Cemetery Tampering

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Cemetery Tampering


Hideaway 5 (When this enchantment enters the battlefield, look at the top five cards of your library, exile one face down, then put the rest on the bottom in a random order.)

At the beginning of your upkeep, you may mill three cards. Then if there are twenty or more cards in your graveyard, you may play the exiled card without paying its mana cost. (To mill three, put the top three cards of your library into your graveyard.)

UnleashedHavok on MossyFungoid

7 months ago

I like the cards you have here! Great stuff so far. I have several questions and suggestions:

  • I know these are the cards you have on hand, but is money a factor so far as buying additional cards? If not, I would highly recommend a Tendershoot Dryad. It will pair well with your Sporecrown Thallid, Verdeloth the Ancient, Nemata, Grove Guardian and Verdant Force. These cards are a pretty solid core for the deck. Now start looking for ways to tutor them. Worldly Tutor, Diabolic Intent, Grim Tutor..... we are in fantastic colors for tutoring the cards you need.
  • After building the core of your deck and what you want it to do, I like to add support and utility cards. I love Viconia, Drow Apostle, Shadowheart, Dark Justiciar, Rankle, Master of Pranks, and Loyal Guardian for this purpose! Might I recommend a Thunderfoot Baloth to pair with your Guardian?
  • Cut your land count down to 37 - 40, then playtest and see how it feels
  • Play to your commander's strength. I am working on a budget version (less than $80) of The Mycotyrant myself, and will be playing Cemetery Tampering, Crawling Infestation, and Crawling Sensation. One of the things I try to do is build a deck that functions well without the commander on the board so I am not completely hosed when they are removed. I like all 3 of these enchantments because I am not in danger of decking myself, and if the commander is not on the field I do not have to mill. I talk about milling, because it plays to The Mycotyrant's strength as a commander. We will see if I still want all 3 enchantments in the deck after I build it and see it in action, hopefully soon.
  • If you decide to lean into milling yourself and sacrificing creatures like I have for my deck, I would recommend stepping away from non-creature spells and do your removal in creature form. I currently only have a total of 7 sorceries and instants in my deck, so as I mill myself I am more guaranteed to hit permanent cards. Remember that The Mycotyrant cares about permanent cards in your graveyard, so sacrificing your tokens will not contribute to its descend mechanic.
  • To follow along the vein of previous suggestion, invest in some free sac outlets: Greater Good, Altar of Dementia (target yourself to capitalize on commander ability at your end step)

I think that's all I have for the moment...... let me know if you have any questions! Here is my work in progress Budget Mycotyrant

KongMing on Fungi Garden

1 year ago

I recommend Krav, the Unredeemed as a way to draw cards without dumping a bunch of mana into it. Also gains you life. Only downside is it's not a Fungus.

Liliana, Dreadhorde General is great in this deck for many obvious reasons.

And hey, since there's so much sacrifice going on, why not Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest?

Now, your graveyard. Seems to me you need more steady ways to toss Fungus in there. How about Cemetery Tampering, Crawling Infestation, Crawling Sensation, Crop Sigil, Uurg, Spawn of Turg, Deathbonnet Sprout  Flip, Nyx Weaver, Old Rutstein, Out of the Tombs, Splinterfright, and Throne of Death  Flip.

Deadbridge Chant isn't steady, but it's great explosive mill.

multimedia on Things That Are Not

1 year ago

Nice discoveries of Mogis's Marauder and Songs of the Damned. Well done, you've added a creative creature combo to use with Scourge of the Skyclaves in your graveyard by reanimating Mogis's Marauder.

If you want to be more competitive with current low budget then think more about the areas of deck building to take advantage of Nethroi as Commander? For some improvements expand on the three most important areas?

  • Self-mill and other ways to get creatures into your graveyard.
  • A combination of creatures to reanimate with Nethroi that wins the game.
  • Ramp to cast 7 mana Nethroi.

In the simplest terms these are the three areas to consider improving. Consider dedicating more deck spots to each of these areas? Out of these three areas you've greatly improved the second one, creatures who are reanimated to win the game. Next, make it easier to get those creatures into your graveyard to reanimate them?

Sources of repeatable self-mill that's not dredge can be helpful. The problem with dredge is you want more draw to have cards in your hand to make up for replacing draw to dredge. Repeatable self-mill that happens at your upkeep then lets you draw for the turn. On low budget I wouldn't play less than 12 sources of self-mill/other ways to get creatures into your graveyard, it's important with Nethroi.

None of the cards I'm suggesting to cut are particularly good with strategies here. Archfiend's Vessel is interesting, but you can only use it once, that's not good enough when reanimation is a main strategy here. Faeburrow Elder is more ramp that can tap for two mana, but if you control a black permanent then it can tap for three mana. It also has 0 power.

multimedia on Muldrotha Snow: The Frozen Forest

1 year ago

Hey, you're welcome. Good job with the update, thanks for the shoutout.

Thespian's Stage combos with Dark Depths to get Marit Lage. Stage copies Depths to become a copy with no ice counters that's then saced to create Marit Lage. When you copy Depths due to the legendary rule you will have to choose one of them. Choose the Stage copy and put the original Depths into your graveyard. Moritte of the Frost is a budget snow creature who can copy any permanent you control to be snow.

Expanding on self-mill can fuel Muldrotha and get snow lands into your graveyard to reanimate a lot of them at one time with World Shaper. Shaper has to die to trigger it's land effect. Plaguecrafter is great in multiplayer Commander since it makes all your opponents sac a creature, or a Planeswalker or discard a card. It can sac itself making it a nice repeatable effect with Muldrotha.

Self-mill is like draw plus selection with Muldrotha since you fill your graveyard up with permanents to play.

Cemetery Tampering is repeatable self-mill with hideaway 5. When it enters the battlefield you look at the top five cards of your library and choose one of them. This card is then exiled and you may play it for no mana at your upkeep if you have 20 or more cards in your graveyard. Hideaway can be repeatable with Muldrotha if you have a way to destroy Tampering getting it into your graveyard to cast it again.

Seal of Primordium can repeatedly destroy Cemetery Tampering after your upkeep, after you mill, after you play the hideaway card for free. Seal is excellent with Muldrotha having a repeatable effect from an enchantment to remove an artifact or enchantment.

Repeatable protection for Muldrotha, Marit Lage, etc. can be helpful. Muldrotha is going to have a target on it when it enters the battlefield and Kaya's Ghostform can protect from many types of removal. It's one mana to repeatable cast it from your graveyard on your turn to protect Muldrotha.

One of the better ways to protect 20/20 indestructible Marit Lage is giving it hexproof since then exile and bounce opponent removal that targets can't target Marit Lage. Swiftfoot Boots gives equipped creature hexproof as well as haste and that's also powerful with Marit Lage getting to attack the same turn it's created if it's created on your turn. Siren Stormtamer is one mana to cast and one mana to sac to protect a creature or even yourself. Muldrotha makes Stormtamer a repeatable counterspell for creature or yourself protection.

LastEdegy on Jarad vod Savo

2 years ago

@vehiclemaster - Cemetery Tampering looks slow, after casting this, it doesn't affect anything yet.. might playtest it first.. Shakedown Heavy has a lot of hoops to go through just draw a card.. and Topiary Stomper is a one time ramp only, and doesn't affect the board if i draw it very early.. The dispensable creatures i have for ramp feels better.. thanks for the suggestions though..

@RoxieRoxie - Ambitious Dragonborn is lacking compared to other big creatures i have already included in the deck.. like Carrion Grub, Old Stickfingers and Wall of Blood are much better.. Ancient Brass Dragon looks like a fun card though.. might be a card that overturn the situation of the game.. might consider it, but not soon.. since it's still costs high as of the moment.. thanks for the suggestions!

@Tiyos99 - thanks for the suggestions.. although Circle of the Land Druid is an okay disposable land recursion and self milling cheap creature, other options already included in the deck is much better w/o waiting for it to die.. Gray Slaad is not good.. aside from the adventure side of it, the payoff of having 4 or more creatures in the graveyard is underwhelming..

vehiclemaster on Jarad vod Savo

2 years ago

try these new cards from streets of new capenna

Cemetery Tampering Shakedown Heavy Topiary Stomper

Slurpz on

2 years ago

Cool deck! Tbh this deck is going to need some significant changes to get it working smoothly, but it's a cool idea worth pursuing. I think the first thing you want to do is increase your land count to 35-36 for a deck of your style and average mana value. This is the number you'll see in a lot of beginner deck building resources.

This means making some significant cuts already but I think there's a couple areas that can stand it. You want your deck to be focused in what it's doing - rats and vehicles. The following I would suggest as a first round of cuts as IMO they are low impact, inefficient, and do serve your goals or themes well.

Basilisk Collar


Infiltration Lens

Pennon Blade

King Macar, the Gold-Cursed

Brave the Sands

Cemetery Tampering

A fun card to add could be Entomb to put any vehicle in your deck into your graveyard to reanimate with Greasefang. Add Parhelion II as well and now Entomb can search for it and put it right in your graveyard ripe for the picking.

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