Executioner's Hood

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Executioner's Hood

Artifact — Equipment

Equipped creature has intimidate. Equip 2

libraryjoy on What is your pet tech …

3 years ago

shadow63 Price. I'm really cheap (usually spend no more than $10-15 in new cards to build any deck, casual or commander), and those are a bit expensive for me to have enough copies to go in the many decks I run (8 or so commander decks at any given time and 20+ casual decks). While not all of them use it, I still probably own 12+ copies of Skyblinder Staff, all of which are in use. The other 2 are a bit pricey these days. I have a few copies of Cloak and Helm that are always in decks. I do also use Executioner's Hood as another budget option. I like a lot of variety when I play, and also occasionally lend decks to other players.

king-saproling on Fynn Deathtouch

4 years ago

Your list looks great. Personally I would make the following swaps:

Lanzo493 on Weapons Are Part of My Religion

5 years ago

I don't like the 0 cost equipments much. Yes, they draw a card, but no, they don't help you win. They're good in a storm shell. One that capitalizes on Aetherflux Reservoir . I'd suggest Loxodon Warhammer , Gryff's Boon and other cards that are either cheap and good or strong and help a long, 5-player game.

Unquestioned Authority and Executioner's Hood are both great cards that can help kill any player. They're better than just having a color specific hate card.

Darksteel Mutation is great removal, and an aura that'll draw a card off Sram.

You are one of the few colors with a lot of boardwipes. And since only one player is blue, you'll usually not have any counterspells in your way. Single Combat is great for a equipment deck. Austere Command and Winds of Abandon are one sided boardwipes with your deck. Citywide Bust may work well depending on the other decks.

xaarvaxus on

5 years ago

Cards that I would cut:

Regeneration , Executioner's Hood , Natural End , Bladed Pinions , Revive , Nature's Spiral , Staff of the Wild Magus , Crashing Footfalls awesome if you can cheat the suspend on it, not worth it otherwise, Prodigious Growth , Feasting Troll King and Trail of Crumbs you lack enough of a food theme to run these well enough to include, Moldgraf Monstrosity the random return makes this lackluster, Jaddi Lifestrider , Soul of Zendikar the activation is kind of expensive, Tuinvale Treefolk doesn't do enough to warrant inclusion, Canopy Cover and Web auras not the best here, I'd cut one of Planewide Celebration or Once and Future , and finally, Sandsteppe Mastodon

If you own one, I'd sub out Wall of Blossoms for Elvish Visionary for the synergy with Elvish Archdruid .

No Sol Ring ? This a ban in local meta?

If you happen to own them, some cards that you may want to think about: Tendershoot Dryad , Beast Within , Inspiring Call and Garruk, Primal Hunter . Yes, that means more cutting but they should be worth it in this deck.

I'd also add a Rogue's Passage in place of one Forest , just for some added punchthrough that is hard to remove.

McToters on Skullbriar, Oh Lawd He Comin’

5 years ago

Hello fellow Skullbriar player!

This is a great list! You actually showed me some cards I’m going to look into like Sixth Sense and Alpha Authority . Those seem amazing here.

Right off rip, I’d say Armorcraft Judge is a great card. Here are some others I use:

Ridgescale Tusker more counters

Skarrg Goliath Bloodrush!

Dauthi Embrace unblockable

Epic Proportions


Executioner's Hood

Trailblazer's Boots

Hot Soup this is a personal favorite!

Prowler's Helm

Enlarge and Berserk are also really really good. Hatred if you can get your hands on it also.

We both have a lot if similar cards. I think I have more unblockable stuff while you have more relating to counters.

Check my deck out here.. I’m down for any feedback you may have!

Good luck! +1

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