Soul of New Phyrexia

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Soul of New Phyrexia

Artifact Creature — Avatar


: Permanents you control gain indestructible until end of turn.

, Exile this from your graveyard: Permanents you control gain indestructible until end of turn.

Housegheist on Imotekhs eternal Artifacts

6 months ago

SufferFromEDHD Thank you for your suggestions. I added Scavenged Brawler as i think it fits more and is in my collection. Soul of New Phyrexia is a good call too though

Kavle on Jester's Knowledge

8 months ago

Doing a quick search I found 4 cards to add to the list; Phyrexian Revoker, Soul of New Phyrexia, Sorcerous Spyglass, and That Which Was Taken.

Plus I looked up if replicate was an activated ability, and it is :D

So alot of these cards will counter that as well.

jimcricket42 on List of Cards Named After Sets

9 months ago

Great list! I was wondering if something like this existed. I found a couple of additions that have since been printed.

Exact: Throne of Eldraine All Will Be One

Close: Sauron, Lord of the Rings Invasion of New Phyrexia  Flip // Soul of New Phyrexia Ogre Gatecrasher

SufferFromEDHD on March of the Trees

9 months ago

Interesting list. I'm a huge fan of land strategies in EDH. I typically build around the legacy 43 Lands.dec shell.

Dust Bowl is crucial late game alongside a lot of basic lands.

Elvish Reclaimer you have some stuff to tutor for.

Eternal Witness, Holistic Wisdom and/or Turntimber Sower solid recursion.

Creeping Renaissance, Storm the Festival, Moment's Peace and Soul of New Phyrexia are neat discard fodder.

Your maybeboard is full of power. I'd cut like 10 forests to add the good stuff like Constant Mists, Crucible of Worlds and Timber Protector

SufferFromEDHD on The Lion of Jamuraa

1 year ago

Always wanted to build one of the spellshapers but never got around to it. They were all kind of lackluster but you made the most out of it. You have built an awesome list.

I can't help but think flash would add insult to injury after Mageta.

Deep Gnome Terramancer ramp is crucial and you already have a mini landfall going on.

Archivist of Oghma and Alms Collector high quality card draw.

Gerrard's Hourglass Pendant colorless mass recursion with anti extra turns as the cherry on top.

Flawless Maneuver one sided Wrath.

Cosmic Intervention neat tech.

Soul of New Phyrexia great on theme discard fodder.

Gideon Blackblade seems really strong in this strategy.

Elspeth, Knight-Errant Planeswalker version of Avacyn, Angel of Hope

Pearl Medallion continuous mana rock.

Field of Ruin or Ghost Quarter could be upgraded to Dust Bowl. 21 plains to utilize in the late game.

TheOfficialCreator on

1 year ago

What's your plan for protecting Maralen of the Mornsong? It's a strong card if you can effectively protect it, but there isn't a whole lot stopping your opponent from just tutoring removal for it at the moment. I might suggest Soul of New Phyrexia to be a board presence both on and off the battlefield, and give you a way to protect your permanents at effective cost. It's also a colorless artifact creature that can synergize with your other effects.

Biotransference/Mycosynth Lattice plus Mycosynth Golem also makes for an efficient shell for these kinds of decks.

Also, I know that it doesn't come with cool art, but Terminate is a better Dreadbore for the most part. It can't destroy planeswalkers but it can be played at instant speed and is therefore a bit more of a tool.

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