run Agent of Erebos over Curse of Oblivion

I'd suggest Brilliant Restoration over Tiana, Ship's Caretaker. My problem with Tiana is that she has to be out when your stuff is destroyed. Brilliant Restoration get everything and is a great top deck.

Cards I'd consider adding: Blind Obedience, Court of Ambition, Court of Grace, Crawlspace, Curse of Conformity, Curse of Disturbance, Curse of Fool's Wisdom, Curse of Opulence, Curse of Silence, Curse of the Nightly Hunt, Ghostly Prison, Mesa Enchantress, Monologue Tax, Torment of Scarabs, Trespasser's Curse

michaeleconomy on Cmdr Zagras

1 year ago

You could add the following to make this deck a bit faster, and they're all quite cheap:

Sol Talisman Rakdos Signet Fire Diamond Charcoal Diamond Prismatic Lens Worn Powerstone

cards to remove: Blackblade Reforged, The Eldest Reborn, Smoldering Egg, Volcanic Dragon, Ring of Xathrid, Rune of Mortality

aslo i'd swap Victim of Night for Grim Bounty

i think you want to consider Swiftfoot Boots replacing Ring of Valkas

you should also really consider taking out the dragons for: Blood Cultist Dagger Caster Blood Cultist Prodigal Pyromancer Morbid Opportunist Deathbringer Thoctar Fireslinger Cunning Sparkmage

when those get deathtouch, you can ice any creature that poses a threat to zagras

I would optimize the buffs you give zagras to +3 power so you can kill people in 3 attacks Grafted Wargear Heirloom Blade

double strike is actually way better since the deathtouch will kill the creature on first strike damage: Fireshrieker Lizard Blades Embercleave Assault Strobe Berserkers' Onslaught Blood Mist

Markov Blademaster Temur Battle Rage

zachz on Orzhov Sacrifice

1 year ago

For budget sacrifice options, I would recommend Grafted Wargear and Culling Dais.

The Wargear allows you to attack with any of your creatures blindly, as they will either hurt your opponent, die getting blocked, or die after you re-equip the armor to someone else.

Culling Dais is slow but another cheap draw mechanic.

As options to maximize efficiency, cards in your graveyard could become fodder with Beckon Apparition or Rise from the Grave.

If you want to add more White to the deck, you could consider Soul Tithe and Celestial Flare. Both are protections while you decide what terms your creatures die on.

Some budget orzhov lands you could add are Temple of Silence, Scoured Barrens, and Orzhov Guildgate.

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