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- Basalt Monolith + Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient + Mycosynth Lattice
- Basalt Monolith + Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient + Signpost Scarecrow
Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient
Legendary Creature — Ogre Spirit
Whenever you activate an ability of an artifact, if it isn't a mana ability, you may pay . If you do, copy that ability. You may choose new targets for the copy.

WhiskeredOne on
Santa, Elves, Reindeer, and Toys [primer]
1 year ago
plainsrunner you may be right that there may not be enough artifacts for it. Tbh I've never drawn this card yet when playing this deck. However, I have not played a game that Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient would not be helpful late game.
plainsrunner on
Santa, Elves, Reindeer, and Toys [primer]
1 year ago
I notice that you have Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient in the deck, but only seven artifacts with activated abilities that it can copy. That jumps to 17 if you count the ten creatures with activated abilities that feldon can make artifact token copies of, but it still feels like too few to me.
Wuzibo on
[[Primer]] - Daretti - Degenerate Artifacts
2 years ago
Hey I've ran daretti since he was released. He was my first commander. I gotta say Springjack Pasture can be awesome. Daretti, because he's artifact focused, doesn't need a lot of colored mana, so you are really free with your mana base and can run all sorts of utility lands. This deck looks good. I like springjack as a mana sink to dump mana into kind of like a shitty mana battery. Then i got little goats i can sac with ashnods, or with springjack, or just chump blockers for Daret. It also combos with Trading Post. Goatland. It's great. It also lets you build up a board without building up a board, which can be really helpful in situations where you don't want to play your hand because it will draw hate or be very threatening, or there is hate on the board that prevents you from playing your hand, and it's ramp in a way too.
you can also cut the fetch's, throw in stranglehold, then in the fetch's slots put in Tomb of the Spirit Dragon, or Phyrexia's Core, Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle, and some more mountains. Basics are strong, it's harder to deal with them. If you're going a stax route, Hammerheim is good too.
And i know this is a little convoluted, but, Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient can combo with Voltaic Key for infinite mana the same way as Rings of Brighthearth with Gilded Lotus if you want to run it, or, Mycosynth Lattice or some other way to let you spend mana of any color. I don't have those effects, so i'm using lotus, kurkesh, and key. Even if you aren't going infinite with it, it lets you make an absurd amount of colorless mana
garrukhunter98 on
all my homies hate mana
3 years ago
I don't think this works the way you think this does. Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient works only with activated abilities that aren't mana abilities, so the cards in this deck it actually works with are Alchemist's Vial , Buzzing Whack-a-Doodle , the equip activation of Adventuring Gear (though that would be useless, as it would only equip to one creature), Metalwork Colossus (though this is not an ability you would want to copy as it would fizzle since it would already be in your hand from the graveyard), and Arcbound Reclaimer which is a great ability to activate since it is basically free recursion.
I think you are confusing activated abilities and triggered abilities. You want abilities that have some sort of cost. Pentavus would be great for the deck.
Arcaneful on How Can a Scrap Mastery …
4 years ago
Hello! I've played Bosh amongst tons of other mono red artifact decks, so I would like to give my 2 cents on him while answering your questions.
- Mono red is a very fun artifact deck. I've built Daretti, Scrap Savant, Slobad, Goblin Tinkerer, Bosh, Iron Golem and Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient. While Bosh is SUPER fun, I felt he was too slow, fragile, and mana intensive. If you insist on running him I'd recommend running protection cards such as Swiftfoot Boots, Lightning Greaves, and Slobad, Goblin Tinkerer. While I loved all of these as commanders, I felt that Slobad was my favorite. Free sac outlet in the command zone/protection for key on the field artifacts is nothing to scoff at. In terms of adding other colors, you could certainly do that. I've also run a deck like this with Rakdos, Lord of Riots. Scrap Mastery was a bit of a backup plan, but saved me post boardwipe many a time. The deck revolved around pinging opponent and using Rakdos's reduction ability to play giant artifact creatures. I don't sadly have the list on me anymore, (I don't believe) but I will return after this comment to repost if I find it.
Sadly I never inputted a list before taking it apart as my playgroup didn't exactly enjoy it. What I can recommend though is a lot of egg cards. Egg is a term for a card like Chromatic Star/Ichor Wellspring. They add mana/cards when sacced/etb. When using Scrap Mastery you can get a bunch of Card Advantage after these re=enter the field.
When playing general reanimator decks you need to watch out for for graveyard hate. One Tormod's Crypt and your whole deck is ruined! Cards like Perpetual Timepiece are irreplaceable, as they not only mill you for more cards to Scrap Mastery back, but can save your grave in a pinch! When playing against it I would Bojuka Bog this deck immediately. Graveyard decks are a powerhouse when left unchecked.
I hope some of this helped. Happy brewing!
EDIT: I was looking for my list for Rakdos and found it!
Chrizz on
Zirda, the Dawnwaker
4 years ago
Hey RelinquishedAttempts, thanks for your comment!
I can understand how this deck may seem a bit all over the place. I definitely took it in a different directions than most people do. Most people either use infinite combo's using Basalt Monolith and/or Grim Monolith, or they focus more on equipments. I think both of these strategies are not very interesting. My deck focusses on non-tap abilities that are made cheaper by Zirda to get a lot of value. Because of this, the deck includes many cards you normally don't see because the activation cost is too expensive. Some cards I just find cool to play, for example Chained to the Rocks is usually worse than Swords to Plowshares, but I just like the flavor of the former more. Likewise, Hundred-Handed One is not a very strong card, but it does have some synergy with Zirda, and I just think it's a very funny card. With that said, there may well be some cards I will swap later on, once I've played some more games with this deck (I have only played this deck in four games, due to covid).
As for your suggestions, Brion Stoutarm indeed seems out of place in this deck, since its cost is not reduced by Zirda. For this reason, I have definitely considered removing it, however, there are quite a lot of ways to get big creatures in this deck, for example: Evra, Halcyon Witness, Dark Depths, Phyrexian Processor, Custodi Soulbinders, Ignition Team, Clockwork Dragon, Wine of Blood and Iron, Mirage Mirror, Captivating Crew etc. But like I said, I should really play some more games and decide whether it fits well enough or not.
Dawn of Hope and Sacred Mesa could indeed work quite well. I'm personally not a huge fan of making many small tokens, so I don't want to center my deck around that, but some of them are fine. If after some more playing I discover that a card really doesn't work well, I will consider adding these instead.
As for Gerrard's Battle Cry, it seems almost strictly better than Leonin Sun Standard, however, I don't like having old-bordered cards in my decks. That's just a style thing, if it was reprinted I would definitely add it.
The meta in my playgroup is quite slow, so that's why the average CMC of this deck is a bit higher than what most would consider ideal, but in our meta, you really need to have a strong late game.
You also mentioned the price of the deck. The prices listed on tappedout are way higher than what I paid in Europe. For example, I paid €8 for Smothering Tithe, not $24. I paid €3 for Sword of the Animist instead of $12, and only €3 for Braid of Fire instead of $17.
I also took a look at your deck. I don't quite understand why you have so many direct damage spells, they don't really synergize as far as I can tell. Consequently, I also don't think the spell copying fits that well. Maybe your meta is more reactive than mine, but in my meta this would not make much sense.
I also see some cards that I have considered, but ultimately rejected. (Planar Bridge, Umbral Mantle, Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient), the reasonings are explained in the description of my deck. I have also considered Rings of Brighthearth, but decided against it because the value is usually not that high in my deck, because most abilities are non-tap abilities and activating the ability again is often cheaper or the same cost as paying the 2 mana. Staff of Domination was rejected for a similar reason, I think the value is just not that great in my deck (the life-gain is meh, most abilities are non-tap, so untapping is not necessary, and drawing a card for 3 is not great).
Furthermore I noticed that your deck has some equipment synergy (Stonehewer Giant, Godo, Bandit Warlord and Open the Armory) even though your deck only contains 4 equipments.
I think a big difference between our decks is that my deck has mostly non-tap abilities, and yours has more tap abilities. This explain why you put in cards like Manifold Key, Staff of Domination, Umbral Mantle and Voltaic Key
Neither strategy is wrong of course, but if there is one thing I would recommend, it is to reconsider whether the direct damage spells in your deck make sense. Thanks again for your comment and your suggestions. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.
Monomanamaniac on
Bosh throws a fit
4 years ago
So you might think if adding even more mana rocks like Mind Stone, Thran Dynamo, Hedron Archive, Worn Powerstone, Blinkmoth Urn, Everflowing Chalice, Gilded Lotus, Palladium Myr, or Iron Myr. You should be ramping as much as possible, you could even consider Extraplanar Lens if budget is no concern. You could consider cards like Myr Retriever, Goblin Welder, Buried Ruin, Goblin Engineer, Junk Diver, purphorous, bronze-blooded or Daretti, Scrap Savant to bring artifacts back from the graveyard. You could consider Mystic Forge, Planar Bridge, or Kuldotha Forgemaster for getting artifacts out of your deck and onto the battlefield. Darksteel Forge, Soul of New Phyrexia, or Eldrazi Monument so you're killing your artifacts only when you want to. Unwinding Clock it's good if you combine it with flash from Shimmer Myr or Vedalken Orrery. Ugin, the Ineffable or Foundry Inspector to reduce the casting cost of your artifacts without affecting the cmc. You could go full ham on some big artifact creatures like Myr Battlesphere, Meteor Golem, Duplicant, Ancient Stone Idol, Mycosynth Golem, Darksteel Colossus, Blightsteel Colossus, Platinum Angel, or Platinum Emperion just to name a few. Other ideas might be Hellkite Tyrant to steal your opponents artifacts Mycosynth Lattice to turn your non-artifacts into artifacts, Illusionist's Bracers or Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient to copy bosh's abilities, Swiftfoot Boots and/or Lightning Greaves to protect your big guy, Voltaic Key or Manifold Key to untap your rocks, or Mind's Eye or incidental card draw. Some lands to think about are Myriad Landscape, Darksteel Citadel, and Phyrexia's Core but not much else.
As per suggestions to take out : Catalyst Elemental, Destructive Digger, Forge Armor, Walking Atlas, Nahiri's Wrath, Wily Goblin (use Dockside Extortionist), Azor's Gateway Flip, Furious Rise, Generator Servant, Pirate's Pillage, Scarecrone, Filigree Familiar just to name a few.
I would like to start by saying I'm not trying to say your deck is bad, just trying to give you a lot of ideas to go off of and pointing out things that don't really go with the theme of the deck, which is ramp super hard, drop a bunch of big threats, drop bosh and kill opponents. Secondly, I am not a competitive deck builder by any means, I just use the data I have and suggest the things I like. I actually like seeing gosh in the command zone.
Oni44444 on
Golos, Tireless Pilgrim
4 years ago
Phyrexian Metamorph: ETB creature to copy a Nyxbloom Ancient, Gilded Lotus, Sol Ring, Savannah Lions. Whatever your heart desires.
Solemn Simulacrum: 5 basics in the deck. Finds them.
Agent of Treachery: Usually targets the most expensive cards on the table. Masterpiece Mana Crypt or a Sheoldred. Taking that Mana Crypt.
Bloom Tender: Mana dork.
Charming Prince: ETB bounce creature. Also sets up the top of the deck for a Golos activation.
Deadeye Navigator: Soulbonds with most ETB creatures listed here. Favorite, Resolute Archangel.
Eternal Witness: Returns fetch lands, removal, Aminatou's Augury to hand.
Faeburrow Elder: Mana dork.
Laboratory Maniac: One somewhat win con. Self-mill.
Progenitor Mimic: Imagine having a few copies of Nyxbloom or Terror of the Peaks.
Reclamation Sage: Destroys those pesky signets.
Resolute Archangel: See Deadeye.
Rune-Scarred Demon: Searches for things you need. Sensei or Soothsaying comes in handy.
Seedborn Muse: Activate Golos on everyone's turn.
Soulherder: EOT bounce.
Terror of the Peaks: Creatures entering and leaving the battlefield all the time. Deals damage.
Wayward Swordtooth: Extra land dork.
Nyxbloom Ancient: Mana dork with trample.
Ramos, Dragon Engine: Golos activation adds a few counters to this.
Emiel the Blessed: If you want to have fun with your opponents. Golos out in play. Have enough mana to activate Golos twice. But, instead, you play Emiel. Pay three to activate Emiel 4 or 5 or 6 times to flicker Golos in and out. Find a bunch of lands. Amulet of Vigor out. Those lands come in untapped. Then you tap them for things.
Keruga, the Macrosage: Draws a bunch of cards.
Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient: If 1 activation from Golos isn't enough. Double it.
Maelstrom Wanderer: More than 90 percent of the deck is CMC 7 or less. Some free spells when this ETB's with Golos activation. Or you can just cast it normally. Whatever you want.
Yarok, the Desecrated: Double triggered abilities. Zacama entering is a wild ride.
Zacama, Primal Calamity: Untaps lands. Destroys artifacts/enchantments. Kills opponents.
Zirda, the Dawnwaker: Why pay 7 to activate Golos. Pay 5.
Thassa, Deep-Dwelling: EOT bounce.
Greater Good: Draw engine.
Guardian Project: Another little draw engine. Awesome with ETB triggers.
Mirari's Wake: Mana doubler.
Mystic Remora: Draw.
Omniscience: Let's start a new game.
Rhystic Study: Draw.
Smothering Tithe: Best feeling ever is asking: "paying for smothering tithe".
Soothsaying: Fixes the top of your deck.
Aetherflux Reservoir: Unnecessary in the deck but always fun to take someone out early.
Amulet of Vigor: Untapps tapped lands when they enter with a Golos trigger.
Arcane Signet, Chromatic Lantern, Commander's Sphere, Izzet Signet, Mana Crypt, Sol Ring, Thran Dynamo, Chromatic Orrery: Mana Rocks.
Conjurer's Closet: EOT bounce.
Sensei's Divining Top: Fixes top of the deck.
Only have removal in the deck. Removed all counter spells.
Ephemerate and Eerie Interlude: Bounces creatures in and out.
Aminatou's Augury: Play a bunch of free cards.
Demonic Tutor: Find a card.
Genesis Ultimatum: Play permanents, put the rest in your hand.
In Garruk's Wake: Destroy all creatures and PW you don't control.
Time Stretch: Gives your friends and even longer time in wondering why they let you play with them.
Have (1) | metalmagic |
Want (1) | Butcher1981 |