Calculated Dismissal

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Calculated Dismissal


Counter target spell unless its controller pays .

Spell mastery — if there are two or more instant and/or sorcery cards in your graveyard, scry 2. (To scry 2, look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them on the bottom of your library and the rest on top in any order.)

eliakimras on Menacing Aura

1 year ago

Hello! May I step in to give you some recommendations? Since you're on a budget, all cards suggested are 2 dollars or less.

Part 1: Ramp

In: You probably want aura ramp and cost reducers over standard land ramp: Wild Growth, Transcendent Envoy, Hero of Iroas, Jukai Naturalist and Stenn, Paranoid Partisan (choosing Enchantment). These will allow you to storm through your deck casting Auras ad nauseam.

Out: Elvish Mystic, Farhaven Elf, Arcane Signet, Nature's Lore and Cultivate are all great ramp cards, but you can do better (and more thematically) with the cards I mentioned above.

Part 2: Card draw

Just as important as ramp is card draw: Galea won't always be available to you.

In: Sage's Reverie, Enchantress's Presence, Satyr Enchanter, Mesa Enchantress.

Out: Coiling Oracle, Curious Obsession (unreliable), Curse of Verbosity (unreliable), Eel Umbra.

Part 3: Removal

Swords to Plowshares is GREAT, no doubt. But, in this kind of deck, you can spice it up with the great Auras that has for removal.

The objective is, then, to use the cheapest Auras that can hit more than one permanent type, with emphasis on "loses its abilities" in the text box.

In: Mortal Obstinacy, Ossification (synergy with your basic land fetchers).

Out: Reclamation Sage, Swords to Plowshares.

Part 4: Boardwipes

In: I believe you should run more boardwipes that leave your board mostly untouched. Austere Command is one such example. You almost always will clean all artifacts and the half of creatures that are more dangerous to you. Curse of the Swine is another selective wipe.

Out: Time Wipe (not one-sided), Plains.

Part 5: Protection and Evasion

In Voltron, tempo is crucial.

Now to the Auras:

Following the same logic as with removal, I'm using auras over instants to protect the Voltron.

Part 6: Tutors

Without Hammer of Nazahn, Nazahn, Revered Bladesmith is just a more expensive Open the Armory.

In: Open the Armory, Heliod's Pilgrim, Moon-Blessed Cleric, Light-Paws, Emperor's Voice and Invasion of Theros  Flip (bonus that all those tutors also change your library's top card).

Out: Nazahn, Revered Bladesmith, Celestial Archon, Heliod's Emissary, Hypnotic Siren, Curse of Unbinding (7 mana is a lot for an Aura).

Part 7: Win Conditions

In: Since you're going all-in with auras, All That Glitters and Ethereal Armor do wonders.

Out: Bruna, Light of Alabaster is slow and telegraphed in this build. People won't let her stick to the field. Nissa, Steward of Elements is tough to protect in a Voltron build, while she only offers scry, which your lands can already do.

Part 8: Lands



  • Thriving Grove, Thriving Heath and Thriving Isle are neat fixing, but the Temples are superior since they play into Galea's strategy.
  • Path of Ancestry is great if you're in a 5-color deck or in a tribal-heavy creature deck. This build is neither.
  • Lumbering Falls is good for suiting Equipments on, but Auras will just go to the graveyard when this land stops being a creature.
  • Azorius Chancery, because you don't run the other two bouncelands.
  • Razorverge Thicket. You'll soon realize that the later turns are more important than the early ones in EDH. This land is a beast in Modern, but it is far from worth it in Commander unless you're playing a turn-3 win deck.
  • Forest and Forest to give room for the two remaining Panoramas. (With all the land searching above, you're probably more likely now to have a target for Utopia Sprawl than before.)
  • Seaside Citadel. I know, I know: tri-lands are great and all, but, in this build, I'm trying to bake the top-of-library manipulation into the manabase so you have more free spell slots for your Auras, similar to what I did with Yennett, Cryptic Oddity (to a great success): each land in it has to either enter untapped somehow or change the top card of the library.

If you read this far, congratulations! Here is the list of the deck with all the suggested alterations, in case you want to test it: Galea, Menacing Aura. Good luck and have fun!

multimedia on Dungeon of Sefris

3 years ago

Hey, you're welcome. Nice updates.

Omniscience + Acererak the Archlich is a neat combo for repeatable venturing and win condition, but Omniscience is going to be difficult to cast. Consider Resurgent Belief as a way to cheat Omniscience onto the battlefield with reanimation after looting it? Get Omniscience into your graveyard with Entomb , Unmarked Grave and Vile Entomber . These cards can also trigger Sefris if you instead get a creature such as Reassembling Skeleton .

Another direction to consider for Omniscience + Acererak combo is an infinite mana combo of Deadeye Navigator + Peregrine Drake which also can be repeatable venturing with any creature who ventures when it ETB since Deadeye can infinite blink it. Could include a card that draws when it ETB such as Baleful Strix that way you could infinite blink Strix to draw Omniscience + Acererak, to cast them with infinite mana to combo. Strix is a creature that's nice with Tortured Existence to recur to cast/draw again/dies again and has deathtouch defense.

Reanimate the Deadeye + Drake combo with Victimize by sacing Reassembling Skeleton .

One of the advantages Sefris has as Commander is he can be a repeatable source of venturing. Because of this you need less venturing from other cards. Consider cutting some clunky cards that venture and replace them with creatures who loot for more venturing with Sefris?

Other cards to consider cutting:

Consider repeatable loot? Can loot on an opponent's turn to potentially venture with Sefris.

Other loot:

Master of Death can be repeatable surveil 2 as well as a creature who can return to your hand at your upkeep. Both these abilities can enable Sefris to trigger more venturing. Master is good with looting since he's a creature to discard to trigger Sefris and he returns to your hand to do it again.

Idoneity on Scarecrow Legion

3 years ago

Well met, fair complice of the fields. I as well wield a Reaper King strategy, whereupon I deign to proffer aid unto thee.

Cordialities aside, the King was my third commander deck of sixteen, created quite the meiny of years agone. Hereon, I offer my insight.

I am surprised to an artifact list bereft of Scrap Mastery. It retrieves all from the graveyard and piles up a multitude of triggers.

I see a fair amount of noncreature cards within this list. May I rcommend Whirlwind of Thought? It draws, it draws, it draws, and it draws: everything a player could ever desire.

Favor of the Mighty is one I have quite enjoyed, for there are not many creatures that cost ten to cast. Given that your list seems dependent upon the commander, this does a lot of work.

Many artifacts begets a splendid deck for Jhoira. Each planeswalker and each artifact now cycles.

Shimmyr grants an instant-speed Reaper, a terrifying fright. Subsequential plays of scarecrows now are instants, as well.

Let us speak of a seigneur. He ramps and draws, bestowing an endless engine. This card is explosive and interminably so.

Coming away from deck-specific suggestions, there are a fair few cards I put in all of my lists capable of doing so.

Allow me to introduce you to Unfulfilled Desires. Flooding? Great! Mana-screwed? Still great! Just have a spare two mana laying about indolently? Loot twice! This card is absolutely great. I find it being helpful in literally every deck, thus I cannot recommend it more.

Impulse is fantastic. Put it in and do not look back.

Once Upon a Time is still an unbalanced card, even in Commander. I love to see it at all moments.

There are a few cards I would ablate from this list, if you do not mind my saying.

Geth's Verdict is a potent card, but is best in 1v1 settings. A hard kill spell is more reliable. Given the option, they shall just sacrifice a token. If you are desperate for an edict effect, try Soul Shatter. It hits each opponent instead of just one. For your other edicts, I would just replace them with Anguished Unmaking and Despark, maybe a Heartless Act.

Now, I enjoy spicy inclusions, but I find them difficult to justify when there are just better options. Dispatch is one such card. It requires a board-state to be active. It may be a small feat to achieve that, but Path to Exile is not dependent on anything.

Calculated Dismissal and Clash of Wills... Just run Counterspell and Negate. Each is highly efficient. You also have Rakshasa's Disdain and Spell Shrivel. Why not Sinister Sabotage and Dissolve? The ones in the list are needlessly inefficient.

I have many negative opinions about Fane of the Mendacious Deity, so I shall leave them out of the comment.

Training Grounds seems to only help around six or seven creatures in the deck, which doesn't seem very potent enough by itself. Even if it goes infinite in a shenanigan, you do not have many tutors to find it under that circumstance.

That shall be all from be. Fare thee well.

Here is my list if you care to peer upon it: The Season of Mechanical Harvest

kamarupa on Day's Recasting

4 years ago

Perhaps one of these would be useful? Calculated Dismissal , Last Word , Mystical Dispute , Rewind , Supreme Will . These are just the counterspells I found that seemed remotely worth considering; there are of course many other non-counterspell instants & sorceries to consider. I'd say Archmage's Charm seems like the best candidate to swap out, given its UUU casting cost.

xyr0s on R/U Burn-Control, instants/sorceries in graveyard

6 years ago

Calculated Dismissal is 3 cmc Mana Leak that sometimes allows you to scry. But the attraction of Mana Leak is that it is available already in turn 2. And if you pay 3 mana anyway, you could get a hard counter in Disallow instead and always get a scry (I'd go with the cheaper, since cheap is good).

Fateful Showdown is an interesting card, but not really here. 4 mana is way too much for this deck, and you'll at best get to shoot for 3 damage or so. Exchange for Vapor Snag perhaps, to give a bit more pseudo-removal.

I'm not sure Rune Snag is better than Remand in this particular deck. Since you rely on filling your gravyard, drawing more cards is good.

How is Cathartic Reunion working in this deck? Great on your opening hand, but topdecking it later it's probably not all that great. For filling graveyard, Thought Scour isn't bad.

A more general problem is prowess + counterspells. That is a nonbo. You mostly get to play counterspells on your opponents turn, and you mostly want prowess triggers on your own turns, and something between those two doesn't work out too well.

IlGuale on Modern Crabs

7 years ago

Hi! First thing: tribal is love; unused tribal is life. Passing to businness:

Lastly, i would suggest to splash Green for Shambleshark and, most important, Assault Formation. The latter would give consistency to your tactic and would make playable Hedron Crab and Horseshoe Crab, which has a useful Vigilance-like ability.

jrwarrior1811 on

7 years ago

landofMordor Thank You! These tips really helped me a lot, and I'm going to make some improvements, like taking out a couple of the Blue Sun's Zeniths and Arcanis the Omnipotents, as well as the Sturmgeists and its Artful Dodges. I'll be sure to include the Research-themed cards you mentioned and maybe a couple of the Sphinx's Tutelages and Calculated Dismissals.

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