Gudul Lurker

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Gudul Lurker

Creature — Salamander

Gudul Lurker can't be blocked.

Megamorph (You may cast this card face down as a 2/2 creature for . Turn it face up at any time for its megamorph cost and put a +1/+1 counter on it.)

azja on yuriko edh 500

11 months ago

Hey thanks again for your comments on my primer :)

A few suggestions I have:

  1. Replace 2 mana enablers with weak/no abilities (such as Dimir Infiltrator and Gurmag Swiftwing) with 1 mana enablers (like Gudul Lurker) or stronger 2 mana enablers (i.e., Baleful Strix, Augury Owl).

  2. Replace 3 mana ramp (like Basalt Monolith, Dimir Locket) with 2 mana ramp (i.e., Dimir Signet or Talisman of Dominance).

  3. Soft permission spells such as Spell Pierce and Mana Leak are usually weak in budget/lower-powered pods because the games go longer. Some potential replacements could be Misdirection, Drown in the Loch.

  4. Cancel, Murder, Hero's Downfall, Perplex, Connive / Concoct and Rite of Undoing seem quite weak to me. Some budget-friendly cards I like that you might want to play are Curtains' Call, Portent, Far / Away, Discovery / Dispersal, Submerge, and Murderous Cut.

Good luck in your tournament!

king-saproling on Faerie Dragon Bear

2 years ago

Looks like a fun deck. I see you're pretty dedicated to the faerie theme which is rad, but I think if you wanted to improve the deck power-wise you could swap out some of the high-cost creatures for evasive 1-drops like Slither Blade, Mist-Cloaked Herald, Gudul Lurker, etc. The more 1-drops you have, the higher your odds to play 1 on turn 1 and 2 on turn 2, then you will be primed to make 3 faerie tokens when Halsin drops on turn 4.

You might consider these cards too: Bident of Thassa, Edric, Spymaster of Trest, Coastal Piracy, Toski, Bearer of Secrets, Reconnaissance Mission, Ohran Frostfang, Druids' Repository, Storm the Citadel

bomb_arie on Umezawa's Demons

2 years ago

I like what you did with the Demon theme. Some good cards here that really are supporting the deck. I have a feeling that you are running a low count of cheap evasive creatures. These are really a must playing this commander and every mana counts if you want your deck to be competitive.

So cards like Gudul Lurker or Slither Blade playable for only and Tormented Soul for only are really worth a slot because they are sometimes better than Flying or Shadow.

And if you are running Crypt Ghast for ramp my advise is playing Nirkana Revenant as a back up. And speaking of back-ups, what I am going to add to my deck are cards like Vampire Charmseeker or Possessed Skaab can help to return your combo pieces form the graveyard when going infinite.

I'll keep an eye on your deck and see how it evolves.

DrkNinja on Dead Silence

2 years ago

Ok so I didn't check to see if any of these were in the deck already but... here's my list of suggestions!

It's a lot of cards so...

Again some of these may be cut worthy but off the cuff this is what I came up with. Also I didn't include any ninjas... I figure they are easy enough to find

Guerric on [Primer] Crouching One-Drop, Hidden Ninja

3 years ago

Snacrifice I will have to think about Lightning Greaves again. I usually include it or the boots mostly with a view to protecting my commander, but I often forget about the haste, and it certainly is valuable to accelerate attacking with Yuriko. Though I can usually get her out turn two with a one-drop on turn one, it is definitely helpful to equip it to my evasive creatures if I have to recast them in my first main phase after using them with ninjutsu the turn before.

I did have both Tormented Soul and Cloud of Faeries in the deck previously but they got cut when I winnowed down my enabler force. While Cloud of Faeries is free when you cast it on turn you still have to tap the mana, and thus it is harder to recast in the second main after using ninjutsu, though I do like it from ramp in some of my blink decks. You do make a valid point about Tormented Soul giving me better color-fixing in my enabler group, so I will have to consider swapping it back in for either Slither Blade, Mist-Cloaked Herald, or Triton Shorestalker, though the creepy art will probably save the latter. I'm aware of Gudul Lurker but have generally been happy with only eight enablers.

Thanks for the suggestions!

Snacrifice on [Primer] Crouching One-Drop, Hidden Ninja

3 years ago

I'm really surprised at the lack of any real options for haste in this deck. Lightning Greaves or Swiftfoot Boots(or their cheaper cousin Fleetfeather Sandals, esp. considering how quick Yuriko can come out swinging with them.

Either way Tormented Soul gives you another unblockable 1-drop to help even out the way the deck leans blue(and uses less of your islands you'll want to use for your extra turns), and Gudul Lurker is another 1 drop unblockable. Cloud of Faeries with the mentioned Lightning Greaves means you could theoretically have Yuriko hitting a player turn 2.

king-saproling on Yeah I'd tap that. . . Derevi, Empyrial Tactician

3 years ago

Derevi is a great choice for the general. The strategy I would go for personally when it comes to Derevi is low-cost evasive creatures, Coastal Piracy effects, and land auras like Fertile Ground . The little dudes hit to draw you cards and untap your lands. This leads to snowballing damage as you are able to play more small doods, leading to exponentially more damage, draw power, and mana each turn.

Here are some other cards that would fit with such a strategy: Signal Pest , Topplegeist , Bident of Thassa , Reconnaissance , Ohran Frostfang , Edric, Spymaster of Trest , True Conviction , Wild Growth , Wolfwillow Haven , Soltari Foot Soldier , Gudul Lurker , Mist-Cloaked Herald , Slither Blade , Triton Shorestalker

RNR_Gaming on MTGO when did casual edh …

3 years ago

marco-piatti - cost isn't the greatest indicator of power level; not saying it's not a possible contributing factor but I've played circles around people with a $50 dollar edric deck - absolutely pooped on this guys $600 Ghave, Guru of Spores deck for a month. He had it packed with token doublers that cost almost as much as my deck at the time. He wasn't as experienced and just jammed whatever edhrec told him to into his deck. Granted, it beat most other decks and players of the same caliber but the bane of his existence was Gudul Lurker which I still find hilarious.

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