Teferi's Puzzle Box

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Teferi's Puzzle Box


At the beginning of each player's draw step, that player puts the cards in their hand on the bottom of their library in any order, then draws that many cards. (That player draws their card for the turn first.)

fluffyeel on The apocalypse (Sheoldred)

1 month ago

Yay, darkness. Here are some thoughts that might synergize with your deck:

fluffyeel on Urza Lord High Combomaster

1 month ago

Some small thoughts for fun things and stuff:

fluffyeel on Bruvac's Millibuster

1 month ago

I just thought of a few other useful tools:

  • Commandeer is another good zero-mana... not counter, but disruptor. It's become more popular, I've noticed, but it's still not something a lot of people see coming. Similarly, Misdirection is another handy tool for disruption, but it's more limited than Commandeer (though it's one less card to exile...).
  • Teferi's Tutelage is another fun mill toy. It's a bit more limited than Sphinx's Tutelage, but why not double up the fun! Similarly, you can use Teferi's Puzzle Box to mill your opponents even faster while also disrupting their game play.
  • Capsize is another all-purpose bounce, and reusable as well. Sunder is another great way to lose friends at instant speed. You could also consider Mystical Tutor to help dig for things you need.
  • Clever Impersonator is more versatile than Copy Enchantment for one more mana, but it may not be extremely necessary.
  • There are some lands that might be handy for your strategy. Oboro, Palace in the Clouds gives you reusable landfall; Boseiju, Who Shelters All makes sure your essential Instant and Sorcery spells don't get countered (e.g. Cyclonic Rift); Field of Ruin kills troublesome lands and gives mandatory search (and landfall), which is relevant for Archive Trap; and Academy Ruins is a more reusable Buried Ruin.
  • Cyclonic Rift pairs very well with Memory Jar. Just saying. :P

fluffyeel on Bruvac's Millibuster

2 months ago

Mill is fun. Mill was one of my first loves (and still is!) for any sort of MTG deck. However, I see some options to further Traumatize your opponents:

DreadKhan on Lil' Shit

8 months ago

IMHO their are few bigger 'lil shit' type cards than Rite of the Raging Storm, if their is an opponent who can't handle 5/1 Tramplers they are dead meat very quickly, it's a very chaotic atmosphere with Rite out. It's also very good with many cards that would work well with your Commander, such as Mask of Griselbrand, and I can point out a bunch of other options. Relic of Sauron is a very good Grixis mana rock that can also draw a card now and then. I think copy effects are probably pretty good with your Commander, if you cast Rite of Replication on your Commander you still get 5 copies ETBing and dying, which should clear out hands and serve as a huge board wipe (you get 5 triggers each of the ETB and death trigger, if you have 3 opponents left 2 of them have 1/4 of their permanents and one has half left, similar for their hands. Irenicus's Vile Duplication is another fun copy effect, this one doesn't die right away and has flying. If you like annoying creatures you might like some of the specters out their, Hypnotic Specter is an old classic that will always take away a card from whomever you hit, and Stronghold Rats can take one from each player fwiw.

I can't decide if MImic Vat would be worth it with your Commander, if you can get him into the Vat you can make a copy each turn for very little mana, but it doesn't get sacrificed unfortunately, it gets exiled at end of turn, so you'd need sac outlets to get his Death Triggers (but on the upside nobody is going to block you).

Their are a few Chaos type cards that might help with your plans to annoy the table, I've always enjoyed Teferi's Puzzle Box, but any effect that cares about your opponent drawing cards really loves the effect, if you can get Box and a Notion Thief out your opponents each lose their hand and you draw cards equal to how many they had when they lost them. Grip of Chaos can help keep your Commander (or another key permanent) alive longer, and you don't run a ton of targeted interaction yourself. Omen Machine is pretty funny, it's especially useful if you use a high average MV, same with Timesifter. Some people will try to flip the table if you resolve a Possibility Storm, especially if your deck isn't trying to abuse the effect. If you leaned harder into your spell plan, or into permanents that work regardless of who controls them you could try Thieves' Auction, a card many that is so obnoxious that some people consider scooping rather than resolving the effect.

I hope some of these ideas aren't too disruptive, it's fun to have a deck that can troll your playgroup a bit!

DreadKhan on Sisay's Horny Spaceship

1 year ago

Not sure if she's up everyone's ally, but Maralen of the Mornsong is an interesting card, especially if you tutor it up on the end step before your turn, you can then dig out Opposition Agent to make Maralen way more interesting. You might want to protect Maralen, but she's a fairly strong thing to tutor out if you're willing to stop opponent's from drawing cards. Oh, and if Maralen and Oppo survive a cycle, you can dig out Teferi's Puzzle Box if you want to clear out opponent's hands with a nice looking lady.

I like Seedborn Muse's outfit, she seems classy and is very good with 5C Sisay.

I noticed you're fairly heavy on Blue, have you thought about Neurok Stealthsuit to protect key creatures? If people use a lot of targeted effects it can be very powerful.

I feel like Sol Ring is a better thematic fit for your deck than the Pride Sol Ring, ymmv naturally.

I'd love to suggest New Frontiers and Collective Voyage, but I'm not sure you have the basics!

thefiresoflurve on (Group Draw/Mill) Kwain, Itenerant Budget

1 year ago

A funny combo I discovered with my similarly-themed Zedruu the Greathearted commander is: Teferi's Puzzle Box and Fractured Identity + Teferi's Ageless Insight. People will initially be really happy to see a Teferi's Ageless Insight on their side of the board, until they realize the implications...

KongMing on I will have no friends anymore

1 year ago

I really want to second fluffyeel's recommendation of Teferi's Puzzle Box. It really upsets a lot of strategies, and will take huge chunks out of your opponents' life.

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