Spirit Mantle

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Spirit Mantle

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature

Enchanted creature gets +1/+1 and has protection from creatures.

Crow_Umbra on The Surgin' General [Primer]

2 days ago

Thanks for the suggestions KongMing. I currently have Dolmen Gate in the 99, and am quite familiar with it from other aggro decks I currently play. Similarly, I use Legion Loyalist in a couple of my other aggro decks. Although I don't have additional copies, I could see it as a potential swap with something in the 1-2 cmc range sometime down the road.

Spirit Mantle is great, but I find myself using Auras less & less these days, partly from playing lots of Aura/Voltron over the years, & partly the feelsbad™️ from getting 2 for 1'd on removal. Beyond the various Lightning Greaves variants & Skullclamp, I'm not a big fan of equipment.

KongMing on The Surgin' General [Primer]

2 days ago

Legion Loyalist can be a cheap and effective way to get damage through while attacking.

For getting Satya attacking midgame more without dying, how about something like Frontline Medic, Dolmen Gate, Angelic Guardian, or Spirit Mantle?

Also, including Embercleave and Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion could allow you to get some Commander damage kills.

Master_J on Harvest Time

3 months ago

OUT: Lotus Petal, Chrome Mox, Thought Vessel, Blind Obedience, Trelasarra, Moon Dancer

IN: Ethereal Armor, Daybreak Coronet, Angelic Destiny, Spirit Mantle, Kor Spiritdancer

I'm trying to put in some more power to be able to close out games since my play group says this deck durdles too much.

I'm also trying to move this into more of an Ellivere of the Wild Court deck with Sythis, Harvest's Hand as one of the 99.

indieinside on Emrakul, the Promised End

4 months ago

Emrakul, the Promised End is my commander. I get to play other people's cards. Can I cast their cards without providing a trigger? Example, Farseek... it doesn't say "you may". Can I still cast this card without digging? Or Spirit Mantle. Can I cast this without targeting a creature, letting the card resolving to no effect?

Gidgetimer on Spectra Ward

5 months ago

I am going to add a scenario 6 and 7 and then answer all of them. I am also going to use an explanation for 3 and 4 that is different from 5-7 despite both reasons being valid explanations just in case there is still contention.

6 Light-Paws, Emperor's Voice on battlefield. Cast Spectra Ward targeting Lightpaws. Fetch Holy Strength and attach it to Lightpaws. What happens?

7 Light-Paws, Emperor's Voice enchanted with Spectra Ward and All That Glitters on battlefield. Cast Spirit Mantle targeting Eager Cadet. Fetch Holy Strength and attach it to Lightpaws. What happens?

  1. Can not cast spell because protection prevents Holy Strength from targeting.

  2. Can not cast spell because protection prevents Aura Finesse from targeting.

  3. Auras are attached at same time, so Spectra Ward's protection doesn't matter. And both auras stay attached.

  4. Auras are attached at same time, so Spectra Ward's protection doesn't matter. And both auras stay attached.

  5. Because the protection from Spectra Ward doesn't remove auras and you are not targeting, you are able to move both auras in that order and both stay attached.

  6. Because the protection from Spectra Ward doesn't remove auras and you are not targeting, you are able to attach Holy Strength and it stay attached.

  7. Because the protection from Spectra Ward doesn't remove auras and you are not targeting, you are able to attach Holy Strength and it stay attached.

Last_Laugh on Crow_Umbra

6 months ago

Lol Steel of the Godhead is a pretty expensive foil nowadays. I have a buddy trying to foil a complete set of shadowmoor. It's a solid 800% foil multiplier like Spirit Mantle compared to its foil version.

Last_Laugh on Marisi's Goad Club

10 months ago

Bothersome Quasit and Bedlam allow you to goad unimpeded. Bedlam is a bit ballsy and has the potential to backfire but the quasit is worth its weight in gold here.

Vengeful Ancestor is a stud here.

Beloved Chaplain, Soltari Foot Soldier, Soltari Champion, Soltari Visionary, Spirit en-Dal, Spirit Mantle, and Champion of Lambholt will ensure you get through in combat to goad someone.

Authority of the Consuls in addition to Urabrask makes it so every hastey boy isn't sent your way and makes it impossible for your opponents to play fresh ungoaded blockers.

I've also had really good results out of 'deals combat damage to an opponent' effects due to a lack of blockers once a goad chain gets going. Stuff like Aerial Extortionist, Ancient Gold Dragon, and Scepter of Celebration.

A pet card of mine that's hilariously effective here is Kusari-Gama. It'll get your big boys through or wipe their board. Equip it to Soltari Guerrillas to ensure no one can block ANY of your creatures without immediate retaliation.

Anyways, feel free to check out my list for ideas. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Marisi the Pimp - (Combat) Trickin' Hoes

Tsukimi on Can't Thwart the Wild Court [Primer]

10 months ago

Ahhh Crow_Umbra thank you so much for the detailed feedback, it means a lot! Spirit Mantle was a hard cut, because I have so many cheap enchantments I decided to go with Unquestioned Authority because the extra card draw can help you really stack up attackers before swinging, but you're right that I do have a pretty decent suite of card draw already... Ideally I'd want both haha.

Sigarda's Aid is strong but the deck is so chock full of goodies it feels almost lackluster. Did you feel it was really helpful in mitigating spot removal/utilizing your own removal? I've been trying to figure out if I want to keep Greater Auramancy and this might be a replacement option.

Lastly, there's definitely a few combos you can run with Ellivere, but my playgroup doesn't do infinite combos so I avoid them when building, probably to the detriment of my primer.

Also I am definitely biased, but I'd say give Ellivere a try! Like I mentioned, I just built the deck because I loved the artwork of their card, and then when I played it it was so much stronger/more consistent than I expected.

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