Tsabo Tavoc
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Tsabo Tavoc

Legendary Creature — Horror

First strike, protection from legendary creatures

(Black)(Black), Tap: Destroy target legendary creature. It can't be regenerated.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Markov's Servant
Goham Djinn
Halam Djinn
Volcano Imp
Servant of Volrath

hootsnag on

9 months ago

Tsabo Tavoc is such a cool card for EDH and not even expensive. I'm surpised I haven't seen anyone play her in decks. I used to use ebay all the time to buy cards but I stopped a few years ago pre-covid. Hopefully there aren't too many scam and fake cards out there. I've seen some bad situations happen.

SufferFromEDHD on

9 months ago

I'm riding your wave length. I have my friends who draft who are generous and give me 1x commons and most uncommons. I trade for everything else. Also have been on eBay for 14 years. Wouldn't recommend it now but pre COVID it was amazing.

Still need to finish a few guilds of 43 lands.dec, the 2 spellshapers mentioned earlier and Tsabo Tavoc has been on my radar all year.

legendofa on Belbe's Portal + Legend

1 year ago

Just to ensure you're fully caught up, a good chunk of the rules regarding the legendary supertype have changed since that article came out. The biggest one is that while one person still can't control two copies of the same legendary permanent, each different player can, so you and your opponent can each have a Tsabo Tavoc, for example.

(If you knew that already, then that alone will cover most potential interactions.)

TsaboTavoc on Belbe's Portal + Legend

1 year ago

I guess my followup would be, how do I know what type of creature Maraxus of Keld is? I can look at him and, ya he looks like a Human Warrior, but he's also shirtless, could he not be a Human Barbarian? And Tsabo Tavoc is a Creature - Legend with no other types given.

DreadKhan on Rakdos

1 year ago

It's not really a great card, but Shivan Gorge can deal some damage to each opponent, which can let you shave mana off of spells for a turn. There is also stuff like Spear Spewer that pings each player, that's a much better way to achieve that goal I suppose. There are also Kessig Flamebreather and Firebrand Archer that can turn any non-creature spell into damage, not sure you have enough stuff to justify them, but felt they were worth a mention. There is also good old Pyrohemia/Pestilence, which can ping each opponent (and it clears out x/1s if tokens are an issue in your area). Not sure if you will be able to get in for damage consistently, but Rite of the Raging Storm tokens usually suck to block, so you might get 5 damage per turn in some metas.

I feel like it's worth throwing in something like Carrion Feeder or Viscera Seer if you want a sac outlet that can clear out lots of bodies and derive value from it, Feeder even works with Pitiless Plunderer (or another 'mana from dead creature' card, Pawn of Ulamog and Bog Initiate will work on a budget) and Gravecrawler to go infinite.

Final point, maybe a few Annihilator creatures that have high MV as their drawback, they tend to be colourless anyways, so can give a full discount and be free sometimes. Artisan of Kozilek and Pathrazer of Ulamog are good examples that aren't too pricey, but Titans are obviously more expensive/powerful, it's worth noting you'll always get cast triggers, even if you're casting them for nothing/very little. Some of these can also let you run cards that care about high MV, like Protection Racket and Timesifter, both are very strong in some metas. Heck, I think I'd just run Protection Racket either way now that I think about it, I'm not sure there is a drawback to that card in this deck, it's big drawback is that it's bad in combo decks because people won't give you combo pieces, but in a deck that isn't attached to any one card you can run it safely. There is also Meteor Golem, Platinum Emperion and even Platinum Angel to offer some value if stuff like Darksteel Colossus or Blightsteel Colossus are over the budget, and there are big old utility beaters like Tsabo Tavoc that are worth a look, you can shave 5 mana off still.

Rakdos is a pretty nifty Commander, hope you're having fun with him!

FolkOccult on Weatherlight Crews Past & Present

1 year ago

I love this! I had been planning a Sisay lore friendly deck for about three and a half months, but I never could decide whether I wanted to include cards like Yawgmoth, Thran Physician or Urza, Lord High Artificer which did get original border treatment and came out in the same set as Sisay; but to what extent does one involve the weatherlight crew when there were entire sets dedicated to their villains ( Crovax the Cursed, Volrath the Fallen, the Slivers as a whole on Rath and Dominaria, Tsabo Tavoc ) to what degree does flavor keep the deck from playable. Even now, remembering the lore, the Nine Titans, Eladamri, Lord of Leaves and Belbe, Corrupted Observer; all the prints of Squee alone! lol. There's just so much to go off of. So many strategies one could take and characters you could add.

To see a completed list, no matter how flavorful and thematic. It's a relief to see it doable.

There are just so many cards, and characters alone, from the sets, Weatherlight to Dominaria United, that are lore relevant to characters like Karn, or Gerrard. Urza alone got three sets to his name which include some of the largest staples in magic; some include later reference to the crew. Likewise with characters like Mangara who was in Mirage. It's just such an expansive story, I've got two one-subject notebooks literally just organizing cards specifically referenced in lore, story, literature, and trying to make a viable deck from it without using staples.

This delights me to no end! You've done the work and the deck looks great. If I ever manage to construct my deck list, would you be alright with me linking it here? Seeing you driven by the theme and flavor of the weatherlight is a touch inspiring.

I was going to try and in the 99 of my deck bring all the items to the Legacy Weapon which was largely constructed from Ramos, Dragon Engine and has nearly twelve cards alone just referencing the thing. Seeing this deck list, was really cool. Makes my day you could say.

Mortlocke on New hubs to be added

3 years ago

Hello legendofa,

I propose a new hub to be added: Phyrexian. During Modern Horizons 2, 225 creatures were retconned into having the Phyrexian creature subtype to join Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider . Additionally, there were a smattering of Enchantments, Artifacts and etc that ether have the Phyrexian subtype or create creature tokens that do. Thanks to this retcon I now have a deck that has a Phyrexian tribal theme. For your reference, below is a full list of spells that were affected by WotC's Phyrexian errata.

Source: https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Phyrexian

DemonDragonJ on Commander Legends Spoilers

3 years ago

Coward_Token, I agree that this was a missed opportunity either reprint Tsabo Tavoc or print a new version of her, but, perhaps WotC shall do so in a future set.

Also, why are you so pleased with hate toward land ramping?

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