Mirran Crusader

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mirran Crusader

Creature — Human Knight

Double strike, protection from black and from green

Optimator on FIGHT ME COWARD!

1 year ago

Conventional wisdom is 36-38 lands is where you wanna be. I almost always do 36.

I would cut Reckless Crew, Rune of Sustenance and Rune of Speed.

One thing I thought of, when putting my list together, is that creatures with doublestrike are extra good because of the damage bonus Bruenor gives. Reyav, Master Smith helps with that, but it's only one card. In the maybeboard of my deck I listed a bunch of doublestrikers. I think Mirran Crusader, Aven Sunstriker, Zetalpa, Primal Dawn, Blade Historian, Bruse Tarl, Boorish Herder, Boros Swiftblade, Heavenly Blademaster, Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas, Skyhunter Skirmisher, and Oketra the True are some stand-outs. It's hard to fit them all in but a few might be good.

I really like your selection of creatures though! Got all the good ones. Nice and cheap, too. Swiftblade Vindicator is an excellent inclusion.

Well I'll be a Bearded Gnome is my deck

lhetrick13 on For Honor and Glory!!!

2 years ago

wallisface - You have a point about Silverblade Paladin. He replaced Kinsbaile Cavalier based on your suggestion that Kinsbaile Cavalier was lackluster for a 4 CMC. I will play with taking him out and replacing him and although I do like Mirran Crusader for his excellent states and double protection, I have lost most all my ability to gain life with this deck so was thinking maybe swapping Silverblade Paladin for Fiendslayer Paladin to get some lifelink back into the deck. Taking out Knights' Charge, Smitten Swordmaster, and Knight of Meadowgrain make every life point count!

Good point about the lands. I updated them with a recent change when I added back in the Wilt-Leaf elves and Knight of the Reliquary but did not look at them again after their removal. I will take a look at the lands again based on your suggestions and see if I can get something to better suit my current needs.

Thanks again!

wallisface on For Honor and Glory!!!

2 years ago


If it were me, i’d be going:

I’m not convinced Steward of Valeron will be particularly helpful. A 2-mana mana-dork is a bit clumsy, and if your opponent is trying to slow you down, bolting this turn-2 could put you irreversibly behind

wallisface on For Honor and Glory!!!

2 years ago

Its been a long time since i’ve read this list, and it looks like its come a really long and positive way! Congrats on the improvements. My current thoughts are:

  • I’m personally really not sold on either Selesnya Charm or Silverblade Paladin. The first card just feels to janky and “meh”, while the second feels like a very steep mana cost for a relatively average ability - if you can run Mirran Crusader instead, you should be.

  • It feels like you want to be hitting 3 mana asap, and reach 4 mana in a timely fashion. You need at least 23 lands imo to reliably achieve this. Using anything lower than this feels like there’ll be too many games where the deck loses to itself.

wallisface on Merchant of Death (Modern Mono-Black)

2 years ago

StoryArcher to answer your specific questions:

  • Phyrexian Crusader would be a very odd sideboard choice. I think your sideboard in general needs a lot of work, over half of it is just graveyard hate which feels really excessive. I think you need to diversify your sideboard to better cope with devotions numerous bad matchups. Specifically, you have no answer for Torpor Orb, and very little to do versus control decks. Combo decks are also likely to give you grief. And you probably want some cards to help you versus burn. At the moment the sideboard feels really lacking.

  • Cry of the Carnarium is a fine card, but really it should only exist in the sideboard. Its only real purpose will be to cope with Mirran Crusader when you’re playing against taxes.

  • Bad Moon doesn’t offer you anything particularly special (trying to race aggro feels like a bad plan?), but Blood Moon should defo be an auto-include as 2-of in the sideboard - all the more established black-devotion decks i’ve seen seem to be including these to have a fighting chance versus a lot of the greedier meta.

  • Withered Wretch is probably a fine alternate to Relic, though might be a bit slow. Most of the time shutting down a graveyard deck equals an easy win anyway, so i think you just want Relic as its faster. In any case, as mentioned before, 8 grave-hate cards in the sideboard is overkill, unless your meta is entirely dredge.

On the Sign in Blood topic, the issue with it is that it often consumes valuable devotion points. Playing it turn-2 gives you nothing (board-state-wise), and nobody wants to be playing a single 1cmc creature on turn-3. Playing it will almost always put your opponent ahead in board state, and as you’re effectively a sorcery-speed-creature-deck, having a full hand isn’t particularly helpful for securing a win.

tiffanyann on CAN I RUN THE BIRD? [Rule Zero] ♡

3 years ago

DadHumanPraetor I like the idea of adding Midnight Reaper and definitely Mirran Crusader but I definitely need to play a few more games to get a good feel for how it plays. Thanks for all the great suggestions!

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