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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Return target green card from your graveyard to your hand.

DemonDragonJ on Selesnya's Voice

7 months ago

I like this deck, very much, but I would choose Nature's Chant over Disenchant, since it is strictly better than its predecessor, and I also would recommend Archangel of Thune over Ageless Entity, unless having a single very powerful creature is more important than making all of your creatures more powerful.

I recommend Eternal Witness over Revive, unless you wish to keep the mana curve of your deck low, and Soul of Eternity is superior to Serra Avatar in the majority of situations.

Also, do you have a limited monetary budget for your lands? You have many lands that enter the battlefield tapped, so I would recommend that you replace them with lands such as Temple Garden or Wooded Bastion, and I also think that Saltcrusted Steppe is simply too slow, unless you have proliferation in your deck.

SirChancelot on Selvala Gon Give It To Ya

2 years ago

Add graveyard recursion for more redundancy. (Likely reduce elf tribal more for this)

Revive, Noxious Revival, Eternal Witness, Timeless Witness

Then adding ramp through big value, dorks and instants is probably needed as well

Crop Rotation, Scapeshift, Lotus Cobra, Ashaya, Soul of the Wild, Ancient Greenwarden

DankMagicianD on Schrödinger's Litterbox

4 years ago

I do recommend Regrowth over Revive, since it's just better.

Bokamoso on New Veteran on the Block

4 years ago

I like the choice to play Veteran Explorer. High risk, high reward wins me over. Every suggestion Spell_Slam made is great. If your playgroup adapted to Veteran Explorer's weaknesses, you'll likely be losing a lot more games but I think the deck can be further improved.

I wonder if you have too many mana dorks. Since your commander ramps so well, having 16 one drops and 1 four drop seems skewed towards a curve that is too low. You may want to cut some of your ramp in order to better utilize the graveyard. More cards in the graveyard would make the suggestions Revive and Wildwood Rebirth more valuable. It also establishes Threshold and Spell Mastery abilities.

Consider dredge. Golgari Brownscale could be help as a blocker, gain life and fill up the graveyard.

Spells that put cards in your graveyard, like Satyr Wayfinder can be better than spells that put cards on the bottom of your library. Commune with the Gods might be a better option than Seek the Wilds unless you really need that spell to grab a land.

Dragon Fangs would be very relevant in this deck.

Voracious Typhon can add mid-game and late-game value.

If your vanilla fatties are getting chump blocked, Shinen of Life's Roar could clear a path.

Spell_Slam on New Veteran on the Block

4 years ago

Hi! Got to this deck through the Compendium. I was attracted by your promise of a competitive list.

VE seems like a very risky creature to have as your commander. It seems very dangerous, especially in a multiplayer game, to ramp the whole table at the same time. This is especially true if the opponent can kill him on their own turn and get the benefit of the ramp before you do. How has your experience been with this?

That aside, I do have a few suggestions for you.

Ulamog's Crusher is not in your list. Is he house-banned in your group? If not, he should really be in here.

Fierce Empath is whatever fatty you want him to be. Extra good with ways to bounce him or return him to your hand.

Revive and Wildwood Rebirth seem pretty free to have in your deck. Elven Cache is great too. 4 mana is not too much to pay conisdering how you ramp and how important VE is to your strategy. Recasting him for 5 mana seems worth it.

You're missing the classic Green Finisher of PDH: Sprout Swarm. With lots of mana and little creatures, this quickly gets out of hand and wins you the game. I can't recommend it enough.

Knight of the Stampede should really be Krosan Drover. The only synergy you lose out on is with Overgrown Armasaur, but otherwise it does the same thing, but better.

Yavimaya Elder is another classic way to get card advantage in Mono-Green.

Other fatties to consider: Walker of the Grove and Maul Splicer. You might also be interesting in Slime Molding and Ivy Elemental.

Ashnod's Altar is a free sac outlet for your commander that will ramp you +4 on that turn at least. It also gives you something to do with little dorks that are hanging around the battlefield not doing much. Bonus points for the combo with Sprout Swarm.

Primal Growth is another great ramp card for you. It doesn't require the sacrifice if you don't want it, the lands come into play untapped, and it's still very explosive with VE. I think you could play this over Map the Wastes.

I slept for a long time on Elvish Skysweeper, but the card is actually amazing. Works well with your Commander, too. I would definitely play it over some of your other Flying hate.

In terms of cuts, You can definitely trim on the worse fatties, like Tyrranax, Cowl Prowler and Overgrown Armasaur, some of your middling ramp cards like Eyeless Watcher and Scion Summoner, and random cards like Snapping Gnarlid and Copperhorn Scout that only provide situational benefits.

Let me know if you need help finding more cards to cut. I think it's a good start and should make for a fast, explosive deck provided you don't get out-valued by decks that can take advantage of the free ramp.

Inkmoth on Nylea, Shoot for the Stars (cEDH)

5 years ago

GrizzlyAtom: Just wanted to say that I absolutely loved the list! Safe to say you hit the nail on the head on almost all of your choices. However, I do highly recommend you make a couple of changes for the general consistency of the deck.

These won't be direct swaps to the cuts and more of a series of cards that you should highly consider as I don't want to cramp your style.

I hope this helps, I love the deck, will be keeping up with it. Final recommendation would be to use a similar categorization that I used in Yeva for your list as it helps you visualize your deck based off function and see where it is lacking.

darklord1135 on The Appearance of Vulnerability(cEDH Elves Primer)

5 years ago

Very nice well-put together list you've got there! +1. Maybe play Revive over Eternal Witness ? The only conceivable benefits for paying that extra mana would be from Temur Sabertooth (recur, recur, recur), the ability to get back lands/artifacts, and spending that mana essentially like a mana dork with Gaea's Cradle . You know the list better than I do and I don"t know if It gets a spot. Just something to think about...

xaarvaxus on

5 years ago

Cards that I would cut:

Regeneration , Executioner's Hood , Natural End , Bladed Pinions , Revive , Nature's Spiral , Staff of the Wild Magus , Crashing Footfalls awesome if you can cheat the suspend on it, not worth it otherwise, Prodigious Growth , Feasting Troll King and Trail of Crumbs you lack enough of a food theme to run these well enough to include, Moldgraf Monstrosity the random return makes this lackluster, Jaddi Lifestrider , Soul of Zendikar the activation is kind of expensive, Tuinvale Treefolk doesn't do enough to warrant inclusion, Canopy Cover and Web auras not the best here, I'd cut one of Planewide Celebration or Once and Future , and finally, Sandsteppe Mastodon

If you own one, I'd sub out Wall of Blossoms for Elvish Visionary for the synergy with Elvish Archdruid .

No Sol Ring ? This a ban in local meta?

If you happen to own them, some cards that you may want to think about: Tendershoot Dryad , Beast Within , Inspiring Call and Garruk, Primal Hunter . Yes, that means more cutting but they should be worth it in this deck.

I'd also add a Rogue's Passage in place of one Forest , just for some added punchthrough that is hard to remove.

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