Endless Atlas

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Endless Atlas


, : Draw a card. Activate this ability only if you you control three or more lands with the same name.

Profet93 on Hold your colour

4 months ago

Colorless draw is difficult. Endless Atlas but I don't think it would help. I think it just comes with the territory. Other draw would be very costly and expensive CMC wise. Tower of Fortunes, maybe a Trading Post?

I usually prefer artifact ramp over dork ramp because they are slightly harder to remove. I wouldn't add helm of awakening, I believe Cloud Key or Semblance Anvil would be a better fit should you need it.

Side Note: Swap out like 7+ wastes for nonbasics to add utility in the mana base.


Desolation Twin - 2x 10/10's, eh it's something

Emrakul, the World Anew - Interesting. I actually want to add this to one of my creatureless decks, I'm unsure of how it would work here. All the more reason to focus on artifact > creature ramp should this be added. Definitely worth trying out.

It That Heralds the End - Anthem + Ramp, definitely worth a spot

Matter Reshaper - Card draw/value

Pathrazer of Ulamog/Ulamog's Crusher - Eh, annihilator is always nice

Thought-Knot Seer - Can target 2 different opponents for each section. Worth considering

I can give you ideas of cuts should you need. Hope this all helps!

NV_1980 on Angel tribal EDH

4 months ago

Fun Angel-tribal deck! I like how you've gone all in with this strategy :) I have some suggestions but I'm not sure how much you want to spend on this, so just let me know if I'm going over the top.

Let's start with your mana. Right now, you've got 31 lands and one ramp-artifact. This is really on the low side, consdering the average amount of mana you need to spend for most of your creatures. I'd really recommend some mana-rocks like Arcane Signet, Caged Sun, Gilded Lotus, Pearl Medallion and definitely Sol Ring. Some more ramp like Archaeomancer's Map, Land Tax and Weathered Wayfarer. Lastly, I know it's expensive, but if you can get a cheap Urza's Incubator somewhere, go for it; would be awesome in here. Any of these suggestions (and there are cheaper alternatives to most) would increase the speed of your deck.

Next, let's talk opportunities this deck offers to draw additional cards. You've got five options, of which three are repeatable (because they're permanents :)). Some additional ideas on this: Archivist of Oghma, Endless Atlas, Mind's Eye and Smuggler's Share. Like with the stuff mentioned for mana, all of these would increase your deck's pacing.

To strengthen your angelic forces, you could consider Adarkar Valkyrie (which is awesome at resurrecting any Angels you lost during combat or even better, an opponent's creature lost in battle!), Angelic Arbiter (cast or attack, your opponents must choose), Battle Angels of Tyr (expensive card but insanely powerful balance-bringers in case you're behind with card-draw, mana or life) and Platinum Angel (as long as it's got indestructible and hexproof, opponents will have a very hard time snatching victory from you).

In case you're looking for more ideas, here's my Angel tribal deck, enjoy!

Slashdance on Forest Tribal, LoL

7 months ago

@ Made_Compleat

Endless Atlas would be a great add, I agree.

I didn't have Finale before, only just recently got one, but I'm using it in another deck. But I may trade it in for a match here and there.

There are a ton of ways to build the deck ... as long as you have the core of it, then feel free to change the rest according to your playstyle and/or local meta.

It's really just a fun gimmick deck to pull out once in a while, with the most fun and effectiveness coming from people who haven't seen Yedora before, otherwise they know exactly what you're all about and the fun factor takes a nose dive into a mountain.

Made_Compleat on Forest Tribal, LoL

7 months ago

In addition to Nissa, Ascended Animist, here are a few other good basic land tribal cards:

Endless Atlas do be pretty good draw.

Extraplanar Lens is a great way to get an obscene amount of mana.

Baru, Fist of Krosa: Just read the card.

And finally, Finale of Devastation is kinda funny with all your mana, just saying...

Hope this helps!

Forkbeard on Runadi, Behemoth Caller: Beef Chief

8 months ago

Alright, I've made some changes based on some recent thoughts I've had about this deck, some cards I've been meaning to add + I've incorporated a few of your good suggestions Profet93, cheers:


  • Ancient Tomb
  • Garruk's Uprising
  • Heroic Intervention
  • Kenrith's Transformation
  • Last March of the Ents
  • Monster Manual
  • Return of the Wildspeaker
  • Sanctum of Ugin
  • Thought Vessel
  • Tribute to the World Tree

  • Out:

  • Archetype of Endurance - I've had success Tooth & Nailing this lad + Platinum Emperion into play for a soft lock, but I agree that the redundancy for the cost is really unnecessary + is not core to the game plan.
  • Dryad Arbor - Kept it in here for that rare but sweet GSZ tutor for turn 1 ramp, but Ancient Tomb is the superior choice by a wide margin, lol.
  • Eldrazi Conscription - Win-more and unnecessary.
  • Endless Atlas - As mentioned, better draw exists in green.
  • Green Sun's Zenith - Removed as my green targets are limited and I think I have enough tutors already.
  • Platinum Emperion - An expensive to cast, unnecessary defense card.
  • Strip Mine - Swapped in Sanctum of Ugin for this. I think the tutor potential might be more handy than land removal.
  • Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger - The douche of all douches, this guy is so expensive and is such a kill on sight boi - because he hoses the whole table & typically just makes me the enemy/target, it usually dies to removal. Like, immediately.
  • World Breaker - Swapped out for the more efficient removal spell, Kenrith's Transformation
  • Zhulodok, Void Gorger - I've had a chance to play this guy a couple times now and he's just too clunky in a non-fully colourless build

  • The average CMC is still atrocious here but that's ok, I think some of these changes will help smooth things out a teensy bit. This is my big dumb stompy funsies deck and I don't necessarily need it to be supremely optimized with the perfect curve etc. I do think the revised ramp, draw & removal suites look a wee bit better after these changes and I'm excited to see how it plays.

    NV_1980 on Lathliss Dragon deck

    9 months ago


    This deck really needs some ramp/mana-rocks and some more draw in order to obtain a bit of momentum. Ideas on this front include Sol Ring, Arcane Signet, Fire Diamond and Worn Powerstone. When it comes to draw, I'd consider some utility lands like Bonders' Enclave, Mikokoro, Center of the Sea and maybe War Room. Artifacts can also be useful here with stuff like Endless Atlas and Mind's Eye.

    Good luck.

    NV_1980 on NV_1980

    9 months ago

    RBDoucette Apologies; missed Endless Atlas entirely when I was going over your list. With regard to finding a spot for Dragon Mage, it depends on how the deck plays thus far; are you more comfortable with the damage it deals or the amount of draw it generates? If it's the former, I'd probably replace Spawn of Thraxes (his ability is a one-shot deal anyway). If it's the latter, I'd probably replace Knollspine Dragon for more or less the same reason; Mage's draw-ability can be used more often.

    NV_1980 on Lathliss, Queen of the Red Dragons

    9 months ago

    Hi RBDoucette,

    Looks like a solid build to me. You've got plenty of mana sources available to keep summoning Dragons. One excellent upgrade could be an Urza's Incubator to cast all of them for 2 less (this is an expensive upgrade though). More draw resources could also do you some good. Ideas that come to mind are Endless Atlas (your deck features enough Mountains to make this worth the include). Dragon Mage can be fun too and let's not forget Bonders' Enclave either. As for other ideas, Conjurer's Closet can give you guaranteed Dragon tokens when you have Lathliss and another non-token Dragon on the battlefield. Also, a lot of fun can be had by using Cloudstone Curio to (re)summon Dragons and enjoy the benefits of returning ETB triggers like those from Demanding Dragon, Knollspine Dragon and Red Dragon. When using Curio/Closet, you also benefit greatly from Dragons that damage others upon ETB of new dragons, like Scourge of Valkas, Terror of the Peaks and Wrathful Red Dragon.

    Hope this helped!

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